Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 31, 2000, Page 2, Image 2

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May 31, 2000
ï i î v $ Iv » rtla n h (îDh s e rv e r
B Police News/Vancouver
Otreaeh program and
mathematics.............. 3
Niel Kelly showroom
to open with a splash 5
Gary Chenault to head
United Way Division..6
Local projects grow
with foundation
Broadway hit Titanic
hits Portland................1
Stanley cup teams get
worked up................ 3
El Observador..........5
On June 4, 1989, Chinese army troops
stormed Tiananmen Square in Beijing to
crush the pro-democracy movement;
hundreds - possibly thousands - o f people
On June 5, 1968, Sen Robert F. Kennedy
was shot and m ortally wounded just after
c la im in g v ic to ry in C a lifo r n ia ’ s
D e m o c ra tic p re s id e n tia l p rim a ry .
Gunman Sirhan Bishara Sirhan was
im mediately arrested.
On June 6, 1944, the D-Day invasion o f
Europe took place during W orld War II
as A llie d forces stormed the beaches o f
Normandy, France.
tOH f l it I’ o KILA.S u O bs LR'IB
Vancouver’s popular free summer
outdoor evening perfo rm an ces,
re tu rn th is y e a r as R iv erv iew
Community Bank present 'Six to
Sunset' on Thursdays. The bank will
also co-sponsor 10 free noontime
T hursday p erfo rm a n c es, called
The Six to Sunset series will be in the
revamped Esther Short Park, Eighth
and Columbia streets. All Six to
Sunset concerts are from 6 to 8 p.m.
"W ith Riverview moving our head
offices to Vancouver, w e’re excited
about sponsoring the series and
b e in g a c o m m u n ity p a rtn e r
su p p o rtin g
re v ita liz in g
downtown,’ said Riverview President
Pat Sheaffer. "Esther Short Park is a
beautiful site for the evening and
noon concerts. It’s the prefect place
for families to spread out a blanket,
bring a picnic meal and enjoy some
m usic."Four evening concerts are on
tap forthe park’s new Pavilion Stage.
•The funk and Latin jazz group
Rubberneck headlined the July 6,
•A five-man a cappella group from
Seattle, m-pact, is on stage July 20.
•Thesix-member county band Double
Trouble takes the stage Aug. 17.
•Nationally known contemporary
sin g er-so n g w riter Beth N ielsen
Chapman will perform on Aug. 31.
Wi 11 ie Nel son said o f Chapman: “One
o f the greatest songwriters to come
4 9 °F /9 eT
This Week
in History V
Riverview Community Bank sponsors 'Six to Sunset' concerts
W eather
Thought for the week
Do we really know anybody?
Who does not wear one face
to hide another?
— Francis Marion
along in many years. She writes, sings
and plays and does it all great.”
R iverview and the C om m unity
F o u n d a tio n
S o u th w e st
Washington will co-sponsor the ten
noon cityconcerts with the city o f
Vancouver and TheColumbian. Three
concerts will be in The Sculpture
Garden on Broadway and Ninth St.
on July 13, August 3 and Sept 7.
Seven cityconcerts will be in Esther
Short Parkon July 6, July 26, July 27,
Aug. 10, Aug. 17, Aug. 24, and Aug.
31. H eadliners include popular
metropolitan musicians Terry Robb,
Dale Van W ormerand Dan Balmer.
Here is the citycincerts lineup, all 60-
minute performances at noon on
•July 6, Esther Short Park: Sam
Bamboo, Caribbean music.
•July 13, Sculpture Garden: Border
Crossing, world music.
•July 20, Esther Short: Hearthwood
Duo, classical jazz.
Vancouver are co-sponsors o f the Six
to Sunset series and the noon
cityconcerts. Riverview Community
Bank, with offices at 900 Washington
S t., is a key p la y e r in the
redevelopment o f downtown. The
bank this autumn is m oving its
corporate offices to downtown, just
a block from Esther Short Park. The
historic park is undergoing a $2.1
million renovation by the city o f
Vancouver. In addition, a $2 million
gift from George and Carolyn Propstra
will add a brick plaza, bell tower and
w ater feature at the community
Crim e Stoppers
Fraud/ldentity Theft
The Portland Police bureau, in
cooperation with Crime Stoppers,
is asking foryour help in identifying
and apprehending the individual
responsible for a fraud.
On Sunday, May 14, 2000, the
suspect used a forged check to
purchase a Guild 12-string guitar
from Showcase Music and Sound
lo cated at 3401 S o u th e a st
H aw th o rn e B o u lev ard . For
id e n tific a tio n , the individual
presented a fraudulent drivers
license in the name of a Southwest
•July 27, Esther Short: Terry Robb,
acoustic blues.
