Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 21, 2000, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page B6
June 21, 2000
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Advertisement For Bids
2000/2001 Overlap Project No. 502002
Neighborhood Traffic Calming Projects No. 503600
Buxton Hall Renovations Project
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon
Sealed bids forthe 2000/2001 Overlay, Project No. 502002, and neighborhood
Traffic Calming Projects, Project No. 503600wi 11 be received by the Department
ofEnvironm ental S en ices at Gresham City Hall, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway,
Gresham, Oregon 97030, until Thursday, Ju n e29,2000,10:00a.m. local time.
The bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 p.m., June 29, in Conference Room
M cK enzieCom m ercial Contractors, Inc., acting as Construction M anager/
General Contractor (CM 'G C) for the Oregon State Board ofH igher Education,
will receive subcontractorbids forthe Buxton Hall Renovations Project, Bid
Package A, as follows:
Project Description:
Briefly, the work o f Bid Package A consists ofselecti ve demolition, structural
concrete and shotcrete, m asonry, structural steel, and m echanical and
electrical dem olition w ork as the first phase o f a com prehensive remodel ing
an seismic, m echanical, electrical reconstruction o f an existing 5-story
dorm itory building located on the O regon State U niversity Cam pus in
Corvallis, Oregon. The packages being bid at this tim e are:
Bid Package A -1 - Selective Dem olition
Bid Package A-2- M echanical D em olition
Bid Package A-3- Electrical Dem olition
Bid Package A -4- Foundations and C oncrete
Bid Package A-5- M asonry
Bid Package A-6a- Structural Steel (Fabrication)
Bid Package A-6b- Structural Steel (Erection)
Bid Receipt
Sealed bids will be received by the Construction M anager/G eneral
ContractorCM/GC until 4:00 p.m., local time, July 11,2000, at OSU Facilities
Services, 100 Adams Hall, Klam ath Room, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 -2001.
Bids for Packages A-2. A-3, and A -5 only, at B idder’s option, be faxed in
accordance w ith the Bidding Requirem ents to 541 -343-3306. All bids shall
be clearly marked with the project nam e "Buxton Hall Renovations” as wel 1
as the name and num ber o f the individual bid package(s) for w hich the bids
is submitted. M cK enzie C om m ercial reserves the right to subm it Bids on
Packages A - 1, A-4. and A-6.
Prebid M eeting:
An exam ination o f the site and conditions for interested bidders will be
conducted at 9:00 a.m., local time, June 30,2000. Bidders shall meet with the
C M /G C ’s representative at the C ascade Hall C onference Room on the
Oregon State U niversity Cam pus. A ttendance is m andatory for Bidders o f
the follow ing Bid Packages: A -l, A -2, A-3, and A-4. Bids subm itted for
these Bid Packages from Bidders not in attendance will not be considered
or read.
Bidding Docum ents:
Bidding D ocum ents, consisting o f plans, specifications, and bidding
requirem ents, m ay be exam ined at the follow ing locations: M cK enzie
Com mercial, Eugene, Oregon; Eugene Builders Exchange, Eugene, Oregon;
C onstruction D ata Plan C enter, Portland, O regon; Salem Contractors
Exchange, Salem, Oregon; Daily Journal o f Commerce Plan Center, Portland,
Oregon; Oregon Contractor Plan Center, Clackamas, Oregon; and Willamette
V alley Bid C enter, T angent, O regon. Bona fide bidders may check out sets
o f Biddin g D ocum ents from the CM /G C for 24-hour use by paying a $50.00
deposit, subject to availability. All other Bidders may obtain sets from the
C M /G C for the cost o f reproduction, w hich is not refundable.
Prequalification Requirements:
Prequalification o f Bidders is not required forth e work o f Bid Package A.
A pparent low bidders on Bid Packages A -1 and A-2 m ust be prepared to
subm it, upon request and w ithin 72 hours, their qualifications for approval
in accordance with the qualification requirem ents stated in the Instructions
to Bidders included in the Bidding Documents.
C ontract Requirem ents:
A ll bidders m ust com ply with the requirem ents o f ORS C hapter 279
regarding the paym ent o f prevailing w age rates, and m ust be registered with
the Oregon C onstruction Contractors Board (CCB ) at the tim e o f bid
subm ission. No bid will be considered unless subm itted on the required
form and fully com pleted in the m anner provided in the Bidding Documents.
