-« Focus ¡Tlir HairUanì» Oìbaeruvr On Stage Portland Opera Tops Off Season with The Mikado ruler of Japan, decrees that a public execution m ust take place immediately, Ko-Ko believes he’s Before Monty Python, before the found the perfect way to get rid of Marx Brothers, there was Gilbert Nanki-Poo. Imagine his shock when and Sullivan. With witty lyrics, he learns that Nanki-Poo is really whimsical plots and captivating the Mikado’s son in disguise! music, these comic masterminds Although Gilbert and Sullivan’s have kept audiences in stitches for fanciful tale was originally set in more than 100 years. A topsy-turvy Japan-complete with kimonos and tale of star-crossed sweethearts and made-up Japanese-sounding names petty tyrants, The Mikado is a - the operetta is a thinly disguised d elicio u sly satiric look at lampoon of English culture. When bureaucracy, hypocrisy, and the acclaimed British director Jonathan Miller tackled The Mikado for the trials and tribulations of true love. Giddy schoolgirl Yum-Yum is English National Opera in 1986, he pledged to marry her guardian, a opted to do away with the Japanese seedy playboy named Ko-Ko, who setting entirely. has just been appointed to the For its first venture into the world of exalted rank o f Lord High Gilbert and Sullivan, Portland E xecutioner. A “w andering Opera will present Miller’s highly minstrel” who calls himself Nanki- praised version o f The Mikado. Poo arrives in town in search of Inspired by movie musicals of the Yum-Yum, with whom he has fallen 1930s as well as classic Marx madly in love. When the Mikado, Brothers’ films such as Duck Soup, k > r M a y 10, 2000 -- CoMRlBlltl) SlURl Tut Pom i-ANU O bserve « the action is set in a swank hotel in a British seaside resort town. “It’s a stunning design concept that captures perfectly the lighthearted spirit of the work,” said Portland Opera’s General Director Robert Bailey. “We are also very fortunate to have Nicola Bowie, who worked closely with Miller from the very beginning of the show, as our stage director and choreographer. Although W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan had artistic careers separate from their partnership, their most memorable achievements proved to be the works they created together. Theircollaborationshavedelighted the world since they were first produced on the London stage in the late 19lh century. The Mikado was created at the height o f th eir popularity and continues to be one of their best-loved works. Gilbert’s lively plot is conveyed through lyrics that sparkle with witty rhym e schem es, w ickedly clever alliteratio n and nonsensical vocabulary words. Sullivan’sscore matches Gilbert’s lyrics perfectly yet has captivating and lyrical moments as well. Said M iller during early rehearsals o f the production, “At the end o f the evening, the audience should feel as if they’ve overeaten an enormous amount of creamery meringue.” Page 5 STOP! GET HELP! FR EE C O U N S E L IN G ! S A VE M O N E Y ! BUY A HOME OR INVEST! Oregon • Washington • Africa A-ZEBRA Realty Inc. 5 0 3 -2 8 1 *9 9 0 0 317 NE Killingsworth St. Portland, Oregon I' 3 6 0 -6 9 0 -0 2 8 1 4225 NE St. James Rd. Vancouver, Washington BP* L •• B* rT > • George Hendrix, Broker J * W We Represent Buyers Professional Dry Cleaners Elk Cleaners 20% Off Any Dry Cleaning With $20.00 or more in cleaning Present coupon with incoming order. Not valid with other offers of discounts. Express 5/10/2000 T ' 30% Off Household Items; Sleeping bags. Blankets, Bedspreads etc... Present coupon with incoming order Not valid with other offers of discounts. Expires 5/10/2000 L SHIRTS LAUNDERED 95c NO LIM IT 1014 N. Killingsworth* 735-2989 S u n d a y , M a y 14, 9 a m to 2 p m $19.50 • C h ild r e n 6 to 12 $8.95 C h ild r e n 5 a n d u n d e r F r e e A d u lts R e s e r v a tio n s re q u ire d * (503) 249-3983 M c M e n a m in s K e n n e d y S c h o o l 5736 N E 33rd • P o r t la n d , O re g o n w w w .m c m e n a m in s .c o tn /k e n n e d y I