Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 07, 2000, Page 13, Image 13

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    June 7, 2000
o r t la n ò
b s e ru e r
Hage B7
(The glorila nò ffibseruer
Em ployment
Sealed bids for T he Shire, Second Bay T rial and Bank Protection Project,
U niversity o f O regon, Eugene, Oregon will be received by the Oregon State
B oard o f H igher E ducation at U niversity o f O regon Facilities Services
D epartm ent, C onference Room 2,1295 Franklin Blvd., 1276 U niversity o f
O regon, Eugene, O regon 97403-1276 until 4:00 p.m. PDT, Friday, July 7,
2000, at w hich tim e they will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Briefly, the Base Bid w ork includes but is not lim ited to placem ent o fa log
crib w all, placem ent o f crib w all fill, placem ent o f a gravel trail surface,
riparian plantings, placem ent o f riprap and interplantings o f live plant
E ugene, O regon
A IP N O . 3-41-0018-24/25
Project No. 3683
Advertisem ent For Bid No. 10
Sealed bids for the construction o f the Gate “A ” Stairw ay enclosure at the
Eugene Airport, City Job No. 3683 will be received at City ofEugene, Public
W orks Engineering Division, 244 E. Broadway, Eugene, O regon 97401
until 10:00 AM, prevailing local tim e, on T h u rs d a y , J u n e 29 ,2 0 0 0 The
First-Tier Subcontractor Disclosure Statement is due by 2:00 PM, prevailing
local time, on T h u rsd a y , J u n e 29,2000. Bids and First-Tier Subcontractor
D isclosure Statem ents will be publicly opened and read aloud by the
undersigned o rh is designated representative at 2:00 PM, prevailing local
T he site is the Shire - John Y eon Preserve for Landscape Studies, between
m ile posts 28 and 29 on H ighw ay 14, east o f Prindle in Skam ania C ounty,
W ashington. T he Shire is a gated controlled access site.
Bidding docum ents may be exam ined at the University ofO regon Facilities
Services D ept.; and E ugene Builders E xchange, Eugene; Daily Journal of
C om m erce Plan C enter, C onstruction D ata Plan C enter, and C onstruction
M arket D ata, Portland; O regon C ontractors Exchange, Clackam as, Salem
B uilders E xchange, Salem ; and V alley Plan Center, K ent, WA.
O ne set o f bidding docum ents m ay be obtained by prim e bidders only
from Inter-Fluve, Inc., 1020 W asco Street, Suite I, H ood River, O regon
97031, 541-386-9003, upon receipt o f a refundable deposit o f $50.00.
D eposits w ill be refunded for docum ents returned in good condition within
ten days after the opening o f bids, but to non-bidders only if returned no
D escription: w ork contem plated consists of, but is not lim ited to the
construction o f one glazed entry enclosure and two walled entry enclosures,
including new set o f stairs, to provide access from grade to the gate level
o f the airport term inal. The project is located at the Eugene A irport
Term inal in Eugene, Oregon.
Eugene Builders Exchange, Eugene, OR, 541 -484-5331;
Construction Data and News W estside Plan Center, Portland, O R 503-225-
D aily Journal ofC om m erce Plan Center, Portland, OR, 503-274-0624;
Oregon Contractor Plan Center, Clackam as, OR, 503-650-0148;
C onstruction M arket Data, Portland, O R 503-225-1857;
Central Oregon Builder’s Exchange, Bend, OR, 541 -389-0123.
W illamette Valley Bid Center, Tangent, OR, 541-928-5159
Prim e Bidders may obtain bidding docum ents by phone or in person from
the C ity o fE u g en e upon paym ent o f a non-refundable fee o f $50.00.
RFI due June 16,2000 at 3 :00 p m . This RFI is to obtain inform ation for an
O regon Statew ide M obile V ision Service. All subm ittals shall be received
by M elinda W einm ann, D epartm ent ofC orrections, Purchasing Section at
2575 Center Street NE, Salem, OR, 97301 -4667 priorto the closing date and
tim eshow n above. Call Melinda at 503-945-8843 orfax arequest to 503-945-
0946 to obtain a copy o f FRI-V ISIO N . A V endor subm itting inform ation
does so at its ow n expense and assum es the risk that the inform ation
subm itted will not becom e a solicitation or result in aw ard o f a contract.
N either the State n o r DOC shall be liable for any expense incurred by a
V endor in preparing its inform ation for subm ission.
Slayden C onst$uction,lnc.
E astbank Riverfront Project - Phase Il-b
Bid Package E - Fire Dock
Bids Due: June 23,2 0 0 0 at 3:00 PM
Pre-Bid Conference: June 14,2000 @ 10:30 am
Slayden C onstruction, Inc. (C M /C G ) requests bids for Bid Package E -
E astbank Fire D ock on b eh a lf o f the Portland D evelopm ent
Subsidized units may be
available at this time.
