Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 21, 2000, Page 11, Image 11

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    21, 2000
Employm ent
Retail 255
Customer Service
Retail Services Representative
Sportswear Company®
Are you seeking to be a part o f an
in te rn a tio n a lly
re c o g n iz e d
m anufacture? H ave you alw ays
wanted to work in retail from “behind
the scenes?” Does work with upbeat,
friendly people that hike, bike,
snowboard ski and fish in their free
time make you want to sign up right
now? If your answer is YES read on -
there’s more!
Columbia Sportswear Company, is
currently seeking a Retail Services
Representative to work in our fast
paced and friendly retail Services
Q u a lifie d can d id a te s in th is
SUPPORT position will manage retail
services. Duties include maintaining
and updating a database o f retail
services for our major accounts and
coordinating im plem entation o f
services before product shipment.
Potential Columbia team members
will possess an Associates Degree,
or equivalent experience, and a
minimum o f 1 + year experience in
business environment, preferably in
customer serviceorrelated field. Must
p o ssess abo v e a v erag e verbal,
written and computer skills. Superior
organizational skills, good follow
through and sense o f urgency.
O ur benefit package includes,
employee stock purchase plan, 28
paid days o ff per year, a bonus
program, Medical/Dental,401 (K), and
a discount on employee product so
you look great while enjoying the
a ctiv e lifesty le o f a C olum bia
Sportswear employee!
Please forward resume to Columbia
S p o rtsw e a r C o m p an y , H um an
Resources, Dept. RSR, PO BOX 83239.
Portland OR 97283, or FAX to: (503)
7 3 5 -4 5 9 7 . E qual O p p o rtu n ity
Retail 255
Flagship Retail Store:
Page B5
(Tip? yortlanb ffibeeruer
June 26“ ,
6:00 PM
Thinking of a career
in Auto Sales?
This is your chance to be
informed about every' aspect
o f professional auto sales
without applying fo r a job!
Bring your questions and get
straight answers from Mike
Lang, one o f the most
experienced professionals in
the Northwest!
This is a free seminar and
there is Nothing to buy or
sign up for, but seating
is limited. Call Tammy fo r
reservations, 722-4927, Mon.
June 26,h, or Tues. June 27>k,
______ 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Anyone interested in a
career change.
Anyone considering auto
Experienced auto
salespeople who desire to J
explore the options
Someone who wants
more than a job.
19375 SE McLoughlin Blvd.
Sponsored by the most
respected dealer group in
Equal Opportunity Employer
General 235
Sportswear Company®
Full And Part Time Sales Associates
Are you seeking to be a part o f an
internationally recognized apparel
manufacture? Does working with
upbeat, friendly people that hike, bike,
snowboard, ski, and fish in their free
time make you want to sign up right
now? Ifyour answer is YES read on -
there’s more!
Columbia Sportswear is currently
seeking Sales Associates to fill full
time and part time shifts at our
downtown Flagship Store. As Sales
Associates, you will be responsible
for selling, stocking, cashiering, sales
and providing sales assistance and
service to the greatest people in the
w orld.. .ourcustomers.
You must be self-motivated, willing
to work flexible hours, and have
previous apparel sales experience
along with the ability to provide a
very high level o f customer service.
Please apply in person at the store or
forward your resume, salary history
and c o v e r le tte r to: H um an
Resources, Dept. FLSA, Columbia
Sportswear PO Box 83239 Portland
OR97283-0239, or FAX to: (503) 735-
4597. Equal Opportunity Employer.
Stop Gun Violence
G ather v o te r vignaturcv to
re q u ire ba<kqround thecks
at gun shows Part- tim e / lull
tim e, >15- >70/ hour paid per
signature, w eekly pay
Call Mutual Aid: 50) 2)6 7208.
Advertise in
The Portland Observer
Call 288-0033
How much money can 1
Can I sell part time?
Can I be honest and still
Must I work weekends?
Do I earn a salary or
commissions or both?
W hat’s the difference in
W hat’s the future?
Is there job security?
How do I select a good
No experience necessary.
The Multnomah County Health
Department is currently recruiting
for the following positions:
Health ServicesSpecialist(HIV
Services Planning Council)
P ro gram
D evelopm ent
Technician - (Business Services)
Program Development Specialist
Pharmacy T echnician
Senior Fiscal Specialist
Medical Records Technician
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse
Practitioner(Mid-Level Provider)
Application materials and formal job
announcements are available at:
www.co.tnultnomah.or.us/jobs/. In
person or by mailing a self-addressed
stam ped en v elo p e re q u e stin g
application forms to: Multnomah
County Human Resources Division,
1120 SW 5th Avenue, First Floor
Lobby, POBox 14700. Portland OR,
97293-0700. A ssisted access to
Multnomah Countyjob information
and w eb site is a v a ila b le at
Multhomah Libraries.
M ultnom ah C ounty H ealth
Department is actively recruiting
persons from various ethnic and
cultural backgrounds to enhance
service to our diverse communities.
