June 21, 2000 —8C B4------------------------------- -------------- llorthuiò ©beeruer liu rtlan b (ftbutruer Employment Employment Employment Employment Education 227 Financial, Ins. 230 General 235 General 235 Finance A ccou n tan t/F in an cial A nalyst A ssista n t D ir e c to r o f S tu d e n t o f C o lo r R ecru itm en t T he A ssistant D irector o f Student o f C olor R ecruitm ent w ill coordinate outreach efforts to students o f color. R e s p o n s ib i liti e s in c lu d e : coordinating program s and activities that prom ote enrollm ent, especially the recruitm ent o f students o f color to P o r tla n d S ta te ; s e r v in g on u n iv e r s i ty c o m m itte e s and com m unity organizations that are relevant to the support o f students o f color; and representing Portland State U niversity on the O U S High School V isitation program , high school and community college visits, college fairs an d n ig h ts , a n d o th e r s tu d e n t r e c r u itm e n t e v e n ts . M in im u m qualifications for the position include a B achelors degree; at least three years o f successful and progressively responsible experience in student s e r v ic e s a t th e c o lle g e le v e l; e x p e rien c e effe c tiv e ly rec ru itin g students o f color; excellent w ritten and oral com m unication skills; strong in te r p e r s o n a l, p re s e n ta tio n an d o r g a n iz a ti o n a l s k il ls ; c r e a tiv e p r o b le m - s o l v in g a b ility an d c u s to m e r - s e r v ic e o r ie n ta tio n . Preferred: M aster’s degree in a related field. This position is a full-time, fixed te rm 1 2 -m o n th r e n e w a b le appointment, effective July 1, benefits package. Review o f applications will begin on June 30, 2000. T o apply: Subm it a letter o f application, resume, one-page recruitm ent plan describing your best practices for recruiting s tu d e n ts o f c o lo r , a n d th r e e professional references to: Heather G allup O ffice o f A dm issions and Records Portland State U niversity P.O .B ox 751 Portland, OR97207-0751 (503)725-3404 P o rtla n d S tate U n iv e rsity is an A f f ir m a tiv e A c tio n /E q u a l O pportunity Institution. General 235 Parking Facility Operator Im m ediate opening for full and p a rt-tim e lot atten d an ts w ith Portland’s leading parking Co. We are se e k in g d e p e n d a b le in d iv id u a ls w ith a n e a t a p p e a r a n c e a n d a p o s itiv e attitude. $7.50 + starting w age H uge overtim e potential A dvancem ent opportunities M edical, Dental, 401 k available A pplicants m ust submit to drug test and background check. A pply in person daily betw een 12-1 PM, M onday - Friday. 130 SW Stark Portland, OR General 235 R o se C ity R a d io ’s FM sta tio n is s e e k i n g A c c o u n t E x e c u t iv e s . Minimum two years media experience required. Send resume to Attn: KXJM, Sales M anager, 0234 SW Bancroft St., Portland, O R 97201. N o phone calls please. Rose City Radio is an Equal O pportunity Employer. D esign F ootw ear D esign A ssistant Columbia Sportswear Company® Columbia Sportswear Company® C o m e W o rk fo r O n e T o u g h M other... A nd Love It!!! Do you envision y o u rself in a more casual Finance departm ent? A re you longing to hang up the tie and put aw ay the suite? Does the though o f w earingjeans on a W ednesday make you w ant to kick up your heels? If so, Colum bia Sportsw ear could be the place for you! Colum bia Sportsw ear C om pany, a global lead er in th e d esig n and m a n u fa c tu re o f o u te rw e a r an d sportsw ear is currently seeking an A ccoun tan t/F in an cial A n aly st to w ork in our Finance departm ent. In this position you will be responsible for m anagem ent reporting, booking o f entries into the financial systems and reconciliation o f the balance sheet. A dditional resp o n sib ilities include financial analysis o f projects, b u d g ets and b u d g etary review s. Position w ill also be responsible for assisting w ith SEC filings. C olum bia Sportsw ear qualifies for the CPA certification program. W earing jeans on W ednesday not a p p e a lin g e n o u g h ? H o w ab o u t corporate bonuses, a stock purchase p la n , tu itio n re im b u rs e m e n t, a discount on product, and 28 PAID days o ff per year to enjoy the active lifestyle o f a Colum bia Sportsw ear em ployee! W e also offer M edical/ Dental, 401(K ), profit sharing and com pany paid life insurance. O kay, so now you ca n ’t resist! This is w hat w e’ll need from y o u ...... A Bachelors degree in A ccounting o r F in a n c e o r e q u iv a le n t w o rk experience and one to tw o years general accounting experience with thorough know ledge o f accounting p ra c tic e s and p ro c e d u re s. C PA preferred. Please send resum e to: C olum bia S p o rts w e a r C o m p a n y , H u m an Resources, Dept. ACCT, PO BOX 83239, Portland O R 97283, orFA X to: (503) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. D