June 7, 2000 Page B6 Jije P ortland (lObaerUer II Classifieds/Bids Employment AnEqualOppurtunity Employer Positions Are Open Until Filled Receptionist Neil Kelly Co, a nationally recognized design/build rem odeling firm, has an immediate opening fora Receptionist. Must have experience in receiving callers i n a courteous and professional m anner and ability to m ulti-task. Previous com puterized, m ulti-line sw itchboard experience required. Word. Excel and database experience necessary. Busy office environm ent that prom otes team w ork. M ust have e x c e p tio n a l in te r p e r s o n a l an d organizational skills. O ne o f Oregon B u s in e ss M a g a z in e ’s 100 B est C o m p a n ie s to W o rk F o r. F o r im m ediate co n sid eratio n , m ail a resume, salary requirem ents and brief cover letter to: D iane Stark, Human Resources D epartm ent, Neil Kelly Company, 804 N . A Iberta St., Portland OR 97217 or e m a il to dstark@ neilkelly.com. Social Services 265 Homeless - Family Advocate C lient svc pos assisting hom eless fam ilies to overcom e barriers to attaining econom ic se lf sufficiency, providing svc access advocacy and support. Req s BA or equivalent exp in social work orrelated field. Preferred „ bilingual in Spanish and English. C o m p e titiv e w a g e an d a g e n c y b e n e fits . R e su m e s w ill n o t be a c c e p te d in lie u o f A g e n c y application. Apply at Portland Impact, 4707 SE H aw thorne Blvd. Questions call (503) 988-6000. EOE/AA e x a c tly w he^ y o U W ant to 9 ° - When it comes to growth, we've got it at every turn. And our growth means your growth. We'll pump you up w ith the support ot a strong, stable company com­ m itted to your professional development. And you’ll get the recognition you deserve. So, if you want it - hop on board. And, we'll take you where you want to grow, LOOKWantAHouse!!! fu ll- & part-tim e O p p o rtu n itie s O Customer Service Cashiers O O Pump Island Attendants o Benefits indudt: |medical/dental O $6.75/hr to start lick leave o tuition reimbursement vacation o store level bonus | paid training q flexible schedules op by • Clinical Supervisor( l full-timeposition,8:30am-5:00pm) Responsible for overseeing day-to-day operations in the absence o f the director o f Fam ily Services and providing clinical and technical expertise to the Fam ily Services D epartm ent, provide regular ease consultation and case review s, provide clinical assessm ents and supervision and training to assigned fam ily services staff. A M asters o f Social W ork, C o u n selin g o r related field required, m inim um 3 years o f experience directly related to the position, experience providing clinical assessm ents, family, individual and group counseling/therapy and crisis intervention, accom plished m anagem ent and supervisory skills preferably gained through experience in a m u lti-cultural, social service setting. M ust have outstanding interpersonal skills and strong ability to m otivate others, able to work flexible hours and have a valid driver’s license and must be insurable under S E I’s auto insurance. Salary range: $2,666 to $ 3 ,4 16 per month • Service A ccess C oordinator ( l full-tim e position, 8:30am -5:00pm ) Responsible for coordinating the process to access services to Family C enter clients by assessing client needs, identifying available resources and providing direct referral to appropriate services. M ust have a high school diplom a or equivalent, a degree in a hum an services field desired, social service experience involving youth and families, bilingual in Spanish highly desired, basic com puter l iteracy, must have excellent communication skills w ith the ability to effectively gather sensitive inform ation from clients over the phone and in person, m ust be highly organized, detail oriented and have tim e m anagem ent skills. Salary Range: $ l ,875 to $2,250 per m onth • A dm inistrative A ssistant (Fam ily Services) (l full-tim e position, 8:30am-5:00pm) Responsible forproviding administrative support services to the Director o f Family Services and other departm ent staff as appropriate. W ork experience in a social service environm ent preferred. M ust have a high school diplom a or equivalent, college course w ork a plus, general office skills, strong com puter skills to include M S W ord, Excel, A ccess, and O utlook, file m aintenance experience, ability to handle m ultiple tasks with varying deadlines and m ust be se lf m otivated, highly organized and detail oriented. Ability to m aintain confidentiality o f sensitive information a must. Salary Range: $1,708 to $2,375 per m onth • A dm inistrative A ssistant (Y outh Services) (1 full-tim e position, 8:3Oam-5:OOpm) Responsible forproviding administrative support services to the D irectorofY outh Services to include meeting scheduling, maintaining the directo r’s