Page8 June 28, 2000 Music for -------------------------- Focus I -------------------- Hlfi ^nrtlanh Ubuntu Video Club to focus on African films a t PCC 13th century Sunjata Epic and the West Africa o f today coexist. July 26 “Pieces D ’ Identities (I.D.)” (D irected by M weze ngangura (Congo/Belgium, 1998, 94 min.) this film uses humor and emotion to tell the story o f Mani Kongo, king o f the Bakongo, who arrives in Brussels in search c f his long-lost T he F ort l a m ) O bserver Don’t go to it: let it com e to you. T he spiritual and cultural flavors o f Africa are com ing to Portland Com m unity College this summer in the form o f the Ubuntu Video C lub, sponsored by the Cascade Festival o f A fric a n F ilm s and California Newsreel. The Public is invited to attend these free A fric a n film screenings post-film d isc u ssio n s ev ery Wednesday evening from 7- 10 p.m., June 28 through Aug.2. The films will be screened in room 122 in Terrell Hall on the PCC Cascade C am p u s, lo c a te d at 705 N. Killingsworth. There will be free parking available in the campus’ parking lot. T he U b u n tu V id eo C lu b is patterned after a book Club, or reading group, and will focus on six re c e n t A fric a n film s. Participants will view, discuss and study African cinema in a group setting and discuss ideas with m o d e ra to rs w ho are knowledgeable on Africa. The concept o f ubunta, a Southern A frican w ord m e a n in g “ in te rd e p e n d e n c e ”o r “ 1 e x ist because you exist,” reflects the link that exists between art and society in African tradition, and the integral role African art plays in w o rld c u ltu re . F o r m ore information on the Ubuntu Video C lub, call 5 0 3 -2 4 4 -6 1 1 1 ,ext. 3630. U n b u n tu V id eo C lu b film schedule: June 28 “Le Franc” and “The Little Girl Who Sold the Sun” (D ire c te d by D ijb ril D iop Mambety (Senegal, 1994/99,90 min) Le Franc is the first o f M ambety’s Tales o f Little People, which is his tribute to the poor. The Little Girl Who Sold the Sun is the second part that he was completing before dying o f cancer in 1998. July 5 “Flame" (D irected by Ingrid S in clair (Zimbabwe, 1996, 85 min.) This film tells the story o f two clo se g irlfrie n d s w h o se involvement in the liberation war leads to vary different outcomes. July 12 “Rostov-Luanda” (D ire c te d by A b d errah m an e ©beeruer . daughter Mwana. Aug “A Walk in the Night” (Directed by Mickey Madoda Dube (South Africa, 1998, 78 min.) Mickey Ube adapts and updates A lex La G u a m ’s c e le b ra te d apartheid era novella o f the same name into a fast-paced crime thriller set in post-apartheid Johannesburg o Sissako (Angola, 1997, 50 min.) A personal documentary about film director Sissako’s journey across war-tom A Angola to find a friend, but really to capture his own hopes for Africa. July 19 “Keita: The Heritage o f the Griot” (D ire c te d by D ani K o uyate (Burkina Faso, 1995, 94 min.) The great Griot helps young Mabo Keita understand the glorious history behind his name. The film creates a unique world where the Music Galore & Galore Paging 3213 NE Martin Luther King JR. Blvd. Portland, OR 97212 503-288-9180 Black Music Month Special Live Music Nightly Hearty Pub Fare Spirits Available in M any Forms 0 5 6 \ o r l l t Russell Street, Portland, Oregon (5 0 5 )2 0 2 -6 0 1 0 w w w . u k m en,iniins.t (tin • 2 CD’s for only $25 • 2 Tapes for only $15 THURS JUNE IS AT 7 P .M M0RTU NEGA • 2 Pagers with services only $40 Limit 2 GUINEA-BISSAU 1988 THURS JUNE 2 2 AT 7 P .M . TGV SENEGAL 1997 Only good at time o f purchase THURS JUNE 2 9 AT 7 P .M . COMEDIA INFANTIL MOZAMBIQUE/SWEDEN Must mention ad at time o f purchase 1997 THURS JULY 6 AT 7 P .M . New Summer Hours THURSDAYS AT THE GUILD THEATRE SW 9TH C TAYLOR 221-1156 WWWNWFILM.ORG THE BATTLE OF THE SACRED TREE KENYA I9 9 S ALSO A T THE FILM CENTER THIS SUMMER: Monday-Friday 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM Saturday 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM wim WENDERS • HITCHCOCK • THE RAVE SCENE • VISITING ARTISTS • JOHN WATERS • ALAIN RESNAIS RETROSPECTIVE • WOODY GUTHRIE, WA YNE MORSE t MORE!