o y o u h a v e a b a c k g ro u n d in industrial or footw ear design? Are you seeking to begin a career in the dynam ic footw ear industry? W ould you like to be part o f a creative, talented, hum orous and hardworking group o f Footw ear designers? If so, C o lu m b ia S p o rts w e a r h a s an opportunity for you to be mentored by some o f the top footwear designers in the Pacific N orthw est preparing you for a strong career in Footw ear design. C olum bia Sportswear Com pany, a leader in the design and m anufacture o f sp o rtsw ear and o u te rw e a r is currently seeking a Footw ear Design A ssistant to w ork closely w ith the F o o tw e a r D e s ig n M a n a g e r, M e rc h a n d is e r s , an d s t a f f o n providing support for designing and m erchandising the footw ear line. C re a te a n d m a n a g e fo o tw e a r production com puter artw ork for design,. M aterials and com ponent d e v e lo p m e n t. C re a te p ro to ty p e footw ear catalog, updating as line develops and changes. General 235 C o m m u n ity C o n serv a tio n P ro ject C oordinator C om m unity Energy Project (CEP), a non profit com m unity developm ent organization is recruiting for a Project Coordinator. Responsibilities include s c h e d u lin g , o r g a n iz in g an d m o n ito rin g w a te r c o n s e rv a tio n w o rk s h o p s fo r lo w e r in c o m e residents o f Portland; recruiting and tr a in in g w o rk s h o p le a d e rs ; p e r f o rm in g e x te n s iv e o u tre a c h activities to inform Portland residents o f th is p ro g ram : m a in ta in good inventory control. R esponsibilities also include scheduling and doing follow up visits to hom es o f persons w h o a tte n d e d a w e a th e riz a tio n w orkshop for further training and to verify installation o f m aterials. O n occasion, w ork w ith volunteer team s installing energy saving m aterials in clien t’s hom es. Q ualified candidate should have good oral and w ritten com m unication skills. O ccasional evening and w eekend w ork and use ow n vehicle. T his is a full tim e position. In terested ? P lease send resum e to CEP, P.O. Box 12272, Portland 97212 or call 284-9403. Closing date June 30,2000. CEP is an Equal O pportunity Em ployer. Potential C olum bia team m em ber should possess an A ssociates degree in industrial design, or related field w ith excellent organizational skills, broad know ledge o f footw ear design an d d e v e lo p m e n t an d th o ro u g h k n o w le d g e o f g e n e ra l d e s ig n p ro ce sses from c o n c ep t to p re- p ro d u ctio n . M ust h av e w o rk in g k n o w led g e o f m aterial so u rcin g te ch n iq u es (lea th er, co m p o n en ts e tc .). P ossess th o r o u g h u n d e r s ta n d in g of fo o tw e a r c o n stru c tio n and sp e cific atio n s. Must have excellent M acintosh and PC skills, and be thoroughly fam iliar w ith sketching, colorization, and m echanical layout. O u r b e n e fits in c lu d e c o rp o ra te bonuses, a stock p urchase plan, tuition reim bursem ent, a discount on product, and 28 PAID days o ff per year to enjoy the active lifestyle o f a Colum bia Sportswear employee! We also offer M edical/D ental, 401 (K), profit sharing, and com pany paid life insurance. Please send resum e to: Colum bia S p o rts w e a r C o m p a n y , H u m an Resources, Dept. FW DA, PO Box 83239, Portland O R 97283, or Fax to: (503) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. General 235 Now Hiring C h u rch Is R ecru itin g W e are looking for people who want a great future. Enrich your own life by helping others and receive benefits o f training and counseling. Hard work, low pay, im prove w hile you have a job. If you are interested in any o f the follow ing areas: Executive Finance, Personnel, Sales Public R elations, A dm inistration, A u d itin g (C o u n se lin g ), T raining O th e rs, C le r ic a l, M a rk e tin g & Promotion. Call Rachael @(5O3)-963-8121,or stop by and fill out an application at: 2636 N E Sandy Blvd, Portland OR 97232, Church O f Scientology O f Portland Employment Employment Í Health Care 240 Manufacturing N o rth w e s t p u lp an d p a p e r manufacturer is recruiting for current and future manufacturing/production positions. Duties may include, receive/ warehouse finishing supplies, deliver finishing supplies to paper machine production areas, industrial cleanup, handle chemical for machines, keep f in is h in g s u p p ly in v e n to rie s , participate in shutdow ns, operate forklift and grab truck and other tasks as assigned while following all mill sa fe ty p ro c e d u re s an d w earin g personal protective equipment. Must posses the ability to prioritize multiple requests for assistance. Requires ability to pick up and m ove up to 50 p o u n d s o c c a s io n a lly an d w ork around machinery. Pre-employment drug screen and background check. We work 12-hour rotating shifts in a 24-hour/day, seven-(7) day