Page B6 P o rt la nò M ay 31, 2000 (Elje 'jJortlanò (ßheeruer Classifieds/Bids <5b»rnitr Employment Professional 205 11 Employment I Employment! 1 Employment | 1 Employment General 235 General 235 Manufacturing Manager Regional Account Executive Portland, O regon's WB affiliate, K W B P. is se e k in g q u a lifie d candidates with extensive knowledge and a proven track record in local and/or national sales. Candidates will be re sp o n sib le fo r c a llin g on a g e n c ie s/a c c o u n ts in S e a ttle W ashington. A pplicants should have strong selling and negotiating skills. KWBP is an equal opportunity employer. This position will remain open until June 23,2000 or until filled. Mail or Fax resume to National Sales Manager KW BP-TV, Acme Television o f Oregon 10255 SW Arctic Drive, Beaverton, OR97005 (Fax #503-626-3576) Professional 205 Executive Director Portland Community Land Trust, a nonprofit membership organization seeks energetic first E.D. with a passion for affordable housing., e x p e rie n c e in co m m u n ity development and organizational and/ or program management, including: b u d g e t an d s ta f f su p e rv isio n , outreach, and board development. $48-$55k DOE plus benefits. Contact PC LT at 5 0 3 -4 3 9 -0 2 9 3 or info@ PC L T .org for application packet. Comp/Tech 210 Journey Level Electrician Rexam Image Products is a multi­ b illio n d o lla r co m p a n y w ith manufacturing and sales worldwide. • W e a re se e k in g a ta le n te d professional to work in our Portland plant, which mafnifactufes inkjet m edia and o th e r c o a te d p ap er products primarily for the high tech industry. The qualified candidate must possess a minimum o f an Oregon LMP or GJ license and have all the toolsofthe trade. Requires experience in start-u p and tro ubleshooting computer literacy in DOS. You must be available for any shift. Overtime and weekend work may be required. Journey Level Electrician pay is $22,43/hour with shift differential paid for off shifts. W e o ffer an excellen t b enefits package, including medical, dental, 4 0 IK, and vacation, with excellent o p p o rtu n ities for advancem ent. Qualified individuals should send resumes to: Rexam Image Products, Attn: Human Resources Manager, P.O. Box 3349. Portland, OR 97208- 3349, Equal Opportunity Employers. Rexam Graphics General 235 Community Development Outreach Coordinator I Office Administrator Portland Community Land Trust, a n o n p ro fit m e m b e rsh ip -b a se d affordable housing organization, seeks energetic individual to serve as its first outreach coordinator and office adm inistrator. Candidates should have experience in community outreach with a passion foraffordable housing. Database m anagement. Public speaking. G eneral office administration. $ 15-S2O per hour DOE. Contact: PCLT at (503) 493-0293 or info@ for an application! packet. Advertise in The Portland Observer I Call 288-0033 Parking Facility Operator Immediate opening for full and part-tim e lot attendants w ith Portland's leading parking Co. We are se e k in g d e p e n d a b le in d iv id u a ls w ith a n eat a p p e a ra n ce and a p o sitiv e attitude. $7.50 + starting wage Huge overtime potential Advancement opportunities Medical, Dental, 401 k available Applicants must submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1 PM, Monday - Friday. 130 SW Stark Portland, OR Crime Data Analyst/Programmer (Management Analyst II) General 235 $3,552-$4,317/mo. Closes June 9,2000 • • Executive Director Portland Community Land Trust, a nonprofit membership organization seeks energetic first E.D. with a passion for affordable housing., e x p e rie n c e in co m m u n ity development and organizational and/ or program management, including: b u d g et and s ta f f su p e rv isio n , outreach, and board development. $48-$55k DOE plus benefits. Contact PC L T at 5 0 3 -4 3 9 -0 2 9 3 or info@ PC L T .org for application packet. • Senior Fiscal Specialist Medical Records Technician (ART) Laboratory Specialist Application materials and formal job announcem ents are available at: in person or by mailing a self-addressed stam p ed e n v e lo p e re q u e stin g application forms to: Multnomah County Human Resources Division, 1120 SW 5lh Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box 14700. Portland OR, 97293-0700. A ssisted access to Multnomah County job information and w eb site is a v a ila b le at Multnomah County Libraries. M