Page B6 June 28, 2000 (Tlje |LÌortlanò (iDhsvruer i Classifieds/Bids LOOK Want A House!!! $0 Down $0 Closing Let us show you how! Bad Credit SelfEm ployed Bankruptcy All OK Call REACH Community Development, Inc. 1135 SE Salmon Street Portland, OR 97214 (503) 231-0682 èv IKOI SO Terrace Milwaukie, Oregon (503)659-7019 Handicapped Accessable SUB-BIDS REQUESTED EQUAL HOUSING If not, qualified applicants may be placed on W aiting Lists. G uardian M anagem ent C orporation is com m itted to _______ “ Equal H ousing O pportunity NORTH PORTLAND HEALTH CLINIC Portland, Oregon General Contractor Bids Due July 11, 2000 at 11:00 A M . If interested in bidding this project, contact Carl (303)466-2075 ext. 224 R oberta Robinson G.R.I. Century 21 Elite 503-241-2711x141 Office 503-366-3168 Pager 503-397-5267 Home P .O .B ox 242 St. Helen, OR 97051 Handicapped Aceessable Wc are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub-bids from all Interested firms, Including disadvantaged, minority, women, disablod veterans and emerging small business enterprises. NOTE: OCAC requires all subcontractors submitting bids in excess of $60,000 to be 100% porformaneo and payment bondable. Some weekends, nights and some sleep overs Please call Gary Ann at 288-0033 or Memory Ann at 285-3810. Will be out o f town on July 2 6 - July 31, 2000 Need Help Taking The First Step? Alcohol & Drug HelpLine and YouthLine Free, confidential, statew ide telephone assistance and guidance with alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems. It's your life, Your Choice, Make the Call! Free & Confidential Escoshio & Fairway Apts., 595 W 5 N #4 MT. Home, ID 83647 (208) 587-9104 FAX: (208) 587-0961 EQUAL HOUSING èv OC AMERICA CONSTRUCTION, INC J 815 NW 169u' Place, Suite 1060, Beaverton, OR 97006 P h o n e (503)466-2075 Fax: (503)466-2076 Oregon Contractor Registration #104900 CXVW'St II Summer Time Baby Sitting SUBSIDIZED UNITS FORSENIORS.OR DISABLED, OR HANDICAPPED PERSONS MAY BE AVAILABLE ATTHISTIME. If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants m ay be placed on W aiting Lists. G uardian M anagement Corporation is com m itted to Equal H ousing Opportunity. SUBSIDIZED UNITS MAY BE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. Uptown Tower, If subsidized units are not available at this tim e, qualified applicants may be placed on W aiting Lists. Guardian M anagement Corporation is committed to èv Handicapped Accessable Handicapped Accessable 99 “Equal Housing Opportunity Solhavn Apts. Clatskanie, Oregon (503)728-3169 Subsidized units may be available at this time. E Q U A L H O U S IN G If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to Equal Housing Opportunity. subsidized senior / disabled - subsidized UNITS MAY BE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. If not, qualified applicants may be placed on W aiting Lists. G uardian M anagem ent C orporation is com m itted to □using O pportunity.” “ Equal H ousing èv Handicapped Accessable Indian Creek ;ek Court & Village . / ' S . Arends ds Place I & II 1615 5 9th Ct. #49 Hood River, liver, OR 97031 (541 ) 386-6607 EQUAL HOUSING 1 712 S .W .S t.C la ir Portland, OR 97205 5 0 3-248-9645 EQUAL HOUSING èv P SANDY,OREGON (503) 668-3132 Handicapped Accessable e EQUAL HOUSING General 235 Now Hiring Portland Area: HelpLine: 503-244-1312 YouthLine: 503-244-1611 P A R T N E R S H IP ---------- -------------------------------------------------------- PORT OF PORTLAND Career Opportunities Information about career opportunities with the Port o f Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port’s office, located at 121 NW Everett St, Portland. Office hourr are Monday through Friday, Sam to 12pm ar J lpm to 5pm. You may also apply online at our website, The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP IN ANY JOURNEY IS THE FIRST ONE. MAKE IT COUNT! Let that step lead you into a career with ’one of the most prestigious healthcare organizations in the country. We offer career paths, compet­ itive salanes. a diversified staff, and comprehensive benefits. CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES Dental • Nursing • Pharmacy • Radiology Laboratory • Research • Medical Receptionist/Assistants Finance/Accounting • Information Technology & Services Many other open positions Explore our website You can review jobs, complete an application & request referrals on-line. Or visit our employment office. A KAISER PERMANENTE. 