Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 28, 2000, Page 11, Image 11

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    Page B5
June 28, 2000
(The 3JorUanò öDbseruer
B Classifieds/Bids
Employment I Employment I Employment | Employment
Professional 205
Come Work for One Tough Mother.
s <
Columbia Sportswear Company, a
global leader in the design and
m an u factu re o f o u terw ear and
sportswear, is looking for a dynamic
perso n to h ead up our global
promotions department.
Promotions Manager
Ify o u ’re interested in being part o f a
team effort to take a popular outdoor
brand to the next level, then Columbia
Sportswear’s Promotion Manager
position may be the ideal opportunity
for you.
In this key position, you will develop
and implement promotion strategies
for product groups that range from
ski p ark as to dishing apparel.
Competitive candidates must also
have negotiation skills in order to
manage events, sponsorships, media
and vendor contracts.
Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in
Business Administration, Marketing
orCommunications and a minimum 5
to 8 years Promotions experience.
Strong negotiation skills, and a
m inim um 1 y ear su p e rv iso ry
W hat secs us apart from other
companies? In addition to regular
health/life insurance and 401 (k)/profit
sharing, our benefit/compensation
package ircludes corporate bonuses,
an employee stock purchase plan,
tuition assistance, product discounts
and 28 PAID days o ff per year to
en jo y the active lifesty le o f a
Colum ba Sportswear employee!
Please send resume to Human
Resources, Dept. PROMGR, PO Box
83239, Portland, OR 97283 or FAX to
(5 0 3 ) 7 3 5 -4 5 9 7 , or em ail to
iamie millhomia.ccmail.columbia.com
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Education 227
Education Assistant 1A
Migrant Education/Bus Driver
190 Day position 7 hrs day
Salary: $12.41/hr
Closes: 7/6/00
School Health Assistant
185 4 hr and 6 hr days
Salary: $10.71/hr
Closes: 7/14/00
Application materials are available
M-F 8:00-5:00 in the Lobby o f the
Ainsworth Building. Apply in person
or send self-addressed, stamped legal
envelope ($.64) indicating position
to receive m aterials by mail to:
Multnomah ESD, Attn. Receptionist,
11611NE AinsworthCircle, Portland,
OR 972 2 0 or via W EB @
www.mesd.kl 2,or,us. Application
materials will not be faxed.
0 Additional $455 per month
0 Tuition Assistance Program
0 Student Loan Repayment
0 Initial $5.000 to $8,000
0 Dental, life insurance,
vacation/travel for free,
retirement, etc.
Cornelious Curtis
General 235
General 235
Work for One Tough Mother
Sportswear Company®
Columbia Sportswear Company has
proven that quality construction,
engineering and innovation in sports
apparel is a formula for success. Join
our Product Development group in
the following position:
Materials Research Assistant -
Requirements include high school
diploma or equivalent and two to
three years administrative experience
p referab ly in a m a n u factu rin g
environment. Advanced knowledge
o f computer data entry, proficiency
in Microsoft Word, Excel and Access,
re p o rt g e n e ra tio n s, and file
maintenance techniques. Ability to
read, write, and speak English.
C olum bia S p o rtsw ear offers
competitive compensation/benefits
package, and a team environment.
Please send resume and salary
history to: Human Resources, Dept.
MRA, PO Box 83239, Portland OR
97283, or FAX to: (503) 735-4597.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
General 235
Washington County
Management Analyst II
Sheri f f s Office - Operations
Closes July 7,2000
Mental Health Services
(Developmental Disabilities
Closes July 7,2000
Program Educator
Environmental Health
(Bilingual - Spanish/English)
Closes July 7,2000
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-
4898 for in fo rm atio n . C ounty
a p p lic a tio n and su p p lem en tal
application forms required. Women,
minorities, and people with disabilities
are encouraged to apply.
Apply To:
W ash in g ton C ounty H um an
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Education 235
Tour Cuide/School Liaison
Guides walking tours for groups o f
school children/adults through large
p ro d u c tio n
fa c ility .
G iv es
p resen tatio n s at local schools.
Teaching certificate or three years
professional experience working with
gro u p s o f c h ild re n . S tro n g
organizational, customer service, and
presentation skills. Must be able to
walk four miles a day, clean driving
record and currentCPRCard. Possible
full or part time. Salary DOE. Apply
State Emp. Ofc., 30 N. Webster, Job
reference #1129778.
