May 24, 2000 Page B6 (Tlie |)ortlanò (Pbemier i Classifieds/Bids Employment I Employment I Employment I Employment I Employment I General 235 Professional 205 E xecutive D irector Portland Community Land Trust, a nonprofit membership organization seeks energetic first E D. with a passion for affordable housing., e x p e rie n c e in c o m m u n ity development and organizational and/ or program management, including: b u d g et an d s ta f f su p e rv isio n , outreach, and board development. $48-$55k DOE plus benefits. Contact PC LT at 5 0 3 -4 3 9 -0 2 9 3 or in fo to P C L T .o rg for ap plication packet. Professional 205 B u sin ess C o n su lta n t E xpanding N atio n al W holesale Mortgage Lender seeks a Business Consultant for Oregon. Wholesale m ortgage and sales ex p erien ce preferred. Excellent compensation and benefit plans. Please send resume to: Washtenaw Mortgage Company, HR Dept., 315 E. Eisenhower, Ste. 12, Ann Arbor, Ml 48108 or fax to: 734- 662-9517. General 235 Police O fficer R eserve City o f Milwaukie, Oregon (located within the Portland Metro Area, pop. 20,250). We are seeking men and women for the police reserve force. This is a civilian volunteer operation with limited benefits. Members are required to attend monthly meetings, ride with and assist regular officers in various a sp e c ts o f law e n fo rc e m en t. Applicants must be a minimum o f 2 1 years ofage, H.S. G radorG ED , have no felony convictions and have a valid drivers license. Must be able to pass: a p hysical ag ility course (sch ed u led 6 /2 4 /0 0 ), ex ten siv e background check, medical exam, p sy c h o lo g ic a l exam and drug screening test. For packet contact C y n th ia (5 0 3 ) 7 8 6 -7 5 0 7 , nagyctoci.m Fax # (503)652-4433,TDD#(503)786-7555. A p p licatio n m aterials m ust be received by the City o f Milwaukie, Human Resources at 10722 SE Main Street, Milwaukie, OR 97222, no later than 4 PM, Monday, June 12, 2000. A ll q u a lifie d a p p lic a n ts are encouraged to apply. EOE. General 235 M achinist M od el M ak er A ssista n t LEATHERMAN • a »• i» t Rapidly growing manufacturer o f innovative metal products seeks a Model Maker Assistant to design and construct m oderately complex experimental tooling, jigs, and fixtures and p ro to ty p e m a c h in e ry and product prototypes for tools in the final phase o f product development. Position reports to Engineering and works closely with design engineers, including contributing design ideas. Must be a team -player with min 5 yrs exp as a journeym an machinist and CAD/CAM proficiency. We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits, and a good team environment. Pre­ e m p lo y m e n t d ru g an d alco h o l sc re e n in g re q u ire d . E qual Opportunity Employer. Please send resume and cover letter to Leatherman Tool Group, INC. P.O.Box 20595 Portland, OR 97294-0595 General 235 The M ultnom ah C ounty H ealth Department is currently recruiting for the following positions: • • • SeniorFiscal Specialist Medical Records Technician (ART) EMS Coordinator - Operations & Evaluation Application materials and formal job announcements are available at: jo b s . in person or by mailing a self-addressed stam ped e n v e lo p e re q u e stin g application forms to: Multnomah County Human Resources Division, 1120 SW 5,h Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box 14700, Portland OR, 97293-0700. A ssisted access to Multnomah County job information and web site is a v a ila b le at Multnomah County Libraries. M ultnom ah C o unty H ealth Department is actively recruiting persons from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance service to our diverse communities. Bilingual/bicultural candidates are encouraged to ap p ly . An E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity Employer General 235 M ark etin g E xhibit/T rade Show C oordinator ♦ Columbia Sportswear Company® Are you seeking to be a part o f an internationally recognized apparel manufacturer? Does working with upbeat, friendly people that hike, bike, snowboard, ski, and fish in their free time make you want to sign up right now? If your answer is YES read on - there’s more! Columbia Sportswear Company, a global leader in the design and m a n u factu re o f o u te rw e a r and sportswear is currently seeking an Exhibit Coordinator to join our team o f Marketing professionals. In this position you will be responsible for managing all aspects o f Columbia’s trade show exhibits and executing designated aspects o f