Page 2 June 21, 2000 Arts Focus A S U P P L E M E N T — — O F Wfye ^ a rtla n h (©baerber Editor in Chief, Publisher C h arles H . W ashington Editor L arry J . Jack so n , Sr. Copy Editor Jo y R am os Business Manager G ary A n n T aylor Che IJflrUattò (©txaemer Focus >- for Get ready for the hottest event this summer.. .Salem Art Fair & Festival 2000 T he P ortland O bserver T he Salem A rt A ssociation and Bank o f A m erica proudly present the 51“ annual Salem Art Fair & Festival on July 21 - 23 at B ush’s P a s tu r e P a rk . T h is h ig h ly anticipated event is free and open to the public. Set am ong historic oak trees, visitors will have an opportunity to purchase unique contem porary fine art and crafts from over 200 artists. O ver 50 percent o f this y ear’s group o f excellent artists w ere not at last y ear’s A rt Fair. There will be a lot o f w onderful art to see in a w ide range o f media, including painting, ceram ics, glass, je w e lry , w ood, fiber, and m uch more. In addition to the highly acclaim ed A r tis t M a r k e tp la c e , liv e e n te rta in m e n t by reg io n a l and national perform ing artists will be presented on the Spirit M ountain M ain Stage and the First Security Bank Fam ily Stage. The line-up o f te a d lin e rs in c lu d es n a tio n a lly - e n o w n e d b lu e s le g e n d J o h n Jam m o n d (San F ran cisco ) and lo p u la r P a u l D e L a y B a n d Portland), the saucy Latin sounds if the B obby T orres E n sem b le Portland), and folk rock sextet Zalobo (Portland). Jther attractions include the alw ays lopular Kids ’ Court, w here children vill be am azed by the ju g g lin g jrav itin i B rothers, Tears o f Joy ’uppet T heater and the popular vlaharim bas; th e O pen S tudio, vhere visitors can try their hands at he p o tter’s w heel and painting; the iu s h H o u s e L iv in g H is to r y irogram, w here actors portray the iush fam ily; and m uch m ore. 'h e A rt F air is the largest ju ried art estival o f its kind in the state o f O regon. A s o n e o f th e b e s t :om m unity-driven events on the vest coast, o ver 3,000 volunteers participate annually in the three day celebration. V isitors hail from all ends o f the I -5 corridor and beyond, w ith attendance at last year’s festival e s tim a te d at 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 . O th e r presenting sponsors include Spirit M ountain C asino, K ettle Foods, A T & T C able Services, C oldw ell Banker M ountain W est Real Estate, and A dvanced T elC om G roup, Inc. T he Salem A rt A ssociation (SA A ) jç is one o f the largest non-profit com m unity arts organizations in O regon. SA A operates the Bush House, the Bush Bam Art Center, an d th e M a rjo rie T. S h erm an C om m unity C eram ics C enter, a w id e r a n g e o f a rts e d u c a tio n program s, and the annual Salem Art F air and Festival. dP°r the love oi ^azz Creative Director Shaw n S tra h an 4747 N E M a rtin L u th e r K ing, J r., Blvd. P o rtlan d , O R 97211 African American Fine Arts Tour 503-288-0033 Fax 503-2884)015 e-mail: thefocus1 “’ Deadlines for submitted material: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon Focus w elcom es freelance subm issions. M an u scrip ts an d ph o to g rap h s can be re tu rn e d if accom panied by a self- addressed stam ped envelope. All cre ate d display ads becom e the sole p ro p erty of the new spaper an d can n o t be used in o th e r publications or p ersonal usage w ithout the w ritten consent o f th e general m anager, unless th e client has p urchased th e co m position of th e ad. 1999 The Portland Observer CONTRIBUTED STORY Y ou are invited to jo in an exciting tour event scheduled for Labor Day w eekend. An airline/hotel travel package to Los A ngeles is being o rg a n iz e d to v isit th e A frican A m e ric a n A rt M u se u m , T h e C a lif o r n ia A fric a n A m e ric a n M useum in Exposition Park, The F ow ler M useum on the UCLA Cam pus, and an u m b ero f prominent A frican A m erican galleries and A rtist’s Studios. A m ong these, the studio and gallery o f nationally k n o w n a r tis t a n d p u b lis h e r , K athleen A tkins W ilson. T he focus will be on Black Art. T his tour is planned for the Labor D ay w eekend o f Septem ber 1“, through the 4lh, 2000. T he w eekend will find the 15'h A nnual African M arketplace and C ulture Faire in full swing. We expect everyone to have a glorious, culturally fill filling and educational experience.This tour will provide a g rea t o p p o rtu n ity to m eet and interact w ith several prom inent A fric a n A m e ric a n a rtis ts an d publishersofFine Art prints. Among these w ill be C harles A. Bibbs, one o f the m ost successful and prolific producers o f collectible prints in the country. Mr. Bibbs has ag reed to m ake a presentation to the tour group. A reception and Mr. B ibbs’ presentation will be held at G allery Plus in the Liem ert Park area. The purpose o f this tour is to w iden the audience fo rth e fin e a rtsin general and for African American art in particular. A short w alking tour o f the Liem ert Park area, w hich includes several g a lle r ie s a n d a r tis t studios, ethnic shops and restaurants are included though optional. This event is sponsored by Regional Artist Market o f P o rtla n d , O re g o n . P ro m o tio n a l m a te ria l p ro d u ce d by G ra p h ix 2000 Inc. o f Portland T he A frican A m erican Fine Arts Tour package includes airfare, hotel and reception for the cost o f $395. 89.1 T h u r s d a y , J u n e 22 • No C< G y m d o o rs 6:30pm • Show 7pm B lu es, R & B a n d F u n k w ith O ce an 503 S h o e h o rn a n d K e n ik e s W a h in e s M cM en a m in s K e n n e d y S c h o o l 5736 NE 33rd • P ortlan d , Oregon • (503) 249-3983 w w w .m cm enam