Paye BS May 17, 2000 he 'Jportbntò (Dheeruer aClassifieds/Bids Employment[ Employment [ Employment [ Employment [ Employment | | General 235 Profeesional 205 Business Consultant E x p a n d in g N a tio n a l W h o lesa le m ortgage Lender seeks a Business Consultant for Oregon. W holesale m o rtg a g e and sa le s e x p e rie n c e preferred. Excellentcompensationand benefit plans. Please send resum e to: W ashtenaw M ortgage Com pany, HR Dept., 315 E. Eisenhower, Ste. 12, Ann A rbor, M 148108 or fax to: 734- 662-9517. Automotive 213 Mechanic Salem A rea Mass Transit District has a F u ll-tim e M e ch a n ic p o sitio n available. Apply your mechanical expertise to repair and m aintain our tra n s it b u se s, a u to m o b ile s and associated equipm ent. C onsiderable know ledge o f autom obile and/or diesel pow ered vehicular equipment required. W e provide on-the-job training o f com pressed natural gas e n g in e an d f u e lin g s y s te m s , m aintenance and repair. A good driving record and ability to obtain OR CDL are required. Starting pay is $14.33 per hour. Excellent benefits. C o n tact the d istric t by m ail or telephone (503-588-2424) to obtain an official application form and d etailed v acan cy an n o u n c em en t V is it our w eb s ite at: w w w .c h e rrio tts .o rg . C o m p le te d applications m ust be received by D istrict by June 9, 2000. Send applications to H uman Resources Division, 3140 Del W ebb Ave., NE, Salem,OR 97303. Education 227 Elementary Teacher Portland Friends School. Multi-grade class o f 3-5 graders, class size 15. C urrent partial or full cert req.d Classroom expreq’d Portland Friends School is a K.-5 non-profit, non- d iscrim in ato ry e d u c a t’l program based on Q uaker values in a strong academic en vmmnt. Staff members & students from all racial & ethnic backgrounds, religious persuasions & family structures are welcomed. Resume to: Sharon Rollins, Assoc Head Portland Friends School, 2201 SW Vermont St. Ptld, OR 97219. 503-245-8l648:30am-3:30pm General 235 Transit Operators Salem A rea M ass Transit district is now accepting applications for full­ tim e T ransit O perators to operate p assenger buses over prescribed routes in accordance with designated schedules. No previous bus driving experience required. We train. Starting wage $ 12.57 per hour. Com e in or call 5 0 3 -5 8 8 -2 4 2 4 to obtain official a p p lic a tio n fo rm a n d d e ta ile d vacancy announcem ent w hich lists qualificatio n requirem ents. Send com pleted application form to Salem A rea M ass Transit District, Human Resources Division, 3140 Del W ebb A veN E , Salem, OR 97303. V isit our w eb site at: w w w .cherrio tts.o rg . A pplication m ust be received by District by 5:00 p.m. June 9,2000. An Equal O pportunity Employer. General 235 ranz B a k er y W a r e h o u se upervisor h re e y e a r s p r io r w a re h o u s e ipervision required. To $ 18.42/hr. xp. In food industry a plus. Shift -ork and split days o ff required, xcellent benefit package. Please pply directly to State o f Oregon m ploym ent O ffice at 30 North Webster. Job Ref. 1128831. We are an EO/AAP employer. Footwear Product Developer ♦ Columbia Sportswear Company® Work for O ne Tough Mother! Colum bia Sportsw ear Com pany has proven for m ore than 50 years that quality construction, engineering and innovation in sports apparel is a formula for success. O ur growth has been built on a foundation o f value, not only in our high quality products, but our em ployees as well. W e’re se e k in g a F o o t w e a r P ro d u c t Developer who thrives on a challenge and is looking for a opportunity to make a positive contribution within a successful, growing com pany. In this vital position, you will be responsible for: • D eveloping and coordinating C olum bia Sportswear footw ear from concept/design stage to p ro d u c tio n o f c o n firm a tio n stage. • C oordinating and developing several categories and styles o f footwear for both the m en ’s and w om en’s lines into prototype samples from concept stage to production confirm ation stage. Qualified candidates should have 5 years experience in the footw ear industry O R six years related work experience in the footw ear industry and p o ssess c o m p re h e n s iv e know ledge o f footw ear construction and m aterials, including but not limited to leather, plastics, urethanes, ru b b e r an d p o ly m e rs. P o sse ss know ledge o f latest technologies in footwear m anufacturing. Please send resum e and salary history to: Human Resources, Dept. FW PD, PO Box 83239, PortlandOR 97283, or FAX to: (5 0 3 ) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. ¡Z General 235 Ä , Parking 50 Facility Operator Im m ediate opening for full and part-tim e lot atten d an ts w ith Portland'sleadingparkingCo.W e a re s e e k in g d e p e n d a b le in d iv id u a ls w ith a n ea t a p p e a r a n c e an d a p o s itiv e attitude. $7.50 + starting wage Huge overtim e potential A dvancem ent opportunities M edical, Dental, 40 lk available A pplicants m ust submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1 PM, M onday - Friday. 