Page B7 May 31, 2000 (T hv JJarUanö ©baeruer Classifieds/Bids iJurtlanò Employment General 235 Join the Tri-Met Project Planning team as their A d m in istra tiv e S p e c ia list. Y o u ’ll p ro v id e administrative and clerical support: Maintaining records management system , c o o rd in a tin g flow o f documents and inform ation, and coordinating office m anagem ent functions. Qualified candidates must have a high school diplom a or e q u iv a le n t w ith fo u r y ears o f p ro g re ssiv e e x p e rie n c e in a re sp o n sib le an d re la te d administrative or secretarial position. R eq u ires p e rso n a l c o m p u te r experience with word processing, spreadsheet, database applications, and typing speed o f 60 wpm. Excellent benefit package and hiring rangeofS 14.28-$ 17.14/hour. Qualified c a n d id a te s su b m it a T ri-M e t ap plication w ith a resum e and supplemental questions no later than June 9,h to the Human Resources Dept., 4012 SE 17th Ave., Portland, OR 97202. You may call(503)962-7635 for information or visit our web site at you W a n t -to 9 0 . When it comes to growth, we've got it at every turn. And our growth means your growth. We'll pump you up w ith the support ot a strong, stable company com­ m itted to your professional development. And you’ll get the recognition you deserve. So, if you want it - hop on board. And, we'll take you where you want to grow, fu ll- & part-tim e O p p o rtu n itie s O Custom er Service Cashiers O O Pump Island A tten dants o flene/iti indudi: Im edical/dental O $6.75/hr to «tart (sick leave O tuition reimbursement vacation o store level bonus I paid training q flexible schedules ¿ to p b y $0 Down $0 Closing Let us show you how! AUTO SALES INFORMATION SEMINAR Bad Credit SelfEmployed Bankruptcy All OK June 5 * , 6:00 PM Thinking of a career in Auto Sales? Call This is your chance to be informed about every aspect o f professional auto sales without applying fo r a job! Liz Hamilton Majestic Mortgage 503-525-3552Office 503-955-0772 Pager 503-397-9769 Home IEARN IIIEANSWERS.. How much money can I make? • Can I sell part time? • Can I be honest and still succeed? • Must I work weekends? • Do I earn a salary or commissions or both? • W hat’s the difference in dealerships? • W hat’s the future? • Is there job security? • How do I select a good dealer? • No experience necessary. • Bring your questions and get straight answers from Mike Lang, one o f the most experienced professionals in the Northwest! This is a free seminar and there is Nothing to buy or sign up for, but seating is limited. Call Tammy fo r reservations, 722-4927, Monday June 6'h, or Tuesday June 6'\ 9 a m. - 5 p.m. e x a c tly w h e re FREE! LOOK Want A House!!! WIIOSIIOl I D ATI END? A nyoneinterested in a career change. • Anyone considering auto sales. • Experienced auto salespeople who desire to explore the options available. • Someone who wants more than a job. 19375 SE McLoughlin Blvd. Sponsored by the most respected dealer group in Portland... THOMASON AUTO GROUP Equal Opportunity Employer and/or Roberta Robinson G.R.I. Century 2 1 Elite 503-241-2711x141 Office 503-366-3168 Pager 503-397-5267 Home P.O.Box 242 St. Helen, OR 97051 Attention: Are You Adventurous And Exciting? But bored with the same old daily routines, conversations and faces? - Handsome single m aleó’ 1”, 180 lbs, chocolate coated and just as delicious, Independent secure, charismatic enjoys all outdoor activities, music & romance. Seeking correspondence with single female Who is honest, understanding, lively, Compassionate and more lovable than a teddy bear. P.O. Box 3137 Portland, OR 97208 Career Opportunities Information about career opportunities with the Port o f Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port’s office, located at 121 NW Everett St, Portland. