Page Bò May 17, 2000 Employment © £ LJPPORTtjIPWY B uilt tq J-A st . Health Care 240 Dental T he M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty H ealth D epartment is currently recruiting for the follow ing dental positions: • D entist • Dental H ygienist • Dental A ssistant If you are interested, please contact Peggy W ilson at (503) 988-3664 or peggy, w ilson@ co.m ultnom M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty is a c tiv e ly recruiting persons from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance service to our diverse com m unities. B ilingual/bicultural candidates are encouraged to a p p ly . An E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity Employer Office 250 Secretary (2 positions) Im m ediate openings in Portland, O regon with the Bonneville Power A d m in is tra tio n , F e d e ra l p o w e r transm ission agency. Salary range: $28,868 - $37,525 (dependent on qualifications). O ffers full Federal benefits including: • A nnual Increases • Casual W ork Environm ent • Benefits w ithout w aiting • A dvancem ent O pportunities • Up to 5 w eeks paid vacation • Defined Retirem ent Plan • 401K w/matching Must be highly motivated with strong organizational and interpersonal skills for office m anager type position. For application call (360)418-2090. M ust refer to ad # N P O -01 • BPA w elcom es diversity * Bonneville Pow er A dm inistration Oregon Steel Mills, Inc., a world class produc­ er oi steel products, has an opening in our Portland Credit department e x a c tly whe2 y ou W ant to 9 ° - Social Services 265 V olunteers O f A m erica O f O regon, Inc. V olunteers o f A m erica o f O regon, a n o t- f o r - p r o f it s o c ia l s e r v ic e s organization w ith a 104-year history serving this com m unity, has a jo b opening: O n-C all Program A ssistants Volunteers o f America Oregon (V O A ) A dult D ay C are is currently seeking on-call program A ssistants for our program s for sen iors with disabi I ities that provide, daytim e therapeutic health and social services in four g ro u p s e ttin g s . P rim a ry responsibilities include; group and one-on-one activities with seniors such as gardening, art, and exercise; p roviding p erso n al care such as showers; w orking on a multi-cultural, diverse team . D aytim e hours only. C e r tif ie d N u rs in g A s s is ta n ts preferred, not required. $8.00/hourto start with room for grow th in to full­ tim e w ork and advancem ent within senior services. O pen until filled. Send a letter and resum e, or stop by to fill out an application, at Volunteers o f America, Oregon, Inc., 537 SE Alder S treet, P ortland, O regon 97214, referencing A D C-O n-Call Program A s s is ta n t. E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity Employer. Real Estate Appts. for Rent M aggie G ibson Plaza for Rent Brand new units in renovated building (formerly the Texas Lounge). Walking distance to art galleries, restaurants and shops 0-3 bedm s available $415- 620. Incom e lim its apply. Call 284- 8 6 4 2 fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n o r appointm ent. Ask for Leah. Equal H ousing O pportunity. < i w a n tto g o . W hen it comes to grow th, w e've g o t it a t every turn A nd our g ro w th means your grow th. W e'll pump you up w ith th e support o t a strong, stable company com­ m itte d to your professional developm ent. A nd yo u 'll get th e recognition you deserve. So, if you w ant it - hop on board. And, w e 'll take you w here you w ant to grow, When it comes to growth, we’ve got it at every turn. And I our growth means your growth ! We'll pump you up with the support of a strong, stable com­ pany committed to your profes- I sional development. And you'll get the recognition you deserve So, if you want it - hop on board And, we'll take you where you want to grow. fu ll- & part-tim e O p p o rtu n itie s m a n a g e m e n t- O p p o r tU n itie S Customer Service Cashiers O O Pump Island Attendants O O o fle n e ritj indud*: Im edical/dental O $6.75/br to start Kick leave O tuition reimbursement vacation q store level bonus 1 paid training q flexible schedules o Managers o Assistant M anagers o Benefits include: medical/dental o paid training sick leave o tuition reimbursement o vacation store level bonus Responsibilities for this position include evalu­ ating credit for new accounts, analyzing finan­ cial statements, verifying bank and trade refer­ ences and evaluating established accounts. Researching, analyzing and reconciling accounts receivable status and monitoring delinquent collection and bankrupt accounts and collecting past due accounts. Establish and maintain relationships with trade cus­ tomers, trade groups and fellow employees. Maintain credit files and reports. Qualifications: • 2 years of college or equivalent • 5 years of experience in commercial credit or related business experience • Proficient in Word and Windows computer environment, D&B, Oracle, and export docu­ mentation • Credit Business Fellow (CBF) minimum or attainable • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills • A self-starter, and organized individual • Positive outlook, commitment to