B ilin g u a l/b ic u ltu ra l
can d id a te s
e n co u rag ed
apply. An Equal
O p p o rtu n ity
General 235
G ro u n d sk eep er at Catlin Gabel
School. Landscape & horticulture
maintenance on 52 acre campus. Bus
driving secondary focus. Opportunity
to earn CDL Full-time with benefits.
To review job description, download
an application see www.catlin.edu or
call 203-5107.
Career Opportunities
/ n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide, competitive salaries
and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the following agencies:
Fiscal Coordinator 2
Crime Victim Fiscal Coordinator
Permanent, full-time position as Crime Victim Fiscal Coordinator in Salem. Position provides
accounting and reporting oversight to the Crime Victims Assistance Section of the Criminal Justice
Division: coordinates federal and state grant activities, prepares and monitors program budget
ensures compliance with state and federal policies. Requires 16 semester hours of Accounting
Information about career opportunities with the Port
of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline
at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may
call FDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available
by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port’s
office, located at 121 NW Everett St, Portland. Office
hours are Monday through Friday, Sam to 12pm ar J
lpm to 5pm. You may also apply online at our
website, www.portofportlandor.com
coursework and three years' accounting experience or a CPA or PA Certificate and three years'
accounting experience. Salary is $ 2 ,9 9 4 to $ 4 ,1 7 7 monthly. Obtain Announcement #LE 000335A
and S tate of Oregon application from local Employment Department office or call DOJ Job line
( 5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -5 5 5 5 x 3 2 2 , (TTY ( 5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -5 9 3 8 for th e hearing im paired), o r visit
The Port of Portland is an
Equal Opportunity Employer
www.oregonjobs.org. AA/EOE. Closing date is June 2 6 , 2 0 0 0 .
• Southern Regional Representative - Central Point
• Urban Planner/Reglonal Representative - Portland
Both positions represent the departm ent and provide planning assistance to local governments in
their respected field areas. Depending upon the skills and experience, persons in these positions
may act as a departm ent specialist in one or more issue areas related to the statewide planning
goals Announcement « £ 0 0 0 7 9 5 . C ontact any State Employment Office, the S tate Employment
W eb
www.oregonjobs.org, or DLCD at (5 0 3 )
3 7 3 -0 0 5 0
to obtain
a recruiting
Where you put your energy
can make a difference.
announcement and application. Application deadline is July 10, 2 0 0 0 unless extended to receive
sufficient applications.
Principal Executive/Manager H
The State of Oregon is seeking a highly skilled leader to serve as Director of the Division of State
Lands. The agency and position Is located in Salem, Oregon and manages a legislatively adopted
biennial budget of $ 1 3 .5 million. DSL staff currently consists of just over 7 5 employees in
professional, management, technical and clerical support positions. The Director is responsible for
NW N a t u r a l”
overseeing ail functions of the Division of State Lands under the policy guidance of the State Land
Board. For a com plete description of major duties and qualifications, please go to
www.oregonjobs.org and refer to Annual Salary $ 6 2 ,8 2 0 to $ 9 2 ,8 3 2 , plus excellent benefits.
Announcement # E S 1 4 1 0 0 1 . To apply, interested candidates must submit: a cover letter, limited
to no more than tw o pages clearly describing how your experience and ed'icatlon qualifies you
for this position, and an explanation of why you are Interested In the position: a completed
Info rm ation
(availab le
w ith
announcem ent
www.oregonjobs.org): a current resum e d ea rly demonstrating how you m eet the qualifications
for the position; list of references Including at least tw o in each of the following categories:
supervisory, peer, subordinate, and professional.
M all or deliver your com pleted applications m aterials to:
Frank Garcia, Jr., Recruitm ent Services Departm ent of Administrative Services
1 5 5 C ottage S treet, NE, Salem, Oregon, 9 7 3 1 0
• Phone: ( 5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -3 0 4 0
• FAX your application m aterials to: (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -5 7 3 1
• E-mail your application m aterials directly to:
Please include in the subject line: Executive Director, Division of State Lands. The State o, Oregon
is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Screening may begin as soon as July 7, 2 0 0 0 .
J Z h e s e a r e Just a fe w o f t h e c u r r e n t Job o p e n in g s a v a ila b le w it h th e S t a t e of
O re g o n . A m o re c o m p le te a n n o u n c e m e n t lis tin g , a p p lic a tio n fo rm s , an d a d d itio n a l
Job in fo rm a tio n a r e a v a ila b le a t: a ) lo c a l E m p lo y m e n t D e p a r tm e n t fie ld o ffic e s , o r b)
t h e O re g o n Jobs p a g e a t: w w w .o re g o n jo b s .o rg . T h e S t a t e o f O re g o n a n d a ll Its
d iv is io n s a r e p ro u d t o b e e q u a l o p p o r tu n ity e m p lo y e rs .
LOOK Want A House!!!
$0 Down
$0 Closing
Let us show you how!