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8am to 12pm and lpm to 5pm. You may also apply online at our website, The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer 7433 Interstate-Annex Portland, OR 97217 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED East County Health, Aging & Disability Services Bldg Gresham, Oregon Date: June 6,2000 @ 1 1 :00 am Event/ProgramManager Portland Ad Federation (PAF) PAF, a dynamic organization with over 800 members, is looking for an e x p e rie n c e d E v e n t/P ro g ra m Manager. This position coordinates all programs & events for the PAF. Rosey Show, Luncheon Programs, Media Action & other programs a p p ro v e d by B oard. M ajor responsibilities include providing support to communities involved in program design & implementation, organizing volunteers, soliciting sponsorships, coordinating logistics, managing finances, & evaluating results. The successful candidate will have 2 y ears ex p erien ce in pro d u cin g programs for groups of200+, 2 years experience working with volunteers, excellent communication, & solid computer skills. Salary is $25,000-$30,000 with incentive bonuses. Send cover letter, resume & reference to Cindy Becker at PAF by June 7,2000. Fax 503-224- 0273. (No phone calls) LCG Co. e x a c t ly , whe^.you | W a n t t o Q O - When it comes to growth, we’ve got it at every turn. And I our growth means your growth I We’ll pump you up with the I support o f a strong, stable com | pany committed to your profes­ sional development. And you'll get the recognition you deserve So, if you want it - hop on board. And, we'll take you where you want to grow. k • • • Ä • O r • « • 16427 N.E. Airport Way, #B, Portland, Oregon 97230 (503)256-3016 Fax(503)256-3684 CCB#132982 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from minority, women, disadvantaged and emerging small business enterprises. S ub -B ids R equested m an ag em en t- O p p o ftlln itie S East County Building Gresham, Oregon Bid Date: June 6,2000 ♦ 11:00 am CC’B#63147 o Managers o o Assistant Managers o Benefits include: medical/dental o paid training sick leave o tuition reimbursement • vacation store level bonus Please fax your resume to; L. Gilliland (503) 7M -4558 M. Norington (503) 466-517« K. W hite (503) 364 006« ROBINSON Construction Co. 21360 N.W.Amberwood Dr. Hillsboro, OR 97124 503-645-8531 FAX 645-5357 EOE Robinson Construction reserves the right to reject any bid. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub-bids jrom emerging sm all business, disadvantaged business enterprises, minority business enterprises, and women-owned business enterprises. S ub -B ids R equested Women’s Prison & Intake Center Coffee Creek Correctional Facility Bid Package #3-Minimum Facility Pre-Bid Meeting/Site Visit: June 1,2000 at 1:30pm Bids Due: June 29,2000 at 2:00pm Bid Documents available from Willamette Print & Blueprint 503/223- 5011 A Hoffman subsidiary Intends to bid the Cast-in-Place Concrete work. H EAST COUNTY HEALTH, AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES BUILDING Gresham, Oregon VA Hospital General Contractor Bids Due June 6, 2000 at 2:00 P.M. It interested in bidding this project, contact Carl @ (503)466 2076 x 224 ORA'ASM OC AMERICA CONSTRUCTION. INC 1815 NW 169* Place, Suite 1060. Beaverton, OR »7006 Phone (503)466-2076 Fax: (503)466 2076 Oregon Contractor Registration #104900 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub-bids from all interested hnns, Including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled vatarans and emerging amall business enterprises. NOTE: OCAC requires all subcontractors submitting bids in excess of (SO.000 to be 100% performance and payment bondable. HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON Bid Phone: (503) 221 -8811 - Bid Fax: (503)221 -8934 1300 S W Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR CCB#28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. O th e r S u b c o n tra c tin g O p p o rtu n itie s - In te rn e t h ttp :// O regon H ousing A nd C ommunity S ervices R ehabilitate A Two S tory M ixed -U se P roperty R equest F or Q ualifications Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) is seeking a qualified developer, owner and operator to purchase and rehabilitate a two story mixed-use property in downtown Pendleton, Oregon. The building contains five commercial tenants on the ground floor, and ten rental apartments on the second floor. OHCS has secured a purchase option for the building, and has completed an initial retail and residential needs. A preliminary development concept and financing scenario has also been prepared for the property. Both non-profit and for-profit organizations are invited to present development and