4 4 - « » » i • I » » 4 » - . • Page 10 June 21, 2000 In Print Agatha Raisin and th e F a ir ie s o f Frvfam By M.C. Beaton St. M artin’s Minotaur; 2000 W hen a fo rtu n e -te lle r from a previous case informs Agatha Raisin that her destiny - and true love - lies in Norfolk, she promptly rents a cottage in the quaint village of Focus >-----------------(£l¡v Fryfam. No sooner does she arrive than strange things start happening. Random objects go missing from people’s homes and odd little lights are seen dancing in the villagers’ gardens and yards. Stories soon begin circulating about the presence o f fairies. But when a prom inent village resident is found murdered and some suspicion falls on her and her friend Sir Charles Fraith, Agatha decides sh e’s had enough o f this fairy nonsense and steps up her sleuthing for a human killer. The prickly yet endearing Agatha will have fans dangling in suspense: Will she catch her crook - and a husband? A G A TH A RAISIN AND THE FAIRIES of FRYFAM lattò ©beeruer Buxton Spice By Oonya Kempadoo First Plume Printing; 2000 Reverberating with the cadences of the West Indies and with the stirrings o f a young girl’s heart, mind, and body, Buxton Spice tells the story of Lulu, and o f the town ofTamarind Grove: its colorful inhabitants, its eccentric families, its sweepingjoys and sudden tragedies. Here are the mud-red banks where Lula and her friends slide down into the milky tea water o f the Broadie canal. Here is the emerging sexuality o f young girls who can see what the madness o f desire - and men - can reap. And here, in a village tom between cultures, between the future and the past, will come an explosion of politics and violence ignited by the eternal human dividers o f race, money, and religion. T h ro u g h its lu sh , e v o c a tiv e language, Buxton Spice brings 1970s Guyana - and a world at a c ro ssro a d s — to v ib ra n t, unforgettable life. A novel that perfectly captures a child’s keen observations, sense o f wonder, and the g ro w in g c o m p le x ity o f c o n scio u sn ess th at m arks the p a ssa g e from in n o c e n c e to experience, it is a striking debut by an eloquent new voice in literary fiction. Second Chance on Broadway “ JVo-t y.o-111 o-idinaiy- tA iift d ta ie” 20°/, Off fReg.u(.at. S lic e d M eich a n d iô e. M.C. BEATON A gatha R m m n I »' a u iu u u it < «<>»» »rrw*lK Mis* M a tri.» Av nth M am », anu L u triA t B all Sm » WOHUttn i . ’ Sf Advertise your business in The Focus rt»<> 701 NE B ro a d w a y (503) 284-0277 • M on-Sat 1 0 - 6 Coupon expires 8/31/00 and cannot be used with any other discount offer. Second Chance on Broadway is a program of Central City Concern. A rt Galleries Show case: Paintings, Sculpture & Fabric R ed E agle G allery 1034 SW Taylor (comer of 1 Ith & Taylor) downtown Portland 503/827-8551 www.redeaglegallery.com Red Eagle Gallery on the south side o f the Central Library, brings you authentic museum-quality stone sculpture, in the Shona tradition from the beautiful land o f Zimbabwe. Couples in Unity by Wilbert Mudonha 2000 Stone - Soapstone Height: 11.5"& 8" MATRI X VJ and OUR DREAM Galleries Contemporary and African American Fine Art F anciful /F unctional M etal S culpture by J ay M oody E-mail: Matrixart@yahoo.com ww.matrixfinance.com Salongo Lee'Dance Duet Paintingon photo negative 2209 NE Alberta St. Portland, Oregon 97211 503.288.3024 503.288.5876 A rtists reception:Thurs, June 29,6-9pm ONDA S t im o & G allery 2215 NE A lberta S treet P ortland , OR 97211 503/495-1909 M tB S rT E -ONDACALLERY.COM J une 29-J uly 25,2000 O teninc and A rtists ' R eception : J une 29,6-9 PM