u ltn o m ah C ou n ty H ealth Department is actively recruiting persons from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance service to our diverse communities. Bilingual/bicultural candidates are encouraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer Outreach Coordinator Portland Community Land Trust, a nonprofit membership organization seeks energetic outreach coordinator/ office manager with a passion for affordable housing, experience in community outreach, database mgt., public speaking and office admin. $ 15-20/hr DOE. Contact PCLT at 503- 439-0293 or info@ for application packet. General 235 General 235 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor Salem Area Mass Transit is looking for an individual to be responsible for supervising a team o f Maintenance employees responsible forthe routine cleaning, repair and maintenance o f District facilities. Salary range is $17.28 to $22.51 per hour. Come in or call 503-588-2424 for official District a p p lic a tio n form and d e ta ile d vacancy announcement. Visit our web site at: Send completed application form to Human Resources Division, Salem Area Mass Transit District, 3140 Del Webb A ve. N E , S alem , OR 97303. Applications must be received by District by5:00p.m . June 16,2000. Now Hiring Church Is Recruiting We are looking for people who want a great future. Enrich your own life by helping others and receive benefits oftrainingand counseling. Hard work, low pay, improve while you have a job. If you are interested in any o f the following areas: Executive Finance. Personnel, Sales Public Relations, Administration, A uditing (C ounseling), T raining O th ers, C le ric a l, M ark etin g & Promotion. Call Rachael @(503)-963-8121, orstop by and fill out an application at: 2636 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland OR 97232, Church O f Scientology O f Portland General 235 Customer Service Representatives Salem Area Mass Transit is seeking two Full-time and one Part-time Customer Service Representatives to p ro v id e ro u te and schedule information to customers and sell bus passes. Starting wage $ 10.80 per hour. Comeinor call 503-588-2424to obtain official application form and detailed vacancy announcement which lists qualification requirements. Visit our websiteat: Send completed application form to Salem Area Mass Transit District, Human Resources Division, 3140 Del Webb AveNE,Salem,OR97303. Application must be received by District by 5:00 p.m. June 23,2000. An Equal Opportunity Employer. General 235 Executive Director Interim Position N onprofit child abuse and DV prevention and early-intervention organization seeks ED from July through December. Excellent fund raising, grant writing, and financial management skills a must. Possible transition to development work at end o f interim. College degree and experience in DV or child abuse field requ’d. We are a multicultural and equal o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e r. Competitive sal. And benefits. Send resu m e/co v . Let by June 2 to Com m unity A dvocates, 5315 N. Vancouver, Portland, OR 97217. Production Workers Manufacturing Washington County Bilingual Administrative Specialist II Well - established Manufacturing co m p an y o ffe rs a ch allen g in g position in a union environment. Successful candidate must have a minimum o f 5 years management experience, strong fiscal skills, excellent com m unication skills, stro n g le a d e rsh ip sk ills and a commitment to safety, quality and custom er service. Knowledge o f in je c tio n m o ld in g and lean manufacturing a plus. We offer an excellent benefit package in a casual environment. Please submit resume with salary history to the Operations Manager, PECOMFG., INC., P.O. Box 82189, Portland, Oregon 97282-0189 Equal Employment Opportunity The M ultnom ah County H ealth Department is currently recruiting for the following position: General 235 General 235 General 235 Employment $2,064-$2,509/mo. Closes June 16,2000 County Administrative Office Specialist (Administrative Specialist II) $2,064-$2,509/mo. Closes June 9,2000 Community Health Nurse II JobShare $18,69-$22.72/hour Closes June 16,2000 Geographic Information Systems Specialist (Operations Division) $3,467-$4,202/mo. Closes June 16,2000 Rexam Image Products is a multi­ b illio n d o lla r com pany w ith manufacturing and sales worldwide. We are seeking talented Sheeter/ Bundler production