Immediate opening for full and
part-tim e lot attendants with
Portland’s leading parking Co. We
seek in g
dep en d ab le
in d iv id u a ls w ith a neat
a p p e a ra n ce and a p o sitiv e
$7.50 + starting wage
Huge overtime potential
Advancement opportunities
Medical, Dental, 40 lk available
Applicants must submit to drug
test and background check.
Apply in person daily between
12-1 PM, M onday-Friday.
130 SW Stark Portland, OR
Office 250
Rose C ity Digital seeking Assistant
to maintain the accounting system
for a major web based marketing
company. Knowledge o f software
primarily used to prepare monthly
financial statements for ownership
as w ell as a c c o u n ts p a y a b le ,
receivable check preparation and
various supporting records. Word
and Excel are used for a variety o f
related analysis. Also responsible for
general secretarial and administrative
support. No phone calls. Rose City
Digital is an Equal Opportunity
Office 250
*/i-3/4 Office Mar ager
Office manager for small nonprofit
working on progressive housing
p o lic ie s. M ust have e x cellen t
organizational skills and the ability to
anticipate evolving administrative
needs and implement solutions. Mac
p ro fic ie n c y , e x c e lle n t phone
etiq u ette, w riting/editing skills
required. $10-$ 11/hour + benefits
EOE. Contact CDN for full job
description: cdn@teleport.com or
335-9884. Apply ASAP.
Office 250
Administrative Assistant
PT position. Duties include oversight
and implementation of agency central
purchasing system, property mgmt,
mail distribution and gen ofc tasks.
$ 10.50 - S 12.00 entry wage. Apply at
Portland Impact, 4707 SE Hawthorne
Blvd. Questions call 988-6000. EOE/
Social Services 265
Family Advocate
FT position. Duties include svc
access and coordination, advocacy,
support and encouragement. $ 10.00 -
$ 12.00 entry wage. Apply at Portland
Impact, 4707 SE Hawthrone Blvd.
Questions call 988-6000. EOE/AA
WtjE ^o rtlaith
Call Today
Social Service 265
Volunteers of America O f Oregon,
Volunteers o f America o f Oregon, a
n o t-fo r-p ro fit so c ia l serv ices
organization with a 107 year history
serving this community, has a job
Teaching Assistant
Flexible, multi tasked child care
experience person wanted to work in
m u lti-c u ltu ra l
p a re n t
c h ild
d evelopm ent p rogram , serving
children 0-5 in North and Northeast
VO A Oregon is a great place to work
for appreciation and support. Send a
letter and resume to Volunteers of
America ofOregon, Inc. 537 SE Alder
Street, Portland, O regon 97214,
referencing- Attn: Arika Bridgeman
General 235
Technical Trainee
Mechanical, welding, electronics, etc.
Noexperiencerequired. Wewill train.
Salary, benefits, tools provided. Ages
17-34. H.S. diploma and be willing to
relocate. Call 1 -800-914-8536.
B ethphage
WArw jxMrnlnil
to lijt
Are you a fun, loving person who
wants to make a difference?
Provide D irect care for three
individuals with developmental
disabilities in a NE Portland
residential setting. Starts at $7.25/
hr. $8.25/hrafter90 Day Training
period. Part-time, full-time (includes
benefits), sign-on Bonuses, & 26
paid days o ff per year. Must be at
least 18 years o f age & have HS
diploma or GED. Experience with
autism & valid driver’s license
Call Dan at (503) 261-0255 to
schedule an interview
Or apply in person/send resume
Attn: Human Resources
7931 NE Halsey St., Suite 305
Portland, OR 97213
Visit us at www.t
, / n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide, com petitive salaries
and great benefits. Currently, openings e xist in the following agencies:
Transportation Engineer 3
Region 1 Access Management Engineer
Advance your engineering career with ODOT! If you possess a comprehensive knowledge of traffic
engineering and highway design principles and are proficient in verbal and written communications,
take a moment to consider this challenging high-level engineering opportunity located in Portland.
