Page 4 May 24, 2000 in Print By Chuck Spezzano, Ph.D. Marlowe & Company; 1998 I f It Hurts, It Is n 't L o ve's razor- sharp principles are guaranteed to stop you in your treks: W hat 1 think I need is w hat I am called to give. Depression is the fearthat something new will leave me. If my partner loses, I will end up paying the bill. T he longer I hold on, the m ore I lose. Every pow er struggle is a rem inder o f place w here I have been hurt. Jealousy is a birthing place. C huck Spezzano, the author o f these and the 360 other daily principles in this book, is a true original. A student and teacher o f ©Ije Focus ®beeruer If It Hurts, It Isn’t Love human psychology for thirty years, S pezzano brings to this volum e deep-seated w isdom and dow n-to- earth insights into the human heart and m ind, and a bedrock b elief that our relationships are “unabashedly s p i r i t u a l .” As few o th e r Making Peace with Your Past r e la tio n s h ip s e x p e r ts d o , h e encourages us to dispel the pain and hurt that often characterize our most significant relationships, and urges us to transform ourselves - and thereby our relationships with those w hom w e m ust love. M a k in g l 1 fi il fi fi • TO HEAL AND TRANSFORM 4 YOUR ¡ RELATIONSHIPS ìiiiir First 4 By Harlod Bloomfield, M.D. Harper Collins; 2000 Do y o u ... • H arbor guilt, gripes, o r g rudges from past relationships? Feel plagued by thoughts like “ If only I h ad . . . ” or “ 1 w ish 1 d id n ’t . . . ”? • T hink “O h, no, not again !” w hen personal problem s arise? • Feel asham ed o f things y o u ’ve done? • W ish you could apologize to som eone y o u ’ve w ronged and be forgiven? • F e e l v ic tim iz e d b y p a s t experiences? • W ish you could set the record s tr a i g h t - a n d f in a lly be vindicated? • W onder w hy life h asn ’t turned out the w ay you w anted? Feel anxious o r depressed about your future? • Seem to be less happy as tim e goes by? If you answ ered yeas to even one o f these questions, y o u 'v e com e to the right place. It’s tim e to m ake peace w ith your past. T he past lives on in everything you th in k , feel, say, and do. M edical studies show that adults w h o ’ve had adverse childhood Tickets on sale e x p e r ie n c e s a re m u c h m o re now! v u ln e ra b le to life -th re a te n in g G.I Joes & M eier illnesses such as cancer and heart & Frank disease. But you can heal the pain T icketm asters & o f the past and create a vibrant, PCBA Boxoffice joyful future. C harge by phone T h ro u g h D r. B l o o m f i e ld ’s (503) 224-4400 d y n a m ic , p s y c h o s p ir itu a l www.ticketniastcr.aim approach, confusion is replaced by wisdom, bitterness by gratitude, heavy burdens by a lightness o f The Temptation Review $35/A dvance, $45 Event Day being. Y ou will finally be able to featuring Dennis Edwards Best seats ‘ Besl Price put the past to blessed rest and S elf E nhancem ent 249-1721 c re ate th e fu tu re y ou alw a y s dream ed o f - and deserve. n ie lla ih t n e n t S ^ ia d u e t ia a 1 ezzano, Ph.n Chu ck Sp D IM , pr t o t i t r mol AUTHOR OF MA*FtW«S K C # Professional Dry Cleaners Elk Cleaners 20% Off T‘ Household Items; Sleeping bags. Blankets, Bedspreads etc... Any Dry Cleaning W ith $20.00 o r m ore in cleaning Present coupon w ith incom ing order. N ot valid w ith other offers o f discounts. Express 5/10/2000 30% Off ,L Present coupon with incom ing order N ot valid w ith other offers o f d isco u n ts. Expires 5/10/2000 SHIRTS LAUNDERED 95c NO LIMIT 1014 N. Killingsworth • 735-2989 E-Mat Eliot Café Standard Dairy Bldg. At MLK Jr. Blvd. and Stanton One Stopping where convenience is our business Market Internet-Deli-Laundro Mat 280-8889 ________ www.stdairv.com________