June 21, 2000 Page A 2 |Unrtlanò (Ohseruer i Police News/Vancouver Inside-A Weather Heartfelt thanks go out to donors..................3 Guide dogs and Concordia campus....5 Home Focus............ 6 Through the weekend Today Partly cloudy 77°F/25°C 56°F/13°C Metro-B Thursday Urban renewal in N & NE Portland..............1 Lakers take home the trophy....................... 2 Hoffman tops 4A player of the year....... 3 Partly cloudy 77°F/25°C 54°F/12°C- Friday M ostly cloudy 76°F/24°C 57°F/14°C El Observador.......... 5 Saturday This Week M ostly cloudy 80°F/27°C 59°F/15°C in History On June 21, 1964, three civil rights workers disappeared in Philadelphia, Miss. Their bodies were found buried in an earthen dam six weeks later. Eight members of the Ku Klux Kian went to prison on federal conspiracy charges; none served more than six years. On June 22, 1940, during World War II, Adolf Hitler gained a stunning victory as France was forced to sign an armistice eight days after German forces overran Paris. On June 24, 1997. the Air Force released a report on the so-called "Roswell Incident," suggesting the alien bodies witnesses reported seeing in 1947 were actually life-sized dummies. M ostly cloudy Sunday 82°F/28°C 58°F/14°C KGW sponsors AT&T Cable C rim eS top p ers Services Fort Vancouver Fireworks Spectacular C'ONTIIIBUTKPSTORY k i » T h >: P ortland O bservek KGW Northwest N ew sC hannel 8 is proud to once again be a sponsor ot the AT&T Fort V ancouver F¡reworks S p e c ta c u la r at th e V a n c o u v e r National Historic Reserve. It will be a full day o f m usic and fun brought you by locally and nationally know n entertainers. Performing I ive from the event will be Bob M iller’s A lm ost A ll-Star Band, The T rail Band, Super D iam ond which is m ade up o f Neil D iam ond’s back up singers, Reunion m ade up o f original m em bers o f the hit band “Letterm en,” and Johnny Limbo and the Lugnuts. Northwest NewsChannel 8 will airthe live broadcast o f the A T& T Cable Services FT. V ancouver Fireworks Crim e Stoppers C ase #00-23: Assault o f Police O fficer The Portland Police Bureau, in cooperation with Crim e Stoppers, is asking for your help in identifying and apprehending the person responsible for assaulting and seriously injuring a female Portland Police O fficer. On Saturday, May 6,2000, at about 12:30 am ., a 31 -year-old female police officer w as on patrol near N. C olum bia Boulevard and Swift W ay in the Saint Jo h n ’s area o f North Portland. The officer was checking the area for stolen vehicles w hich are often dum ped in a w ooded area behind an apartm ent com plex, when she m ade contact with an individual who appeared to be acting suspicious. The individual struck the officer in the face with his fist, knocking her to the ground, w here he repeatedly kicked Spectacular on the 4,h o f Ju ly , hosted by Joe Donlon and Carol Jensen. Special coverage will begin at 9:30 pm. with live music and the fireworks will blast o ff at 10 pm. The firework spectacular will last for 43 m inutes; the longest show ever in the history o f this event and will be synchronized with popular and patriotic music. All o f this making it the largest firew orks sh o w w e st o f th e M is sissip p i. Northwest NewsChannel 8 is pleased to bring you this special coverage com m ercial free w hile the fireworks are going off. T he spectacular show w i 11 be seen through 9 di fferent camera angles, including a view from the Sky 8 helicopter. This year, a portion o f the proceeds from household firew orks that are brought in V ancouver will help fund next y ear’s event. her causing serious injuries. T hesuspect is described as a black m ale in his teens or early 20’s, 6 ’0” tall, m edium build, w earing a black puffy jack et and dark colored pants with num erous pockets. C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for inform ation, reported to C rim e Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case