Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 24, 2000, Page 10, Image 10

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May 24, 2000
(Elje ÿ ortlanh (lObseruer
African American influence to be explored
A ssociated P m . ss
at encuentro 2000
km » T u t
F outland O bseuve »
The influence o f African Americans
in the C atholic C hurch in the
U ntitled States will be explored at
Encuentro 2000, "M any Faces in
G o d ’s House".
Encuentro 2000 will take place at
th e L os A n g e le s C o n v e n tio n
C enter, July 6-9. T he event is the
k ey ju b ile e g a th e rin g for the
C atholic C hurch in the United
States and is being hosted by the
H ispanic com m unity for all ethnic
groups in the nation.
Encuentro 2000 will show case the
W est Coast prem iere o f Enduring
Faith, a 90-minutedocumentary that
exam ines the struggle to establish
an A frican A m erican clergy in the
C atholic Church. Encuentro 2000
also will feature w orkshops led by
A frican A m ericans, including a
Sunday m orning presentation by
B ishop’s C urtis J. Guillory, SVD,
a u x ilia ry b ish o p o f G a lv e sto n -
H ou sto n and a m e m b er o f th e
B ishop’s C om m ittee for A frican
Am ericans Catholics.
The African A m erican experience
also will be highlighted in Encuentro’s
global village, w hich will include a
site from an A frocentric perspective.
T he co n v en tio n cen ter also will
f e a tu re s e v e r a l p r a y e r sp a c e s
reflecting various ethnic traditions,
including a shrine to O ur M other o f
Bishop G uillory , a m em ber o f the
bishops Subcom m ittee for Encuentro
2000, noted the importance o f African
American participation in this national
e v e n t. T h e A fric a n A m e ric a n
community has been a vital part o f the
Church in the United States since the
1500’s. T he C atholic Church is a
com m unity o f people with a shared
faith and a shared tradition,” Bishop
G uillory said. “ African A merican
Catholics take pride in Catholic
Church m o re..."
An estim ated four percent o f U.S.
Catholics, about 2.5 million people,
are African American. The largest
num ber o f Africans live in the
arch d io ceses o f N ew O rleans,
Brooklyn, Chicago, W ashington,
Lafayette, La, Baltimore; St. Louis,
P h ila d e lp h ia , H o u s to n an d
Louisville, Ky.
N in e p e rc e n t o f th e A fric a n
A m erican in the United States are
Catholic. African American groups
sponsoring Encuentro2000 include
Knights o f Peter C laver - Ladies
Auxiliary, National Association for
Black C atholic A dm inistrators,
N ational Black C atholic Clergy
Caucus, the National Black Catholic
Congress, and the National Black
Sisters’ Conference.
New Christian worship music site hits the web
EM F Broadcasting, K-LOVE Radio’s
parent organization, has launched
W orldw ide, anall-w orshipChristian
music show on the Internet. Portland
residents can now hear great w orship
m usic 24 hour a day from artists such
as D e lirio u s , D a rre ll E v a n s,
Sonicflood and Rebecca St. Jam es at
w orldwideworship.com .
T he format o f W orld W ide W orship
is designed to be interactive, bringing
listeners into the presence o f God.
Just as music plays a vital role within
the church. W orld W ide W orship
will be a source o f inspiration and
renewal for listeners.
T he goal o f W orld W ide W orship is
to create a listening experience that
will positively impact people’s lives,
said K -LO V E m idday announcer
D avid Pierce, who helped to produce
the new site. T he songs selected
create an overal 1 theme, he said, taking
the listeners on a journey.
EM F B roadcasting is a nonprofit
C hristian m inistry that strives to
present the gospel m essage in a
stra ig h tfo rw a rd m an n er through
contem porary C hristian music. An
EM F netw ork, K-Love Radio plays
contem porary C hristian music 24
hours a day at 88.7 FM, 96.3 FM and
,0 4 0 AM in Portland.
f Advertise your
church in
® lje
Check out the new w orship site at
w w w .w orldw idew orship.com o r via
link from the K -LOVE W eb site at
www.klove.com EMF invites listeners
can com m ent on the new site by e-
mail at info@worldwideworship.com.