M inority and W om en- O w ned Business Enterprise and Emerging Small
Business Participation:
M cKenzie Com m ercial is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and encourages
participation from M inority- and W om en-O w ned Business Enterprises
(M /W B E )and Em erging Small B usinesses (ESB ) as prim e or subcontract
bidders. Bidders are encouraged to solicit bids from qualified M/W BE and
ESB contracting may be directed to L onny K ing at 541 -343-7143.
M cK enzieC om m ercial Contractors, Inc.
By: Lonny C. K ing, V ice-President
The character o f the work is asphalt overlay and neighborhood traffic
calm ing. T he m ajor quantities involved are:
M easurem ent
Q uantity
C lass “C ” A sphalt
G eotextile
Cold Plane Removal
12” Therm al Plastic
Pavem ent M arking
2 2 ’ Speed Hump
14’ Speed Hump
Q uestions concerning this project should be addressed to Don Bilyeu,
Engineering Technician, (503) 618-2630. The Project M anager is Jay McCoy,
Plans and specifications may be review ed at the office o f the Department
ofEnvironm ental Services at the Gresham City Hall. Copies may be obtained
from the D epartm ent ofEnvironm ental Services by paying a non-refundable
fee o f $25 for each set o f plans and specifications requested. If ordered by
mail, add a $5 processing and m ailing charge. Prior to obtaining plans and
specifications, contractors m ust have purchased the current City o f Gresham
Public W orks Standards (July 20, 1993), as show n by the records o f the
D epartm ent ofE nvironm ental Services.
Bidders m ust prequalify with the C ity o f Gresham before J une 29,2000, for
asphalt paving and related w ork.
This project is for a public w ork and is subject to ORS 279.348 to 279.380,
the O regon Prevailing W age Law.
All proposals m ust be subm itted on the form s furnished by the City o f
G resham , m ailed ordelivered to the Department ofEnvironm ental Services,
C ity o f G resham , in a sealed envelope plainly marked, “Sealed Bid for the
2000/2001 O verlay, Project No. 502002, and the N eighborhood Traffic
C alm ing Projects, Project No. 503600. bearing the nam e and address o f the
bidder. Each m ust be accom panied by a certified check, cash ier’s check or
bid bond in an am ount not less than ten percent (10% ) o f the total bid.
By O rder o f C ity Council
1333 N W Eastm an Parkway
Gresham , O regon 97030
transportation planning in the area.
In the event a hearing is held, Tri-M et will afford opportunity for
interested persons or agencies to be heard w ith respect to the social,
econom ic, and environm ental aspects o f the projects.
A person requesting a sign language interpreter shall gi ve Tri-M et at least
48 hours notice o f the request by contacting T ri-M et at 962-4831 or TDD
962-5811, M onday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 pm.
If any interested person requires inform ation regarding the grant or Tri-
M et’s transit developm ent plan they m ay contact T ri-M et’s Finance
A dministrator by telephone at (503)962-5850 or in writing at 4012 S.E. 17'*’
A venue, Portland, O R 97202.
Bruce H arder
Executive D irector
Finance & A dm inistration
Tri-M et
Eugene, Oregon
AIP NO. 3-414)018-27
A IP NO. 3-41-0018-26
P ro je c t No. 3884
Sealed bids for the construction o f the W ildlife Fencing at the Eugene
Airport, City Job No. 3884 will received at City o f Eugene, Public Works
Engineering Division, 244 E. Broadw ay, Eugene, Oregon 97401 until
10:00 A M , prevailing local time, on T h u rsd a y , Ju ly 13,2000. The First-
T ier Subcontractor D isclosure Statem ent is due by 2:00 PM , prevailing
local time, on T h u rsd ay , Ju ly 13,2000. Bids and First-Tier Subcontractor
D isclosure Statem ents will be publicly opened and read aloud by the
undersigned or his designated representative at 2:00 PM , prevailing
local time.
D escription: W ork contem plated consists of, but is not limited to,
relocation o f 1,850 lineal feet o f existing 8 foot high security fence and
2,100 lineal feet o f extending existi ng 6 foot to 8 foot high security fence,
all new fabric will be required. In addition approxim ately 3 new gates are
to be constructed and 6 existing gates to be ex tended from 6 foot to 8
foot in height. T he project is located at the Eugene A irport in Eugene,
C onstruction Docum ents: Drawing and Specifications, including
B idding D ocum ents and A greem ent m ay be exam ined at the following
Eugene B uilders Exchange, Eugene, O R, 541 -484-5331;
C onstruction D ata and N ew s W estside Plan Center, Portland, OR, 503-
Daily Journal ofC om m erce Plan Center, Portland, OR, 503-274-0624;
O regon C ontractor Plan Center, Clackamas, O R 503-650-0148;
Construction M arket Data, Portland, O R, 503-225-1857;
Central Oregon B uilder’s Exchange, Bend, O R, 541 -389-0123.