130 SW Stark Portland, OR General 235 Community Development O utreach C oordinator I O ffice Administrator Portland Com m unity Land Trust, a n o n p r o fit m e m b e rs h ip -b a s e d affordab le housing o rg anization, seeks energetic individual to serve as its first outreach coordinator and o ffice ad m in istrato r. C an d id ates should have experience in community outreach with a passion for affordable housing. D atab ase m anagem ent. Public sp eak in g . G eneral o ffice administration. $ 15-$20 per hour DOE. Contact: PCLT at (503) 493-0293 or in fo to for an application packet. General 235 General 235 General 235 U tility W orker I City o f Milwaukie, Oregon, Salary Range: $2177 - $2778/mo, D.O.Q., plus excellent benefit package. W e are seeking qualified person(s) for our Sew er Division. C andidates with related sewer experience, com puter skills andacurrentCommercial Drivers License, Class B or A, will be given preference. Positions in this class perform a variety o f semi and skilled m anual tasks in the public works departm ent in relation to equipment operation, installation, repair and m aintenance. Requires diplom a or GED, and ability to obtain appropriate certifications such as w astew ater collections. Must have a minimum o f two year’s prior work experience directly involving technical skills and general construction, maintenance, orrepairw ork; be skilled in medium to h eav y eq u ip m en t o p era tio n ; be safety oriented and a team player. Oral Board is tentatively scheduled for Friday. June 16, 2000. P rio r to hiring, applicants will be req u ired to s a tis f a c to r ily c o m p le te a d r u g screen in g an d physical cap acities test. For A p p licatio n s check at M ilwaukieCity Hall, 10722 SE Main Street, M ilwaukie,OR97222. Contact: Cynthia, (503) 786-7507 o r em ail n a g v c f « c i . m i I w a u k i e . o r . u s . Com pleted packets must be received by 4 PM, W ednesday, May 31,2000, in Human Resources at the above address. Fax#(503)652-4433.TD D # 786-7555. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply. EOE. R adioM arketingi onsullant Salem M ediaofO regon, Inc., K.PDQ AM/FM Christian formatted radio, has an im m e d ia te o p en in g for Marketing Consultants. The ideal candidate should have dem onstrated a record o f su ccess in o u tsid e, com missionable sales. In order to receive consideration, candidates also must be able to dem onstrate that they possess our five must have characteristics: Creative/Innovative * G oal/A chievem ent O rien ted * Influential * Persistent/Tenacious * Sense O f Urgency. All candidates must be team players and o f strong moral character and integrity. Base pay w ith ex c ellen t co m m issio n package and benefits. Professional, stable, p o sitiv e and sm oke free w orking environm ent. Fax y o u r resume to Mike Hadley, General Sales M anager at (503) 238-7202 or mail to 5110 SE Stark, Portland, OR 97215-no calls please. The deadline is June 16, 2 0 0 0 . A n E q u al O p p o rtu n ity Employer. Metro P r o v id in g r e g io n a l se r v ic e * Creating livable communities A/V Production A ssistant (Oregon C onventionC enter)-$ 10.57-$ 12.83 hr, PT. Deadline 5 24/00. Responsible for setting and striking A/V video and theatrical lighting sets. R e q u ire d a p p lic a tio n m a teria ls a v a ila b le at: M e tro H um an Resources, 600 NE G rand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232. Resumes are not accepted. Please call (503) 797-1570 if you w ould like application materials m a ile d to y o u . W eb ad d re ss: www.metro-region.oig. AA/EEO Employer General 235 Instructor in Urban Studies and Planning Part-time(.53 FTE)9-month fixed term Instructor position for the 2000-2001 a c a d e m ic y e a r te a c h in g six undergraduate courses in com munity studies and com m unity development for the School o f Urban Studies and Planning. Four courses will be low er division cou rses and tw o u pper division. Q ualifications include a Ph D. in Urban Studies or a related so c ia l s c ie n c e d is c ip lin e an d in stru c tio n a l e x p e rie n c e at th e undergraduate level. The position is renewable, subject to the availability o f funds. The position will remain open until filled, but the Search C om m ittee w ill begin review ing applications on May 1. For more inform ation, call 725-4045. Subm it resume and names o f three references to Professor Nancy Chapm an, Chair, Search C om m ittee, School o f Urban S tu d ie s an d P la n n in g , S ta te University, PO Box 751 -USP, Portland, Oregon 97207-0751. Portland State University is an affirm ative action/ equal opportunity institution. General 235 BlackfootTelephoneCooperative.a d iv e rs ifie d te le c o m m u n ic a tio n s com pany headquartered