Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 07, 2000, Page 11, Image 11

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June 7, 2000
(Elje ÿknrtlanh (Dbeeruer
Employment ^Employment
Professional 205
Business Consultant
E x p an d in g N a tio n a l W h o le sa le
M ortgage Lender seeks a Business
Consultant for O regon. W holesale
m o rtg a g e an d sa le s e x p e rie n c e
preferred. Excellent compensation and
benefit plans.
Please send resum e to: W ashtenaw
' M ortgageCom pany,H R D ept.,315E.
- Eisenhower, Ste. 12, A nn A rbor, M I
48108 or fax to: 734-662-9517.
i w w w.washtenawm ortgage.com
Comp/Tech 210
O regon Legislature
l.T. A nalyst/A dvisor
P ro v id e IT S e rv ic e s to all
Legislative A gencies
A n a ly s t, D e s ig n e r, P ro je c t
Participate in new technology
Client Server and M ainfram e
For application inform ation contact:
Karen Hupp
Employee Services
900 Court St NE Room 140
Salem O R 97301-4043
http://w w w .leg.state.or.us
Open until position is filled.
J Employment J Employment
P ro v id in g r e g io n a l s e r v ic e s *
Creating livable com m unities
U tility M a in te n a n c e T ec h n ician ,
O regon C onvention Center. $ 12.27-
$13.37/hour, FT, G raveyard Shift,
D eadline 6/22/00. Perform s project
w ork in C u sto d ial M aintenance.
W ashes w alls, cleans carpet, w axes
floors and provides relief to route
janitorial staff on the graveyard shift.
Utility Worker I, Oregon Convention
C enter. $ 1 0 .1 4 -$ l 1.42/hour, FT,
Deadline 6/22/00. Responsible for the
clean and sanitary m aintenance o f
th e O re g o n C o n v e n tio n C e n te r
facility. W ork is p rim arily done
m anually; although, certain tasks
require the use o f equipm ent such as
s c ru b b e rs , v a c u u m s , p r e s s u r e
w ashers and carpet sham pooers.
R e q u ire d a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls
a v a ila b le at: M e tro H u m a n
R esources, 600 NE G rand A venue,
Portland, O R 97232. Resumes are not
accepted. Resum es are not accepted.
Please call (503) 797-1570 ifyou would
like application m aterials m ailed to
you. W eb ad d ress: w w w .m etro -
A A/EEO Employer
General 235
Oregon Legislature
Comp/Tech 210
Oregon Legislature
Program m er A nalyst
• Develop Application System s
• Code, Test, Debug Softw are
C lient/Server and W eb
Environm ents using O racle
platform and tools
For Application Information Contact:
Karen Hupp
Employee Services
900 Court St NE Room 140
Salem OR97301-4043
http://w w w .leg.state.or.us
O pen until position is filled.
Salm on & Stream
Enhancem ent
A dm inistrator
$3,061 -$5,775 perm onth
F acilitateC om m ittee M eetings
Perform Policy and Legislative
M ust have experience in the field
o f Salm on, Endangered Species
A ct, and/or O regon Plan
For application Information Contact:
Karen Hupp
Em ployee Services
900 Court St NE Room 140-B
Salem O R 97310
http://w w w .leg.state.or.us
Deadline: June 23,2000
telinovi ni K ö r
Education 227
General 235
Teaching Assistant
30 hrs a w eek in the K indergarten
classroom and 10 hrs a w eek in After
School C are Program. $9.00/hr with
benefits. E xperience w ith young
children preferred. Starting August
24,2000. S eewww.catlin.edu formore
inform ation and application. Closing
date June 16**’. Send application and
cover letter to HR M anager, Catlin
Gabel School, 8825 S W Barnes Road,
Portland, OR 97225.
General 235
Radio Promotion Coordinator:
Exciting All Sports Radio station is
looking for innovative thinker who
can develop, coordinate, implement
and execute o n -air p ro m o tio n s/
station events. Must be sales driven
and a huge m ulti-tasker. Strong
programming and sales experience a
plus. Must possess strong web site
skills including graphic design, be
detai l-oriented and highly organized.
P rom otion/m arketing ex p erien ce
required Send cover letter/resume to
M arketing Director, KFXX Radio,
0700 SW Bancroft St., Portland, OR
97201. EOE. No phone calls.
Immediate opening for full and
part-tim e lot atten d an ts w ith
Portland’s leading parking Co. We
s e e k in g
d e p e n d a b le
in d iv id u a ls w ith a n e a t
a p p e a ra n c e a n d a p o s itiv e
$7.50 + starting wage
Huge overtim e potential
Advancem ent opportunities
M edical, Dental, 401 k available
A pplicants must submit to drug
test and background check.