ownership credentials. The development entity must demonstrate its ability to successfully develop and manage mixed-use affordable housing, while effectively addressing the needs ofthe occupants as well as the surrounding business and residential community. OHCS will transfer its purchase interest to the selected developer, who will then compete for funding necessary to complete the project. To receive a Request for Qualifications packet, including background information, development concept and schedule, please contact Sarah Nicholas at (503) 9 8 6 - 2 1 3 4 . Sub-Bids Requested East County Health & Disability Service Building Gresham, Oregon Bid Date: June 6,2000 * 11:00 am SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Sub-Bids Requested Expand Ambulatory Care Building Roseburg, Oregon Bid Date: 06-06-00 Bid Time: 2 p.m. John Hyland Const., Inc. P.O.Box 7867 Eugene, OR. 97401 8081 -8081 -8081 -Fax: 541 -741 -0896 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from Disadvantaged, Minority, Women, Vietnam era veterans. Disabled veterans, or Emerging small business enterprises. Advertisement for: Dayton Schools - “Elementary School - Sitework (Complete Package)”. Lease Crutcher Lewis, serving as the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) for the Dayton District, is soliciting bids for the complete Sitework Package at the Elementary School in Dayton, Oregon. Terms and conditions o f the bid are outlined in Lease Crutcher Lewis (CM/ GC) “Invitation to Bid”, dated May 24,2000, attached to and made a part o f the Contract Documents. Bids will be received at the offices of Lease C ru tc h e r Lewis, 9 2 1 SW W ashington Suite 150, P ortland,O regon 97205, until3:00 p.m . PST, Ju n e 8,2000 at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids shall be clearly m arked “ Dayton Schools Elem entary Sitew ork” . Construction includes: Site Demo, Clearing and Grubbing, Mass excavation, Site utilities, AC Paving, Curbs and Sidewalks, Pavement stripping, Landscaping and Landscape repair, incorporated into one complete package. Contract Documents may be reviewed at the following locations: Lease Crutcher Lewis (CM/GC)/Portland, OR; Construction Data and News/ Portland, Wilsonville, OR; Construction Market Data/Portland, OR; Daily Journal Plan Center/Portland, Tigard, OR; Impact Business Consultants, P.C./Portland, OR; Oregon Association o f Minority Enterprises/Portland, OR; Oregon Contractors Plan Center/Clackamas, OR; Salem Contractors Exchange/Salem, OR; Southwest Washington Contractors Association/Vancouver, WA. Contract Documents may be purchased in its entirety or in part from Ford Graphics, (503) 227-3424. All bidders must comply with the following requirements: Prevailing Wage Law, ORS 279.350. Licensed with Construction Contractors Board ORS 671.530. Resident Status ORS 279.029. No bid will be considered unless received by 3:00 p.m. PST on June 8, 2000, and fully completed in the manner provided by the “Instructions to Bidders”, upon the Bid Form provided. “NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO ENSURE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (Executive Order 11246)”. Lease Crutcher Lewis (CM/GC) is committed to taking affirmative action to encourage and facilitate the participation of minority/women-owned business enterprises (M/WBE) in State projects and encourage Contractors to provide similar opportunities for their Subcontractors. Lease Crutcher Lewis (CM/GC) John Albers Project Manager PORT OF PORTLAND Or call our hotline fo r , an appointment: (877-275-4692). EOE Generals 235 DAYTON SCHOOLS RENOVATION Dayton Public Schools Dayton, Oregon “ *T & 1 -877-ask-h © w 2 A dvertisement F or B ids DRAKE CONST. CO. il R A K F U n n iX L 437 N. Columbia Blvd. * Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 978-0800 Fax (503) 978-1031 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged. Minori.'y, women, Vietnam era veterans, disabled veterans, or emerging mall business enterprises. Witnesses Needed: If you witnessed protestors being shot by Portland city police between 8:15 p.m. and9:00p.m. on August 1 7 ,1998 in the area of NE Martin Luther King Boulevard and Prescott Street, please contact Stephens & Russell law office at (503)282-7999. Video especially helpful.