May 10, 2000 Page B4 Jije ^lortlanb (fíbeertfer as Metro/Relieion New Respect, Due the Black Woman Mothers keep unconditional love alive The spelling o f the word unique is as unusual as its meaning. To be unique is to be without a like or equal; very rare or uncommon; to be the “one,” or “only.” The Black woman is, without controversy, unequal or parallel to any other race o f women that God the C reator has made Her intrinsically a c q u ire d s tre n g th , e n d u ra n c e , to le r a n c e , fa ith and love are unmatched. The perils o f slavery and prejudice, which she has endured over the past few hundred years has only magni fied her strength, endurance, faith, and uncanny ability to give love. For several centuries, she has spent countless hours shielding husbands and sons from emotional catastrophe and annihilation. W ho is this Black Woman? How was she able to prevail in such adversity? O ver the past decades, a silent cry has echoed from her soul. Tears of sadness has filled her heart, as she w itnesses oppressing sights, such as: a) Hundreds o f young Black men imprisoned, b) Black men rejecting the Black w om an and m arrying Caucasians or Asians, and c) Black men practicing homosexuality. The Black woman is the glory o f the Black man, even as the Caucasian woman is the glory ofthe white man, and the Asian woman o f the Asian man, etc. Yet there is a sense o f sadness and abandonment among som e Black women. At a time when she should be shielded, protected, and cherished, she is many times rejected for others. The offspring of th e v ery m en w ho h e r g reat g ra n d m o th e r sh ie ld e d from precarious death is now prospering financially and marrying Caucasian and Asian women. Leaving the Black woman feeling rejected and alone. Yet she continues to stand with strength and dignity. T h e s tre n g th and d ig n ity she possesses is an inherent strength g iv en to h er by G od H im self. A c c o rd in g to th e H ebrew comforter, blessing, impregnable, and all powerful. El Shaddai speaks o f G od’s feminine expression and these are attributes ofthe female. God built the female part o f man(kind) in the image and likeness o f His El Shaddai measure, which is His fem inine expression. God has given her inner strength, which is described in the Hebrew as “powerful or warrior.” She intrinsically knows how to fight a battle, endure hardship, and yet remain standing. How do we know that the Black woman is the first-born (daughter) of God and the Mother o f all living? According to Genesis 2:7, the Bible states, “The LORD God formed man(kind) ofthe dust o f the ground, and breathed into his nostrils...” The word 'dust' is translated from the Hebrew word aphar. The word aphar is a Hebrew word that means more than “dust.” It means “dust, clay, mould.” The w ord dust inform s us that man(kind) was formed from the topsoil or surface soil. Whereas, clav indicates the soil was not a sandy soil, but a soil that could be formed and shaped. Finally, 'mould' is a soil that is rich in humus. Soil that is rich in humus is always black or very dark brown in color. Therefore, a better translation would be, “God made man(kind) from the black clay dust o f the ground.” The Bible also states that, “God made man(kind) from the black clay dust o f the ground." The Bible also states that, “God made man(kind) in His own image and likeness, and out o f one (Black mankind) came every race upon the face o f the earth” (Genesis 1:26, Acts 17:26). It was God who inspired the prophets to write these truth as He breathed uponthem(IITimothy3:16). The ethnicity o f the first male and female is clearly stated in Genesis 2:7. Man(kind) was made from black soil, which means they were a Black couple made in the image and likeness o f God (Adonai and El Shaddai). G od b le sse d th is c o u p le and commanded them to multiply and have dominion. manuscripts from which our English Bibles are translated, she is the first­ born (daughter) and Mother o f all Living. The English translations of our Bibles proclaim, "ThenGodsaid, Let us make man in Our image, according to O ur likeness, let them have dominion... " (Genesis 1:26). The plural pronoun “Us” refers back to God. Why is God referring to H im self in the plural? And how will He make man(kind) in the image and likeness o f His plurality? These q u e stio n s can be an sw ered by examining four words in the Hebrew manuscripts o f the Old Testament, which refer to God. These words are: Yahweh, Elohim, Adonai, and El Shaddai. First, the word Yahweh is the very Name o f God. In most English bibles, th is w ord is usually tra n sla te d “LO RD ” with all capital letters. Secondly, the word 'Elohim' means God, indicating his title. In most English Bibles this word is translated as “God.” The word “Elohim” has no singular form, only plural, depicting God as a plural, depicting God as a plural entity, and denotes the fullness o f His plurality. Thirdly, the word Adonai means Lord. In most English Bibles the first letter is capitalized and the remaining letters are lower case. The word Adonai e n c o m p a sse s th e fo llo w in g attributes: sir, judge, the one in charge. God formed the male part o f man(kind) in the image and likeness o f his Adonai measure, which is His masculine expression. The male was made as a sir, judge, and the one in charge. Finally, the word El Shaddai, means Almighty Breasted One. This word is translated as “Almighty God” in most Bibles. The word El Shaddai is a com pound w ord, but only “E l” (Almighty God) has been translated. The adjacent word “Shaddai” has been left untranslated. Shaddai means “the One with Breast.’ Therefore a better translation o f El Shaddai is “Almighty Breasted One.” The word e n c o m p a sse s th e fo llo w in g a ttrib u te s : m u ltip lie r o f seed , ■■■■■ Love is such a precious gift. I am speaking of a love that does not ask for performance, achievement, fame, glory or even good behavior, to exist. This is mother love - unconditional love. When you watch a mother bird beset by three, four or more young hatchlings to regurgitate her food to feed them, this is the sacrifice o f mother love. Love without conditions is a sacrifice. What is sacrificed is self-interest... the attitude, all too prevalent in America, o f “w hat’s in it for me.” Mothers today are breadwinners as well as home keepers. They work harder today than women did 100 years ago. It is time our society recognized their great sacrifice and contribution to the whole. When I was divorced twenty years ago, 1 worked two jobs, went to school at night, raised two children and kept up a house and yard. I do not call it a “home” because 1 was never there. The price, in personal sacrifice was enormous. There were no day care centers then and only my network o f women friends (also raising children alone) saved my sanity. There were four o f us in a two- block radius. It was our shared experience o f being divorced, parenting and also trying to earn a living that brought us together. At the 1996 Conference on Women in Beijing, China, there were several roles identi fied that our world needs the most today. These roles consisted o f teaching, mentoring, feeding, c a re -g iv in g , c o u n se lin g and re s to rin g the environm ent.. .all qualities o f unconditional love and caring - beyond self-interest. Our society has been over-focused on the external (getting things, looking good, and having money) while giving little value to internal qualities (being kind, compassionate, truthful, and trustworthy). These qualities come about because of the constancy o f unconditional love, patience, caring and believing — e rd an nothine. Now. - it it saw saw, h herd and d felt nothing. Now, M ay 9,h marked the 50,h anniversary o f the book Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard, and the 51 -yearanniversary o f the first published article on D ianetics, “Terra Incognita: The M in d ,” W hich appeared in the Explorers Club Journal. But what the date really heralds is a quiet, half- century revolution in thought. The subject? Prenatal Influence. L est it be forgotten, b efore the lan d m ark se lf-h e lp c la ssic was published, the “everybody knows” used to be - not, as the recent USA Today headline proclaimed, “The W omb is No Haven,” but rather, the womb was a wonderful place to curl up and wait. The viewpoint that prevailed until the early 1950s was that the unborn child was a vegetable the virtually universal end-of-the century idea is that mothers should take care to avoid harmful stimuli and p ractices such as sm oking and alco h o l, because the fetus is a sentient being - not only aware o f everything but subject to all manner o f dangerous prenatal influences. But what brought about the cultural reversal? As Dianetics rose to the top o f the New York Times bestseller list in the summer o f 1950, it provided conclusive proof that any individual could go back into the past, to conception itself, and recount who was there, what was said and what went on. A nd th o u sa n d s o f in d iv id u a ls reading and using the book found themselvescurled up in fetal positions w h ile they practiced D ianetics techniques. CONTRIBUTEDSTORY eor T he P ortland O bservek DOR SHENI, a singing group made up o f children o f fam ilies who immigrated to Israel in the fifties from M o ro cco , T u n isia and o th e r Mediterranean countries, will perform onSunday,May 14,2000,4 pm., at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center, 6651 SW Capitol Highway, Portland. DOR SHENI in Hebrew means second generation. This group o f teens, who are the second generation o f Israelis, whose parents immigrated to Israel, have become a symbol o f integration and assimilation among Israeli youth. They sing their personal stories in Hebrew, English and even Yiddish. alone, for example, five scientific studies are quoted that purport to show the relationship between stress in the womb and later adult illness and behavior. T he la te st g o v e rn m e n t stu d y published by the National Center for Health Statistics, “Health, United States, 1998,” reported that death from our leading killer - heart disease - continued its decline, down 12% from 1990 to 1996. Given the clinical corelations between stressed mothers, higher fetal heart rates and concomitantly higher risks o f heart disease, and the growing e m p h a sis on p re g n a n c ie s and childbirth free o f toxicants and disruptive anxieties and noise, it may be no coincidence that US adults are living longer. Or that nearly 18 million people have read L. Ron Hubbard’s classic - Dianetics. “His Banner Over Us Is Love” eor T he P ortland O bserver M e m b e rs o f the O re g o n and southwest Washington Chapters of the non-denom¡national Full Gospel B u s in e s s M e n ’s F e llo w sh ip International have combined efforts to sponsor the 37,h Annual Pacific Northwest Regional Convention to be held May 11 through May 13, 2000. The three day event, which is open to the public, will be held at the A irport Holiday Inn located at 8439 NE Columbia Blvd in Portland near I- 205. This year’s theme is “Putting on the W hole Armor o f God” taken from the Bible Scripture F.phesians6:10-17. The convention will include testimonies, teachings, ministry, music, praise and prayer. The fe a tu re d sp e a k e r is internationally known evangelist and book publisher, Charles Capps. He has authored twenty one books with DOR SHENI is known in Israel through their participation on Israeli TV and many tours. It is their first time performing in Portland. This special M other’s Day concert costs $7/adults, $3/children. There is no charge for mothers if accompanied by their children. It is co-sponsored by the M JC C and th e Jew ish Federation o f Portland. .