Apply in person daily between
12-1 PM, Monday - Friday.
130 SW Stark Portland, OR
General 235
G ro u n d s k e e p e r at C atlin G abel
School. Landscape & horticulture
m aintenance on 52 acre cam pus. Bus
driving secondary focus. Opportunity
to e am C D L Full-tim e w ith benefits.
To review jo b description, dow nload
an appl ication see w w w .catlin.edu or
call 203-5107.
Call Today
Sportswear Company®
Product Coordinator-Japan
A re you seeking to be a part o f an
internationally recognized apparel
m anufacture? Does w orking with
upbeat, friendly people that hike, bike,
snow board, ski, and fish in their free
tim e m ake you want to sign up right
now? If your answer is YES, read on!
C olum bia Sportswear Com pany, a
global leader in the design and
m a n u fa c tu re o f o u te rw e a r an d
sportsw ear is currently seeking a
P ro d u ct C o o rd in a to r to p ro v id e
support to the International Product
M anager as it relates to administrative
duties and C olum bia Sportsw ear’s
Ja p a n o f fic e as w e ll as th e
developm ent o f product functions.
Help to execute the developm ent o f
th e J a p a n e s e lin e , p r o o f an d
com m unicate product inform ation to
internal departm ents as well as Japan
Q ualified candidate w ill possess
college degree with coursew ork in
apparel design, m erchandising, or
textiles or work experience equivalent
to education. A minimum o f two years
experience in garm ent developm ent
and tw o years general office support
e x p e r ie n c e p r e f e r a b ly in a
manufacturing environment required.
Japanese language skills preferred.
Please forward resum e to C olum bia
S p o rts w e a r C o m p a n y , H u m an
Resources, Dept. JPC, PO Box 83239,
Portland O R 97283, or Fax to: (503)
7 3 5 -4 5 9 7 . E q u al O p p o rtu n ity
General 235
♦ Columbia
Sportswear Company®
Sample Maker
A re you seeking to be a part o f an
internationally recognized apparel
m anufacture? Does w orking with
upbeat, friendly people that hike, bike,
snow board, ski, and fish in their free
tim e m ake you w ant to sign up right
now? I f your answ er is YES, read on!
C olum bia Sportsw ear Com pany, a
global lead er in th e d esig n and
m a n u fa c tu re o f o u te rw e a r an d
sportsw ear is currently seeking a
Sam ple M aker to w ork in our sample
room. This position is responsible for
generating high quality developm ent
samples o f all categories ofC olum bia
Sportsw ear designs using pattern
notations and specifications. O perate
a n d m a n ip u la te a ll in d u s tria l
m a c h in e ry w ith in C o lu m b ia
Sportswear m anufacturing practices.
Qualified candidatewill havew orking
know ledge o f sewn construction as
well as the ability to construct a total
garm ent w ith m inim al supervision.
A bility to gather trim s and findings
as per specifications also required.
Other specific skills include the ability
to read, w rite and speak English.
Position has minimum requirement o f
one year apparel m a n u factu rin g
Please forw ard resum e to C olum bia
S p o rts w e a r C o m p a n y , H u m an
Resources, Dept. Sam ple, PO Box
83239, Portland OR 97283, or FAX to:
(503) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity
General 235
General 235
Albina Head S tart, Portland’s premier
early childhood educator, invites
qualified applicants to apply for the
following positions as w e open our
Early H ead S ta rt program on NE Ivy.
Successful candidates will exhibit the
follow ing ch aracteristics: loving,
patient, able to reso lv e conflict,
gentile, and kind. They will have a
d e m o n s tr a te d a b ility to w o rk
effectively w ith others in a team
environm ent, and exhibited skills in
problem solving, planning, coping
with stress, and prioritizing. Typically,
children and m aterials w eighting up
to 50 lbs. m ust be m oved from floor
level to above w aist level several
tim es a day. A lso, the work area itself
m oves frequently throughout the day
from floor level to above w aist level
and any level between. All successful
can d id ates m ust po ssess a valid
driv er’s license w ith full insurance
coverage, current First Aid, C hild
CPR, and Food H andlers cards or
m ust o b tain th e se licen ses/card s
w ithin 2 w eeks o f hire. In addition, a
negative tu b ercu lo sis screen and
acceptable criminal background check
isrequired. Em ployeesm ust be willing
to undergo H epatitis B vaccinations.