workers to work in o u r P o rtlan d p la n t, w hich manufactures inkjet media and other coated paper products primarily for the high tech industry. Candidates must possess a minimum o f 1 -2 years’ experience working in a production, manufacturing, industrial, process or mechanical environment. A high school diploma or GED is required. Teamwork and communication ski 11s are also essential. Positions will require repetitive assembly o f packaging materials with some bending and lifting (up to 50 lbs.). Must be able to work shift work and overtim e w hen necessary. Starting hourly wage is $8.98 per hour. We offer an excellent benefits package, including medical, dental, 4 0 IK, and vacation, with excellent opportunities for advancem ent. Qualified individuals should send resumes to: Rexam Image Products, Attn: Human Resources Mgr., P.O. Box 3349, Portland, OR 97208-3349. Equal Opportunity Employers. Rexam Graphics Probation & ParoleOfficer II $3,243-$3,941/mo. Closes June 9,2000 Purchasing Supervisor $4,545-$5,526/mo. Closes June 16,2000 Survey Technician I $2,489-$3,012/mo. Closes June 9,2000 Call (503 ) 846-8606/TTY (503 ) 846- 4898 fo r in fo rm a tio n . C o unty a p p lic a tio n and su p p le m e n ta l application forms required. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Apply To: W ash in g to n C o u n ty H um an Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Genera, 235 General 235 Dock Loader/T ransport Driver $17.89H R,ClassA CD L,2yearO TR. w doubles & triples. Excellent DMV record. Avail to work all shifts. Apply N. Portland Emp.Ofc, 20 N. Webster. Job R ef# 11 15026. We are an EEO/ AAP Employer. Inventory Planner/Scheduler ManufacturingCoordinator General 235 Rexam Image Products is a multi­ b illio n d o lla r c o m p an y w ith manufacturing and sales worldwide. W e are se e k in g a ta le n te d professional to work in our Portland plant, which manufactures inkjet m edia and o th e r co ated paper products primarily for the high tech industry. T he position w ill be responsible for all planning logistics for Bielomatic sheeter, including raw material and supply purchase, coating sc h e d u le s, sh e e te r c o n v e rtin g schedules, inventory management, and customer service interface. This will be done with close coordination o f capacity and resource utilization, forecasting, material strategies, shop floor and systems management. Requires 2+ years as a planner/ sc h e d u le r in a m a n u fa c tu rin g environment, with a Business degree preferred. Excellent interpersonal skills are required to negotiate and facilitate m any functional area. Experience with MRP systems in a m a n u fa c tu rin g e n v iro n m e n t, planning o f Bill o f Materials, and APICS background is also desired. We offer competitive compensation and an excellent benefits package. P lease send resu m e in c lu d in g references and salary history to: Rexum Image Products, Attn: Human Resource Mgr., P.O. Box 3349, Portland, OR 97208-3349. Equal Opportunity Employer. Rexam Graphic Technical Trainee Mechanical, welding, electronics, etc. No experience required. We will train. Salary, benefits, tools provided. Ages 17-34. H.S. diplomaandbe willingto relocate. Call 1-800-914-8536. 240 Health Care Small Agency hiring Direct Care W orkers w ho w ant to m ake a difference. Must be 18 years old; Starting $7.25-$7.6O. Call 669-6622. ' Office 250 Office Assistant Neil Kelly Co., a national ly recognized design/build remodeling firm, has an immediateopening fora fulltimeOffice Assistant primarily at N. Portland location. Medium excel, word and reception experience required. Must be flexible. Occasionally required to back-up S W office location, and must have own transportation and good driving record to qualify. Mileage reimbursement avai lable. Busy office e n v iro n m e n t th a t p ro m o te s teamwork. Must be friendly, have e x c e p tio n a l in te rp e rso n a l and organizational skills, and be a team player. Waged entry-level position with benefits. One of Oregon Business Magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For. Send resume and cover le tte r to: D iane Stark, H um an R esources D ep t., N eil K elly Company, 804 N. Alberta St., Portland, OR 972 1 7 or em ail to lanh (Obserricr Call Today 503.288.0033 Facsimile .............. 