April 19,2000 Page A6 Œhv JUurUanìt (íDbeeruer Have a happy Easter Family lavin A Faith based look at the Resurrection FOR i i n P o r tland O bserver “W hat do other faiths make o f the Christian idea o f resurrection?” Jew s either believe in a general resurrection at the end o f time or believe differently.Their religious view is that this life is the one you get; make the most o f it even as you serve the Lord by keeping his m itzvot (his commands for the fullest life for all). The Islamic belief in “resurrection.” holds there will be a judgment day, a g e n e ra l re s u rre c tio n , and the righteous shall enter heaven and the unrighteous shall suffer hell. Christ has already been raised, and will return to Jerusalem. Most humanists do not believe in a resurrection. In the end, this life is it, and that is good enough reason to live well and ethically— to leave a better w orld for your children’s children. Hindus believe that after death a person’s soul gets re-incarnated in a new body, depending on how one has lived. If one lives well and connects deeply with the divine, you may simply enter the divine, you may not need to incarnate again. To many Hindus, Jesus o f Nazareth was an incarnation o f the God, Krishna. Buddhists do not believe in Hindu- like “souls.” Rather, at death the elements which composed a person come apart and the person simply is no more. But some o f those elements com e back together, perhaps in another person, in a re-birth. If you practice following the Buddha’s path, you may reach a point at which you no longer will be reborn, unless you choose to be. That may be a confusing handful o f religious ideas, but the Christian idea o f resurrection is confusing to those who are not Christian. When 1 ask Christians, “ What is the resurrection? What are you saying happened?” 1 get different answers. Some say Jesus’ body came back to life. Some say it was a new body, a “spiritual body.” Others conclude that it was a sacred vision that happened to some o f the disciples or just an experience 1 ike an apparition. Science-minded Christians call it a collective, psychological projection. Many consider it a mystery you have to accept on faith; don’t even try to understand it. Trying to figure “resurrection” out from all those different versions gets confusing. Which explanation is better or truer? O v e ra ll, th e m e ta p h o r of “resurrection” keeps open the idea that reality truly is far greater, more open, and more creative than usually we think it is. So the poetry o f the “resurrection” metaphor may help any o f us, even non-Christians, stay more open to that truth about life. I’m sure these understandings of mine are a like a street person’s rags compared to the rich wardrobe of “ re s u r r e c tio n ” m ean in g th at practicing Christians wear. But they are honest rags. May my poorer understandings give offense to no one, and may we all find it in our hearts to keep talking and working to g e th e r to w ard b e tte r understanding. Rev. Mark Hoelteris minister o f the Unitarian Universalist Community Church in Hilsboro. B ig A Construction Fast, Reliable, Dependable, Quality Service Call: 9503) 289-0138 OR (503) 890-6561 Give the gift of life: be an organ donor 1. ON TRIBt TEDS TORT National Organ Donors Awareness Week is April 16 to 22. Thanks to advance in medical science, m any people can now receive a second chance at life through organ tran sp lan tatio n . T echnology has made it possible for a person in need to receive new kidney, liver, pancreas, lung or heart and live long and productive life. But potential organ recipients have to be very lucky to find donor organs. Unfortunately, there are not enough donors to fill the increasing need for transplantation. Sadly, many patients die before they can be helped. Over 85,000 Americans have been given a second chance at life through kidney transplantation. More than 70 percent o f them received a kidney from a living donor-most often from a family member. Since most o f us are born with tw o healthy kidneys, donating a kidney can be done with little or no risk. A am one o f the lucky ones who received a kidney transplant from a living relative. 1 was told as a young c h ild th a t my k id n e y s w o u ld eventually fail because o f a strep infection that left me with chronic nephritis. 1 was very fortunate that my kidneys waited for technology to catch up before they failed and my sister came forw ard to offer her kidney without being asked. Our surgery and recovery went perfectly and I have enjoyed 10 years o f good health. However, most people with kidney failure don’t have a suitable living donor and have to go on waiting list for a cadaver kidney. Over 44,000 people are now waiting for kidneys and nearly 70,000 are waiting for all organs. You can help! If you know someone who needs a kidney, volunteer to be tested. O r sign an organ donor card so that you can give the gift of life. A signed donor card serves as notice o f intention to donate any or all o f the body’s usable organs and tissues upon death. Even if an organ donor card is signed, next-of-kin will be asked for consent at the point o f death. Therefore, it is most important to discuss your wishes regarding organ donations with your family. Organ donation is the gift o f life. It can also be a gift to the donor and his or her family, knowing they’ve made a tremendous difference in the lives o f others. David Broach is a member o f the Board o f Trustees o f the American Kidney Fund. For more information on how you can become an organ donor, contact American Kidney Foundation at 1-800-638-8299 orvisitw w w .kidney.org. 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