Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 17, 2000, Page 10, Image 10

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    M av 17, 2000
Page B4
(Che jJorUanb (ßbeeruer
Vo r t taub
21 de m ayo - M ay 21
30 de ju n io - June 30
causr m ayores dificultades -
cause m ore difficulties
con un grupo de periodistas —
Politicians without borders
mexico’s candidates court
support of migrants in U.S.
Eager to reach their countrymen living
in the United States, M exico’s two
m a in o p p o s itio n p r e s id e n tia l
candidates are barnstorm ing through
Southern C alifornia as if it were
M exico’s 32nd state.
A bsentee voting is not allowed under
M exican law , but V icente Fox, the
leading opposition candidate, called
on hundreds ofm igrants and Mexican
Am ericans in the lush San Joaquin
Valley in the hope they will persuade
friends and fam ily back hom e to vote
for him in July and end the 71-year
ruleofthe Institutional Revolutionary
“ We com e to recom m end that the
best way to participate at this tim e is
to phone your friends and family, to
w rite letters, [or] to visit M exico on
July 2nd” to vote. Fox said during a
three-day U.S. cam paign sw ing that
included stops in Chicago and an
address to the C alifornia General
Fox, the candidate o f the center-right
N ational Action Party, and other
M exican politicians, candidates and
their aides are flocking to the United
States this year. T heir visits are the
latest sign o f the grow ing integration
o f the tw o countries, w hich share a
2,000-m ile border and have developed
deep economic, social and family ties
from years o f cross-borderm igration
and trade.
This year, with presidential elections
in both countries, the normal political
b a c k - a n d - f o r th h a s b e c o m e a
enorm ous outreach industry, with
U.S. candidates brushing up on their
high school Spanish to vie for Latino
votes and Mexican candidates posing
for pictures, slap p in g backs and
kissing babies in M exican-A m erican
c o m m u n itie s ac ro ss th e U n ited
O ver the past tw o years, it has
becom e alm ost com m onplace for
state governors in M exico to visit
com m unities o f M exicans in the
United States at election tim e. Often,
M exicans from the sam e states and
tow ns keep together in com m unities
when they m ove to the U nited States.
For instance, thousands o f people
from the state o f G uanajuato, w here
Fox was governor, have congregated
in Bakersfield, C alif., an agricultural
center about a tw o-hour drive north
o f Los Angeles that Fox visited on
Sunday. He also attended a C inco de
Money raised on U.S. soil also will go
toward purchasing 500,000 postcards,
bearing a m essage to vote for Fox,
that will be distributed to M exican
A m ericans to be sent hom e in June.
And a Mexican industrialist in the
United States is paying for about
20,000 telephone cards that will allow
M exicans here to call hom e for three
minutes to ask their friends and family
to vote for Fox.
In an interview . Fox said he hopes as
m any as 2 m illion such cards can be
given to U .S.-based M exicans in the
m onth before the election. “These
are people w ho are sustaining the
econom y [in their hom etow ns], and
they have moral authority in their
families” to influence votes. Fox said.
Cardenas campaign officials say they
w ant to m obilize 100,000 registered
M exican voters living in California to
go to M exico on election day and
v o te fo r C a rd e n a s. O ffic ia ls at
M exico’s Federal Electoral Institute
say there are 1.5 m illion registered
M exican voters living in the U nited
States, and every electoral district
along the border will have five special
polling places for them.
O fficials in the Fox and C ardenas
cam paigns say they are focusing their
get-out-the-vote efforts in California,
Texas, Illinois, Michigan, Oregon and
W ashington state, all o f w hich have
large M exican com m unities. But it is
not ju st electoral politicking that is
pulling them north. C onvinced that
the opposition has the best chance in
seven decades to beat the PRI, m any
candidates and their aides have also
visited W ashington and New Y ork to
m eet with bankers, U.S. politicians,
new spaper editors and other opinion-
shapers to debunk worries that a
change in political leadership in
M exico will lead to instability. They
have also asked the United States to
m aintain strict neutrality in the race.
“The PRI has rem ained in pow er for
so many years with the tacit or explicit
support o f the United States,” said
Carlos Salazar, head o f international
relations for F o x ’s cam paign. “We
w ent to W ashington because we
w a n te d th e m to k n o w w h a t a
dem ocratic M exico w ould m ean.”
B o th
C a rd e n a s — w h o
a ls o
cam paigned in the United States in
previous unsuccessful presidential
bids in 1988 and 1994— and Fox
prom ised M exicans here that they
w ould work to loosen im m igration
restrictions and perm it easier cross-
Mayo festival in Fresno, Calif.
As many as 10 m illion people o f
Mexican heritage live in the United
States, including about 3 m illion who
migrate back and forth, often illegally,
to seasonal jobs. Together, they send
about $7 billion a year hom e to their
families, making remittances from the
United States the third-largest source
o f foreign exchange in M exico, after
petroleum and tourism .
