Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 07, 2000, Page 2, Image 2

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    June 7, 2004)
Page A2
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i Police News/Vancouver
New chair of State
Board of Education...3
Improvements in food
stamp system.......... 5
State Farm donates
money to county......6
Weather _
Through the
SEI support of
B.I.K.E....................... 1
Deion Sanders signs
with Redskins..........2
Virtueto perform at
Woman to Woman.....3
El Observador......... 5
Show ers
Show ers
This Week
On J une 7,1929, the sovereign state of
Vatican City came into existence as
copies o f the Lateran Treaty were
exchanged in Rome.
O nJune8,1968, authorities announced
the capture in London o f James Earl
Ray, the suspected assassin o f civil
rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.
O nJune 13,1966, the SupremeCourt
issued its landmark Miranda vs. Arizona
decision, ruling that criminal suspects
must be informed of their constitutional
rights prior to questioning by police.
Show ers
Thought for the week
A good anger acted upon is beautiful as
lightning and swift with power. A good
anger sw allow ed clots the blood like
— M arge Piercy
Companies under fire for
fraudulenttelephone charges
► o r T h e P q b h and O bserv er
A ttorney G eneral H ardy M yers announced that two long distance providers
that m ade unauthorized service changes and added false charges to telephone
bills w ould elim inate those fraudulent business practices in O regon. N am ed
in A ssurances o f V oluntary C om pliance filed in M arion C ounty Circuit Court
are Excel C om m unications, Inc. o f Dallas, Texas and Tradex International, Inc.
o f Seattle, W ashington.
“ W econtinue to pursue com panies that ignore laws prohibiting ‘slam m ing and
cram m in g ’,” M yers said. “Com plaints about slam m ing have decreased in
recent years, but cram m ing rem ains O reg o n ’s most com m on consum er
com plaint.”
Slam m ing is the practice o f changing a custom er’s long-distance service
w ithout his or her authorization and cram m ing is the practice o f placing
unauthorized service charges on phone bills.
The D epartm ent o f Ju stice’s Financial Fraud/C onsum er Protection section
received 30 com plaints against Excel, ranging from slam m ing to problem s with
term inating service and being billed arterservices were cancelled. Inonecase,
a custom er discovered that the com pany used a forged letter o f authorization
to charge her long-distance service. Excel also allegedly failed to verify a
num ber o f letters o f authorization resulting in im proper changes to service.
Tradex International does business in O regon as W estern Telecom and is a
successor to certain account o f TouchTone C om m unications.
T ouchTone slam m ed O regon consum ers and sold the accounts to W estern
Telecom , w hich led to unauthorized charges on individual phone bills. U nder
the term o f the assurances, w hich do not adm it law violations, both com panies
agree not to violate the U nlaw ful Trade Practices A ct and to provider’s
restitution to consum ers for any unauthorized charges. In addition. Tradex w i l l
establish a toll-free num ber and assign a representative to respond to consumers
billing questions.
Excel paid $75,000 and Tradex paid $7,500 to the D epartm ent’s consum er
protection and education fund.
Consum ers w ho need additional inform ation about slam m ing and cram m ing
should call the A ttorney G en eral’s toll-free, consum er hotline at 1 -877-877-
9392,378-4320 from Salem and 229-5576 from Portland. Brochures on slamming
and cram m ing are also available by w riting to Financial Fraud/ C onsum er
Protection at 1162 Court Street, N.E., Salem, O R 97310.
Through Their Own Eyes: exhibits of photos by World
War II Veterans coming to Officers Row
The G rant House Folk Art Center in
partnership with V ancouverN ational
H istorical Reserve Trust and the City
o f V an c o u v er C u ltu ral S ervices
presents an exhibit o f photographs
from W orld W ar II veterans titled.
Whi le serving their country, soldiers
w ere not allow ed to take pictures o f
m any aspects o f the war. But when
possible, they snapped m em ories o f
the lives they em braced as they
supported and survived the w ar effort.
T he photographs in this exhibit.
T hrough T heir O w n Eyes : Im ages o f
W'orld W ar II, provide a new frame o f
reference for understanding veterans’
e x p e rie n c e s . T h e y allo w u s to
consider a soldier’s life through the
eyes o f those who were present during
the m aking o f history.
The photos are collected by Stephanie
M cCorkel and Stephen A. Dietz.
T ogether they have interviewed close
to fifty p hotographers w ho took
pictures over h alf a century ago.
In conjunction w ith this exhibit,
G H FA C is pleased to display a small
c o lle c tio n o f p h o to g ra p h s an d
m em o rab ilialen tb y Ju lien M . Marks
who served his country during World
W ar II as an official photographer in
the M arine Corps.
The exhibit will be installed in Grant
House and O.O. Howard H ouse from
June 1 -July 5,2000, and in Marshall
House fromJune 19-July 5. The public
is invited to attend a F lag D ay
celebration at G rant House on June
14 at 3:15 p.m ., and to stay for an
e x h ib it to u r an d r e f re s h m e n ts
follow ing the cerem ony. V eterans
and photograph contributors will be
guests o f honor at this event. Call
G rant H ouse Folk Art C enter for
further information (360)694-5252.
Crime Stoppers
P o rtlan d P o lice B ureau Fraud
Investigators, in cooperation with
Crim e Stoppers, are asking foryour
help in locating and apprehending
a subject know to authorities as
Jane Elizabeth Maynard.
