Page 6 pocus May 17, 2000 Careers < OSIRIBl ll l> 'l»KN t£>KllltJ>OJUIA>!>J2»stRyKH M any young people, like yourself, are facing tough questions about their futures. Should you go to college? Should you get a jo b ? Should you jo in the m ilitary? Even tougher are the “ H ow ” questions. The answers to al 1 o f these questions may be the O regon A ir N ational Guard. U nfortunately, when people choose betw een college, w ork or the m ilitary, they often feel they can choose one. W ith the A ir National G uard you can get the benefits o f being in the m ilitary, w hile keeping your civilian life! In the A ir N ational G uard your training will begin w ith six w eeks o f B asic M ilita ry T ra in in g , at Lackland AFB, in San A ntonio, T exas. F rom there you w i 11 go on to T echnical School! The A ir N ational G uard is currently o ffe rin g fu lly p aid tra in in g in Electronics, A ircraft M aintenance, Food Service, C om puter O perator, and m uch more! D epending on your area o f specialization, your training could last as little as 4 w eeks - o r as long as 42. And y o u ’ll receive your training on tod ay ’s m ost m odem , m ost sophisticated equipm ent. The training you get not only serves you during your A ir G uard career, but can also provide you w ith valuable know ledge and skills to help you land a rew arding civilian jo b as well. And, unlike civilian training schools, y o u ’ll receive good pay w hile you learn. T he A ir N ational G uard offers 11 specific apprentice program s in the follow ing areas:C o m m u n icatio n s- C o m p u t e r S y s te m s C o n t r o l A p p re n tic e : Frorffan airm an in the field to the Joint C hiefs o f Staff, m ilitary personnel rely on accurate and reliable com m unication. A s a C o m m u n ic a tio n s -C o m p u te r System s C ontrol A pprentice in the A ir N ational G uard, you w ill learn to c o n tro l a ll ty p e s of c o m m u n ic a tio n s c irc u itr y an d information systems. If you excelled in high school math and physics, you m ay well be suited to be a C o m m u n ic a tio n s -C o m p u te r System s C ontrol A pprentice. C o m m u n ic a tio n s C a b le S ystem s A p p r e n tic e : C o m m u n ic a tio n s C able S ystem s A pprentices are highly trained in the transm ission principles used to test cable plants and hardened missile cable systems. A s a C o m m u n ic a tio n s C a b le System s A pprentice, you learn to splice plastic, m eteorological, fiber optic, and coaxial cable leads using ____________ ^Jnrtlaxtb ©beeruer Career opportunities at Oregon Air National Guard m echanical connectors. You will se a l c a b le s a n d le a rn c a b le pressurization as well as repair o f all types o f cables. If you excelled in analytical m ath in high school, you may be well suited to be a C om m unications C able System s A pprentice. G e n e ra l P u rp o se V e h ic le M a in te n an ce A p p ren tice: The Air N ational G uard m aintains a large num ber o f cars, trucks, busses and other vehicles. It takes a highly com petent m echanical sta ff to keep them all up and running. A s a V ehicle M aintenance A pprentice in th e A ir N ational G uard, y o u ’ll becom e highly trained at vehicle m ain ten an ce and repair. I f you e x c e lle d in h ig h sc h o o l a u to m echanics and industrial arts, you may be w ell suited to be a V ehicle M aintenance A pprentice. F ir e P r o te c t io n A p p r e n tic e : D efense against the threat o f fire is essential to every A ir N ational G u a rd o p e r a tio n . A s a F ire Protection A pprentice, you are part o f a team that saves lives and property from the threat o f fire. If you excelled in high school math, science and chem istry, you may be w ell suited to be a Fire Protection A pprentice. S a te llite and W id e b a n d C o m m u n ic a tio n s A p p re n tic e : E very day o f the year th e A ir N ational G uard relies on accurate and reliab le com m unications to carry out its m issions. As a Satellite and W ideband C om m unications E quipm ent A pprentice in the A ir N ational G uard, you will learn to facilitate com m unications ranging from adm inistrative m essages to inform ation controlling ground and airborn e fighting forces. If you excelled in high school algebra, g e o m e tr y , p h y s ic s an d trigono m etry , you m ay b e w ell suited to be a Satellite and W ideband C om m unications A pprentice. Security A pprentice: The security o f A ir National G uard bases is o f p a ra m o u n t im p o rta n c e to o u r natio n ’s security as w ell as the success o f the A ir National G u ard ’s m ission. As a Security A pprentice, you will learn the techniques and skills that it takes to keep an Air N ational G uard base safe and free o f security breaches. Ifyou excelled in high school behavioral sciences and governm ent classes, you may be w ell suited to be a Security A pprentice. W e a t h e r A p p r e n tic e : Y o u ’ve heard w eather reports on the radio and seen w eather forecasts on TV. T hese reports are based on the o b s e rv a tio n s an d fo re c a s ts o f w eather observers and specialists. Starting your career as a W eather A pp ren tice in the A ir N ational G uard will teach you the skills o f th e m e te o ro lo g y trad e. I f you ex c elled in g eo m etry , p h y sics, chem istry, Earth sciences and math in high school, you may be well suited to be a W eather A pprentice. M u n itio n s S ystem s A p p re n tic e: O ur m ilitary 's bom bing capability is crucial to the m aintenance and ( Please see ‘G u a r d ’ p ag e 7) OREGON AIR NATIONAL GUARD “YOUR HOMETOWN AIR FORCE“ Looking For Part-time Employment Want a steady paycheck to help offset the high cost o f college tuition? Looking fo r that perfect job that offers excellent Technical Training? Want someone to help pay o ff those Student Loans? Interested in earning up to $255.00 per month fo r full-time enrollment? Interested in knowing how you can earn up to $41,000.00 in Educational Benefits? Want the opportunity to travel? T'^n contact the Oregon Air National Guard fo r further Information at 1-800-392-1801