Page 2 May 17,2000 Careers Focus A S U P P L E M E N T Focus _____ OF •pariíanh ©bsertfer Master o f c la s s ic a l Japanesepercussiontoperform 'cEIje AFRICAN AMERICAN MEN’S CLUB, INC. o r tia n h © b s e riie r S cholarship F undraiser D ance & P resentation Editor in Chief, Publisher (The Youth o f Today are our Leaders o f Tomorrow) Saturday, May 27,2000 9:00 p m -2 :0 0 am Sheraton-Airport 8235 NE Airport Way Tickets: $15.00 ($20.00 at the Door) Music by: DJ “Papa Chuck Playing Oldies and Goddies! Top 4 0 ’s Charles H. Washington Editor Larry J. Jackson, Sr. Copy Editor Joy Ramos Food • Friends • Dance • Fun Tickets Available at: Cannon’s Rib Express-503/288-3836 H airC reations-503/281-1185 Fred Meyer - 503/224-8499 E-Z nail-288-3110 F a stix x -224-8499 One Stop Music, Inc. - 284-2435 Business Manager Gary Ann Taylor Creative Director Shawn Strahan AAMC - In the Community fo r the Community’ 4747 NE M artin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 Endo, Taiko Master o f Japanese classical percussion will be giving a lecture and demonstration at the Portland Art Museum on June 4. 503-288-0033 Fax 503-2884)015 e-mail: subscriptior/"portk> D eadlines for subm itted material: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs can be returned if accompanied by a self- addressed stamped envelope. All created display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of the ad. 1999 The Portland Observer Internationally acclaimed Taiko m aster Kenny Endo presents “Journey of a Japanese American Drummer: Integrating Tradition with Innovation,” a special lecture demonstration on Sunday, June 4, at 2 p.m. in the Portland Art Museum’s Whitsell Auditorium. Complimentary tickets are required and can be picked up at the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center(ONLC), 117 NW 2nd Avenue in Portland. “Kenny's performances perfectly blend his mastery of traditional Japanese percussion with influences of jazz, fusion and classical music,” said Portland Taiko drummer and ONLC Executive Director June Arima Schumann. “He incorporates ancient techniques into contemporary compositions.” Endo, a third generation Japanese American bom in Los Angeles, studied Taiko in San Francisco before moving to Japan, where he concentrated his studies on classical Japanese theater percussion and festival music. During his ten years of training in Japan, Endo became the first non-Japanese national to receive a “natori,” formal stage name that recognizes a high level of accomplishment in Japanese classical percussion. Endo’s program will feature his original music, with percussion instruments such as a ’Tsuzumi,’ a hand-held drum that is tuned by tightening or loosening ropes while played and stylized Japanese vocalizations. He will also discuss the role of Taiko in Kabuki and Noh Theater and festivals in the United States and Japan, and describe the contemporary ensemble-style taiko groups developing worldwide. This program is a part of the Continental Harmony Project, made possible by the National Endowment for the Arts and the American Composers Forum. One grant was awarded to an organization in each of the 50 states in celebration of the year 2000. As Oregon’s recipient, Portland Taiko designated Endo as their artist in residence. Endo will compose an original piece for Portland Taiko, which will be featured at their fall concert. Crossings, at Newmark Theater. C/hit