a week operation. Please register in person at th e O re g o n E m p lo y m e n t Department, 506 High St., Oregon City, O R 97045. Indicate preference for Blue Heron Paper Company. No Phone Calls To the Mill Please. Competitive wages. Benefits package includes medical, dental, vision, life, A D & D and d isab ility insurance, pension, 401 (k), p ro fit sharing, participation in an em ployee stock o w n e rs h ip p la n , e d u c a tio n a l reimbursement. Blue Heron Paper Com pany EOEM /F/D/V General 235 P aren t-C h ild P rogram A ssistan t % tim e position. D uties include assisting groups in parent-child dept, extensive adm inistrative support and transportofchildren. Bilingual in both Spanish and English preferred. $ 10.50 - $ 12.00 entry wage. Apply at Portland Impact, 4707 SE H aw thorne Blvd. Questions call 988-6000. EOE/AA C om puter T echnician P T p o s itio n . D u tie s in c lu d e maintaining and evaluating anti-virus on com puters, testin g hardw are/ so ftw a re , e v a lu a tin g c o m p u te r/ software needs by staff and placement ofhardware/softw are orders. $ 10.50 - $ 12.00 entry wage. Apply at Portland Impact, 4707 SE H aw thorne Blvd. Questions call 988-6000. EOE/AA General 235 K X L R adio is seeking a professional a n d e n tre p re n e u r ia l A c c o u n t Executive for m anagem ent o f web- based sales, prom otions, business developm ent and strategic alliance building. O utside sales experience and sales m anagem ent required: strong data background and web developm ent background preferred; c r e a tiv e p a c k a g in g a m u st. In terv iew in g im m ediately. Send resum e to attention Rich Carr at KXL Radio, 0234 SW Bancroft, Portland, OR97201 N o p h o n e c a lls p le a s e . E q u al opportunity employer. J i l l B fthphage M um Io iife A re you a fu n , lo vin g p erson w h o w an ts to m ak e a d ifferen ce? P ro v id e D irect ca re fo r th ree individuals w ith developm ental d isab ilities in a NE P ortland residential setting. Starts at $7.25/ hr. $ 8 .2 5 /h ra fter90 D ayT raining period. Part-time, full-time (includes benefits), sign-on Bonuses, & 26 paid days o ff per year. M ust be at least 18 years o f age & have HS diplom a o r GED. E xperience with autism & valid d riv er’s license Preferred. Call D an at (503) 261-0255 to schedule an interv iew O r apply in person/send resum e to.BETHPHAGE Attn: H um an Resources 7931 NE H alsey St., Suite 305 Portland, O R 97213 Fax:(503)261-0259 dmarsdenigbethphage.flig V isit us at ww w .bethphage.org Office 250 Secretary Im m ediate opening in V ancouver, W ashington with Bonneville Power A d m in is tra tio n , F e d e ra l p o w e r transm ission agency. Salary range: $25,978 - $37,525 (dependent on qualifications). O ffers full Federal benefits including: • A nnual Increases • Casual W ork Environm ent • Benefits w ithout w aiting • 401K w /m atching • A dvancem ent O pportunities • Up to 5 w eeks paid vacation • Defined retirem ent Plan Must be highly m otivated with strong organizational and interpersonal skills for office m anager type position. Forapplication call (360)418-2090 M ust refer to ad #N PO -03 A pplications must be received by June 27,2000 *BPA w elcom es diversity* Bonneville Power A dm inistration Office 250 C ity O f W est L inn Job Opportunity O ffice A ssista n t $ 1894 - $2460/m o (Effective July 1, 2 0 0 0 ) D O Q P o s itio n a c ts as re c e p tio n ist for A d m in istra tio n , H um an R eso u rces an d F inance. Prim ary responsibilities: responding p o s itiv e ly to g e n e ra l p u b lic , answering multi-line phone, receiving p a y m e n ts , c o p in g , lim ite d b o o k k e e p in g , u se o f p e rs o n a l com puter and filing. Requires high school graduation and 2 years clerical experience w ith some bookkeeping and m oney handling experience. Must haveexcellent customer service skills. Successful candidate must pass p re -e m p lo y m e n t d ru g s c re e n . Application packets are available at W est Linn City Hall, 22500 Salamo Road, W est Linn, O R 97068 or by calling(503)722-3426(voicem ail)or (503) 656-4518 (TDD). Com pleted application m ust be returned to City Hall by July 7,2000,4:00 PM. EEO Office 250 R eceptionist P art-tim e recep tio n ist needed 20 hours per week. Afternoon hours 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. G reet the public, answ er phones, a b ility to com m unicate well and incorporate YW CA m ission/im peratives. Please subm it agency application by 6/26/ 00 to: Y W CA, 1111 SW 10,h Ave., Portland, O R 97205 AA/EOE Advertise in ©bseruer Classifieds .................... Call Today 503.288.0033 F acsimile.................. 