May 24, 2000 Page A5 ¡Zlje ^Inrtlanò ©heeruer JJ« r t laiiù Family Living ■■ Reverse mortgage linked Tri-Met’s top employees recognized for service to LTC Cars Insurance In an effort to assist hom eow ners to purchase long-term care insurance plans, C ongressm an John J. LaFalce, D-N.Y. has authored legislation that would reduce the cost o f financing U.S. governm ent-insured reverse m ortgage, w hile concurrently saving M edicaid funds from being eroded unnecessarily. As part o f the “A m erican H om e O w nership and Econom ic O pportunity A ct” (H R. 1776), the bill w as unanim ously passed by the H ouse Banking Subcom m ittee on February 15,2000. “ Longterm care insurance can be an effective w ay to protect saving built up over a lifetim e,” LaFalce states,” and reverse m ortgage allow seniors to access the equity in their hom e to pay the prem ium , w ith no m onthly principal and interest due on such loans. U sing a reverse m ortgage to pay for long-term care insurance is natural fit,” L aFalce pointed out. T he Federal H ousing A dm inistration’s reverse m ortgage program enables hom eow ners age 62 and older the opportunity to turn their locked-up hom e equity into tax-free in— com e w hile m aintaining ow nership and requiring no monthly repayment. Eligibility requirem ents are quite sim ple and do not impose any standards based on incom e, assets, credit o r em ploym ent. By linking the reverse m ortgage to long-term care insurance, hom eow ners can protect their saving against the potentially devastating expense o f extended care. Obeary Spires for T he P ortland O bserver T ri-M et gave top honors for bus and M A X O perators o f the Year Research Initiative announced to establish legal and monetary reparations for black Americans at its annual em ployee recognition banquet Saturday. O b e a ry S p ire s o f N o rth e a st P o rtla n d ea rn ed th e to p distinction as Bus O perator o fth e Y ear. G ene Adrian o f Oregon City earned the MAX 1 ight rai 1 Operator ofthe Year. Patricia OlsonofOregon C ity won the top title for part-tim e bus operator. All the operators qualified based on outstanding driving records, custom er service and attendance. The winners w ere elected by a vote o f their peers. “O ur operators are in the forefront ofproviding riders with safe, reliable and friendly service,” said Fred Hansen, Tri-Met General Manager. “ W e ’re all p r o u d o f th e s e outstanding operators, w ho lead a great team in delivering thousands o f rides a day.” O beary Spires, 62, has been a bus operator at Tri-M et for 25 years. H e’s now driving line 10-Harold/ NE 33rd Ave. Adrian, 59, joined Tri-M et 10 years ago as a part-tim e bus operator and has been driving full tim e since 1992. In 1997, he began driving M AX light rail trains. O lson, 38, began driving 14 years ago and serves custom ers on line 99X -M cL oughlin Express during w eekday rush hours. For m ore inform ation, call (3010 603- 8112. The H arvest Institute, a nationally re c o g n iz e d b la c k th in k ta n k announced that it is em barking on a n atio n al fac t-fin d in g m issio n to identify w ho and how black people w e re e c o n o m ic a lly e x p lo ite d , physically abused, and culturally crippled by centuries o f slavery and Jim Crow segregation. T he institute w ill d ev e lo p th e legal th e o rie s, fin an cial ju stific a tio n , and facts support reparations. T he Institute’s fact-finding m ission is predicated on the beh alf that the A m erican system o f social dem ocracy is obligated to deliver justice to those who society has treated unjustly. T he H arvest has national support fro m b la c k e le c te d o f f ic ia ls , co m m u n ity o rg a n iz a tio n s, b lack cham bers o f com m erce, and business groups. It is seek in g sources o f inform ation about specific instances in w hich private parties, business, and various levels o f governm ent supported and directly o r indirectly profited or otherw ise benefited from the laws and public policies o f full black slavery and Jim Crow sem i­ slavery. T hose law s and policies denied the natural rights o f black people to enjoy life, liberty, pursuit o f happiness and the fruits o f their ow n labor. The Institute intends to identify in d iv id u a ls w ith h is t o r ic a l ly docum ented links to slavery and Jim C ro w , c o lle c t p rim a ry re se a rc h m aterials, and hold public hearing. T he Institute’s finding will serve as a legal-m oral basis for black people’s reparation claims. M aking restitution for dam ages is rooted in our legal system and has been used by industrialized nations as a m echanism for apologizing and c o rre c tin g in s titu tio n a l w ro n g s. R e stitu tio n ’s have been m ade to nearly every group that has claim ed injury but black people. W hite indentured servants received freedom dues. T he U nited States allocated $ 14 billion to Japan (The Point Four Plan) and G erm any (The M arshall Plan) follow ing W orld W ar II. O ur governm ent just gav eo v erS 1 billion to Japanese A m ericans for relocating them during W orld W ar 11. T his reparations act through treaties for nearly tw o hundred years. Even through it will be the purview of black people todeterm ine the form of reparations to be dem anded, i.e., m oney, land or tax exem ptions, the Institute will seek to craft a form ula and m a k e r e c o m m e n d a tio n s regarding the am ounts, forms, and delivery mechanisms. The initial focus will be on industries such as cotton, textiles, insurance, railroads, banks, tobacco, iron w orks, shipping lines, furniture companies, farm equipment, sugar, and other food stuffs. The Institute's research will take a tw o-tiered fo c u s:) 1 full slavery and 2) Jim C row se m i-sla v ery . T he hearings and research findings will be m ade public on an on-going basis. U rg e n t Family In Need O f Help Name: Trent T. Sims Date Of Birth July 8, 1998 Diagnosis: Myledysplastic Syndrome Acute Mylogenous Lukemia Doctor: Lawrence Wolfe Theadore Moore, Bone Marrow Specialist Wish: Sesame Street Live-to let public be aware of his disease and if there are any clinical trials available worldwide. Family needs the following: (1) Prepared food for a family of 4, while baby is in the hospital, OHSU 10 RM #8 contact Octavia McKinney (Mother) at 418-5118. (2) Money for Burial (21 Month old Male) Come visit us on the web at www.portlandobserver. com fabric D epot THE LARGEST. M O ST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST MAY 23 through JUNE 6, 2000 Memorial Day, May 29th, 10-6pm SALE EXTENDED! 0/ 30 /o OFF Everything in the store* MEMORIAL DAY SAI F . 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