W ilam ette V alley Bid Center, Tangent, O R, 541 -928-5159
Prim Bidders may obtain bidding docum ents by phone or in person from
the C ity o f Eugene upon paym ent o f a non-refundable fee o f $20.00.
Sealed bids for the construction o f the W ildlife Service Road at the Eugene
Airport, City Job No. 3885 will be received at City o f Eugene, Public Works
Engineering Division, 244 E. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon 97401 until 10:00
A M , prevailing local tim e, on Thursday, July 13, 2000. The First-Tier
Subcontractor D isclosure Statem ent is due by 2:00 PM, prevailing local
tim e, on T hursday, July 13, 2000. Bids and First-Tier Subcontractor
D isclosure Statem ents w ill be publicly opened and read aloud by the
undersigned or his designated representative at 2:00 PM, prevailing local
D escription: W ork contem plated consists of, but is not lim ited to,
constructing 2300 lineal feet o f 12 foot w ide gravel service road. T he road
shall be 1 -foot in depth, be constructed o f crushed quarry rock, and have
a geotextile fabric placed under it. In addition, 50 lineal feet o f 12 inch
concrete culvert pipe will be installed. T he project is located at the Eugene
A irport in Eugene, O regon.
Construction Documents: Drawings and Specifications, including Bidding
D ocum ents and A greem ent m ay be exam ined at the follow ing locations:
Eugene Builders Exchange, Eugene, OR, 541 -484-5331;
C onstruction Data and N ew s W estside Plan Center, Portland, O R, 503-
Daily Journal ofC om m erce Plan Center, Portland, OR, 503-274-0624;
Oregon C ontractor Plan Center, Clackam as, O R 503-650-0148;
C onstruction M arket Data, Portland, O R 503-225-1857;
Central Oregon B uilder’s Exchange, Bend, OR, 541 -389-0123;
W illam ette V alley Bid Center, Tangent, O R, 541 -928-5159.
Prim e Bidders may obtain bidding docum ents by phone or in person from
the C ity o f Eugene upon paym ent o f a non-refundable fee o f $20.00.
Memorial Union Renovation, Phase 3
Request for Proposals
A dvertisement for B ids
he Rock Creek W ater D istrict in Grand Ronde, Oregon is soliciting bids
ir the construction o f a private w ater storage facility, distribution system,
id package treatm ent plant. Sealed bids will be received no later than 5 :00
n , July 7,2000 (postm arks not accepted). Deliver bidstoeither: Otak, Inc.,
73 5 5 S W Boones Ferry Road, Lake O sw ego, O R 97035 or the Rock Creek
/ater D istrict, 8330 King Road, G rand Ronde, O R 97347
he nature o f the w ork is as follows: site developm ent for the storage tank
id treatm ent facility. The installation o f approxim ately 24,000 linear teet
f4-inch and 6-inch PVC and ductile iron pipe. Install approxim ately 100
srvice connections. C onstruction o f a 200,000 gallon glasslined bolted
eel storage tank and a shelter for, and installation o t a packaged w ater
eatm ent facility. A lso included in the project is the dem olition ol the
listin g w ater treatm ent facility. A lso included in the project is the
O SU to do so.
em olition o f the existing w ater treatm ent facility.
'opies o f the bid package and plans m ay be obtained at the offices o f Otak,
ic„ 17355 SW Boones Ferry Road, LakeO sw ego,O R97035, (503)699-2442
r the office o f the Rock C reek W ater District, 8330 King Road, Grand
onriA o r 07147 15031879-5044. The Dlans and specification will be sold
for $100.00 per copy.
To have questions responded to, contact Stephen Blanton (503)699-2448
If subsidized units are not available at this tim e, qualified applicants
m ay be placed on W aiting Lists.
G uardian M anagem ent Corporation is com m itted to
" tq u a l H ousing o pportu n ity
Friday, June 23,2000.