Tapping that potential pool o f money
and voters is crucial for Fox, a former
C oca-C ola ex ecu tiv e w ho trailed
Labastida in recent voter preference
polls by ju st three percentage points.
Fox and his cam paign aides said that,
under Mexican law, any money raised
in the United States cannot be used
by their cam paign in M exico and will
therefore be spent on U . S . operations,
such as paying for his recent trip.
borderm igration for Mexicans. They
also pledged to try to strengthen
h u m a n r ig h ts p r o te c tio n s fo r
undocum ented M exicans entering
and living in the United States illegally.
Both candidates said they would push
to le g alize a b s e n te e v o tin g for
M exicans living abroad. M exico’s
constitution perm its absentee voting,
but enabling legislation was killed in
the M exican Senate last year by the
PRI, which argued that there w as not
enough tim e to organize absentee
voting for the July election.
Many analysts believe the PRI killed
the m easure out o f fear that the
overw helm ing m ajority o f Mexicans
living in the United States blam e the
ru lin g p arty fo r p o o r econom ic
conditions and a lack o f opportunity
at hom e and would therefore vote for
the opposition.
with a group o f journalists
conocía - acquaintance
declaraciones en los tribunales
- statem ents in the courts
dem oras - delays
durante el golpe m ilitar del 11
de setiem bre de 1973 - during
the m ilitary clash o f
Septem ber 11, 1973
El candidato presidencial
venezolano - The Venezuelan
p residential candidate
E l pontífice - the Pope
el presidente del Frente
P opular - the p resident o f the
P opular F ront
escolta - escort
ex m iem bro del G rupo de
A m igos P ersonles (GAP) - ex­
m em ber o f the G roup o f
P ersonal Friends
figura fa v o rito - fa v o rite fig u r e
Inconsciente - unconscious
la fam a - the fam e
las palabras del P apa - the
words o f the Pope
levantam iento arm ado - arm ed
nunca - never
oportunidad extraordinari -
extrordinary opportunity
P artido Revolucionario
D om inicano (PRD) -
D om inican Revolutionary
P arty
salariales - salaries
‘sa b io s de miseria ” -
m iserable salaries
secreto o f Fátim a - secret o f
F atim a
sindical - union
su fragio - vote
supuesta - assum ption
tres principales candidatos -
the three principa! candidates
Un m iem bro de la guardia - A
m em ber o f the guard
una rebelión m ilitar - a
m ilitary rebellion
una solución — a solution
Alí Agca pide
re v e la c ió n
Rom a ( Efe) - El autor de los disparos
contra el Papa en 1981, el turco Alí
A gca, volvió a pedir ayer una m edida
de g rac ia para elu d ir la cadena
perpetua, tras la revelación de que el
tercer secreto de Fátima, del que se
c o n s id e r a
“ un
in s tru m e n to
inconsciente”, estaba relacionado
con su atentado.
A gca habló en la cárcel de Ancona,
en el centro de Italia, con un grupo de
periodistas. A ellos les confió haber
recibido el anuncio del cardenal
Sodano sobre el tercer m isterio de
F á tim a
“ co n
re a c c ió n
in d e s c r ip tib le y h u m a n a m e n te
“Solam ente puedo rem itirm e a las
palabras del Papa, quien ha dicho
que es tiem po para redescubrir a
Dios”- añadió-, tras rehusar cualquier
referencia a los hechos históricos
que lo señalaron com o la m ano
armada por servicios secretos del Este
(la pista búlgara), Libia o la m isma
El terrorista turco, que se describió a
sí m ism o com o un exaltado solitario,
afirm ó que el pontífice ha sido “el
hom bre de Dios que por un designio
m isterioso ha contribuido a derrotar
• el ateísm o sistem ático”.
“ Estoy ahora más convencido que
nunca” -indicó- de que “la gran fuerza
espiritual y moral del Papa ha sido
una de las causas determ inantes del
hundim iento del ateísmo, la caída del
m uro de Berlín y la liberación de
Polonia y el pueblo polaco".
Guadalupe Urbina and the
“Trópico Azul de Lluvia” Tour
fob T he P ortland O bserved
G uadalupe Urbina is a renow ned Costa Rican singer,
songw riter and recording artist w hose work has gained
recognition throughout Latin America, South Am erica
and Europe. G uadalupe is well know n for her incredible
voice, rich stories and guitar m usic. In N ovem ber 1995,
due to her originality and sensitivity, G uadalupe Urbina
received the “Am erican Prize,” awarded in Sénégal, W est
This year, in G uadalupe’s school assem bly program s,
she will provide an hour o t pow erful music sung in
G uadalupe offers a variety o f program options including
lectu res, so n g w ritin g w o rkshops, m usical co n cert
p e rfo rm a n c e s and in -d ep th re sid e n c y p ro g ra m s
individually designed to meet the particular needs o f an
organization. G uadalupeUrbina truly isacultural resource,
highly regarded throughout the world.
The world renow n C osta Rican singer/songw riter is
returning to Portland for this entire month until May 26.
For more information, call 503/236-2744.