teamwork and excellent customer service s to p b y I Gilliland (503) 788-4558 M . Norington (503) 466-5178 K. W hite (503) 384-0068 EOE. 7433 Interstate-Annex Portland. OR 97217 1 -8 7 7 -a s k -h O w 2 I THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP IN ANY JOURNEY IS THE FIRST ONE. Submit resume and cover letter to: Director Corporate Administration, Oregon Steel Mills, Inc; P.O. Box 5368, Portland, OR 97228; email: EEO/ADA Employer OREGON STEEL MILLS Employment MAKE IT COUNT! Sales 260 Let that step lead you into a career with one of the most prestigious healthcare organizations in the country. We offer career paths, com pet­ itive salaries, a diversified staff, and comprehensive benefits. CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES Dental • Nursing • Pharmacy • Radiology Laboratory • Research • Medical Receptionist/Assistants Finance/Accounting • Information Technology & Services Many other open positions Explore our website. You can review jobs, complete an application & request referrals on-line. Or visit our employment office. KAISER PERMANENTE. 500 NE Multnomah St., Portland, OR 97232 Hours: Monday - Friday 8am-3:30pm Phone: (503) 813-4701 Drug Free Workplace • AA/EOE w w w .k p .o r g /n w Employment . / n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide, competitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the following agencies: OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Transportation Engineer 1 Project Construction Coordinator Ybur project coordination experience, attention to detail and excellent communication experience is needed in our Salem Project Manager’s Office. Assist with contract administration, field inspections, and ensure contractor's adhere to plans and specifications. Proactively work with various jurisdictions to resolve issues from project planning through completion phase. For details on education/experience requirements, refer to the announcement. Salary $2,949 $4,223/month + excellent benefits: health insurance: paid vacation and sick leaves: 10 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contribution Announcement «OCDT0253. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (5 03 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 986-3854 for the hearing Impaired), or visit for announcement and application. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce Application and required supplements must be received by May 30, 2000. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Health Division Center for Health Statistics State Reglstrar/Manager, Center for Health Statistics Principle Executive/Manager E Manages Center for Health Statistics; responsible for Oregon's vital record and health survey data systems. Requires three years' management experience. Preference fcr M.A. in Public Health, Management. Statistics or Social Science. This is a full-time position located in Portland. Salary is $3.903 to $5,775 a month. Obtain application and announcement from, or phone (5 0 3 ) 731-3443. OREGON BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Assistant to Executive Director Executive Support Specialist 2 Career Opportunities Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port's office, located at 121 NW Everett St, Portland. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8am to 12pm and lpm to 5pm. You may also apply online at our website, The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer Where you put your energy can make a difference. Come join our team! The company offers competitive salaries and excellent benefits. Please fax your resume to: Or call our hotline f o r , an appointm ent: (877-275-4692). EOE Social Services 265 Full tim e Success C enter T racker needed to provide supervision in a d a y - r e p o r tin g p ro g ra m to p r e ­ adjudicated and probation youth referred from ju v en ile court. Duties include tutoring, m ilieu supervision, fa c ilita tio n o f sk ill g ro u p s and recreational activities, transportation, and m eal preparation. Position offers excellent benefits and com petitive w ages and will be open until filled. P le a se sen d re su m e to: Je rro ld Fentress, c/o YEI, 1706 NE 2 6 ,h, Portland, Oregon 97212 or call at 280- 1058. W e value diversity and are and equal opportunity em ployer. C redit A nalyst e x a c tly ♦ Columbia Sportswear Company® Sales Sales Services A ssistant A re you seeking to be a part o f an internationally recognized apparel m an u factu rer? H av e you alw ays wanted to work in Sales, from “behind the scenes?” D oes w orking w ith upbeat, friendly people that hike, bike, snow board, ski, and fish in their free tim e m ake you w ant to sign up right now? If your answ er is YES read on - th ere’s more! C olum bia Sportsw ear Com pany, a global lead er in the d esig n an d m a n u fa c tu re o f o u te rw e a r an d sportsw ear is currently seeking a Sales Services A ssistant to jo in our Sales team. This is a SU PPO R T position in our sa le s d e p a rtm e n t. D u tie s fo cu s primarily on closeout processing and follow-up, data entry on our in house co m p u te r sy stem fo r sa le s an d pricing; preparation and