T he Proposed program o f projects includes:
A pproxim ately 5 40-Ft Buses $1,392,568
Spare Parts
Fare E quipm ent
Project A dm inistration
$1,425,000 $1,588,098 89.73%
Total G rant A pplication
All projects have been selected through T ri-M et’s planning process,
w hich incorporates public involvem ent, and are program m ed in the
M etropolitan and State T ransportation Im provem ent Programs. No
persons, fam ilies, orbusinesses will be displaced by the projects. Projects
described above are in conform ance w ith com prehensive land use and
Eugene, Oregon
O regon State Uni versity is seeking qualifications from engineering firms
interested in providing com m issioning services for the OSU Dixon
R ecreation C enter A ddition, O regon State U niversity (OSU ) is preparing
to renovate approxim ately 8,000 square feet and add 68,000 square feet to
the existing student recreation facility on the OSU Campus. The new space
will accom m odate 3 basketball courts, an elevated running track,
m ultipurpose room s, w eight lifting rooms, a new clim bing w all and an
outdoor recreational equipm ent rental area. T he C enter will have an
integrated heating, ventilation and air conditioning (H V A C) system
controlled by an energy m anagem ent system (EM S). The facility will be
occupied and operating throughout the construction and com m issioning.
The qualification responses will be used to develop a “short list o f three
to five firm s w ho w ill be invited to participate in an interview .
Interested firms should contact Larry Earhart, Project M anager, OSU
Facilities Services, 100 A dam s Hall, Corvallis, O regon 97331 -2001, or at
FAX (541) 737-3724, to obtain a copy o f the Request for Qualifications
(RFQ). Responses to the REQ will be due by 5PM, Thursday, July 13,2000.
No responses will be accepted after the specified date and time. Responses
m ay be rejected for non-com pliance with all response requirem ents and
procedures, or for good cause upon a finding that it is in the interest o f
N otice is hereby given that a public hearing, if so requested by any
in terested person, w ill be held by the T ri-C o u n ty M etropolitan
T ransportation D istrict o f O regon (Tri-M et) in Room C o f the Portland
Building, 1120 S.W . Fifth A venue, Portland at 9:00 AM on W ednesday,
June 28,2000. T he purpose o f this hearing is to consider projects for with
federal FY00 Congestion M itigation Air Q uality (CM AQ) funds from the
Federal T ransit A dm inistration is being sought for T ri-M et’s on-going
capital program . Persons requesting that this hearing be convened
should contact T ri-M et’s Finance A dm inistrator by telephone at (503)
962-5850, or in w riting at 4012 S.E. 17rh A venue, Portland, OR, 97202 by
Orchards Plaza Apartments
1310 NE 27*. St.
dcMinnville, Oregon 97128
Notice O f Opportunity For
Public Hearing
at O tak, Inc.
The W ater District reserves the right to reject Bids if they do not com ply
with all prescribed public procurem ent procedures and requirem ents.
T he Bid m ust include a statem ent indicating w hether the Bidder is a
“ R esident Bidder” . As defined O RS 279.029
N o bid for a construction contractor shall be received or considered by
the W ater District unless the Bidder is registered with the C onstruction
I a i u m iQ iK in
C o n tracto r’s Board, as required by O RS 701.035
O regon State University (O SU ) is preparing to develop Phase 3 o f a three-
stage project to renovate the M em orial Union Building on the OSU
Cam pus. This phase involves approxim ately 2 1 ,7 2 5 sq. ft. o f floor area
w ithin the building and includes updating the b u ilding’s infrastructure,
com pletion o f rem aining A DA upgrades, com pletion o f rem aining life
safety issues, and com pletion o f renovation o f the ballroom and six
restroom s.
T his R equest for Proposal is the first step in a tw o-step process to obtain
a design consultant to accom plish the design o f this project. The first step
will result in developm ent o fa short-list o f consultants, who will be invited
to interview as the second step. The result o f those interview s will be the
selection o f a firm to accom plish the design.
O SU is seeking a professional design team headed by an Architectural
firm experienced in H igher Education work. The team should include
m em bers experienced in collegiate design, w orking with other qualified
consultants to com plete the goals o f this project.
Prim ary Architectural Firm s interested in assem bling a design team
should respond in w riting no later than 5:00 PM, Thursday, July 6,2000.
Mail your request for inform ation to Lori Fulton, Capital Construction
Project M anager, O regon State U niversity, 100 A dam s Hall, Corvallis,
O regon 97331-2001. Fax requests will be accepted at (541) 737-3724.
Witnesses Needed:
If you w itnessed protestors being shot by
Portland city police betw een 8:15 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on A ugust 17,1998 in
the area o f NF. M artin Luther King Boulevard and Prescott Street, please
contact Stephens & Russell law office at(503)282-7999. V ideo especially