or any unsolved felony crim e, and you need not give your name. Call Crim e Stoppers at 503/823-HELP. Police Bites The air clears on July 1 Thought for the week The m ost valuable thing we can do fo r thepsvche, occasionally, is to let it rest, wander, live in the changing light o f a room, not to try to do o r be anything whatsoever. Man W ounded by Gunfire, 2700 block of “P” St. — May Sarton Arson investigators to sharpen skills Sauerbrey and Senior Fire Prevention Oficers John Gentry, Dan M cCoy and Heidi Scarpelli and Fire Prevention O f f ic e r s K en D u b u c , M a rk K atzenm eyer, and D ave A ndrew s. T h e c o u r s e w ill c o v e r b o th W a s h in g to n S ta te an d f e d e ra l casew ork. Preparing an investigator fo r tr ia l w ill in c lu d e p r o p e r d o c u m e n ta tio n p re p a ra tio n an d successful w ays to present evidence at trial. A cc o rd in g to th e N atio n al F ire Protection A ssociation, in a typical year in the United States, $2 billion w orth o f property is destroyed due to arson and hundreds o f people are killed. N ationally and in V ancouver, investigators estimate that one-fourth o f all fires are intentionally set. V ancouver Fire Prevention Bureau sta ff are responsible for investigating the origin and cause o f fires occurring in hom es, offices, com m ercial and in d u stria l stru c tu re s, re sid e n tia l complexes, schools and other facilities in the C ity o f V an c o u v er. LUM RlflLrtP STORY fqr J n t P qkt la n &Q bse r > lr A special Expert Testim ony Course designed to sharpen the skills o f tire investigators will be delivered in V ancouver next week. The three-day class will be conducted June 19 through 21. T h e c la s s is c o - s p o n s o r e d by V ancouver Fire Services, O regon State Police and the O regon State C h a p te r o f th e I n te r n a tio n a l Association o f A rson Investigators (1AA1). F ortV ancouverH ighSchool is m aking its m o c k c o u rtro o m available for required portions o f the course relating to arson prosecution. T h e C lark C o u n ty P ro se c u tin g A ttorney's Office and the Law Offices o f Eileen Stauss are each providing an attorney as instructors. Upon successful com pletion, seven enrolled V ancouver Fire Services investigators will be one-step closer to b ecom ing c e rtifie d as A rson Investigators - Fire M arshal Dave On June 17, 2000, at 1:27 am., 911 dispatchers received a call o f shots being fired and one m an w ounded in the m iddle o f the street. Officers from V ancouver Police responded to the 2800 block o f “ P” street w here they , found a 24 yr. old man, w ounded in the leg. T h e v ic tim w as tra n s p o rte d to S o u th w est W ash in g to n M edical C enter w here he w as treated for a w ound to the leg. H is identity has not been confirmed. W itn e s s e s sa id th e sh o o tin g occurred in the m iddle o f the 2700 b lo c k o f “ P ” s tr e e t. O ffic e rs discovered physical evidence at that location. W itnesses directed officers south to 1512 E Fourth Plain w here the tw o suspects w ere said to have run. A perim eter was set up around the com plex, with Apt #2, being the focus ofpoliceefforts. The other apartments w ere evacuated as SW A T officers arrived. N egotiators attem pted to m ake ocntact with occupants o f Apt #2 with no success until approximately 5:30 am. A w indow was broken to insert a negotiator phone, at w hich time four occupants cam e out o f the apartment. A separate apartm ent was identified as having persons involved and that ap ra tm en t w as clea re d o f th ree additional people. Investigators are currently preparing w arran ts for b oth ap artm en ts to recover evidence as well as interview all seven persons contacted. O ne o f the occupants ofthe apartment #2 w as arrested for an earlier A ssault 1 charge. T hat case w as a stabbing that occurred at 400 M cLoughlin in M arch, 2000. Refer case VOO5083. Multnomah County's smokefree