HL he ^ortlanì» ffibeeruer Careers Page 7 The Ten Best Opportunities for Blacks in America F raser’ s passionate, p o s itiv e message and clear-cut direction, it is backed by profiles o f ten top Black achievers who share the secrets o f their success. S p ecific p ra ctical in fo rm a tio n R ace for S uccess The Ten Best Opportunities fo r Blacks in A m e r ic a Software Developers Do you dream in C++, COM, DNA and DHTML? Then wake up and smell the keyboard! Join a crack team that designs, implements and delivers web- based financial analysis applications. Demonstrated delivery of large, web-based software projects a plus. Do you want to own a project and make an impact? Contact us. GiOSSi i’ tfU H» itsitin«* * *«» ‘ i »» h May 17, 2000 Focus PR Manager . a* it» » « itlltiu i' M O bv George C. Fraser Avon Books; 1998 George Fraser believes that Blacks in America are part o f an economic and i ntellectual boom that w il 1 move themselves and America into the twenty-first century and help create wealth for Black people worldwide. In spite o f the inherent obstacles, he sees unlim ited opportunities for Guard f r o m > ' I - 1_______ ____ wealth creation for Blacks and adds, “ Our potential is more magnificent than even 1 had dared imagine.” RACE FOR SUCCESS is both an inspiration and a game plan for people just starting out, as w ell as fo r those looking for a career change. Infused th ro u g h o u t w ith page 6 assertion o f our country’ s security. Asa Munitions Systems Apprentice, you w ill leant to maintain the A ir N a tio n a l G u a rd ’ s b o m b in g readiness as you work on the newest A ir National Guard je t fighters and bombers. The munitions field has one o f the broadest missions in the A ir National Guard and offers the widest range o f experience and tra in in g . Y o u w ill have the opp ortu nity to learn personnel management skills, warehousing, e le ctro n ics, heavy equipm ent maintenance, and operation and inventory management. Avionics Guidance and C o n tro l Systems A pprentice: A irN ational Guard pilots rely on their aircraft’ s electronic equipment to be in perfect w orking condition. As an Avionics Guidance and C ontrol Systems Apprentice, you w ill diagnose, repair, and m aintain electronic aircraft guidance equipment used on a variety o f A ir National Guard aircraft. I f you excelled in high school m ath, p h ysics, and electronics, you may be well suited to be an Avionics Guidance and Control Systems Apprentice. A ir c r a ft Fuel S ystem s A p p r e n tic e : A p ro p e rly functioning fuel system is vital to the safe operation o f the AirN ational Guard’s aircraft. As a Fuel Systems Apprentice, you w ill learn to inspect, maintain, and repair the fuel systems o f a variety o f aircraft. I f you excelled in high school science and physics, you may be well suited to be a Fuel Systems Apprentice. Law Enforcement Apprentice: The security o f A ir National Guard bases is o f paramount importance to our nation’s security as well as the success o f the A ir National Guard mission. As a L aw E n fo rce m e n t Apprentice, you w ill learn the techniques and skills that it takes to keep an A ir National Guard base safe and free o f security breaches. I f you e xce lle d in h ig h school b e h a v io ra l sciences and government classes, you may be well suited to be a Law Enforcement Apprentice. I f you’d like to know more about the A ir National Guard, please call 1-800-TO-GO- ANG. Experienced Public Relations Manager to develop and imple­ ment high-level, strategic PR plans to drive corporate commu-1 nications goals. Understand market segments and deliver effective messages via appropri­ ate print and Web periodicals. Marketing Database Analyst Aid customer communications in a multitude of ways: compile mailing lists from database; add | and maintain tracking codes; create and provide reporting and | ROI analysis of marketing programs; analyze lead and customer records to determine accurate sales cycles and ideal targets and timelines of sales/ marketing opportunities. Marketing Communica­ tions Specialist Manage collateral and diverse marcomm projects, write and edit key material, work with vendors, develop sources for newsletter article development, always meet deadlines. Thrive on fast pace, great teamwork. Software QA Engineers Our QA team takes no prisoners, and will ship no product until it’s clean! Work as part of an elite team to assure that products meet design specifications and software quality standards. includes: • One hundred Black professional organizations that o ffe r career advice, role models, and mentors • Where to find capital for small business and growth H ire incredible people. W ork hard. Laugh a lot. W ork harder. B alance. Grow. Senior Tech Writer Strong online help develop­ ment skills supported by excellent writing and editing skills. Work closely with other engineering team members from product inception to release. Dedication to meeting customer requirements and keeping abreast of the latest technologies a must. Tech Support Engineer W in aw ards. A ttract new custom ers. Train them . Make them successful. Enjoy a summer picnic. Seeking software professionals who wants to support the world’s leading activity-based financial analysis systems. Are you a team player with internal and external support experi­ ence? Resourceful, creative, looking for a challenge? Can’t rest until the customer’s problem is solved? Contact us. eCommerce Manager Build partnerships. Create new markets. Open international offices. Win. Run a world-class store— on the web. You know how to market and sell both tradi­ tional and “e” products and services. You thrive hitting and exceeding performance (sales) targets. Call us! Payroll Specialist Work hard. Eat pizza. Achieve objectives. Win more awards. We are looking for an enthusi­ astic individual to administer all aspects of the payroll function. If you have three years payroll experience, a solid understanding accrual accounting and are looking for a dynamic work environment, let us know. Take a sabbatical. Communicate. Make a difference. Hire incredible people. Visit our website at iw w r a be tech, com Send resumes to success” abctech.com or fax to 503.617.7200 Keep them. Tech Communications Manager We're looking for a hands-on manager with strong online help skills who inspires creativity, encourages innovation, notices the little things, and yet always has the big picture in view. • How to reach nearly 100 high- level contacts for success • A state-by-state directory o f contacts that prov ide business and career opportunity information ■ And much more < ABC Technologies www.abctech.com BETTER ^ ABC Technologies is the world leader for activity- based analytic applications and has offices in fourteen countries worldwide. BetterM anagem ent.com “w ebsites for management insights” pow ered by ABC Technologies. MANAGEMENT? com E qual O pportunity E mployer