This position serves as the ODOT representative and Region expert on Access Management policies,
standards and program elements. The position has authority in dealing with complex access
management and private development issues: performs complex traffic engineering analysis on
proposed development and project developments by consultants, local governments and developers;
and is responsible for making decisions on granting or denying access. Requires registration as a
Professional Engineer plus a Bachelor's degree in Civil or Transportation-related Engineenng and four
years of professional-level engineering experience in the practice of transportation engineering; OR a
PE plus seven years of equivalent engineering experience. Annual salary $47,436 - $67.968 plus
excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation and sick leaves; 9 paid holidays; and full employer-
paid retirement contribution Announcement #OCDT0199. Call (503) 986-4030 (TTY (503) 986-
3 85 4 for th e hearing Im paired), or vielt w w w .o d o t.state.or.us/h rod /io bln d ex.cfm for
announcement and application. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce.
Application and required supplements must be received by July 17, 2000.
Disbursement Accountant
Accountant 2
Gather voter signatures to
require bar kqrounrt t hecks
at gun shows P a rt-tim e / lull
time, $15- $20/ hour paid per
signature, weekly pay.
Call Mutual Aid: 503-236 7208.
Apprenticeship and Training Division
Office Specialist 2
Work in Oregon's Apprenticeship and Training Division as an Office Specialist 2. Requires 2 years or
equivalent of general clerical experience. Duties include data entry and reports from state database
phone and walk-in assistance to prospective apprentices and members of the public. Work as part of
a team to support apprenticeship field staff. Excellent support position in state agency with full benefits
including paid holiday, sick, vacation and personal leave; fully paid family health insurance; membership
in the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS). Modem office building in the Lloyd district with
subsidized transit pass for easy bus and MAX access. Salary is $1.734 to $2,376 per month.
Announcement 4LE000850. To receive application materials through the mall, call (503) 731-4070
(Portland). The Job announcement (Including test questions and skill codes) and application form are
also available online at www.oregoniobs.com. Deadline for applying is July 7. 2000.
Program Representative 1
Communications Coordinator
Put your communication skills to work by applying for this full-time position in the Health Licensing
Office (HLO) located in Salem. This position serves as the phmary individual responsible for all
agency communications including communication outreach, strategies, public relations, marketing,
and web site coordination. Salary is $2.376 to $3,293 a month, plus an excellent benefit package
A great job, great benefits, and a great team Check us out! Application materials and detailed Job
Announcement #LE 000843 may be obtained by visiting our web site at www.oregonjobs.org or
by visitin g your local Employment Department field office. All application materials must be
Principal Executlve/Manager C
Portland District Unit Managers
There are two positions available with the Department of Revenue's Personal Tax and Compliance
Division, in Portland. These positions supervise, direct, coach, counsel, tram, and evaluate a
professional audit, collection and support staff. This includes planning for and assigning work to
achieve section goals and objectives These positions serve as members of the Compliance
Section's management team and carry out and nave responsibility for assignments and projects,
which support the Division mission. These positions assist the management team in executing the
responsibilities of the sections' vanous programs and are responsible for ensunng equitable and
consistent treatment of Oregon taxpayers Salary $3.061 te $4.524 a month To request Job
Announcement #LE000838 and an application, call (5 03 ) 9 4 6 8 5 5 5 (TTY (5 03 ) 945-8617 or
(8 0 0 ) 8 8 6 -7 2 0 4 for th e hearing or speech Im paired only), or v is it our web site:
www.dor.state.or.us. EOE/AAE/ADA. Recruitment closes July 7, 2000.
h e s e a re Just a fe w o f th e c u rre n t Job o p e n in g s a v a ila b le w ith th e S ta te o f
O re g o n. A m o re c o m p le te a n n o u n c e m e n t lis tin g , a p p lic a tio n fo rm s , a nd a d d itio n a l
Job in fo rm a tio n a re a v a ila b le a t: a) lo c a l E m p lo y m e n t D e p a rtm e n t H eld o ffic e s , o r b)
th e O re g o n Jobs p ag e a t: w w w .o re g o n jo b s .o rg . The S ta te o f O re g o n and a ll Its
d iv is io n s a re p rou d to be e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e rs .
*<#•/** A.
Facsimile.................. 503.288.0015
Email tO. .classifieds@portlandobserver.com
(/•> $13.00..........
w $15.00..........
