Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 10, 2000, Page 17, Image 17

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© b a e r u e r ---------------------- < Focus
on stage
------------------------May 1 ■ —--------?S£-
Wit takes a look at a life’s journey
“ Wit is a compassionate exploration
o f how V ivian faces her own
m ortality,” N ause says. “ With
humoi and insight, the play tells us
how we can change the way we
live.” Since opening in 1995 at the
South Coast Repertory Theatre, Wit
has received the Drama Desk
Award, OuterCriticsCircle Award,
D ram a C ritic s’ C ircle Award,
Drama League Award and the 1999
Pulitzer Prize for Drama.
A.R.T.’s 1999-2000 seasonismade
p o ssib le by the c o rp o rate
sponsorship of Tektronix, Inc. and
the media sponsorship of Just Out
A.R.T.’s production o f JF/7 is made
p o ssib le in part by K aiser
Permanente and the Actoors’ Equity
Foundation, Inc.
Ticket prices range from $13.50 to
$25; call 503/241-1 ART.
jr j f°r t^ie *°ve °f iazz
Kimberly Howard as Nurse Susie Moynahan andJoA nn Johnson as Vivian Bearing in the play. Wit.
T he P ortland O bserver
Allen Nause, A.R. T .’s Producing
A rtistic D ire c to r, w ill d ire c t
Margaret Edson’s Wit for the 1999-
2000 season finale, May 16-25.
Wit chronicles the life o f Vivian
Bearing, a brilliant and acerbic
literature professor who has spent a
so lita ry life a n a ly z in g and
researching the intricacies o f John
Donne’s Holy Sonnets. Now in the
advanced stages o f ovarian cancer
and the object o f someone else’s
research, she moves from a position
o f power to one o f dependency. She
seeks relief from her illness in Wit,
but ultimately finds peace o f mind
not in words, but with love and
human kindness.
Reengineer yourself
for the new century
T he P ortland O bserver
Joseph McClendon 111, an instructor
at UCLA and Master Trainer for
the Anthony Robbins Institute, will
offer a one-day seminar entitled
“Reengineering Y ourself for the
New Century” on May 18 at the
Oregon Convention Center.
“I help people find what they really
want, what keeps them from getting
it, and how to get it,” McClendon
states, “I also help them with a
personal system that speeds up the
whole process.”
McClendon uses a unique teaching
style that includes Neuro-linguistic
P ro g ra m m in g (N L P ), N eu ro -
associative Conditioning and body
m o v em en t to te a c h th e key
communication skills, beliefs and
patterns and physiology o f highly
successful people.
McClendon has worked with such
notables as Gen. Colin Powell,
marketing wizard Jay Abraham, and
(Please see ‘reengineer’ page 8)
2758 N.E. Broadway
Mon-Sat 11:30-7:00
Joseph McClendon is a
world renown
motivational speaker
and co-author o f the
bestselling book,
Unlimited Power, the
Black Choice. He will
demonstrate some
techniques to help
anyone go beyond any
conscious fe a r to
dramatically improve
one's quality o f life at
the Convention Center
on Thursday, May ¡8.
Show Mom
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