•Aug3, Sculpture Garden: Innisfree,
Irish wedding music.
•Aug 10, Esther Short: Dale Van
Wormer, harp-style guitar.
•Aug 17, EstherShort: HalfWay Home,
country band.
•Aug 24, Esther Short: Dan Balmer,
contemporary jazz guitarist.
•Aug 31, Eshther Short, Say Uncle,
•Sep 7, SculptureGarden, Joe Millward
Duo, Varity o f music.
The Colum bian and the City o f
Portland resident who had earlier
reported his mail stolen. The check
and drivers license appeared to be
high quality fraud generated on a
The suspect is described as a white
male in his 20’s, 5’ 10” tall, weighing
165 pounds with short hair.
Crime Stoppers is offering a cash
reward o f up to $ 1,000 for information,
reported to Crime Stoppers, which
leads to an arrest in this case or a n v
unsolved felonycrime. You can remain
anonymous. Call Crime Stoppers at
★ , ★
★ Nf
Portland restaurant deals drugs, loses liquor license
lok T ue P ortland O bserver
T he O reg o n L iq u o r C o n tro l
Commission has ordered the Taquir-
Playa Azul restaurant in Portland to
immediately stop selling alcoholic
beverages because o f repeated sales
o f controlled substances at the
estab lishm ent. O w ner T rinidad
Alvarez also faces possible actions
from OLCC for sales by bartenders
who did not have state permits to
serve alcohol, and for al lowing a minor
to be in a prohibited area where alcohol
is sold.
Lateon Friday.May 19 OLCC officials
delivered the order to Alvarez at the
Multnomah County jail, where he is
being held on felony drug charges.
T he O L C C o rd e r im m ediately
suspends the liquor license o f the
Taquir-Playa Azul restaurant, 7008
N. In te rsta te A venue b ecau se
continued alcohol sales would pose
a serious danger to public health and
safety. Under Oregon law, Alvarez
has th e rig h t to re q u e st an
administrative hearing on the OLCC
OLCC received information from the
Portland Bureau o f Police that the
Police Bites
Boating Accident
Family of Five Thrown
T he S h e riff’s R iv er P atrol is
investigating the sinking o f a small
open boat on the Columbia River at
Mile 1 l8.0at5:50PM on Friday May
19. A family o f five including three
adults and two children, aboard a
fifteen foot open boat were thrown
o v e rb o a rd w hen the b oat w as
swamped by the wake o f a forty-foot
m o to r yacht. T he boat and all
equipment were lost.
A passing boater pulled all five from
the water. Thechildren werewearing
li fe jackets, however the adults were
not. The adults barely survived the
plunge into the very cold Columbia.
Im m ed iate in te rv e n tio n by th e
passing boater clearly saved these
boater lives.
T h is a c c id e n t p o in ts o u t tw o
requirements o f the early boating
season: (1) swift, cold water requires
all boaters in smal I boats to wear their
lifejackets and (2) boats with large
displacements and powerful engines
must control their large wakes when
driven hard. The skipper o f the
offending craft gave 1 ittle throughout
to his wake, and caused the swamping
and sinking o f the small boat, placing
the occupants in a life threatening
This accid en t o cc u rre d d u rin g
National Safe Boating week. MCSO
River Patrol reminds all boaters to
think safety - all o f the time!
The Medical Examinerofficeisdealing
with a third deceased victim.
Names are not yet available waiting
notification by the Medical Examiner.
Furtherinformation willbeavailable
upon completion o f the investigation.
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Red Ripe
Fatal Accident
Crash occurs at Marine Drive and
Blue Lake Drive
At a p p ro x im a te ly 12:30 on
Wednesday May 24, 2000, a fatal
crash occurred at the intersection o f
Marine Drive and Blue Lake Drive in
East Multhnomah County.
A tractor, proceeding West on Marine
Drive, was involved with two small
vehicles proceeding east on Marine
Drive. The tractor diver was not
injured. The crash sent two victims
from the smaller vehicles to local
restaurant was under investigation
for possible sales o f controlled
substances. According to police,
o ffic e rs p u rc h a se d c o n tro lle d
su b sta n c e s on five se p a ra te
occasions in the restaurant. Four o f
these illegal sales were made by
Alvarez, and the f t fth by his employee.
During a search o f the restaurant on
May 18, police seized cocaine, heroin,
and cash.
“ O L C C a c te d q u ick ly and
aggressively to protect public health
and safety,” said Pamela S. Erickson,
OLCC administrator. “These drug
dens are a threat to community
livability, so we will shut down as
soon as possible.”
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