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The National C ouncil o f Churches is
going to try to form a new organization
that would for the first tim e include all
m ajor branches o f U.S. C hristianity,
its board decided Tuesday.
If successful, the new ecum enical
body could spell an end to the council,
w hich is now m ade up o f m ainline
P ro te sta n t, b lack P ro testan t and
O rthodox denom inations.
M ost C hristians in the United States
are currently outside the council, in
the Rom an Catholic Church and in
Evangelical or Pentecostal groups.
U nder the purposely vague plan
approved by the 50-m em ber council
b o a rd , a ta sk fo rc e w ill h o ld
p relim in ary talk s w ith C ath o lic,
Evangelical and Pentecostal leaders,
invite them into a jo in t process and
propose next steps to the council’s
national assem bly in November. The
project faces num erous obstacles,
both ideological and practical.
C o n s e r v a tiv e
P ro te s ta n ts ,
E v a n g e lic a ls , P e n te c o s ta ls and
S o u th e r n B a p tis ts , h a v e b e e n
in d ifferen t o r hostile tow ard the
c o u n c il, o fte n a c c u s in g it o f
Honoring their commitment and dedicated service to the Allen Temple family to the
Metropolitan Community.
You are invited to join the Allen Temple CME Church family, 4236 NE 8,h Avenue,
Portland, OR as we take this special time to express our appreciation. There will be
two days of celebration:
Friday, May 5,2000,7:30 P.M
Guest Speaker: Bishop A. A. Wells, Pastor
Emanuel Temple Pentecostal Church
Portland, Oregon.
Soiled Carpet Areas
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Sunday, May 7,2000,4:00 P.M.
Guest Speaker: Dr. Lynn Mims
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A ny 3 Areas
the task force that will contact the
other C hristian groups.
T he Rev. Robert Edgar, the council’s
c h ie f executive, sent notice o f the
p ro p o sal tw o w eeks ag o to the
N ational C onference o f C atholic
Bishops and the National Association
o f Evangelicals. H e plans an early
m eeting with the Southern Baptist
C o n v e n tio n , th e la rg e s t U .S .
Protestant denom ination.
In another action at the council board
m eeting, officials settled a m ajor
in te r n a l
d is p u te ,
g r a n tin g
independent financial control to its
relief agency, Church W orld Service.
The agency, which brings in 85 percent
o f c o u n c il re v e n u e s, h as b een
dissatisfied w ith the cost and quality
o f council adm inistration. It w as
during discussions o f the Church
W orld Service problem that the idea
o f a new pan-Christian group first
T he council has struggled through a
periodoffinancial turmoil. Following
a $4 m illion budget deficit for 1999,
E d g ar expressed co n fid en ce that
anticipated special gifts, sta ff cuts
and other econom ies w ould stabilize
finances by the end o f 2000.
Rev. Dr. LeRoy Haynes Jr. and spouse, Rev. Helen Haynes
Each Area
Pre-Spray Heavily
theological liberalism and promoting
political causes to the neglect o f
spiritual ones.
T he U.S. Catholic Church decided a
g en e ratio n ago not to en ter the
c o u n c il, p a rtly b ec au se R om an
Catholics in this country alone exceed
the 50 million members in the council’s
35 denom inations.
H ow ever, since the Second Vatican
C ouncil, Catholic bishops have been
free to jo in cooperative bodies with
other C hristians and have done so in
55 other countries.
Participants at the council’s 50th
anniversary m eeting last N ovem ber
said it w as tim e to give birth to a new
ecum enical future, noted the Rev.
Clifton Kirkpatrick, chiefexecutiveof
the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A .), a
current National Council member.
“ I find this extrem ely helpful and
hopeful,” he said o f the proposal.
T he future existence o f the council
w as not discussed by the board.
“ S o m e tim e s an o r g a n iz a tio n a l
structure has to be w illing to die. We
have to be w illing to entertain that,”
said the Rev. W esley G ranberg-
M ichaelson, ch ief executive o f the
Reformed Church in America, part o f
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