Public Notices.......... ............... 000
Announcements/W eddings.... 010
Family Service*.................... ...020
1 nstund Fnunrl....................... ...030
Meeting N otices................... ...040
Tickets, for Sale
Wanted................. ..050
Travel....________ - — ....... ...060
Real Estate
Acreage................................ ...100
Homes forsale...................... ...110
Homes for rent....._______ _ ...115
Appartments, duplexes
for Sale.................. ...120
Appartments, duplexes
for Rent................. 125
Manufactured Homes
for Sale.................. ...130
Manufactured Homes
for Rent................ 135
Others for Sale.................... ...140
( )thers for Rent.................... ...145
Commercial Real Estate..... ...150
W aterfront Property......... ...155
Real Estate Services........... ...160
Real Estate Wanted............ 165
Guidance/Resumes............ ....200
Professional......................... 205
Automotive------------------- ....213
Contractors......................... 215
Outdoor HomeCare........... ....220
Domestic............... ...225
F rliirn tin n ............................... 227
Financial, Insurance.......... 230
General................................ ....235
HealthGare......................... 240
Advertising......... ...245
Administration.................... 247
Office.................................... ....250
Legal---------------------------- ....253
Retail.................................... ....255
Accounting.......................... ....258
Sales...______.......---------- - ....260
Social Services.................... 765
Temporary, Part-Time,
Seasonal............... 270
Positions Wanted................ 275
Business opportunities...... ....280
Items for Sale
The Department of Administrative Services is seeking an experienced Disbursement Accountant to
prepare all statewide disbursements and assist in releasing vouchers and balanced transfers. This
position is located in Salem. The goal is to fill the position at the full level of Accountant 2, but we
may consider underfilling the position for not more then two years. The minimum qualifications for
the Accountant 2 are extensive. Please refer to the announcement for details. Salary for this
position is $2.4 85 to $3,4 51 a month. The underfill salary will be determined by the level of
underfill. The position offers a benefit program contribution toward family health and dental
insurance, term life insurance, and short and long term disability insurance. Other benefits include
a retirement program, paid holiday, vacation, and sick leave. Announcement 4LE000871. For a
detailed lo b Announcement »LEOOO871. contact your local Employment Office, look it up on the
Web at www.oregonjobs.org, or call (503) 378-4688. The close date is July 10, 2000.
Stop Gun Violence
submitted by 5:00 p.m., on July 5, 2000.
General 235
Radio Morning Show Producer for
94-7 NRK. Must have a minimum o f 3
yrs. Broadcast experience, production
and organizational skills, extensive
knowledge o f the Northwest and a
huge rolodex. Send tape/resume to
Program Director, KNRK Radio, 0700
SW Bancroft St., Portland, O R 97201
No phone Calls. Equal Opportunity
Health Care 240
All Classified Ads and
Bids will be accepted up
until 5 p.m., Friday.
, iK »-1
R j i<
< h u lit
h — j i u
1 0 . u DO
IU lc
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i u a h I i u i m
i i i n
u H
u y v j V l / a
v u d p i u H d *$ u
i u h v ir i i v a ii i i n n u c n
Via Post, e-mail.
facsimile or in person at
4747 N.E. MLK Blvd
Antiques---------------------- -...300
Appliances.............................. -305
Auctions___ ............— ------- 310
Clothing...................................J 15
Clothing...................................32 0
Software..................3 2 5
Estate Auctions/Sales........... 330
Farm Items........------------- ...335
Furniture................................34 0
Garage Sale..___________ —345
Garden Equipment________ 350
Heavy Equipment--------------- 355
Hobbies/C ollectors................3 6 0
Livestock................................. 36 5
Miscellaneous for Sale.......... 370
Miscellaneous Wanted......... 3 7 5
Office Equipment.................. 3 8 0
Pets/ Pet Training, Shows....385
Stereo Equipment, Television,
VCR's,CD's,Tapes.... 390
Tools........................................ 39 5
Antiques.................................. 405
Autos by Make........................410
B M W ............................ 410
Cadillac........................ 414
Chevrolet..................... 416
Chrysler....................... 418
Dodge............................ 420
Eagle............................. 422
C M C ............................. 426
Honda........................... 428
Lincoln......................... 434
Mazda........................... 436
Mercedes...................... 438
Nissan............................ 440
Oldsmobile.................. 442
Plymouth..................... 444
Toyota........................... 450
Buses......................................... 460
Campers,! railers.................. 465
Motorcycles.................- ..........470
Parts/Domestic....................... 475
Pickups..................................... 485
R.VySales, Rentals................490
Messages.................................. 500