APR 1 9 2000 April TT, 2000 P intiguó (Plu Page B3 (The ÿlorthxnb (îObaeruer Metro/Religion Obituaries In loving Memory of Regina A. Prear Borum , Ph.D. Regina A. P rear Borum , Ph.D. was bom July 28, 1938 in D ayton.O hio She w as the daughter o f the late Robert M. Prear and V ivian Prear, D ayton, O hio. H er father Robert preceded her in death. She w as a graduate o f R oosevelt High School, Class o f 1956. She earned a B achelor o f A rts D e g r e e fro m C a p ito l U niversity.graduatingcum laude. She earned her Ph.D. from Union Institute in P hilanthropic Studies in 1991. Regina w as a m em ber o f the Delta Sigm a T heta S orority, Inc. She w as a s t a f f m e m b e r o f W rig h t S ta te U niversity, D ayton, O hio serving in m any capacities including, A ssistant to the Dean o f the School o f Medicine, D ir e c to r o f U n iv e r s ity a n d C om m unity Events and D irector o f th e D iv is io n o f P ro f e s s io n a l D evelopment. D uring her early Life she a m em ber and attend Z ion Baptist Church. In the 1980’s she jo in e d G reater A llen A .M .E . church an d reta in ed her m em bership w ith this congregation until her death. She a m em ber o f the Inspirational Choir. Regina was united in m arriage w ith Butler Borum. This union was blessed w ith three children, Joy L., M ark Randall and R odney Borum. She w as a dutiful and supportive w ife and m other. She w as a good neighbor, a real friend, and a C hristian and com m unity w orker. She w as soft spoken, gentle, peace loving and a lady o f all times. Dr. Borum resided in W heeling, West V irg in ia w ith h er h u sband. She departed this life on W ednesday, January 5,2000 at her residence after an extended illness. She leaves to c h e rish h e r m e m o ry a d ev o te d husband, Butler B orum , her m other, V ivian Prear o f D ayton; tw o sons, M ark R andell (M ary ) B orum o f W heelin g , W V an d M. R odney (M onique) Borum o f A tlanta, GA; one daughter, Joy L. M iddleton o f Jackson, M S; six grand-children. K elley M iddleton o f D ayton, T aylor Borum. Rene Johnson and A ngela Johnson o f A tla n ta , G A RJ T olliver and ReggieTolliverofW heeling, WV; one sister, Shirley Freeman o f Dayton; one brother, Robert C .(M ary) Prear o f M oreno V alley, C A ; brothers and sisters-in-law , John A. Borum o f Dayton; Sylvester Borum , all o f New O rleans, LA, A nnie L Brow n Barbara J. T urner and W illa M . Borum , all o f D ayton; a sp ecial friend, S ylvia W elch; a host o f other relatives and friends. A memorial service for former Director o f th e D iv isio n o f P ro fe ssio n a l Have a happy Easter Al Green’s greatest gospel released D e v e lo p m e n t at P o rtla n d S tate University will be held April 22,2000 at the O ld Church located at 1422SW 11th. Portland, O regon 10:30 am T h e f a m ily h a s a s k e d th a t contributions, in lieu o f flowers, be made to the American Cancer Society. C ontact person: 503 224-7159 Fax: 503226-1113 Homegoing Celebration For Bettye Jo Coppage Sunrise June 9 ,1942 Sunset A pril 3 ,2 0 0 0 Services w ere held for Bettye Jo C oppage on April 11, 2000 at New H ope M issionary Baptist C hurch in Portland, OR. The eulogy w as given by Dr. A. B. D evers I. Bettye Jo C oppage w as bom to Mr. And M rs. N olan M ack Sr. on June 9, 1942 in W aco, Texas. Shortly after her birth, the fam ily m oved to Oregon w h e re sh e a tte n d e d A b e rn e th y Elem entary, G irls Polytechic and W ashington H igh School. At a very young age, she united with the Friendship B aptist Church and w as baptized by the late Rev. Ruth Drake. Later, she united with the New H opeM .B.C. under the pastorate o f the Late Rev. A. A. N ew ton. She continued to w ork diligently under the pasto rate o f Rev. a. Bernard D evers I. She w orked in the usher D epartm ent serving m any positions, including President. She w as active in the G eneral Baptist C onvention o f the N.W . w here she w as elected Q ueen o f the State U shers. Sis. C oppage w as a charter m em ber and a pillar o f the G reater Saint Stephen M .B.C. under the Founder, The opportunity to partner w ith The Right S tu ff on this project w as a natural m ove for EMI G ospel. Both labels are members ofT he EMI Group. “ A1 G reen rea lly is o n e o f the legendary m usical voices o f all tim e, and a man dedicated to his faith in C hrist” says Ken Pennell, M anaging D irector for EM I G ospel. “T he large b o d y o f g o s p e l m u sic h e h as p ro d u c e d over th e y e a rs dem onstrates a com m itm ent to the gospel that is unquestioned.” Although G reen has never been far fro m th e A m e r ic a n c u ltu r a l consciousness, he has experienced a resurgence in popularity in recent years, due in part to his presence as the man in A lly M cB eal’s dream s on the hit FOX TV series o f the same nam e. H is recurring role on that program has paved the w ay for yet another