Bid D ocum ents w ill be available for review after W ednesday, June 7,2000
at Slayden C onstruction's main office, Slayden C onstruction’s Field Office
(C ontact Scott A ustin for Schedule @ 503-236-2362), D aily Journal o f
C om m erce & Im pact M inority Plan Centers. A dditional sets are available
by contacting A lissa Jackson w ith Slayden C onstruction, Inc at (503)769-
1969. Slayden C onstruction will hold a pre-bid conference at the jo b site on
W ednesday, June 14,2000. Bids for all w ork m ust utilize the Bid form in the
specifications and m ay be faxed to Slayden C onstruction no later than 3 :00
PM, June 23,2000 at (503) 769-4525. Q uestions regarding the work package
should be directed to M ark Bodyfelt at (503) 769-1969 or fax (503) 769-4525.
All w orkers on this project m ust be paid at no less than the Prevailing W age
Rates for Public W orks C ontracts in effect, July 1,1999. All subcontractors
over $ 100,000 w ill be bound by the requirem ents o f the C ity o f Portland
W orkforce T raining & H iring program .
Sub-Bids Requested
W om en’s Prison & Intake C enter
C offeeC reekC orrectional Facility
Bid Package # 2 A - M inim um Facility U tilities
Pre-B id M eeting/Site Visit: June 9,20 0 0 at 1:30pm
Bids Due: June 23,2000 at 2 :00pm
Bid Docum ents available from W illamette Print& B lueprint 503/223-5011
Analyst Programmer, Facilities Services. Must have SQL Programmirg experience: ActiveX and ODBC
in networking experience: & extensive relational database knowledge/experience. Mate* duties include
provide system analysis, database interfaces, and database reporting. $ 3 ,1 2 4 to $ 5 ,3 1 0 a month.
Contact OSU Office of Human Resources, 14th & Jefferson. CorvaUis OR 9 7 3 3 1 -2 1 3 1 , (5 4 1 ) 737 -
3 1 0 3 , (TTY ( 8 0 0 ) 7 3 8 1 2 3 2 for the hearing Impaired), for application materials. OSU is an AA/EOE.
All application materials must be received by 5 :0 0 PM on the closing date of June 9, 2 0 0 0 .
A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional
job information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b)
the Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon and all Its
O re g o n .
divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
O regon H ousing A nd C ommunity S ervices
R ehabilitate A T wo S tory M ixed -U se P roperty
R equest F or Q ualifications
Oregon H ousing and C om m unity Services (OH CS) is seeking a qualified
developer, ow ner and operator to purchase and rehabilitate a two story
m ixed-use property' in dow ntow n Pendleton, O regon. The bui lding contains
five com m ercial tenants on the ground floor, and ten rental apartm ents on
the second floor. O H CS has secured a purchase option for the building,
and has com pleted an initial retail and residential needs. A prelim inary
developm ent concept and financing scenario has also been prepared for
the property.
Both non-profit and for-profit organizations are invited to present
developm ent and ow nership credentials. The developm ent entity must
dem onstrate its ability to successfully develop and m anage m ixed-use
affordable housing, while effectively addressing the needs o f the occupants
as well as the surrounding business and residential community. OHCS will
transfer its purchase interest to the selected developer, w ho will then
com pete for funding necessary to com plete the project.
To receive a Request for Q ualifications packet, including background
inform ation, developm ent concept and schedule, please contact Sarah
Nicholas at (503) 986-2134.
W itnesses Needed:
If you w itnessed protestors being shot by
Portland city police betw een 8:15p.m . and 9:00 p.m. on A ugust 17,1998 in
the area o f NE M artin L uther King Boulevard and Prescott Street, please
contact Stephens & Russell law office at (503) 282-7999. V ideo especially
Big City Produce
Portland 1999!!
H offm an
C onstruction
Company Of Oregon
Buy the Case, Buy the Pound, or
Buy the Bunch,
You Save BIG at Big City Produce!
Best Greens in Portland.
Best ethnocentric selections in Portland.
722 N. Sumner St. (Corner of N. Albina & N.
One Block West of Jefferson High School.
Open 7 Days a Week
Mon-Fri 7:30 - 7:00pm
Sat. 9:00am - 6pm
Sun. 10:00am - 6pm
Sealed bids for the Plagem an Hall HVAC Renovation - Phase 2 project will
be received by the O regon State Board o f H igher Education until 2:00 PM,
local tim e, July 6,2000. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on July
7, 2000 at 2:00 PM local tim e. All bidders m ust be registered with the
C onstruction C ontractor’s Board.