the concept shop program including budgeting, preparation, shipping, reporting, installation, and dism antling o f fixtures and exhibits. Potential Columbia Sportswear team member should possess working know ledge o f prom otional and com m unications techniques and procedures, a highschool degree or equivalent with college coursework in marketing, business administration or computer applications preferred. Two to three years experience in visual m erchandising or exhibit planning required. Please forward resume to Columbia S p o rtsw e a r C om pany, H um an Resources, Dept. Exhibit, PO Box 83239, Portland OR 97283, or Fax to: (503) 735-4597. Equal Opportunity Employer. General 235 P rogram Supervisor Spvr needed for Parent/Child and Y o u th Prgm . D uties in c lu d e coordination, implementation and daily oversight o f family and youth program services, activities and staff, and prgm development. Competitive salary and agency benefits. Resumes will not be accepted in lieu o f an A gency a p p lic a tio n . A p p ly at Portland Impact, 4707 SE Hawthorne Blvd. for questions call (503) 988- 6000. EOE/AA C om m unity Developm ent O u tr e a c h C o o r d in a to r I O ffice A dm inistrator Portland Community Land Trust, a n o n p ro fit m em b ersh ip -b ased affordable housing organization, seeks energetic individual to serve as its first outreach coordinator and office adm inistrator. Candidates should have experience in community outreach with a passion for affordable housing. D atabase management. Public speaking. General office administration. $ 15-$20 per hour DOE. Contact: PCLT at (503) 493-0293 or for an application packet. General 235 UANW Federal Credit Union in NE Portland has an opening for a fu ll­ tim e MSR. All teller functions, opening accounts, certificates, IRA’s, etc.L ooking for energetic, self- motivated, hard working individual. As a union em ployer we offer num erous benefits w hich when included with the salary range from $2,000 to $2,500 per month. Please mail, fax or email your resume and cover letter to: Personnel United Association NW FCU PO Box 13372 Portland,OR97213-3372 Fax: (503.287.2855) Email: General 235 Blackfoot T elephone Cooperative, a d iv e rsifie d telecom m unications company headquartered in Missoula, M ontana, is seeking a Software Engineer. This position is responsible to analyze, design, test, and maintain various software applications and w e b -b a se d sy ste m s for the telecommunications industry using 0 - 0 p ro g ram m in g techniques. Requires 3-5 years o f progressive experience in systems and application development. Powerbuilder, Visual Basic, MSSQL Scripting and Stored Procedures, Windows NT preferred. Database and Web development a plus. B la c k fo o t o ffe rs an e x c e lle n t compensation and benefit package. To apply, please send a resume to: Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative Human Resources 1221 N. Russell Street Missoula, MT 59808 General 235 D river M o b ile U n it A ssistan t J o in an o rg a n iza tio n com m itted to SAVING LIVES!! The American Red Cross is recruiting fora full-timedriver for mobile blood drive transportation, set-up and break-down, and proper storage/handling o f blood products. Phlebotomy training mandatory. Must have, good driving record and CDL (orability to acquire), experience operating a 2-ton truck, ability to lift up to 75 lbs. Work flexible shifts and travel overnight. Hiring wage $9.50/ hr. + excellent benefits. Teamsters U nion. Drug test administered. Application required. To request an application to be mailed or faxed, phone 503-280-1454 ext. 454 or visit . American Red Cross 3131N. Vancouver Portland, OR 97227 Fax(503)280-1480 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V General 235 General 235 E xecutive D irector Parking Facility Operator Portland Community Land Trust, a nonprofit membership organization seeks energetic first E D. with a passion for affordable housing., e x p e rie n c e in com m u n ity development and organizational and/ or program management, including: bu d g et and s ta f f su p e rv isio n , outreach, and board development. $48-$55k DOE plus benefits. Contact PCLT at 5 0 3 -4 3 9 -0 2 9 3 or info@ PC L T .org for application packet. Immediate opening for full and part-tim e lot attendants with Portland’s leadingparkingCo. We are se e k in g d ep en d ab le in d iv id u a ls w ith a neat a p p e a ra n c e and a po sitiv e attitude. $7.50 + starting wage Huge overtime potential Advancement opportunities Medical, Dental, 401 k available Applicants must submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1 PM, Monday - Friday. 