generation o f fans to jo in the literally m illio n s o f p eo p le w ho co n sid er th em selv es hard co re A1 G reen Fanatics. R ev. A B e rn a rd D ev e rs I. S he continued to serve faithfully during the pastorates o f Rev. A m zie Bailey, Rev. Robert E. H ouston Sr., and the Late Rev. G ary L. Black 1, and Rev. T errence Scott Sr., She w as a laborer, laboring in the vineyard. Serving as P astor’s A ide President and w orking w ith the U sher D epartm ent. Her love for ushering and children lead her to o r g a n iz e th e C h ild r e n ” U sh e r Department. She could often be found in th e k itc h e n , fry in g c h ic k e n (everybody loved her fried chicken). Bettye w as em ployed as a N u rse’s A id e a n d E a rly C h ild h o o d D evelopm ent Specialist. She worked at the St. V incent de Paul Child Developm ent C enter until its closure. S h e c o n tin u e d te a c h in g at th e Salvation Arm y unti 1 her health fai led. She is at rest now , but will surely be m issed. She is preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Mr. Frank H. C oppage and her brother Charles (B uster) Mack. S h e le a v e s to c e le b r a te h e r hom egoing and carry on her legacy T he Right S tu ff in association with EMI Gospel announces the release o f legendary soul singer A1 G reen ’s her children, Thom as Kevin Williams o f Portland, O R; K im berly Anne (Jerry) Bow ers Sr., ofC olum bia, S.C. and K ylaL ynneC oppageofPortland, O R. Seven siblings: N olan L. Mack Jr., C arolyn (Ivery) Mays Sr., Ferrell F. (C elest) M ack all o f Portland, OR; J o y c e ly n “ B re n d a ” (C le v e la n d ) S pencer o f Fort W orth, Tx: Dwight “Ricky” M ack o f Portland, OR; Janet Mack ofW aco, TX and Diane(Bobby) Bell o f Shreveport, LA. H er Uncles and A unts John (Susie) M ack, James M ack and Ferrell A. Mack all o f Portland, O R. V em ard Sim s and N ovadean Battle o fW aco , TX. Five G randchildren: B re’ana, Jerry Jr., G reatest G ospel Hits. T he 17-song album features a mix ofold time gospel classics like “A m azing G race” and s tr a ig h t- f r o m - th e - h e a r t G re e n originals such as the incom parable “God Blessed O ur L ove.” “ F rom the m om ent w e beg an reissuing the A1 G reen catalogue, a collection o f his gospel recordings w as alw ays part o f the plan since these recordings are as vital to his m usical legacy as his pop records,” states Tom Carw right, President o f The Right Stuff. “O ur only problem w as in deciding w hether to m ake it a single o r a double-C D set because th e re’s so m uch great stuff!” CONTKIBLTEDSTO m F ellow ship M ission ary B ap tist C hurch S p rin g R evival 3 Nights Only Wednesday - Friday April 26 - 28,2000 7:00 PM Nightly 4009 North M issouri Ave. Pastor/Evangelist Dr. Johnny Pack IV Theme: “Knock at the Door” Special Musical Guest For information call: 249-0377 Augustana Lutheran Church Welcomes You! Holy Week Schedule Wednesday, A p ril 19 anointing service 7:30 pm GOD CARES Four Festival Services with Holy Communion 8:30 & 11 am Contemporary/ Traditional Organ, Trumpet, Choirs, Bells, Piano 1:30 pm Open Circle Maundy Thursday, April 20 7:30 pm worship with Holy Communion Good Friday, April 21 7:30 pm worship " When No One Else Gives a Rip..." Easter Sunday, April 23 THE RESURRECTION STORY flute, sage, drums, piano 6 pm Jazz/Gospel Easter Sunday, April 23,2000 with Marilyn Keller, Ron Steen, George Mitchell, Kevin Deitz, Dr. R.E. Gashi, DISCIPLES IN SONG April 22 n worship H e is Risen! Two Dynamic Celebration Services at Rev. W.J. Mark Knutson Rev. Ramona Soto Rank 2710 NE 14th Ave (N E 15th & Knott) 288-6174 8:00 am and 10:00 am (children's church at 10:45am) Pastor Henry Greenidgeandthe Celebration Singers and Band with CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, INC, OREGON NORTHWEST JURISDICTION 20TH ANNUAL STATE WOMEN’S CONVENTION For more information c a l l ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 - 5 2 2 6 * IRVINGTON COVENANT CHURCH 4046 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. APRIL 24-27 2000 PORTLAND, OREGON HOST CHURCH.........DANIELS MEMORIAL C.O.GIC. « 1234 NORTHEAST KILLINGSWORTH HOST PASTOR.......... SUPT. H. B. DANIELS, JR. KEYNOTE SPEAKER MOTHER WILLIE MAE RIVERS GENERAL SUPV, WOMEN’S DEPT. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, WORLD-WIDE TIME: 7:30 P.M. NIGHTLY COME SEE AND HEAR DYNAMIC SPEAKERS, ANOINTED CHOIRS, SOLOSITS, ENSEMBLES MOTH ELIZABETH JACKSON..... CONVENTION PRES. BISHOP W.G. HARDY, SR........... JURIS PRE-LA TE FOR MORE INFO CONTACT MSN. VELMA JONES 503 281-3229 EVERYONE IS CORDIALLY INVITED!!!! FREE TO ALL!!!!!!! Discover the DIFFERENCE • Great contemporary music • Quality programs for kids • Friendly, diverse, interesting people • Practical biblical based messages • Outstanding opportunities for community investment Irvington Covenant Church • Come and Join us REAL PEOPLE - REAL LIFE - REAL ANSWERS