A dditional inform ation m ay be obtained by contacting Facilities Services,
100 Adams Hall.Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 ortelephone 541-737-7694.
The Port of Portland is an
Equal Opportunity Employer
Advertisement For Bid
Sealed bids for the Avery/Dixon Lodges Reroofing project will be received
by the Oregon State Board o f Higher Education until 2:00 PM, local time,
June 20.2000. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on June 20,2000
at 2:00 LOCAL TIME. All bidders must be registered with theConstruction
C on tracto r's Board.
Additional inform ation may be obtained by contacting Facilities Services,
100 Adams Hall,Corvallis. Oregon 97331-2001 ortelephone 5 4 1-737-7694.
Career Opportunities
Information about career opportunities with the Port
o f Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline
at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may
call TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available
by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port's
office, located at 121 NW Everett St. Portland. Office
hours are Monday through Friday, 8am to 12pm and
lpm to 5pm. You may also apply online at our
website, www.portofportlandor.com
Advertisement For Bid
Facilities Services
Analyst Programmer
(503) 668-3132
Estacada Village
Estacada, OR
(503) 630-3935
Bid Phone: (5 03)221-8811- Bid Fax: (503) 221 -8934
1300 SW Sixth A venue - Portland, O R 97201 - O R C C B # 28417
W e are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub bids from all
interested firm s including disadvantaged, m inority, w om en, disabled
veterans and em erging small business enterprises.
O ther S ubcontracting O pportunities - Internet http://
ext. 3 2 2 , (TTY (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 5 9 3 8 for the hearing Impaired), or visit www.oregontobs.org. AA/EOE.
Recruitment closes June 19, 2 0 0 0 .
Subsidized Units May be available at
this time. If subsidized units are not
available at this time, qualified
applicants may be placed on waiting
lists. Guardian Management
Corporation is committed to Equal
Housing Opportunity.
The Pedestrian G angw ay and Floating D ock shall be substantial completion
by Septem ber 15,2000 and all w ork final com pletion by N ovem ber 15,2000.
Imm ediate opening for Assistant to the Director of the Administrative Services Section in Salem
Provides administrative and clerical support to the Director as well as all employees of
Administrative Services. Requires three years of clerical/secretanal experience which included one
year at a full performance-level performing typing, word processing, or other generating of
documents and lead work responsibility or coordination of office procedures. Salary is $ 1 ,8 8 3 to
$ 2 ,6 4 4 a month. Excellent benefit package. Obtain S tate of Oregon application (P D 1 0 0 ) and
recruiting announcement at your local Employment D epartm ent office or call (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -5 5 5 5 .
If subsidized units are not available at this time,
qualified applicants may be placed on Waiting
Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is
committed to Equal Housing Opportunity.
G eneral the w ork includes rem oval and disposal o f existing w ood piles,
approxim ately 300 Inft o f floating dock, pipe piles, design build pedestrian
and A DA accessible gangw ay and dom estic & fire w aterlines. Bidders will
be required to subm it qualifications and experience w ith bid. Fabrication
shops m ust be pre-approved w ith the C ity o f Portland B ureau o f Building.
Subcontractors proposing to com plete w ork onsite m ust be registered with
the O regon C ontractors Board at the tim e o f subm ission o f their bid.
Executive Support Specialist 1
-/" h e s e are Just a few of the current Job openings available with the State of
Construction Documents: Drawings and Specifications, including Bidding
D ocum ents and A greem ent m ay be exam ined at the following locations:
later than one day prior to bid opening.
A ll bidders m ust com ply w ith the requirem ents o f the W ashington
Prevailing W age Law in RC W 39.04.010, RC W 39.12 and WAC 296-127. All
bidders m ust be registered w ith the C onstruction C ontractors Board, as
required by O RS 701.035.
A m andatory Pre-B id C onference will be held at T he Shire (Project Site)
on T hursday, June 15,2000 at 1:00 PM PDT. A tour o f the project site will
be conducted follow ing the conference. T he only open access to the site
w ill be at the m andatory Pre-B id Conference.
B ids w ill be received on a lum p sum basis for all o f the w ork. No bid will
be considered unless fully com pleted in the m anner provided in the
D ivision B - “Instructions to Bidders” upon the Bid Form provided and
accom panied by bid security. T he O w ner m ay reject any bid not in
com pliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirem ents
and m ay, for good cause, reject any and all bids upon a finding o f the O w ner
that it is in the public interest to do so.
O regon State B oard O f H igher E ducation
By: D aniel A. W illiam s, V ice-President for A dm inistration
Eugene, O regon
/ n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide, com petitive salaries
and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the following agencies:
visit us on the
web at