500 NE Multnomah St., Portland, OR 97232 Hours: Monday - Friday 8am-3:30pm Phone: (503) 813-4701 Drug Free Workplace • AA/EOE If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be placed on W aiting Lists. G uardian M anagement Corporation is com m itted to “Equal H ousing Opportunity. SUBSIDIZED UNITS MAY BE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. and/or © SUBSIDIZED UNITS MAY BE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. A Portland D evelopm ent C om m ission Funded project N W Ninth Avenue and N W Lovejoy Street in Portland Full architectural design o f 200 unit M ixed use A partm ent Building Proposal: Friday, July 7,2000 Attn: D oug G lancy, H ousing D evelopment Coordinator W e are an Equal O pportunity Em ployer and request Sub-bids from m inority, w om en and em erging small business enterprises. Liz Hamilton M ajestic M ortgage 503-525-3552Office 503-955-0772 Pager 503-397-9769 Home Toll Free, Statewide: 1-800-923-HELP S ub B ids R equested Church Is Recruiting W e are looking for people who want ag reat future. Enrich your ow nlife by helping others and receive benefits o f training and counseling. Hard work, low pay, im prove w hile you have a job. I f you are interested in any o f the follow ing areas: E xecutive Finance, Personnel, Sales P ublic R elations, A dm inistration, A u d itin g (C o u n selin g ), T rain in g O th e rs , C le ric a l, M a rk e tin g & Promotion. Call Rachael @ (503)-963-8121, or stop by and fill out an application at: 2636 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland OR 97232, C hurch O f Scientology O f Portland Office 250 City O f W est Linn Job Opportunity Office Assistant $ 1894 - $2460/m o (Effective July 1, 2 0 0 0 ) D O Q P o s itio n a c ts as re c e p tio n ist fo r A d m in istra tio n , H um an R eso u rces and F inance. Prim ary responsibilities: responding p o s itiv e ly to g e n e ra l p u b lic , answering multi-line phone, receiving p a y m e n ts , c o p in g , lim ite d b o o k k e e p in g , u se o f p e rs o n a l com puter and filing. Requires high school graduation and 2 years clerical experience with som e bookkeeping and m oney handling experience. Must have excellent customer service skills. Successful candidate must pass p r e - e m p lo y m e n t d ru g sc re e n . A pplication packets are available at W est Linn City Hall, 22500 Salamo Road, W est Linn, OR 97068 or by calling(503)722-3426(voicem ail)or (503) 656-4518 (TDD). Com pleted application must be returned to City Hall by July 7,2000,4:00 PM. EEO Pure dedication. As a worldwide market leader in epitaxial silicon wafers, we owe our success to our dedicated team of employees. That’s why we’ve created a people-oriented, supportive environment that encourages and rewards personal development and achievement. And one in which our employees find ample opportunity for advancement, education and training, in return, our employees have delivered, developing high quality silicon wafers that are acclaimed throughout the world. Take this opportun! ty to join our dedicated, talented team in NW Portland. Experienced Production Operators Entry-Level Production Operators Primary responsibilities w ill be to operate production Prim ary responsibilities w ill be to operate prod u ctio n equipm ent to produce h igh-quality ultra-pure silicon equipm ent to produce h ig h -q u a lity ultra-pure silicon wafers in accordance w ith customer specifications. wafers in accordance w ith custom er specifications. Successful candidates must possess skills and abilities suf­ Successful candidates must possess skills and abilities ficient to resolve m anufacturing issues and setups These sufficient to learn m anufacturing issues and setups include equipm ent setups, process troubleshooting, and These include equipm ent setups, process tro u b le sh oo t­ general problem solving in daily manufacturing activities. ing, and general problem solving in d aily m anufactur­ M ust be able to assist in continuous improvements w ith in g activities. Requires a H ig h School diplom a, o r the equipment, processes and yields. Requires a m in i­ equivalent, w ith emphasis on basic math, reading and mum o l H ig h School diplom a or equivalent and a m in i­ com m unications abilities and dem onstrated profession­ mum o f one-year experience in related silicon (ingot al w o rk skills as evidenced by a m inim u m o f one c o n ­ grow ing experience hig h ly desired), semiconductor or tinuous year o f successful w o rk experience at a single other high volum e/high precision advanced manufactur­ company. In add itio n, a b ility to stand 75% o f a 12- ing environm ent In addition, candidates must possess h ou r w ork shift and ro u tin e ly lift 40 pounds is also the fo llo w in g knowledge and abilities: equipment and required. Training w ill be provided in jo b functions. chemical safety, Statistical Process C on tro l methods, dean R ef « 9 -0 1 3 E L O /P O B room protocol, wafer handling, computer literacy, be able to lift routinely 40 pounds, and have effective verbal and V isit ils o n o u r w e b s ite : written communication skills Ref # 9 -0 1 3 EO P/PO B w w w .s i l t r o u i t .c o i n W acker S iltro n ic offers a h ig h ly co m petitive com pensation and benefits program w h ic h includes medical benefits, a 401k plan w ith com pany m atch, tu itio n reim bursem ent, success sharing program , and more Please mail o r FAX yo ur resume in d ic a tin g R ef « fo r p o s itio n o f in te re s t a nd salary h is to ry to : W a c k e r S iltro n ic C o rp o ra tio n , A ttn : H u m a n R esources, P .O . B o x 8 3 1 8 0 , P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 8 3 . E -m a il address: e m p lo y m e n t@ s iltro n ic .c o m Fax n u m b e r: (J O 3 ) 2 1 9 - 4 6 0 6 Principals o nly, please An equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer WACKERj J Wacker Siltronic Corporation PE O PL E i. P R O D U C IN G Q U A L IT Y J