Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 21, 2000, Page 14, Image 14

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    June 21, 2000
Page B8
(Elje ^ la rtla n b © heeruer
Domestic violence survivors break
ground for new Raphael House Shelter
Dr. A. Lee Henderson Retirement Event
Celebration Set for First A .M .E . Church
Dr. A. Lee Henderson
Bishop Philip R. Cousin
Bishop H. Brookins
S u rv iv o r s o f d o m e s tic a b u s e
p erfom iedacerem onialtreeplanting
to launch the renovation o fa new and
larger shelter for Raphael House, an
em ergency shelter for victim s o f
dom estic violence.
B ecause o f the shelter resid en ts’
safety and security concerns, the
shelter’s new location is confidential.
Participants w ere joined by other
survivors o f dom estic abuse, the
Raphael House Board o f Directors,
the Capital Cam paign Leadership
Council, m ajor funders and Raphael
House start'. The event was held under
sunny skies and am idst the perfum e
o f roses in the am phitheater o f the
W ashington Park Rose G ardens in
“For the first tim e 1 was able to go to
sleep w ithout feeling afraid for my
daughter or m y self thanks to the
people at Raphael House,” said Doll
F aller, a su rv iv o r o f ab u se and
volunteer at the shelter. “T hey taught
m e that I am brave and that I d id n ’t
deserve to be abused.”
Fellow survivors M arie M asterson
and Barbara N elson joined Faller as
they broke ground and planted a
Japanese M aple sapling. T he m aple
will be planted in the courtyard o f the
new shelter when it is opened this fal 1.
“We are honored that these w om en
are participating w ith us today,” said
M ark Story, executive director o f
Raphael House. “Speaking out about
their abuse is an act o f trem endous
T he new R aphael H ouse H edco
Or. Cecil L. Murray
Dr. A. Lee Henderson, Publisher, President, and Secretary Treasurer of the African Methodist
Episcopal Church Sunday School Union will be honored with a Retirement Celebration Event for his
half-century service in Christian ministry on June 25 at 4:00 p.m. at First A.M.E. Church in Los
Bishop Hamel Hartford Brookins, Presiding Prelate of the Thirteenth Episcopal District of the
A.M.E. Church will be the dynamic keynote speaker, announced Dr. Cecil L. Murray, pastor of
F.A.M.E. and pastoral host for the event. A retinue of family, friends, associates, and dignitaries will
honor Henderson who has contributed to church history by bridging the old traditional publishing
venues from hands-on printing presses to current computer and digital equipment. He pioneered new
avenues of products, catalogs, and their distribution with modem innovations which he designed and
implemented to assure AMEC Publishing a safe transit into a new technological and productive future
beyond the year 2000.
“Time is of the essence, but Time is also flexible. Bend it to take a few precious moments to send
your personal testimonials which shall be bound into a memory book," Reverend Dr. Murray noted.
He called the A. Lee Henderson Retirement Event “a Godspeed Gala!”
A Souvenir Journal is being planned under the auspices of Barbara Holmes at the F.A.M.E. church
office (323) 735-1251. an special travel arrangements can be facilitated for the spirit-filled church ser­
vices. The festive event and grand reception to fete A. Lee Henderson, guest of honor, commemorates
his fifty years of Christian ministry with 34 years in the pastoral ministry , and 16 years as the A.M.E.
Church’s elected Publisher, national and international scope.
General Chair for the event is Barbara Holmes with Margaret Goldman and Eula Germany serving
as Co-Chairs, and Mary Roseburr as Project Chair.
Among the many landmark achievements Dr. Henderson contributed to AMEC Publishing was his
founding of the A.M.E. Registry Select, the launching of the AMEC Bicentennial Hymnal. Your
Church and You. PsychoSpiritual Power = PSP. and The Communicator Magazine, for which he won
an international award from the Pew and Rockefeller Foundation. A popular author of many books,
Dr. A. Lee Henderson’s most recent ‘Retro Racism " gained widespread recognition including a per­
sonal endorsement by San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.
Henderson, a civic leader in the San Fernando Valley, California, during the civil rights struggle,
positions himself on the cutting edge of minority advancement. He served as consultant to Governor
Tom McCall’s office in Oregon and received the Russell Peyton Award for
humanitarianism and community contributions. As an independent black
publisher he was recognized for his news weekly The Portland Observer.
He has also served abroad in Frankfurt, Germany at the World Book Fair
where he was elected vice-president of its International Publishers'
Married to Bobbye Henderson, Henderson is the father to Alisha Cheri and
Rosalyn Henderson-Turner and step-father to Sandra R. Traylor, Vickie
Atkinson, Alisa F. Taylor, and Theodore R. Atkinson, Jr.