503.288.0015 Email to .classifieds@portlandobserver.com $11.50.......................................................................................... per column inch $ 13.00....................................................................... per column inch and boxed $ 15.00......................................................... per column inch boxed and shaded $14.00......................................................................................................RFP/Bids $90.00......................Sub-Bids(2 column by 3") each additional inch=$ 10.00 All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until 5 p.m., Friday. Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd INDEX Information/Travel Public N otices............................ 000 A nnouncem ents/W eddings..„010 A n n ou n cem en ts/B irth s... ......015 Family S ervices.................. 020 l o st and Found................... ......030 M eeting N otices.................. ......040 T ick ets, for S ale W an ted ................ .....050 T ravel.................................... ......060 Real Estate A creage................................. ......100 H om es for sale..................... 110 H om es for rent.................... u s A ppartm ents, duplexes for Sale................. 120 A ppartm ents, duplexes for R ent................ ......125 M anufactured Hom es for S ale................. ......130 M anufactured H om es for R ent................ ___135 O th ers for S a le.................... ...... 140 145 O thers for R en t................... C om m ercial R eal Estate... ...... 150 W aterfron t P rop erty........ •••••• 155 R eal E state S ervices........... ......160 Real Estate W an ted ............ 165 Employment G u id an ce/R esu m es............ ......200 205 P rofessional.......................... Com pnterTTechnology.... ___ 210 A utom otive............................___ 213 C on tractors.......................... 215 O utdoor H o m eC a re.......... ......220 Indoor H om eC are, D om estic.............. .....225 Education.............................. ......227 Financial, Insu ran ce......... ......230 G en eral.................................. ___235 H e a lth c a r e .......................... ......240 M arketing, A d vertisin g........ A dm inistration.................... 245 247 ___250 O ffice......--------- ......--------- L egal---------- .....----------...... ...... 253 R etail....................................... ......255 A ccounting........................... ...... 258 Sales........................................ ...... 260 Social S erv ices.................... ..... 265 T em porary, Part-Tim e, S eason al.............. ..... 270 Positions W an ted ............... ......275 B u sin ess o p p o rtu n ities........... 280 Items for Sale A ntiques.......................................-300 A ppliances. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..3 0 5 A uctions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -310 C lothing....................................... 3 1 5 C lothing...................... 320 C om puters/E lectronics, S oftw are....................3 2 5 E state A u ction s/S ales........... 3 3 0 Farm Item s..........-----------......3 3 5 Furniture____ ..........-------------340 G arage S ale----- .............— .— 345 G arden Equipm ent.........____ 350 Heavy Equipm ent--------.....— 355 H ob b ies/C ollectors.................. 3 6 0 L ivestock.................................... 3 6 5 M iscella n eo u s for S a le .......... 3 7 0 M iscellan eou s W a n ted ........... 375 O ffice E quipm ent........------- ..3 8 0 P ets/ P et T ra in in g , S h o w s....3 8 5 Stereo E q u ip m en t, T elevision, V C R 's,C D 's,T a p es....3 9 0 T ools ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 9 5 Autom obiles ..400 .405 410 ATV's. ■ ••••••••••••••••••••••a Antiques. A u tos by M ak e........ BMW 410 Buick.............................412 Cadillac........................ 414 Chevrolet..................... 416 Chrysler........................418 Dodge............................ 420 Eagle............................. 422 Ford............................... 424 G M C ............................. 426 Honda........................... 428 Jeep............................... 430 Lexus............................ 432 Lincoln......................... 434 Mazda........................... 436 Mercedes......................438 Nissan............................440 Oldsmobile.................. 442 Plymouth......................444 Saturn...........................446 Subaru.......................... 448 Toyota...........................4S0 Volkswagon................. 4S2 Others...........................454 Buses.. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••o .460 C am p ers/T railers.................... 465 M otorcycles............................... .470 P arts/D om estic..........................475 P arts/lm p orts.............................480 P ickups......................................... 485 R .V ./S a les, R en tals..................490 SU V 's._____________________ 495 Personals M essages..................................... 500 S ervices.........................................505 r