in Missoula, M ontana, is seeking a S oftw are Engineer. This position is responsible to analyze, design, test, and m aintain various softw are applications and w e b -b a s e d s y s te m s fo r th e telecom m unications industry using 0 - 0 p ro g ra m m in g te c h n iq u e s. Requires 3-5 years o f progressive experience in systems and application developm ent. Powerbuilder, Visual Basic, M SSQL Scripting and Stored Procedures, W indowsNT preterred. D atabase and Web developm ent a plus. B la c k fo o t o f fe rs an e x c e lle n t com pensation and benefit package. To apply, please send a resum e to: Blackfoot T elephone Cooperative Human Resources 1221 N. Russell Street M issoula. M T 59808 Employment@ Genera, 235 The M ultnom ah C ounty Health Department is currently recruiting for the following positions: • M edical R ecords T echnician (ART) • EMS Coordinator - O perations & Evaluation • D ental O pportunities (see our more detailed ad in this classified section) Application materials and formal jo b an n o u n cem en ts are av ailab le at: w w w .co.m ultnom jo b . in person or by mailing a self-addressed sta m p e d e n v e lo p e re q u e s tin g application form s to: M ultnom ah Couqty Human Resources Division. 1120 SW 5th A venue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box 14700, Portland OR, 9 7 2 9 3 -0 7 0 0 . A ssisted access to M ultnomah County jo b inform ation an d w e b s ite is a v a ila b le at M ultnomah County Libraries. M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty H e a lth D epartm ent is actively recruiting persons from various ethnic and cultural b ackgrounds to enhance service to our diverse com m unities. Bilingual/bicultural candidates are encouraged to a p p ly . An E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity Employer General 235 Instructor in Urban Studies and Planning Part-time (.53 FTE) 9-month fixed term Instructor position for the 2000-2001 a c a d e m ic y e a r te a c h in g six undergraduate courses in community studies and com munity development for the School o f Urban Studies and Planning. Four courses will be lower d iv isio n courses and tw o u p p er division. Q ualifications include a Ph.D. in Urban Studies or a related s o c ia l s c ie n c e d is c ip lin e an d in stru c tio n a l e x p e rie n c e at th e undergraduate level. The position is renewable, subject to the availability o f funds. The position will remain open until filled, but the Search C om m ittee will begin review ing applications on May I. For more inform ation, call 725-4045. Submit resume and names o f three references to Professor Nancy Chapman, Chair, Search C om m ittee, School ofU rban S tu d ie s an d P la n n in g , S ta te University, PO Box 751 -USP, Portland, Oregon 97207-0751. Portland State University is an affirm ative action/ equal opportunity institution. Health Care 240 Chemical Dependency De Paul Treatment Centers isGrowing Chem ical Dependency Counselors De Paul Treatment Centers seeks two full-tim e talented counselors, one in our M en’s Residential Program and the other for our Women ’ s Residential P rogram . G reat o p p o rtu n ities to d e v e lo p p ro g ra m , u tiliz e b e st practices, receive great supervision and training, and work with a forward thinking team. Bachelor’s degree plus 2 years experience or M aster degree required. C A D C I or II preferred. Adult O utpatient-C ounselor Assessment/Case M anagem ent De Paul Treatment Centers is seeking a flexible individual for 20 hours/week who is skilled at assessm ents and enjoys the various tasks o f case m a n ag e m en t. In te re s te d p erso n should have a good sense o f hum or and be a team player. CAEX? I required. M ulticultural, Bilingual skills are highly desirable. Chemical Dependency C ou n selor- Youth De Paul T reatm ent C enters seeks a talented counselor for a full time position in our Y outh Residential Program. U tilize your m ulti-tasking skills in this challenging position working with clients that have entered the residential phase o f treatment. G re at o p p o rtu n itie s to d ev elo p p ro g ra m an d r e c e iv e g rea t supervision and training. Bachelor’s degree plus 2 years experience or a M asters degree required. CADC I or 11 preferred. Milieu Counselors-FT/PT/On-C all - All Shifts If you love interacting with people, then w e have the jo b for you! This position allow s you to work as a team m e m b e r w ith y o u th w ho have s u b s ta n c e abuse d iso rd e rs. K now ledge o f chem ical dependency helpful. De Paul offers com petitive salaries a n d e x c e lle n t b e n e f its . G re at s u p e rv is io n an d tra in in g opportunities. Positions require 2+ y e a r s - c o n tin u o u s s o b rie ty if recovering. Respond to: De Paul Treatm ent Centers. Inc. Attn. Human Resources PO B ox3007 Portland, OR 97208-3007 O r fax your resum e and cover letter to 503-535-1190 E-mail: donk@ depaul-centers coni 240 Health Car? Small A gency hiring Direct Care W o rk e rs w h o w an t to m ake a difference. M ust be 18 years old. Starting $7.25-$7.6O. Call 669-6622. Get PaidToC hat! T elephone C ustom er Service. W ork from hom e or our office. M ake up to $ 13/hr. Psychic Line. No expnec. 