Bad Credit
All OK
NW Natural ( formerly NW Natural Gas) is recruiting fora Market Research
Analyst that will support company-wide market intelligence collection
and activities, including, but not limited to, customer satisfaction data,
marketing and geographic information, market planning and segmentation,
stand-alone-market research and tracking studies and gas load research.
Position requires knowledge o f marketing concepts, theories and
approaches, including customer-driven data analysis, marketing plans,
finance and economics. This knowledge may typically be acquired
through 2+ year o f market research/analysis experience and/orapplicable
college-level training/degree with a marketing/economics or statistical
emphasis. Advanced computer/PC skill; primarily spreadsheet, data base
and graphics applications are essential. Demonstrated skill and ability to
produce effective written communication, including report writing and
statistical documentation fora variety o f user groups areamust. Knowledge
o f natural gas equipment and its applications, supply conditions,
competitive advantages and availability is preferred. Applicant must
possess/maintain a valid Oregon/Washington Driver’s License and a
satisfactory driving record.
To apply, please respond with a cover letter and resume indicating
Requisition #00167 to:
NW Natural
H R Employment - Req. #00167
220 NW Second Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97209
Ore-mail resumeto: employmentfanwnatural.com
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Drug-Free/Smoke-Free Workplace
Liz Hamilton
Majestic Mortgage
503-955-0772 Pager
503-397-9769 Home
Portland Civic Stadium Renovation
Portland, Oregon
Bid Date: June 30,2000 * 2:00 pm
Roberta RobinsonG.R.I.
Century 21 Elite
503-241-2711x141 Office
503-366-3168 Pager
503-397-5267 Home
P.O. Box 242
St. Helen, OR 97051
437N.Columbia Blvd. * Portland,OR97217
nn n i/ c
(503) 978-°800 F” t503) 978-1031
CCB #84045
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from
disadvantaged. Minority, Women, Vietnam era veterans, disabled veterans,
or emerging small business enterprises.
Steinfeld’s Products Company Is
Now Accepting Applications
For Seasonal Cannery Workers,
W arehouse Personnel, Tank
Farm, And Forklift Operators
A pplications available in the
trailer in employees parking lot
8:00 A.M.-$4:00P.M. * Monday
To Friday * June6-Sept. 15,2000
N o P rev io u s E x p e rie n c e
Positions Available:
General Cannery, Production,
Sanitation, Tank Farm, Forklift
Starting wage for general labor in
Portland w ill be $6.75 and
Scappoose Sandwich Builders
will be $7.25 and graveyard
sanitation is $7.89
Forklift drivers with minimum 3
years experience must be certi fied
by Steinfeld’s and be able to pass
a drug & alcohol screen. The pay
for Forklift Operators is $7.39.
Shifts: Days, Swing & Graveyard
Steinfeld's Products Company
Esta Aceptando Aplicaciones
Para Trabajo Temporal En Las
Plantas De
P o rtla n d y S cappoose las
aplicaciones están disponibles en
el tráiler que esta situado en el
estacionamiento de empleados de
la em presa, Ju n io 6 hasta
Septiembre 15, 2000. Lunes a
viernes de 8:00 A. M. A4:00P.M .
No es necesaria experiencia previa
Hay posiciones disponibles para
labor general en producción,
higienizacion de tanques, y para
operadoes de montacargas.
El salario inicial para labor general
en Portland es de $6.75, para la
p ro d u c c ió n de “ Sandw ich
Builders" En Scappoose es de
Tumo nocturno de higienzacion
es de $7.25
Los conductores de montacargas
deben tener mínimo 3 años de
experiencia, ser certificados por
Steinfeld’s y pasar el examen de
drogas y alcohol el salario para
esta posición es de $7.89.
Hay tumos disponibles durante el
dia y la tarde, y durante la noche en
Stienfieíd’s Products Company
10001N. Ri vergate Blvd.
Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
General Contractor Bids Due July 11, 2000 at 11:00 AM.
If interested in bidding this project, contact Carl (303)466-2075 ext. 224
1815 NW 169th Place, Suite 1060, Beaverton, OR 97006
Phone (503)466-2075 Fax: (503)466-2076
Oregon Contractor Registration #104900
Wc are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub-bids from all
IntaraaUd firms, including disadvantaged, minority, woman, disabled
veterans and emerging small business enterpnses. NOTE: OCAC requires all
Subcontractors submitting bids in excess of $60,000 to be 100% performance
and payment bondable
Sealed bids for the Duck Pond Fish Ladder project will be received by the
Oregon State Board ofHigher Education until 2:00 PM, local time, July 11,
2000. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at that time. All bidders
must be registered with the Construction Contractor’s Board.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting Facilities Services,
100 Adams Hall,Corvallis,Oregon97331-2001 ortelephone541-737-7694.
If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants
may be placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is
committed to
Equal Housing Opportunity.'
Uptown Tower,
712 S.W. St. Clair
Portland, OR 97205