Page 8 May 17, 2000 (Ehe |Jortlanb ffibeeruer Focus The Focus First lady from page 5 o f over satisfying the need to be acro ss in the P ortland C ensus entertained. Dollars made in our Magazine In 1990. c o m m u n ity sh o u ld be d o lla rs [O regon’s communities share an 'stayed' in our community. It’s appreciation for arts, culture and the been very difficult trying to raise states remarkable history. People awareness in an area that seems to throughout the state also have a be low priority with all the other common commitment to expand cultural issues we are faced with. our knowledge and understanding Lack o f combined support, politi­ o f the physical world and universe cal issues, lack o f understanding o f around us. Oregon’s natural beauty concert production, inconsistent is balanced by its citizen’s partici­ buyer habits and most importantly, pation in the arts and the value they vehicle to support local venue us­ place on arts, culture and educa­ age determine the success or fail­ tional assets. ure o f an event. It should not be an­ “This is a beautiful quote, but Port­ other decade for a minority appli­ land is a little behind in its mean­ cant to operate in a venue where ing. The playing field is definitely minority dollars are a large part o f not balanced. There is little or no consideration historically for mi­ its constitution. Despite w hat Baker sees as efforts nority production companies nor do to discourage her from the enter­ we share in the proceeds,” com­ tainment business, she says “as ments Baker. long as this is what God wants me When asked what has been the big­ to do, I’m going to continue by his gest affliction in the entertainment history. Baker reflects on her June faith.” 1999 production o f the Temptation “The most difficult realization that Revue featuring Dennis Edwards. are perplexing is, w hile raising awareness to support in Youth in the Live fo r an Evening at The Tiffany. Arts associated with some o f the After my application was rejected experiences I have had to face, I at the PCPA Venue’s, I had to prove really wonder what are we setting my experience. Originally sched­ our youth up for. There has to be uled for August 1999, I requested “change” in our habits through sup­ to appear earlier in the year because port— all the way to the way m i­ Chinook Winds had picked up the nority entertainment personnel are new Temptations (owned and man­ perceived here in Portland.” She aged by Motown). We were aware continues, “This is the year 2000 o f the annual Starlight parade, but and Portland’s image is still built thought it to be on a Friday Night - around The Symphony, The Opera In 1999 the event was set for Sat­ or the Ballet.” Baker points out a urday, June 8lh. We had gotten the quote she often uses that she came parade route from the Rose Festi- Video shoot from page 5 In c., a b o u t h is c o m p a n y ’s involvement in this record release and video sh o o t, the p o p u lar “Beeperman” expressed that not only is he friends with many o f the artist that will be showcased this Thursday night, he also wants to make sure that from a business point o f view, these artist get the proper promotion. Jacks expressed “I’m always willing to go that extra mile. Most o f the artist what will be showcased have a record deal or are in the beginning stages o f getting their thing o ff the ground. But along with with these cats, Portland has had and are having a rtis t th a t need a sp o tlig h t, representation or just need to be heard to get their thing off the ground as well and on the charts just the sa m e a t’s w hy G alore, Inc. believes in the functions that these artist want to promote” Along with other notable businesses in P o rtla n d , G a lo re Communications, Inc. needs to be applauded as they continue to be an outlet as well as a visual and vocal vehicle not for just the established household names from the music c h a rts, but for in d e p e n d e n t, upcoming and fresh off the block artist just the same. Whether these artist are known worldwide or local newcomers to th e m u sic in d u stry , G alo re Communications, Inc. continues to an outlet for all artist who are looking for positive, but equal promotion from vendors. And with Galores’ promotion and Califomia’sGit Paid Entertainment, trust that this CD collaboration o f Guce& KillayTay, along with some o f the best Cali & Portland have to offer. val office 4 weeks prior to the event. We rehearsed once per week lead­ ing up to the event since 1 have over 32 volunteer staff and we wanted everything to run smooth. The route was due to go south on 10lh route was due to go south on 10,h street to Taylor and then west to the Civic Stadium. We knew there would be presence but not directly, so we thought. On parade night, the route had changed, the parade dow n 14th street. T hey began blocking the streets, people were being re-directed, and told outright “You C an’t Get to the Tiffany”. (To be continued next week) Ceres, an Affiliate of Magellan Behavioral Health, offers Employee Assistance Programs and managed Mental Health & Chemical dependency services. We are committed to creating a work environment that values and respects all individuals. For current employment opportunities, please contact our Human Resources Department at (503) 224-2214