________ ____ HBHHI The book spawned all manner o f scientific studies. In 1969, Dr. L. W. S ontag inform ed the A m erican Association for the Advancement of Science that experiments with sound had proved that “the fetus is not in a world by itself.” In the 1980s, Dr. Thomas Vem y published The Secret Life o f the Unborn Child, wherein he declared a c h ild ’s perso n ality to be quite significantly shaped by prenatal and birthing experiences - all o f which became the standard o f the natural childbirth movement through the late 1970s and early 1980s. Come forward now to the late 1990’s - w here after five decades the scientific and medical communities have finally begun to seriously catch up w ith the discoveries o f Mr. Hubbard. Just in recent pages o f USA Today over six million copies in print along with the production o f numerous teaching tapes. Charles will share first hand experiences o f how Christians can apply a working knowledge o f the world ofG od to the circumstances in their lives. Another speaker, Bill Swad, Sr. From Columbus, Ohio is a very successful car dealer and author o f four books including “How I Got Millionaire Mentality”. He has many exciting stories to tell. A special luncheon speaker, Mickey Brown, one ofKirby (Vacuum Cleaner) C om pany’s top distributors will explain how it has always been “easy come, easy go” . The C onvention starts Thursday night at 7 pm. and concludes with a Victory Banquet Saturday evening. The c o n v e n tio n in non- denom inational and open to the public. There are no costs excepting the meal charges. For additional information or a brochure, contact world. To remove the veils o f sel f-deception we must recognize the value and power o f loving. Help to make the unconditional love o f mothers visible, not just on M other’s Day, but for all time. It calls each one o f us to a higher standard. Mother’s Day concert with “Dor Shen i” Ob itUHIV Dianetics discovery: 50-year anniversary of prenatal stress CONTRIBUTEDSTORY in the intrinsic worth o f human beings. But, how do we convince a world based on domination and control that unconditional love will be its salvation? Jesus taught and practiced unconditional love for all people. In doing so, he called his followers to a higher standard than that o f “sinners” who loved only those who did good to them. Paul wrotein 1 Corinthians 13 that this love is patient and kin d .. .is not arrogant or rude...does not insist on its own w ay...endures all things. This is the love that leads to a life o f non­ violence. Unconditional love is the one who has “love for enemies.” Not that we become victims to tyranny. But the only way to put an end to tyranny is to reach for a higher standard and demonstrate love. It challenges the norms o f a “macho” society that is in love with exaggerated memories o f its “Wild West.” But, what would the world be like without the love o f mothers? Understanding and practicing unconditional love would go a long way toward reducing violence, crime and unlove seen everywhere. Mother love is the example. Christ had many female disciples, yet most o f them go unmentioned in the gospels because in a highly sexist society women are invisible. Their good works are taken for granted as the natural biological imperative. Perhaps women are socialized to sacrifice for men and children, but in this process, women have learned the greatest lesson human beings have to learn - how to love. Unconditional love is not some weak and ineffective power. Jean Houston o f Renaissance women says, “It is the power that will save us from ourselves.” To be able to transcend self-centered consciousness, we must look to our mothers for examples. Notice all the times that they willingly and carefully serve their children and the Co-chair, Peter Reding at 503/292- 2161. V In loving memory Melody Terrell McLemore S u nriseJune28,1967 Sunset May 2,2000 Melody McLemore was bom in San Francisco, California in 1967 and lived in the Portland area since 1972. At the age o f 32, Melody died from Sickle Cell Anemia. Melody w as a m e m b e r o f Fellowship MBC. She leaves to cherish her m em ory: D au ghters, Qialeah Strickland and M arnesha Strickland, M other C arol Battle, F a th e r Jam es M c L e m o re , S iste r Cynthia Smith, Brother Jo h n S ta ffo rd , and Fiance Kevin Henry. M elody’s viewing was held at KLCC-M. Neal on May 6 at 1 pm. a »? a U A Tisket A Tasket The place for cards, gifts and baskets Mothers Day Special $10.00 off any basket over $40.00 Wr-S»-., X Fresh Flowers Balloons Candles Journals Cards Candies Give the perfect gift fo r Mothers Day! 284-7344 1305 NE Fremont Portland, Or. 97212 4 r * ’