Page 2 Television Focus A Focus May 24, 2000 S U P P L E M E N T for OF P o rtlan d (Observer Editor in Chief, Publisher C harles H. W ashington Editor L arry J . Ja ck so n , Sr. Copy Editor Jo y R am os Business Manager G ary A n n Taylor Creative Director Shaw n S trahan 4747 N E M a rtin L u th er K ing, J r., Blvd. P o rtlan d , O R 97211 T he P ortland O bslkm r A cadem y and Emmy w ard-w inner C h ristin e Lahti (“ L ieberm an in L ove,” “Chicago H ope” ) stars in the LIFETIM E Original M ovie“An A m erican D aughter,” the story o f prom inent female doctor awaiting confirm ation as surgeon general, w h o is s h a tte re d b y m e d ia investigations o f her fam ily and friends. This drama, w hich explores the effects o f a private life turned public, is scheduled to prem iere on L IF E T IM E T elevisionon Monday, June 5 from 9-11 pm. (ET/PT). Lyssa Dent Hughes (Lahti) is the privileged, w ell-educated daughter o f a wel 1 -known Republ ican senator and fifth-generation granddaughter o f U lysses S. Grant. She is the wife o f a professor (Skerritt), a m other, a prom inent health expert, and the president’s nom inee for surgeon general. But w hen a seem ingly inconsequential detail about her life is revealed to a reporter (Thom as), the sn o w b all e ffe c ts o f m edia scrutiny threaten both her career and personal life. “An Am erican D aughter” raises them es about the com prom ises and disappointm ents o f “baby boom idealism ” and the challenges o f feminism in modern times. An American Daughter Lahti, an accom plished actress and film m aker, is no stranger to the w orks o f W asserstein. She starred on stage in New York as Heidi Hollard in W asserstein’s Pulitzer Prize-w inning play, “T he Heidi C hronicles.” She has also w on an Emmy and a G olden G lobe aw ard fo r her w o rk on th e c ritic a lly a c c la im e d te le v is io n s e rie s “Chicago H ope.” In addition, Lahti w o n an A c a d e m y A w ard fo r directing the live-action short film “ Lieberm an in Love,” in w hich she also starred. She recently directed her first feature film, “M y First M ister,” starring A lbert Brooks and Leelee Soobieski. W asserstein’s play, “ An A m erican D a u g h te r ,” h a d a b i- c o a s ta l prem iere in A pril, 1997. T he play opened at th e C o rt T h eatre on B ro a d w a y , s ta r r in g K a te N elliganand Hal H olbrook, and at th e B a g ley W rig h t T h e a tre in Seattle, starring Barbara Dirickson and John Procaccino. W asserstein is a graduate o f M ount H olyoke C o lleg e and th e Y ale D rama School. She won the Tony A w ard and the Pulitzer Prize for her play “T he H eidi C hronicles,” an d h e r p la y “ T h e S is te rs R o s e n s w e ig ” w a s a h u g e com m ercial and critical success, both on and o ff Broadway. 503-288-0033 Come visit us on the web at Fax 503-288-0015 e-mail: subscnpüotï"poitkuKlolrsei\TT.«>m V D ead lin es for su b m itte d m aterial: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon km hd'°"B''°'"" Focus w elcom es freelance subm issions. M anuscripts and photo g rap h s can be re tu rn e d if accom panied by a self- ad dressed stam ped envelope. All created display ads becom e the sole p ro p erty of th e new spaper a n d ca n n o t be used in o th e r publicatio n s or perso n al usage w ithout the w ritten consent o f the general m anager, unless th e client has p u rch ased th e com position of the ad. 1999 The Portland O bterver 89.1 _____________