503-258-1840. ^ortíanb ©bseruer Call Today 5O3.288.OO33 F a c s i m i l e .503.288.0015 Email to $11.50 C/3 $13.00 w $15.00 $14.00. □2 $90.00. All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until noon, Monday. Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd 1 ß Information/Travel [ Public Notices............................000 Announcements/^ eddings.... 010 I Announcements/Births......... 015 Family Serv ices.........................020 Lostand Found_____________030 Meeting Notices.........................040 ¡Tickets, for Sale W anted......................050 Travel...................................... 060 Real Estate I Acreage______________...-----100 Homes forsale............................110 Homes for rent______ ........ 115 I \ppartrnents, duplexes for Sale....................... 120 Appartments, duplexes for Rent___________125 I Manufactured Homes for Sale....................... 130 I Manufactured Homes for Rent.......................135 I O thersforSale.......................... 140 Others for Rent......................... 145 Commercial Real Estate..........150 W aterfront Property...............155 Real Estate Serv ices.................. 160 I I Real Estate W anted...................165 | Employment I Guidanee/Resumes..................200 I Professional.................................205 I Com puterffechnology............ 210 1 Automotive.................................213 Contractors................................215 Outdoor Hom eCare................ 220 | Indoor HomeCare, Domestic................... 225 Education................................... 227 Financial, Insurance................230 General.......................................235 H ealthcare............................... 240 | Marketing, Advertising...............245 1 Administration..........................247 Office.................... ............................... ..................... 253 ......................255 ..................... 258 ......................260 Sales...................... Social Services.........................265 I Temporary , Part-Time, Seasonal................... 270 I Positions W anted..................... 275 1 Business opportunities...........280 Items for Sale I Antiques.................................... 3 0 0 1 Appliances................................ 3 0 5 Auctions.................................... 3 1 0 Clothing.................................... -315 Clothing.....................................-320 I Computers/Electronics, Software...................-325 I Estate Auctions/Sales............330 Farm Items............................... 335 Furniture...................................340 Garage Sale.............................. -345 Garden Equipment................. -350 Heavy Equipment.................... -355 Hobbies/C ollectors................. 3 6 0 Livestock................................... 3 6 5 M iscellaneous fo rS a le........... 370 Miscellaneous W anted...........375 Office Equipment....................3 8 0 Pets/ Pet T raining, Show s.,,.385 I Stereo Equipment. Telev ision, VCR's, CD's,Tapes....39O I Tools........................................... 3 9 5 Automobiles ATV's..........................................400 I Antiques.....................................405 I Autos by M ake......................... 410 B M W ...............................410 Buick............................... 412 C adillac.......................... 414 Chevrolet.......................416 Chrysler......................... 418 Dodge.............................. 420 Eagle............................. Ford............................... G M C ................................426 Honda..............................428 deep................................. 4.10 Lexus...............................432 Lincoln........................... 434 M azda............................. 436 Mercedes........................438 Nissan..............................440 Oldsm obile....................442 Plymouth.......................444 Saturn.............................446 Subaru............................ 448 Toyota............................. 450 Volkswagon..................452 Others............................454 I Buses........................................... 460 Campers/Trailers................... 465 Motorcycles.............................. 470 Parts/Domestic.........................475 Parts/lmports........................... 480 Pickups....................................... 485 R.V./Sales. Rentals.................490 I SUV'».......................................... 495 Personals I Messages....................................500 Services.......................................505