Each position (listed below ) also has
mental, licensing, and experience
requirem ents unique to the position.
The Multnomah County Health
Department is currently recruiting
for the following positions:
Fam ily A dvocate: Im p lem en ts,
coordinates, and provides direct case
m anagem ent services to fam ilies in
their hom es o r at AHS; provides
training to individuals and/or groups.
M ust possess good w riting, record
keeping,and computerskills. Bi-ligual
S p a n is h /E n g lis h a p lu s . M u st
p o sse ss fiv e y ea rs o f co m b in ed
education and experience in social
services, health or a related field.
T e a c h e r : C re a te s an d m an ag es
attractive, warm, challenging learning
environm ent for infants and toddlers,
in c o rp o ra tin g a p p ro p ria te ea rly
intervention, learn and care activities
w hich m eet individual, group and
fam ily needs. Bi-lingual Spanish;'
English a plus. M ust be com puter
literate. M ust have a m inim um two
years experience working with infants
an d to d d lers. M u st p o ssess AA
degree in Early Childhood Education
(m inim um 6 sem esters o f infant/
toddler group care). Must have or be
willingtoobtainCDA certificate within
first year o f em ploym ent.
T e a c h e r’s A ssistan t: C reates and
m anages
a ttr a c tiv e ,
w a rm ,
challenging learning environm ent for
infants and toddlers, incorporating
a p p r o p r ia te e a rly in te rv e n tio n ,
learning and care activities which meet
individual, group and fam ily needs.
A ssum e responsibility to pre-plan
classroom activities in absence o f
H ead Teacher. Bi-lingual Spanish/
English a plus. M ust be com puter
literate. M ust have a m inim um tw o
years experience working with infants
and toddlers. M ust possess either an
A A d eg re e in E arly C h ild h o o d
Education or related field (minim um 6
sem esters o f infant/toddler group
care) or high school diplom a/G E D
w ith CD A (ln fa n t/T o d d le r C hild
Developm ent A ssociate). (O r m ust
obtain CDA certificate w ithin first
year o f em ploym ent).
Senior Fiscal Specialist
M edical R ecords T ech n ician
Laboratory Specialist
Program Development Specialist
Health Inform ation Specialist II
(Outreach W orker)
Clinical Laboratory T echnician
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse
P ra c titio n e r
(M id - L e v e l
Application materials and formal job
announcem ents are av ailab le at:
w w w .co.m ultnotnah.or.us/jobs/, in
person or by mailing a self-addressed
sta m p e d e n v e lo p e r e q u e s tin g
application forms to: M ultnom ah
County Human Resources Division,
1120 SW 5th A venue, First Floor
Lobby, PO Box 14700, Portland OR,
97293-0700. A ssisted access to
M ultnomah County jo b inform ation
a n d w eb s ite is a v a ila b le at
M ultnomah County Libraries.
M u ltn o m a h
C o u n ty
H e a lth
D epartm ent is actively recruiting
persons from various ethnic and
cultural backgrounds to enhance
service to our diverse com munities.
Bilingual/bicultural candidates are
e n c o u ra g e d
ap p ly . An E q u al
O p p o rtu n ity
Office 250
Administrative Specialist II
Becom e part o f a greater mission with
th e
P o rtla n d
D e v e lo p m e n t
Com m ission. H elp PDC enhance its
goal o f enhancing Portland overall
This position provides m oderately
com plex clerical and adm inistrative
su p p o rt to d ep a rtm en t m an g ers,
p ro je c t c o o rd in a to rs, an d o th e r
professional staff. T his position may
also provide back up to departm ent
program assistants or specialists, and
Com m ission receptionist. Requires
know ledge o f com puter program s,
including advanced w ord processing
skills and advanced know ledge o f
spreadsheet and database programs.
A c c u ra te ty p in g , 1 0 -k ey a n d
keyboarding skills are required. High
School education or equivalent w ith
ad d itio n a l tra in in g b ey o n d high
school level in general business/
o ffic e p ro ce d u re s an d co m p u ter
a p p lic a tio n s . P o s itio n re q u ire s
2 years’ related experience.