G uadalupe U rbina's latest album. Tropico Azul
de Lluvi was released on Ju ly 1999 and was well
received in Costa Rica, as well as other parts o f
the world. She will be in P ortland perform ing
throughout the month o f May.
Profesores de escuelas fiscales comienzan paro nacional
Q uito-L os profesores de escuelas
fiscales de Ecuador com enzaron un
paro nacional por tiem po indefinido
para exigir al G obierno un sueldo
m ínim o equivalente a 100 dólares y
otras reivindicaciones.
A lrededor de 140.000 maestros de la
Unión Nacional de Educadores (UNE)
tom aron la decisión luego de que la
sem ana pasada no lograron acuerdos
en una reunión en la cual estuvo
p re se n te el p re sid e n te G u sta v o
N oboa. Las au to rid ad es habían
o fre c id o in c re m en to s sa la r ia le s
después de las elecciones municipales
del próxim o 21 de m ayo, pero los
dirigentes de la UNE no aceptaron la
A lrededor de un mi I lón de estudiantes
que acudían a 23.000 escuelas en
s e c to r e s u rb a n o s y r u ra le s
e n c o n tr a r o n
c e r ra d o s
establecim ientos de enseñanza por
efecto de la decisión de la UNE. Los
p rofesores iniciaron el paro con
asam bleas regionales en las que, de
acuerdo con reportes de radio, exigen
un sueldo m ínim o de 100 dólares y
expresaron su oposición a la supuesta
decisión del Gobierno de privatizar la
educación fiscal.
El sueldo básico de los profesores se
encuentra en un prom edio de 65
dólares m ensuales, pero la canasta
básica de alim entos está en 250
dólares. La presidenta de la Unión
N acional de Educadores, A racelly
M oreno, aseguró que la huelga se
m antendrá hasta arran car de las
a u to rid a d e s una so lu c ió n a las
dem andas y la anulación del proceso
de privatización de la educación y de
otros servicios públicos.
Moreno señaló que hasta ahora “sólo
ha habido ofrecim ientos” que no se
concretan, por lo que el m agisterio
paralizará sus actividades de forma
Por su parte, el presidente d el Frente
/ ’opi//ar,L uisV illacís,m anifestóque
lo s s e c to r e s s o c ia le s n o h an
renunciado a la posibil idad de dialogar
con el Ejecutivo, pero que ante la
negativa de las autoridades de atender
sus dem andas no les queda más
remedio que protestar.
“Nosotros no renunciamos a dialogar,
p e ro co n b a s e s firm e s , co n
pronunciam ientos concretos, con las
c ifra s c la ra s, sin m e n tira s, sin
en g a ñ o s, q u e es a lo q u e está
acostumbrado el Gobierno”, indicó el
dirigente sindical.
Piénselo: Usted se siente orgulloso de los
hijos que crió. Sus nietos también son
hermosos e inteligentes. La realidad de la
jubilación finalmente ha llegado y ha
resultado mejor de lo que imaginaba
Pero todo esto no lo hubiera logrado sin
ted tiene una familia que lo respalda
el respaldo de una familia. American
Family Mutual Insurance. Cuando se
trata de su futuro, usted puede confiar
en una compañía con más de 70 años
de experiencia en el campo de los
seguros. Con más de seis millones de
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[Superior, por la autoridad en seguros
A.M. Best, tenemos el tipo de estabilidad
que le permite relajarse. ¿Y
no era eso justamente lo
que tenia en mente? Así
que llame hoy mismo
y hable con uno de
n u e s t r o s a m a b le s
y serviciales agentes. Y
e n to n c e s , ¡ e m p ie c e
a g o z a r l N o s o tro s
estaremos respaldándolo.
Pinochet ordenó fusilar a
escoltas de Allende
Santiago de Chile (Efe).- Un miembro
de la guardia de seguridad del extinto
presidente Sal vador Allende dijo ayer
en los trib u n a le s q u e A u g u sto
Pinochet en persona ordenó fusilar a
diez escoltas apresados en el asalto al
Palacio de La M oneda durante el
golpe m ilitar d el /1 de setiem bre de
El testim onio corresponde a Pablo
Z.epeda, ex m iem bro d el G rupo de
A m igos Personales (G A P), quien
com batió en La M oneda ju n to al
p r e s id e n te s o c ia lis ta y c u y o s
sobrevivientes fueron trasladados al
Regim iento T acna del Ejército y
fusilados en su mayoría.
Zepeda hizo estas declaraciones en
los tribunales, adonde acudió para
presentar, ju n to a los familiares de los
escoltas, ,a querella criminal número
102 contra el ex gobernante militar
Este antiguo escolta de Salvador
Allende escapó con vida gracias a
que un com pañero declaró que no lo
conocía, pero afirm ó que vio cómo
Augusto Pinochet llegó al regimiento
en el que estaban prisio n ero s y
anunció a viva voz los fusilamientos.
Toda su protección bajo un mismo techo.
La póliza que usted adquiera sólo está disponible en idioma inglés.
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