workplace ordinance will make your w orkplace feel like a breath of fresh air come July 1. For more information on the ordinance and w hat it m eans to you, give us a call or visit our website. iS z te c e Y A e e z t ô r / We're here to help. Suspect Identified and Arrested w w w .sm okefreew orksite.org 503-988-4163 M u ltn o m a h County H ealth D ep a rtm en t At approxim ately 3 am. on Sunday, June 18, 2000, detectives from the Vancouver Police M ajorCrimeTeam, Property C rim e Team , and the G ang Task Force responded to assist with an investigation o f a shooting in the rear parking lot o f El M estizzo’s, 704 M ain St. After completing a crime scene search, num erous w itness interview s, and in te rv ie w s o f both v ictim s, the suspect, w ho had previously been arrested by patrol o fficers, w as identified. His name is Carlos Quintana Valdamar DOB: 6/12/74, address unknown. He w as charged with tw o counts o f A ttem pted M urder RCW 9A .52.030. A handgun, and several shell casings w ere recovered at the scene along w ith other valuable evidence. There are no other suspects at this time. For further inform ation, see Report # 00-10122 or call Det. Stefan at 360/ 696-8279orSgt. Dave King 696-8282 or pager 360/408-1999. fabric Depot THE LARGEST. MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE I S THE VEST JUNE 20 through JULY 4,2000 ALL PRINTS 30% OFF* S a le i n c l u d e s c a lic o s , d r a p e r y . s p e c ia l o c c a s io n , s ilk ie s , r a y o n s , c h ild r e n s w e a r, o u te r w e a r fle e c e , c o r d u r o y s . ALL BATTING ALL CRAFTS Win $100,000 for your community Apply for the D.O BRIC FOR C O M M U N IT Y L .K A D K R S H IP H o n o rin g o u ts ta n d in g le a d e rs u n d e r th e age o f th ir ty w h o are s u c c e s s fu lly s tre n g th e n in g th e ir c o m m u n itie s . D E A D L IN E : May io , 2OOO Includes quilting. stitchery and doll supplies; craft books. w im k I. paint, stencil and beading products. Limited to stock on hand. DENIM FAKE FUR 30% OFF* Outdoor Warehouse Sale Now Open 10-6 Daily Join us to discuss these issues and the results of an independent task force on the future of PDX. The forum is also an opportunity to learn more about how the Port operates, and is addressing the transportation needs of our community, and the region. J . $2 • $3 • M in im u m m l I v a n i. All m erchan dise as is XII sales lin a i MARK YOUR CALENDAR Special Promotion Tuesday, July 4th, 2000 ONE DAY ONLY - Independence Day ALL BOOKS 40% OFF regular retail price BE SURE TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER'S SPECIALS a Q L ng ♦Discounts do not ¡»pph to pmiotish discounted or marked down items 6 2000 thru 7 44MI For more information contact the Port of Portland’s Community Affairs Department at: -X 1Si * À P r e p a c k a g e d H atting. P illo w F o r m s a n d F ea th er P illo w s. You are invited to the Port of Portland's Northeast Community Forum. This meeting is an opportunity to discuss the future of the Portland International Airport (PDX), with Port of Portland staff and management. As PDX passenger growth continues, the Port is searching for ways to best utilize existing facilities and plan for potential forecasted needs. 30% OFF* OFF* Includes R o lle d an d Tuesday, June 27, 2000 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm King Elementary School Cafeteria 4906 NE 6th Ave. Portland, OR 97211 APPLY TODAY, Ï 30% Northeast Community Forum For applications, Call: 212-523-1175 E-mail: brick@dosomething.org Web: www.dosomething.org (503) 944-7051. © J / STRE T rI ★ RETAII HOI RS PORT OF PORTLAND I I A / M O V IR H oo.iin ■'> oi »('in s\11 RII\> oim.im-’ pm M \ I M |oou.un’ pm Ml HOI I SAI I HOI RS STARK M< i\ - l Rl ’ A o . iiu - s M »pm s \ | | R|)\N ‘Hin.im-Spm s| \ I ) \> 11 nn,tin- tpi’i RETAIL - WHOLESALE 7 0 0 S.E. 1 2 2 n d Ave. P o rtlan d , OR 252-9530 Visit our wehsiie at www fahrivdepot com 1-800-392-3376