503.288.0015 Email tO. i ( C/) W § $11.50.......... ........... per column inch and boxed $13.00.......... percolumninchboxedandshaded $15.00.......... $14.00........... $90.00.......... ......... Sub Bids(2 column by 3")each additional inch = $ 10.00 Information/Travel Public Notices....................... ..000 Announcements/Weddings.. ..010 Announcements/Births...... ..015 Family Services................ ..020 Lost and Found..................... 030 Meeting Notices.................... 040 Tickets, for Sale Wanted................. 050 Travel---------------------------..060 Real Estate Acreage................................. ..100 Homes for sale....................... 110 Homes fo r rent......................... 115 Appartments,duplexes fo r Sale...................... 170 Appartments, duplexes fo r R ent..................... 175 Manufactured Homes for Sale................... 130 Manufactured Homes for Rent.................. .135 Others for Sale..................... 140 Others for Rent..................... .145 Commercial Real Estate...... .150 Waterfront Property............ .155 Real Estate Services.............. .160 Real Estate Wanted.............. 165 Employment Guidance/Resumes.............. .200 705 Professional..................... Computer/Technology.... __ 210 Automotive.............................213 Contractors..................... .....215 Outdoor Home Care........ .....220 Indoor Home Care, Domestic........... .... 775 227 Education......................... Financial, Insurance........ ..... 230 General............................ .....235 Healthcare...................... .240 Marketing, Advertising....... .... 245 Administration................ ......247 Office...........--------------......... 250 Leual.......................................253 R e tail...................................... __255 Accounting....................... ......258 Sales.................................. .....260 Social Services....................... 265 Temporary, Part-Time, Seasonal.................. 270 Positions Wanted................... 275 Business opportunities..........280 Items for Sale Antiques.................................300 Appliances............................. 305 Auctions................................. 310 Clothing................................. 315 Clothing.—..........-------- ........320 Computers/Electronics, Software.................325 Estate Auctions/Sales........... 330 Farm Items........................... 335 Furniture.............................. 340 Garage Sale........................... 345 Garden Equipment............... 350 Heavy Equipment.................. 355 Hobbies/Collectors............... 360 Livestock.................................365 Miscellaneous for Sale.........37 0 Miscellaneous Wanted..........375 Office Equipment_____ ____ 380 Pets/ Pet T raining, Shows....385 Stereo Equipment, Television, VCR’s,CD’s,Tapes....390 Tools------ .............__ ________ 395 Automobiles ATV’s................................... 400 Antiques............................... .405 Autos by Make....................... 410 B M W ............................... 410 Buick........... ...................412 Cadillac...........................414 C hevrolet....................... 416 C h rysler..........................418 Dodge...............................420 Eagle................................422 Ford..................................424 G M C ................................ 426 Honda..............................428 Jeep................................. 430 Lexus............................... 432 Lincoln............................434 M azda............................. 436 Mercedes........................438 Nissan.............................. 440 Oldsm oblle....................442 Plymouth....................... 444 Saturn.............................446 Subaru.............................448 Toyota............................. 450 Volkswagon.................. 452 Others............................454 Buses........................................ 460 All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until 5 p.m., Friday. 1 ^ n 1 K K| Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd Campers/T railers................. 465 Motorcycles........................... 470 Parts/Domestic...................... 475 Parts/I m ports........................ 480 Pickups................................... 485 R.V7 Sales, Rentals...............490 SUV’s......................................495 Personals Messages................................500 Services...................................505