(Tlje ^Jartianh ffibserver The Cirque de Soleil Proudly Presents Saltimbanco Theatre for T i lt P ortland O bservik Applauded by more than 4.5 million M ay S pecials LDP Graphic Design P rices G ood 5/1/00 T hru 5/31/00 Located on the corner o fM L K Jr. Blvd. And Stanton. Suite B. rear door. 4-color postcards min. 500 starting at $416.50 4-color brochures min. 1000 starting at $763.00 1000 1 color business cards $61.00 1000 1 color flyers $96.00 10% off all business package over $ 150.00 15% off all logo creation LDP Graphic Design 2861 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Suite B Portland, Oregon 97212 Phone: 503-493-3391 Fax: 503-493-3434 Email:ldpvc@teleport.com Graphic Design Fortoday’s Growing business. spectators worldwide, Saltimbanco premieres in Portland on May 11, 2000 and Seattle on July 6, 2000, marking the launch o f its tour in the P a c ific N o rth w e st. T he engagement is part of a three- year tour that encompasses Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Portland, Seattle and Japan when, for the first time, Saltimbanco is restaged under a new, white, $15 million Grand Chapiteau (Big Top). S a ltim b a n c o has been experienced by fans across four continents since it started touring in 1992. It has played a 19-month North American tour encompassing Montreal, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Monica, Costa Mesa, New Y ork, T o ro n to , C h icag o , B oston, W ashington and Atlanta in 1992-1993. It has also played a six-month run in Tokyo in 1994, two months in Montreal followed by a two- year European tour from 1995- 1996. The Asia Pacific tour began with a 10-month, five- city stint in Australia. Described by Time Magazine as “the greatest show on earth”, Saltimbanco is a 2 16-hour show staged beneath the Grand Chapiteau, a white state-of- the-art big top. With climate control and a seating capacity o f approximately 2,500, this architectural endeavour will take center stage from May 11 in Portland for a limited season. Saltimbanco, an arcane 16*h century Italian word meaning “skilled street performers,” refers to the medieval street troupers and w andering minstrels whom often improvised a stage by seizing a bench. Expanding on th is them e o f im p ro m p tu spectacle and urbane adventure, S a ltim b a n c o c e le b ra te s life! Created as an antidote to t he chaos and despair present in this day and age, it proposes a new vision of u rb a n ity , o v e rflo w in g w ith optimism and happiness. Bringingtogetheracastof53 artists from 13 nations, Saltim banco presents a melange o f awe-inspiring acts and characters, celebrating the v ita lity o f th e hum an sp irit prom ising an extravaganza o f superior acrobatics and theatrical artistry. TheGrand Chapiteau will be located at 2750 SW Moody Ave. (south o f M arquam Bridge) in Portland. Tickets for Saltimbanco are at $60, $42 and $29.50 and $20.75 for children. Tickets are available on­ line at www.admission.com or by c a llin g 1 -8 0 0 -6 7 8 -5 4 4 0 . F or corporate VIP bookings, call Gilbert Cadieux at 1-800-450-1480, ext. 6116 or em ail The show is staged everyday except Mondays. Serving Breakfast Live M usic Nightly Seven Days a Week • Starting at 7:l)l)ani Hearty Pub Fare Spirits Available in Many Form s M cM en am in s K en n ed y S ch ool 85 6 N o rth Russell Street, I’o rll.iiu l, Oregon 5756 NE 55rd • Portland, Oregon (503) 249-3985 www.mcmenaniins.com (5 0 5 )2 8 2 -6 8 1 0 tvtvn.riK m eiitim in s.ro m Come visit us on the world wide web at WWW. Portland observer. com