calendar, plan and coordinate travel arrangem ents, screen and direct incom ing calls, m aintain files and other duties as appropriate to support youth services program s. M ust have a high school diplom a or equivalent, college course w ork a plus, general office skills, strong com puter skills to include MS W ord, Excel, A ccess, and O utlook, file m aintenance experience, ability to handle m ultiple tasks w ith varying deadlines and m ust be selfm otivated, highly organized and detail oriented. Salary Range: $ 1,708 to $2,375 per m onth • A fter School R ecreation C oordinator (1 part-tim e position, evenings hours T B A ) T he A fter S chool R ecreation C o o rd in ato r assists in im plem enting S E I’s after school program m ing activities that include m entoring students, academic tutoring, recreation and sports fundamental, com puter lab, library, dance and other activities for 50-100 youth in the SEI after school program . High school diplom a or equivalent required, experience w orking with youth in a recreational environm ent preferred, at least 1 year o f experience directly related to the position, outstanding interpersonal skills, m ust be a positive role m odel for youth and have the ability to m otivate youth. Salary Range: $9.00-$ 11.00 per hour SEI Is Com m itted T o Achieving And M aintaining A Drug-Free Workplace. $0 Down $0 Closing Let us show you how! Bad Credit SelfEm ployed Bankruptcy All OK Or call our hotline fo ri an appointment. (877-275-4692). EOE I I e x a c t ly wK€?^ey o U f I To apply, please mail your cover letter and resume to N W Natural, 220 NW Second A venue, Portland, O regon 97209; fax your resum e to 503-721 - ‘ 2506; or e-m ail your resum e to em ploym ent@ nw natural.com . Please indicate the requisition o f the position you are interested in. W e are an Equal O pportunity Em ployer and a D rug-Free/Sm oke-Free W orkplace. 1998 Medical Marijuana 2000 Drug Policy Reform Campaign happening now to change asset forfeiture laws; improve health and education in Oregon. Work with nation’s largest grassroots campaign organization on cutting edge issues. T raining/Advancement National Travel Potential No Fundraising $7.00 + bonuses up to $19.50/hour But bored with the same old daily routines, conversations and faces? - Handsome single m aleó’ 1”, 180 lbs, chocolate coated and just as delicious, Independent secure, charismatic enjoys all outdoor activities, music & romance. Seeking correspondence with single female Who is honest, understanding, lively, Compassionate and more lovable than a teddy bear. P.O.Box 3137 Portland, OR 97208 W a n x to 9 °-1 I When it comes to growth, I we've got it at every turn And I our growth means your growth ! We'll pump you up with the I support o f a strong, stable com­ pany committed to your profes sional development And you'll get the recognition you deserve So, if you want it - hop on board And, we'll take you where you want to grow m a n a g e m e n t- O p p o rtu n itie S o Managers • o Assistant Managers o Benefits include: medical/dental © paid training sick loava o tuition reimbursement © vacation store level bonus Please fax your resume to: L. Gilliland (503, 7M -4 558 M . Norington (503) 4CO-S17Ì Subsidized units may be available at this time. If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be placed on Waiting lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to “EQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITY.” SUNNYSLOPE MANOR APARTMENTS 1000CUNNINGHAM LANES. SALEM, OREGON 97302 (503) 364-5065 K. W hite (S O I) 1 8 4 -0 0 M EOE EQUAL HOUSING Handicapped Accessable I • • • • • • • • • S ub -B ids R equested Marshall High School Computer Addition Portland, Oregon Date: June 14,2000 @ 2:00 pm D em olition, cabinets, dryw all, metal stair, doors, hardw are and glass. Plaster veneer, resilient flo o rin g , carpet and paint. M echanical and Electrical. , LCG Co. L CGc. 97230 16427N .E. A irport W ay, #B, Portland, Oregon (503)256-3016 Fax(503)256-3684 CC B#132982 W e are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from m inority, w om en, disadvantaged and em erging small business enterprises. I F A R M III \ \ S \ \ I R S ... How m uch m oney can I make? C an I sell part tim e? C an I be honest and still su cceed ? M ust I w ork w eekends? Do I earn a salary or com m issions o r both? W h at’s the difference in d ealerships? W h at’s the future? Is there jo b security? How do I select a good dealer? N o experience necessary. i Bring your questions and get straight answers from Mike Lang, one o f the most experienced professionals in the Northwest! This is a free seminar and there is Nothing to buy or sign up for, but seating is limited. Call Tammy fo r reservations, 722-4927, Mon. June 12'’’, or Tues. June 13'h, ______ 9a.m. - 5 p.m.