distribution o f s e a s o n a l p r ic e lis ts ; an d troubleshooting and follow -up o f order entry issues for sales reps. Q ualified candidate will possess an A ssociate degree or equivalent w ork experience and a m inim um o f 1 to 2 y e a rs r e la te d e x p e r ie n c e perform ing adm inistrative and office s u p p o rt a s s ig n m e n ts . P re v io u s experience with M icrosoft W indows, W ord, and Excel skills preferred. E x c e lle n t d a ta e n try sk ills an d custom er service skills required. Please forw ard resum e to Colum bia S p o rts w e a r C o m p a n y , H u m a n Resources, Dept. SS A, PO Box 83239, Portland O R 97283, or FAX to: (503) 7 3 5 -4 5 9 7 . E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity Employer. PORT OF PORTLAND NW N a tu ro r If you are looking for a com pany that offers challenges, variety and rew ards, look no further. We are currently seeking the follow ing to com e jo in our team. C ustom er Representatives #00076-O B Part-tim e less than 20 hours #00108-O B Part-time less than 40 hours Seeking custom er focused individuals to respond to high-volum e phone calls regarding gas service, com plaints, and inquiries. W e are looking for full-tim e and part-tim e representatives. Part-tim e is less than 20 hours per week and full-time is normally 40 hours per week, but requires flexibility to work less than full tim e if needed. Starting pay rate is $ 15.75/hour. Requires typing at least 40 wpm and good alpha/num eric data entry skills. Requires prior high volum e call center/custom er service experience. M ay be scheduled to work any tim e M onday-Sunday 7a.m- 10p.m. C andidates m ust be available full tim e for a 2-m onth training period, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.. S taff Assistant #00121-OB This position provides high-level adm inistrative and secretarial support to the C om m unication Services, G overnm ent Relations, and Public Relations departm ents. Requires a m inim um o f 5 years experience perform ing adm inistrative functions for senior m anagem ent and advanced PC skills with w ord processing and spreadsheet applications. To apply, please m ail your cover letter and resum e to NW N atural, 220 Second A venue, Portland, Oregon 97209; fax your resum e to 503-721- 2506; or e-mail your resum e to em ploym ent@ nw . Please indicate the requisition num ber o f the position you are interested in. W e are an Equal O pportunity E m ployer and a D rug-Free/Sm oke-Free Workplace. The Oregon Board of Medical Examiners, a licensing and disciplinary board, seeks an energetic, self-motivated, highly organized person with excellent office skills to serve as confidential assistant to the Executive Director. The successful candidate must have top organizational, meeting coordination, communication, public relations, work processing, and telephone skills. Salary ranges from $2,063 to $2,906 a month, plus excellent benefits. If you would enjoy a fast-paced, challenging Job in a pleasant downtown office building, call (503) 229-5873 X 222 for an application packet or download the information from the Internet. Announcement «LE000701. To find out about the Board of Medical Examiners, visit the Board's Web site at Closing date is May 30, 2000. LOOK!!! $0 Down $0 Closing Let us show you how! Bad Credit SelfEm ployed Bankruptcy All OK Call Liz Hamilton M ajestic M ortgage 503-525-3552 Office 503-955-0772 Pager 503-397-9769Home and/or Roberta Robinson G .R.I. Century 21 Elite 503-241-2711x141 Office 503-366-3168 Pager 503-397-5267 Home P.O . Box 242 St. Helen, O R 97051 Your City, Your Choice Community Budget Hearings J / hese are Just a fe w of the current Job openings available with the S ta te of Oregon. A more com plete announcement listing, application forms, and additional Job Information Mayor Vera Katz and the Portland City Council will hear public testimony: are available at: a ) local Employment D epartm ent field offices, or b) the Oregon Jobe page at: The S ta te of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers. 1998 Medical Marijuana 2000 Drug Policy Reform Campaign happening now to change asset forfeiture laws; improve health and education in Oregon. Work with nation’s largest grassroots campaign organization on cutting edge issues. T raining/Advancement National Travel Potential No Fundraising $7.09 + bonuses up to $ l9.50/h ou r Call 503-232-5400 Saturday, M ay 2 0 ,9 - 11 am C enter for Set f-Enhancem ent 3920 N Kerby A venue N earest bus routes are #4 and #40 Parking: sm all lot adjacent to building: please be considerate when parking on street. M onday, May 2 2 ,6 -8 pm Vollum Lecture Hall, Reed College 3203 SE W oodstock Blvd. On bus route # 19. Parking: Lots are available o ff main entrance on SE W oodstock or o ff SE Steele. Turn around available for drop-offs. Tuesday, M ay 2 3 ,6 -8 pm Floyd Light M iddle School** 10800 SE W ashington N earest bus routes: #26, #15, #71; Light Rail stop at 102nd & Burnside Parking: am ple parking in school lot. **M oved from City Hall Oral and written testimony accepted at hearings.,htm. For more information; 823-5288. TTY: 823-6868. Special needs?Call 823-45199 in advance. I