An application and information packet
is available at PDC. O utside the
Portland M etro area, please call our
job hotline: (503)823-3463 to request
a p a c k e t b y m a il. P o rtla n d
Development Com mission; 1900SW
411, Ave Suite7000; Portland, O R 97201
240 Health Care
Small Agency hiring Direct Care
W o rk e rs w h o w a n t to m ak e a.
difference. M ust be 18 years oldJ
Starting $7.25-$7.60. Call 669-6622. '
Office 250
Administrative Assistant
A pplications available: A lbina H ead
S ta r t, 3417 7,h Ave., P o rtla n d , OR
clo sin g d ate: 5:00pm , J u n e 12,2000
General 235
Technical Trainee
Mechanical, welding, electronics, etc.
N oexperi ence required. W ewill train.
Salary, benefits, tools provided. Ages
17-34. H.S. diplom a and be w illingto
relocate. Call 1-800-914-8536.
j 11 5 0 ...........................................................................................per column inch
F acsimile................... 503.288.0015
Email to .classifieds(o>portlandobserver.com
General 235
General 235
$ 13.00....................................................................... per column inch and boxed
$ 15 .0 0 ......................................................... pet column inch boxed and shaded
$14.00...................................................................................................... RFPB ids
$90.00...................... Sub-Bids(2 column by 3") each additional inch = $ 10.00
P T A d m in is tr a tiv e A sst o p en
imm ediately. D uties include writing/
ed itin g co rresp o n d en ce, research
and analysis and use o f M icrosoft
Access. $ 10.50 - $ 12.00 starting wage
and agency benefits. Resum es will
not be accepted in lieu o f A gency
application. Apply at Portland Impact,
4707 SE H aw thorne Blvd. Questions
call (503) 988-6000. EOE/AA
All Classified Ads and
Bids will be accepted up
until 5 p.m., Friday.
Via Post, e-mail,
facsimile or in person at
4747 N.E. MLK Blvd
Public Notices.......................... 000
Family Services........................020
Lost and Found____________ 030
Meeting N otices....................... 040
Tickets, for Sale
Wanted.................... 050
Travel___________________ 060
Real Estate
.... IK)
Homes for rent.......... — - .... 115
for Sale................ ....120
Appartments, duplexes
for Rent............... ....125
Manufactured Homes
for Sale................ .... 130
Manufactured Homes
for Rent.,.,,,,........ ..... 135
.... 140
.... 145
.... 150
Waterfront Property........
.... 160
..... 165
Guidance/Resumes........... ..... 200
Professional....................... ..... 205
Computer/T echnology.— ..... 210
..... 213
C ontractors....................... ..... 215
..... 220
Indoor Home Care,
Domestic........... .... 225
Education.......................... ..... 227
..... 230
..... 235
H ealthC are........................ ..... 240
Advertising........ ..... 245
___ 247
____ 253
Retail..................................... „.255
Accounting-....... .....................258
Sales.......................................... 260
Social Services........................ 265
Temporary, Part-Time,
Seasonal................... 270
Positions Wanted.................... 275
Business opportunities.......... 280
Items for Sale
Antiques__________ _______ 300
\ pp I ia n ccs...............................-3tt5
Auctions............................... -3 1 0
Clothing__________ ...------—315
Software-----...------ 325
Estate Auctions/Sales........3 3 0
Farm Items..------ ------------„335
Furniture-------------- -— - —340
Garage Sale............................ 345
Garden Equipment------------- 350
Heavy Equipment--------------- 355
Hobbies/Collectors................ 360
Livestock................................. 365
Miscellaneous for Sale..........370
Miscellaneous Wanted........ 375
Office Equipment.................. 380
Pets/ Pet T raining, Shows....385
Stereo Equipment, Television,
VCR's,CD's,Tapes.... 390
Tools........................................ 395
ATV's....................................... 400
Antiques.................................. 405
Autos by Make........................410
BM W ............................ 410
Cadillac........................ 414
Chevrolet..................... 416
Chrysler....................... 418
Dodge............................ 420
Eagle............................. 422
C M C ............................. 426
Honda........................... 428
Lexus............................ 432
Lincoln......................... 434
Mazda........................... 436
Mercedes...................... 438
Oldsmobilc.................. 442
Plymouth..................... 444
Toyota........................... 450
Volkswagon................. 4S2
Others.......................... 454
Buses......................................... 460
Campe rs/Trailers.................. 465
Motorcycles.......................... ...470
Parts/Domestic....................... 475
Parts/Imports.......................... 480
Pickups..................................... 485
R. VJ Sales, Rentals................ 490
Messages.................................. 500
Services..................................... 505