______ A dm inistrative Assistant: Requisition: # 0 0 1 16-OB This position will provide analytical support to H um an Resources and Engineering Departments. Q ualified candidate m ust have a m inim um o f 3- 5 years experience perform ing a com bination o f clerical and adm inistrative duties. Demonstrated advanced PC skills with database (Microsoft Access), w ord processing and spreadsheet applications required. M ust possess ability to w ork in a strong team -oriented environm ent responding to and m anaging pressure resulting from tight tim e tables/'deadlines. Are You Adventurous And Exciting? Roberta Robinson G.R.I. C entury 21 Elite 503-241-2711x141 Office 503-366-3168 Pager 503-397-5267 Home P .O .B o x 242 St. Helen, O R 97051 • C om puter D rafting Technician: Requisition: #00152-OB This position operates com puter graphics and m anual drafting system s to produce and m aintain engineering records. Requires 2 years drafting school o r equivalent experience. M echanical drafting, m apping, and surveying experience is desired and A rc/info and A utoCA D experience is preferred. Attention: and/or This is your chance to be informed about every aspect o f professional auto sales without applying fo r a job! M eter Reader: Requisition: #00058-OB Opening fora full-tim eTERM 12-month assignment. Primary qualifications include physically active work history, custom er service skills and valid driver’s license/excellent driving record. P roofof insurance will be required. Starting pay rate is $2446/m onth. This is a random drug-test position. •* Liz Hamilton M ajestic M ortgage 503-525-3552Office 503-955-0772 Pager 503-397-9769 Home 1-077-ask-h©w2 June 12,h, 6:00 PM Thinking o f a career in Auto Sales? If you are looking for a com pany that offers challenges, variety and rew ards, look no further. W e are currently seeking the follow ing to com e jo in our team. C ustom er R epresentatives; Requisition: #00076-O B part-tim e less than 20 hours #00108 -OB Part-tim e less than 40 hours Seeking custom er focused individuals to respond to high-volum e phone calls regarding gas service, com plaints, and inquiries. We are looking for full-tim e and part-tim e representatives. Part-time is less than 20 hours per week and full-time is norm ally 40 hours per week, but requires flexibility to work less than full tim e if needed. Starting pay rate is $ 15.75/hour. Requires typing at least 40 wpm and good alpha/num eric data entry skills. Requires prior high volum e call center/custom er service experience. M ay be scheduled to w ork any tim e M onday-Sunday 7a.m .-10p.m . Candidates m ust be available full tim e for a 2-m onth training period, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Call 503-232-5400 Call 7433 Interstate-Annex Portland. OR 97217 AUTO SALES INFORMATION SEMINAR NW N a tu ra l*..... . » =\ FREE! Where you put your energy can make a difference. SELF Enhancement, INC. Office 250 Z " \ \ IIO M IO l I D V I I FAD ? A nyone interested in a career change. • A nyone considering auto sales. • E xperienced auto salespeople who desire to explore the options available. • Som eone w ho w ants m ore than a job. 19375 SE M cLoughlin Blvd. Sponsored by the m ost respected dealer group in P ortland... • tr > THOMASONAUTOGROIP Equal O pportunity Em ployer Social Services 265 Community Service VISTACommunity Service Worker Positions W a n te d : C o m m u n ity S e rv ic e s W orkers to help prom ote m aternal and child health services (Oregon H ealth Plan, W IC, Baby shots, and p re n a ta l ca re). N eed ed : H ig h ly developed com munication skills, and com m itm ent to com m unity service. Spanish speaking skills a plus, but not required. O ne year assignm ent as V IST A W orker. Includes $4,725 college scholarship, $714 per m onth living stipend, health insurance, and child care assistance. O pportunities are in selected towns in Oregon. Great for resum e w hether 18 years-old or 64. Call (503) 731-4021 fordetailsand application. Deadline is June23,2000. Se Solicita Promotores de Servicios Com u n ita rios VIST A Se solicita: Prom otores de Servicios C o m u n ita rio s, b ilin g ü e s In g les- Español, para trabajar con personas de escasos recursos. Los prom otores p ro m o v e rá n s e rv ic io s m a te rn o - infantiles(el Plan de Salud de Oregon, W IC, vacunas infantiles, cuidado prenata) La persona deberá tener experiencia de organizar y trabajar con personas de bajos recursos y saber desenvolverse en publico. Se in v itaa ap licarjo v e n es(m a y o rd e 18 años), adultos, y jubilados. V ISTA (V oluntarios en Servicio a A m erica) se requiere un com prom iso de un año. Se ofrece $714 por mes, $4,725 beca para universidad, seguro de salud, y ayuda con el cuidado de sus n iñ o s . O p o rtu n id a d e s en co m m u n id a d es en O regon. Para applicar llame a(5O3) 731 -4021. Fecha limite, 23 de Juno, 2000. Advertise in The Portland Observer Call 288-0033 ---- z » I z