Bobbye J. Henderson
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Carpef &■ Ulphos+ery cleaning
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Dynamic, Versatile Motivational & Inspirational Speaker, will becoming
to Portland, O regon on June 29, from 7-1 Opm at the Lutheran Ministries
C enter on M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
N ationally know as the “Dean o f Street Psychology.” He is a Certified
V iolence Prevention Specialist, Chem ical Dependency Counselor,
A uthor, R esearcher, M otivator and High School football and track
W idely recognized as an out-of-the-box educator. Coach Powell has
distinguished him self as a Com m unity educator, W orkshop presenter,
and K eynote speaker.
Book signing o fC o a c h ’s books, I’m T alking to You, Not Your Cousin,
Straight Talk for T oday’s Youth, and “M essage In A Bottle, The 40oz
Scandal V olum e 1 and 2” will follow his presentation.
W e invite you to com e out and hear this dynam ic speaker who will
inspire you, your children, and the entire com m unity to reach for a higher
level o f achievem ent. L et’s make the year 2000 the year for winning the
battle for our children’s survival.
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Hot dogs
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1 H allw ay Plus Sofa, Loveseat and/or C hair Cleaned
The place for cards, gifts and baskets
Must stay for speaker
food and for prizes
Kory Benjamin
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128 N.E. Russell • 288-0033
Summer Cleanup
2 Areas Or More
Three point shootout!
by Grace
Collins ctr.
Led by Bill G ates’ father, W illiam H.
G ates, Sr., and Patty Stonesifer, the
S eattle-based F oundation has an
asset base o f approxim ately $21.8
Preventing deadly diseases am ong
poor children by expanding access to
vaccines, and developing vaccines
ag a in st m alaria, H IV /A ID S and
tuberculosis, are central priorities.
Other major efforts include extending
u n p rec ed en ted o p p o rtu n itie s for
learning by bringing com puters with
Internet access to every eligible public
library in the U.S. and Canada, and
p r o v id in g
s c h o la r s h ip s
a c a d e m ic a lly ta le n te d m in o rity
students in the U.S. w ith severe
financial need through the Gates
M ille n n iu m S c h o la rs P ro g ra m
(w w w .g m sn .o rg ). F o r c o m p le te
information and grant guidelines, visit
w w w .gatesfoundation.org.
(Ebe JJoi’tlntth ©hsrrtu'r
W hat Y ou N eed to K now
Alfred “Coach” Powell
Frankie Lee A nderson was bom on January 13,1908, to Bryant and M ary Ann
Spikes in Silsbee Texas. She was one o f 5 children. She was raised and educated
in Silsbee Texas.
Later she m et and m arried Will A nderson on July 2 1,1925 in N ew ton Texas.
Out o f that union she brought forth 13 children, 5 sons and 8 daughters.
They m oved to A rizona where Wi 11 Jr. and Bessie M ae were bom . Later they
m oved to LaGrange, Oregon w here she attend Boyd M emorial Baptist church
under the late Rev. D.D. Banks. There she bore several more children; Helen
Lorraine, Mayola, Leslie Williams, Gladys, Floyd Harry, Robert jr„ Mildred Lee,
Joyce M arie, Janet Lee, Lucilla Jean & Dickie Ervin.
She w as proceeded on death by her late husband W ill Anderson, 10 children,
9 grandchildren & 9 great grandchildren.
She leaves to m ourn her sister N ina H oward o f Texas, 3 daughters G ladys
Jackson o f W alla Walla, Janet Lee Dobson, Lucilla A nderson-M azique& son-
in-law Freddie Mazique, ofPortland. 49 grandchildren 109 great grandchildren,
and 11 great-great grandchildren and 12 nieces and nephews.
B-Balls & CD’s
Boys 8-16
Shelter is expected to be com pleted in
six m onths and will allow the agency
to care for 210 m ore w om en and
children each year, a 60 percent
increase over the current shelter’s
M ajor support for the project has
com e from The Hedco Foundation
(O akland,C alif.), the Bill & M elinda
G ates Foundation, M eyer M emorial
Trust, Spirit M ountain Com m unity
Fund, M J. Murdock Charitable Trust,
C o llin s F o u n d a tio n , O re g o n
C om m unity Foundation and U.S.
Bank. Providence H ealth System s
donated the building.
Significant in-kind contribution for
renovation com es from the O regon
C h a p te r o f N A IO P ( N a tio n a l
A ssociation o f Industrial and O ffice
Properties). The Bill & M elinda Gates
Foundation is dedicated to improving
people’s lives by sharing advances
in health and learning with the global