130 SW Stark Portland, OR Outreach Coordinator Portland Community Land Trust, a nonprofit membership organization seeks energetic outreach coordinator/ office manager with a passion for affordable housing, experience in community outreach, database mgt., public speaking and office admin. $ 15-20/hr DOE. Contact PCLT at 503- 439-0293 or for application packet. General 235 W ashington C ou n ty General 235 E n gin eerin g P roject M anager 2 positions $4,117-$5,005/mo. Closes June 5,2000 C u sto m erS erv ice D onor R ecru iter Be part of an organization committed to saving lives! Qualified customer service professionals to recruit blood donors. Calling donors to donate blood at off-site blood drives. Phone experience requested. Full-time, Part- time, and per-diem positions for aftemoon/evening/weekend shifts. Hiring at $8.00/hr, benefits available at 20+ hrs. per week. Drug test administered. Application required. To request an application by call (503) 284-0011 ext. 454,visiting ourwebsite or apply at: American Red Cross 3131N . Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97227 Fax (503)280-1480 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V E vidence O fficer II $2,609-$3,175/mo. ClosesJune2,2000 G eograp h ic Inform ation System s S p ecia list $3,467-$4,212/mo. Closes June 9,2000 R esid en tial C ou n selor (Bilingual & Non-bilingual) $2,708-$3,290/mo. Closes June 9,2000 Call (503 ) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846- 4898 fo r in fo rm atio n . C ounty a p p lic a tio n and su p p lem en tal application forms required. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Apply To: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro,OR 97124 RwdCrouu In tak e W o rk er PT low-income energy asst intake worker needed for non-profit. Duties include providing low-income families and individuals w ith access to em erg en cy sv cs, e lig ib ility determination and assting applicants in completion o f req’d paperwork. Must be fluent in Spanish and/or Russian and English. Competitive wage and agency benefits. Resumes will not be accepted in lieu o f an A gency a p p lic a tio n . A pply at Portland Impact, 4707 SE Hawthorne Blvd.. For questions call (503) 988- 6000. EOE/AA Event/Program M anager Portland Ad Federation (PAF) PAF, a dynamic organization with over 800 members, is looking for an e x p e rie n c ed E ven t/P ro g ram Manager. This position coordinates all programs & events for the PAF. Rosey Show, Luncheon Programs, Media Action & other programs ap p ro v ed by B oard. M ajor responsibilities include providing support to communities involved in program design & implementation, organizing volunteers, soliciting sponsorships, coordinating logistics, managing finances, & evaluating results. The successful candidate will have 2 years experience in producing programs for groups o f200+, 2 years experience working with volunteers, excellent communication, & solid computer skills. Salary is $25,000-$30,000 with incentive bonuses. Send cover letter, resume & reference to Cindy Becker at PAF by June 7,2000. Fax 503-224- 0273. (No phone calls) Health Care 240 Dental The M ultnom ah C ounty H ealth Department is currently recruiting for the following dental positions: • Dentist • Dental Hygienist • Dental Assistant If you are interested, please contact Peggy Wilson at (503) 988-3664 or peggy, M ultnom ah C ounty is actively recruiting persons from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance service to our diverse communities. Bilingual/bicultural candidates are encouraged to apply. An E q u a l O pportunity Employer 240 Health Care Small Agency hiring Direct Care W orkers who w ant to m ake a difference. Must be 18 years old. Starting$7.25-$7.60.Call669-6622. ' Classifieds Call Today All Classified Ads and 503.288.0033 Facsimile.................... 503.288.0015 Email to < Information/Travel Public N otices..............................000 A nnouncem ents/W eddings.... 010 A n n o u n cem en ts/B irth s..........015 Fam ily S ervices...........................020 Lost and Found............................030 M eeting N otices.......................... 040 T ick ets, fo r S ale W an ted .......................050 Travel. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 060 Real Estate A creage..........................................100 H om es forsale..............................110 H om es for rent........