June 21, 2000 Page yortianù ©hseruer Baby with terminal cancer holds on thanks to Red Cross donors CONTRIBUTED STOBV For 22-month-old Trent Sims, blood transfusions are away o f life. Trent has Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia (AML), a rare form o f cancer and needs regular transfusions to help prevent and treat complications related to his condition. Unfortunately, a nationwide blood shortage is making it difficult for American Red Cross to meet the needs ofpatients like Trent, who must have transfusions to stay alive. It it weren’t for blood donors, this beautiful baby would not be here,” said his mother, Octavia McKinney. "The cancer has taken over his blood and marrow. Without the blood and blood products he receives through the American Red Cross, his twin sister Hannah wouldn’t have been able to get to know him and make memories with him.” “Trent’s birthday is on July 8, but w e’re not sure he’ll be with us for that long,” said his mother. American Red Cross will host an early birthday party forTrent and Hannah and a celebration for all children who have received blood transfusions, Sunday, June 25,h from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Portland Center. The party is for all children who have received blood transfusions and their families. The community is invited to participate in this special celebration and in a blood drive from 11 am. to 4:30 pm. where healthy adults may give the gift oflife in honorofchildren likeTrent Sims. The Portland DonorCenteris located at 3131 N. Vancouver A ve. in Portland. “W e’ 11 be celebrating Red Cross blood donors that day, too,” said Octavia, “because they’ve already given him a present - they made it possible for him to get even this far in life." I rent has been hospitalized for more than five months, and his family knows his cancer is terminal. Still, they continue to hope for a miracle. Until then, T rent spends nine hours each day in a hematology clinic at Doembecher Children’s Hospital and receives at least three transfusions each week. The Red Cross issued a Yellow Alert on June 12 because blood supplies are much lower than optimal levels, while transfusion rates have increased. Across the nation, the demand for blood and blood products has skyrocketed, and eight o f Red Cross’ 36 blood regions have gone on appeal, asking donors to help meet the needs o f trauma, cancer and accident victims. “We know there’s a blood shortage right now, and we want to help in any way we can to let people know that lives are saved with every donation,” said Octavia. "1 know it 'a not always easy to find time to come in and donate, especially when people get busy with summer activities,” says Octavia. “But our family, Trent’s brother and sisters, and all the people whose lives he’s touched will be forever grateful to people who give blood. We may not have much time left with Trent, but we appreciate every moment o f his life.” Donors must be 17 or older, weigh at least 105 pounds and be in good general health. Please call 503/284-4040 or 1-800-GIVE-LIFEformoreinformationorto schedule an appointment at a blood drive near you. Let others see your business here, advertise in The Portland Observer today. Call 288-0033 v_________ _____________ / voice video wireless directories in te rn e t beyond Progressive is as progressive does. That’s why our benefits package is in the top 5% in the nation. W hy our 401 (k) plan provides a generous match. And why we were among the first Fortune 500 companies to offer domestic partners health insurance. www.uswest.com/jobs U S W EST is an affinnative action /equal opportunity employer. Io u have more to teach kids than you might imagine. Take life Time is a cam paign to help y o u n g people succeed. And that takes some help from adults. W e’ve outlined 40 assets that help young people become successful, and we can suggest ways for you to get involved. Be the difference. Please call us at 503-988-3897 or visit o u r w ebsite at ta k e th e tim e .o rg to learn more. LljCWESr Ute's better here @