A felony arrest w arrant, charging
Jane M aynard w ith theft in the
First Degree, ison tile in Multnomah
County. The charges stem from an
e m b e z z le m e n t sc h e m e w h e re
M a y n a rd , w o rk in g as th e
bookkeeper for a small com pany in
Southeast Portland that provides
equipm ent and supplies to visually
im paired people, channeled a large
sum o f the com pany’s m oney to
personal accounts she had set up.
Jane Elizabeth M aynard is a 50-
year-old w hite female, with a date
o f birth o f June 21, 1949. She is
5 ’05” tall and weighs approximately
200 pounds. She has lived, or used
addresses, in Gresham , G ladstone,
and Southeast Portland.
C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash
re w a rd o f up to $ 1 ,0 0 0 fo r
in fo rm atio n , reported to C rim e
Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in
this case or any unsolved felony
crim e, and you need not give your
name. Call Crim e Stoppers at (503)
Vancouver police looking
at new technology
C O S TR U II ikpstory
V ancouver Police Services is hoping
to acquire som e new technology that
will allow law enforcem ent agencies
and com m unity partners in the area
the ability to share vital inform ation
electronically. TRA K (Technology
to R ecover A bducted Kids) equips
law enforcem ent with technology to
create and print color bulletins within
m inutes and electronically distribute
those bulletins sim ultaneously to
o th e r T R A K s y s te m s a n d fax
T his offers agencies the ability to
q u ic k ly a n d e f f e c tiv e ly s h a re
inform ation and notify com m unity
partners about important information.
S o c ia lT e c h
is a n o n - p ro f it
organization that has partnered with
H e w le tt-P a c k a rd an d A T & T to
develop TRA K . The TRA K system
consists o f a state-o f the-art-scanner,
color printer, and Pentium PC w ith a
m odem and C D ROM drive.
A representative from SocialTech and
Hewlett-Packard will beat Vancouver
Police W est Precinct (300 E 13th
Street) on W ednesday, June 7 from
10 am — 11 am to discuss the TRA K
system and an sw er questions. A
dem onstration o f the TR A K system s
will be held on T hursday June 8th at
theC R C A building from 8 a m -10am,
however, there wi 11 be no time al lotted
a t th e d e m o n s tr a tio n fo r an y
q uestions.
T he TRA K system has been utilized
across the U.S. and has been a m eans
for law enforcement agencies to share
vital information that are important to
com m unities everywhere.
Police Bites
SE 82nd A venue / SE Flavel Street
O nJune 1,2000at 10:12p.m..Portland
P o lice T ra ffic D ivision o fficers
responded to a fatal pedestrian /
vehicle accident. The victim, 53 year-
old Richard Alan H alkinrudeof8410
SE Flavel Street was pronounced
dead at the scene. H alkinrude was
reported to have been lying in the
crossw alk for an unknow n reason,
prior to being run over.
T he northbound driver, 30 year-old
Jeffrey Scott N oice o f T he Dalles,
Oregon, was operating a 1986Toyota
T ercel. N oice w as not cited and
alcohol o r drugs do not appear to be
a fa c to r co n c ern in g th e d iv e r's
The investigation is continuing, and
will be forw arded to M ultnom ah
County District A ttorney’s O ffice for
Arrested Wilshire
Tavern/ 4052 N.E. 4 2 nd A venue
On Sunday, May 21, at 2 :47 a m ., the
W ilshireT avem located at 4052N .E .
42nd A venue w as robbed. T he two
suspects fled the scene in a 1996
Mercury Sable, which had been stolen
on M ay 13, 2000. A short pursuit
ensued and the stolen vehicle was
abandoned at N.E. 39th A venue/
A lberta Street. U niform O fficers
im m ediately set up a perim eter and
called in Portland Police K-9Team . A
rifle and currency w ere discovered
on the ground, in close proxim ity to
the stolen vehicle. At 3:16 a.m., the K-
9 team located one suspect, w ho taken
into custody w ithout incident at N.E.
A venue / G oing Street.
T h e P o rtla n d P o lic e S p e c ia l
E m erg en cy R eactio n T eam w as
activated and conducted a block
search, initially finding clothing items
believed to be discarded by one o f
the suspects. At 5:33 a.m .,th e second
su sp e c t w as tak en in to cu sto d y
w ithout incident at the 5000 block o f
N.E. 38the A venue.
T he tw o suspects arrested are 26-
year-old T acum a N athaniel Jackson
of2500N .E . W illiams Avenue and 25
year-old D am ieu D eshaw n Douglas
o f 4523 N .E. 6th Avenue. Both men
will be charged w ith one count o f
First D egree Robbery, six counts o f
S econd D egree K idnap, and one
count o f U nlaw ful Use o f a Motor
Vehicle. Jackson will also becharged
w ith o n e c o u n t o f E x -C o n in
Possession o f a w eapon. Bail for
Jackson is set at $1,760,000 and for
D ouglas $1,7555,000. A rraignm ent
w as held on M onday, M ay 22, at the
dow ntow n Justice Center.
R obbery D etectives W ayne Svilar
a n d D o m in ic k J a c o b e llis a re
c o n d u c tin g
th e
fo llo w -u p
investigation to determ ine if the two
m en are in v o lv ed in a d d itio n a l
robberies. The photographs o f the
suspects will not be released pending
further investigation. A nyone with
inform ation can call D etective Detail
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