_____ 115 A pp artm en ts,d u p lexes for S ale......................... 120 A ppartm ents, duplexes for R ent____ ..._____ 125 M anufactured H om es for S ale........................ 130 M anufactured H om es for R en t........................ 135 O th ers for S ale............................ 140 O th ers for R en t...........................145 C om m ercial R eal E state.......... 150 W aterfront P rop erty................ 155 R eal E state S ervices.................. 160 R eal E state W an ted ................... 165 Employment G u id an ce/R esu m es...................200 P rofession al................................. 205 C om puter/T echnology............210 Automotive................................213 C on tractors................................215 O u td oor H o m eC are................220 Indoor H om eC are, D om estic,,,,,, ............225 in E d u cation ...................... F inancial, Insurance.. G en eral.......................... .............235 H e a lth c a r e .................. ............ 240 M ark etin g, A dvertising.. ............. 245 A dm inistration............ _______247 O ffice............................... .............250 1 pgal ............„253 R etail.............................. ............255 A ccounting.................... ............ 258 ............. 260 S ocial S erv ices............................265 T em porary, Part-Tim e, S eason al................... ..270 P ositions W an ted .......................275 B u sin ess o p p o rtu n ities............280 Items for Sale General 235 Generals 235 $11.50.......... $13.00......... ..................................... per column inch boxed and shaded $15.00 . $14.00........... ............................................’....................................... RFPBids $90.00.......... ......... Sub-Bids(2 column by 3") each additional inch=$ 10.00 INDEX • z until noon, Monday. Via Post,e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd A n tiq u es •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a .3 0 0 A ppliances.......................... ........ 305 A u ction s.............................. ____ 3 1 0 C loth in g............................... ....... 3 1 5 C loth in g............................... ....... 3 2 0 C om p u ters/E lectron ics, AfwZ S oftw are.....„.... •••••••wZ 325 E state A u ction s/S ales.... .....3 3 0 F arm Items__..........___ _ •••••• *33 5 .340 F u rniture............................ G arage S ale.................... .. ___ 3 4 5 G ard en E quipm ent--------___ 3 5 0 H eavy E qu ip m en t........_____ 3 5 5 H ob b ies/C ollectors..................3 6 0 L ivestock .__...— ..........------- ..3 6 5 M is cella n eo u s for S a le............3 7 0 M iscellan eou s W an ted ..........3 ’ 5 O ffice E quipm ent........---------- 380 P ets/ P et T r a in in g , S h o w s....3 8 5 S tereo E q u ip m en t, T elevision , V C R 's, C D 's,T a p es..... 390 T ools •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«••••••a 3 9 5 Automobiles A T V 's..................................... — 400 A n tiq u es....................................... 405 A u tos by M ak e...........................410 BM W ............................ 410 Bulck.............................412 Cadillac........................ 414 Chevrolet..................... 416 Chrysler........................418 Dodge............................ 420 Eagle............................. 422 Ford............................... 424 G M C ............................. 426 Honda........................... 428 Jeep...............................4.10 Lexus.............................432 Lincoln......................... 434 Mazda........................... 436 Mercedes...................... 438 Nissan............................440 Oldsmobile.................. 442 Plymouth..................... 444 Saturn.......................... 446 Subaru.......................... 448 Toyota...........................450 Volkswagon.................452 Others..........................454 C am p ers/T railers.................... 465 M otorcycles................................ 470 P arts/D om estic..........................475 P arts/Im p orts.............................480 P ickups oaaaoaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaooooaaoaaa 485 R .V ./ S ales, R en ta ls................. 490 SU V ' Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaeaaaa 495 Personals M essages..................................... 500 S ervices------------ 505 I