«*w • Page 4 (The ftartlanb ffibaeruer April 19, 2000 Theatre Hailed as “hilarious and chilling” by Frank Rich o f the New York Times and as “the deftest and funniest o f M am et’s w ork” by R obert B ru ste in o f th e N ew Republic, Speed the Plow puts love and lo y a lty to th e te s t in H o lly w o o d ’s m ercen ary environment. Mamet’s story centers around Bob Gould ’ s (Cole Akeman) search to “do good” struggling to chose between his old friend and fellow movie producerCharlie Fox (Harold Phillips) and his new love and tem porary secretary Karen (Colleen Crabtree.) It’s an all out war between entertainment and art, degradation and radiation, in this entertaining and thought provoking play. Speed the Plow first opened on Broadway May 3, 1988 at the Royale Theatre directed by Gregory M o sh er and fe a tu rin g Jo e M an teg n a, L a rry S ilv e r, and M adonna. M am et’s plays also in c lu d e A m erican B u ffalo , Glengarry Glen Ross, Oleana, and m any o th ers. N o stra n g e r to Hollywood, Mamet’s screen plays include The Edge, The Spanish P riso n e r, and T h e W in slo w Boy .Director, Kevin Otos has lived in Portland for the last two years and has acted locally at Portland Center Stage and Tygres Heart. Favorite directing experiences have included T he C o n sta n t W ife, Charlotte’s Web, Big Time, Fool for Love, and Y ou’re a Good Man Charlie Brown. Otos is a graduate of the Actor Training Program at Florida State University where he was privileged to work with the late Jose Quintero. Speed the Plow opens Thursday, April 6 and runs Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays through April 26. Curtain time is 8 pm. The Jack Oakes Theater is located at 2820 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oregon, USA. T ick ets are $10. Paula P ro d u ctio n s m a in ta in s a n o ­ reservation, first-come, first-serve accessibi lity policy. Options can be clarified by calling 503/238-9692. Paula Productions presents David Mamet’s Speed the Plow p lea se call: 3H y O wri ~Cimo S elvice (503)640*0251 A Ticket A Tasket The place for cards, gifts and baskets Easter Headquarters Easter baskets starting at $8.00 Customized baskets fo r all occassions r C om e visit us on the w eb at www. porti andobserver. com 1 Order your Easter basket before April 16 and receive $5.00 off any order over $25.00 We will also be carrying a variety of fresh flowers. Hurry, you don't want to miss out! 1305 NE Fremont Portland, Or. 97212 284-7344 tisketgifts@yahoo.com