Page 6 June 21, 2000 Focus The Temptations are Ear Resistible Music ___________________ __ ___, r. . . CONTItim TED SIQ&Y for T he P ortland (The |jortbniò ©bseruer OnsERVEB The Temptations are roaring into the 21s1 Century with their most romantic, most enticing, most soul satisfying suite o f songs in the group’s brilliant 40-year history. EAR RESISTIBLE represents the pinnacle o f an art form, the sensuous melding o f five masculine voices into heartfelt expressions o f love cherished, love lost, love found. Love is the theme, and when it comes to emotional intimacy, no group sings with more passionate fire. The fire fueling the Temptations’ musical triumphs has been burning for four decades: In the sixties it was “My Girl”; in the seventies, “Papa Was a Rolling Stone”; in the eighties, “Treat Her Like a Lady”; and in the nineties, “Stay.” In fact, Phoenix Rising, released in 1998, was the most successful project of the Tem ps’ astoundingly successful career, with sales approaching two m illio n . Now in 2 0 0 0 , EAR RESISTIBLE raises the standard to a breathtakingly higher level. The Temptations have rewritten their own history with a record whose fresh beats and blends will delight a legion o f loyal listeners while attracting new generations looking for real-deal soul singing. T he T em ps are contem porary history. Contemporary because their ever-evolving sound is one o f the w onders o f pop entertainm ent. History because their proud lineage represents an important chapter in the chronicle o f American music. “We work to blend the two,” says O tis W illiam s, the o rig in a l , _ .:ii Temptation who founded and still leads the group. “We have built on our history, we gain strength from our history, yet at the same time our style and our songs have never been m ore rig h t-n o w , n e v e r m ore contemporary. W e’re still a vital part o f the scene.” “When I tell people we are G od’s group,” says Otis, a remarkably m odest man, “ I do n ’t mean it arrogantly. It’s just that we have been tested time and again and keep coming back. We have suffered the death o f so many legendary singers - Paul Williams, David Ruffin, Eddie Kendricks, Melvin Franklin. O thers, like D ennis Edw ards, Richard Street, Ali-Ollie Woodson and Theo Peoples, have left, and yet our unity is tighter, our sound brighter and our popularity greater. Someone has watched over this group. Someone has protected our integrity. Someone has said - just go on singing and it’ll get better." The mythology o f the Temptations is a permanent part o f Americana. * _ J A D D E S IS T ! And with C EAR RESISTIBLE, the musical myth takes on new meaning. “We start out every project with a firm commitment to finding the right songs and right producers,” Otis explains. “ It’s been that way since Smokey Robinson and Norman Whitfield supervised our hits, and it remains that way today. The Temptations are all about great songs sung by great singers.” T he irre s is tib ility o f EAR R E SIST IB L E is rooted in an abundance ofbedroom ballads. The songs smolder with intimations o f sweet sexuality. "That’s part o f our legacy going as far back as the doo wop o f the fifties,” Otis recalls. “We grew up on the idea o f wooing a w om an th ro u g h song. T he beautiful ballad that praises your lady and asks for consent is certainly sexual, but even deeper. Sure, you want her body, but what you want most is her love, and there’s nothing more sacred than that. “A songwriter ( Please see ‘Temptations’ page 4) Music Galore & Galore Paging 3213 NE Martin Luther King JR. Blvd. Portland, OR 97212 503-288-9180 Black Music Month Special • 2 CD’s for only $25 • 2 Tapes for only $15 • 2 Pagers with services only $40 Limit 2 Only good at time o f purchase Must mention ad at time o f purchase New Summer Hours Monday-Friday 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM ^ S a h tr d a v ^ L O O ^ n o ^ -O O J ^ ^