¡Xliv JforUanì» fflbseruvr Music On the eve before Kurupt flew back to Cali for the video shoot o f Dr. Dre’s video “The Next Episode”, Kurupt gave a one-on-one interview to discuss T h e“R ’s” .. .therhym e& reason forpolitikin’ hip-hop for the streets. One could say that Antra Records artist Kurupt is very well rounded. First o f all, although R icardo “Kurupt” Brown raps about the stre e ts o f S o u th -C e n tra l Los Angeles, the 27 year-old father o f two is originally from the East Coast o f Philadelphia, PA. As I conversed with the Kingpin, Young Kalhoon a.k.a. Y oung Gotti (given this name by the Late Tupac Shakur), we discussed his latest project The Streets is a Mutha. Kurupt goes one-on-one First lets, talk about the whole little west coast flava, etc. I know Groups really stands behind their Kurupt/DM X thing... I thinkpeople, that I’ve been in this business for artist, theirpromotion and sales. Is especially media heads uncaring almost a decade now there’s a lot of this a relationship that you look and unfamiliar with hip-hop, its sounds out there that are West Coast forw ard to taking to the next level? Most definitely. Everything’s been rules & culture, have put words in oriented. great. What part did Daz play on this solo y o u r m outh a b o u t the w hole Tell me what artist are you peepin ' supposed feud. You basically said project fo r you? right now? He supplied production & made what you had to say in your "Callin Eve, Beenie Segal, Black Rob. lyrical appearances Out Names ' track. Would you like A nd what artist were you really Let's talk about your recent visit to to set any records straight? Let’s ju st say the DMX situation is Portland at the J a m m in ' 95.5 p e e p in ' at the 95.5 Birthday Bash ? B irthday Bomb. When I was Sole’..no doubt! dissolved. / know the whole East Coast vs. backstage, even the crew and camps I hear you come to Portland often. West Coast thing is played out. from the other artist erupted to the I’m out that way on a regular. I’ve Meaning that 1 know that you re sta g e w hen y o u r nam e was even got a spot up in Portland. I got originally from Philly. PA, but base announced ju st to get a glimpse o f a lot o f folks who show me love in PO. y o u rse lf from LA. Do you think that you. D id you fe e l that? there's any particular sound that Peeps are always goin to represent I heard your little brother Roscoe is coming with a project? What would represents the different coast? I that connection. you like to tell yo u r fans about his Whoproduced your slammin “ We just know that producers have been style? and who remain hot.are always Can Freak i t " cut? having their style copped. You This cat..A producer out o f New Mos def. My little bro’ Roscoe will be geared more towards the younger have a lot o f camps and artist out York crowd. I’m really doin’ the big Tell me about the new Antra label. th e re from all four c o rn e rs (N,S,E,W ) that all have a little After speaking with your publicity brother thing with him. I want him gangsta-boogie in their sound, a camp, I can tell that Antra Music to know all the perks and put-downs o f this business. I don’t want him comin in no funny style business. He’s gonna know the real deal.. .you know what I’m say in? W hat’s next on the sh elf fo r Kurupt? Glad you asked that. I’ll be out on Cali with Dr. Dre for the shoot of his next video “The Next Episode”. Beenie Man lights up Portland by F elicia L. S lider Wearing a bowler hat and donning a 3-piece suit to match, the dominant king o f dancehall delighted NW fans last Saturday night at Portland’s Paradigm Club (formerly LaLuna). Bom Moses Davis, the Jamaican bom, Kingston-bred artist is to dancehall as Africa Baambatta is to hip-hop. Where would eitherculture be without them? Beenie Man proved that he is no amateur to the sound stage and sound system o f Jamaica and its culture. But if you were ever confused by the difference o f dancehall vs. reggae, Beenie Man set the record straight. Beenie Man is one o f hardcore dancehall’s top artists who continuously brings it to American audiences. From his hit o f “Girls Sugar”, Beenie Man delivered nothing but a phenomenal performance. Watch for Beenie’s new video on rotation on BET and The BOX featuring W yclef Jean - “Love Me Now” from Beenie’s new Virgin Records “Art & Life” CD. If you didn’t catch the last D irect promotion featuring BM at the Roseland Theatre, you missed an island treat. But thanks to Beenie & com pany, he also treated the P o rtla n d cro w d w ith a n o th e r appearance by the alto sin g in ’ Tantro Metro from the hit single “ E v e ry o n e F a lls in L ove Sometimes.” Not only did Tantro get the crowd swaying to the island sounds, but he also blasted out his own a Caribbean rendition o f the Backstreets Boys crossover pop hit “I Want It That Way” Said b est by B eenie M a n ...” Dancehall is about the chant. Reggae is about da riddim ...” : And most def,..There sure was a lot o f chantin ’ going on, at yes, another su ccessful D irect Productions showcase. A showcase that opened up with Portland’sow n DJ Soul.DJ Unity & Hungry Mob who hyped the crowd. From rude boys boggle-in and rude gals butterfly-in, there was more egyptian musk and non champa incense in the air than a West Indian bodega m arket on a Saturday afternoon on Brooklyn, New York’s Eastern Parkway Street. And speaking o f Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, NY, if you’ve already spent your Rapid File Tax Return and fear a chartered flight to islands is not in your financial future, no fear m on’... some o f the best (Please see ‘Bennie’ page 8) A S P E C IA L P t R F O l i M A N C E B Y N O R T H W E S T A F R IK A N A M E R IC A N B A LL E T D A N C E T O T H E R H Y T H M S of B A L A F O N A A A R IA A B A Hip-hop artist Kurupt at a concert held in Portland Last week I’m also appearing on the D B A (Doing Business A s...) The Album. I’m appearing on a track called “Fa Shiesty Cats” ...I ’m on there with WC. It’s a tight track that was produced by one o f Portlands own.. Bosko. There are a lot o f other tracks on there too like E-40, The Luniz, Rass Kass and Maniac Lok. Make sure you tell Portland folks to pick that up. CRYSTAL BALLROOAA 1 33 2 W E S T B U R N S ID E - T IC K E T S A V A IL A B L E A T a l l m c m e n a m in s o u t l e t s F K IS F A A R L E A N D o r o r d e r v i a t h e in t e r n e t a t z a a s t e r druaaaaer FO R M O R E IN F O R M A T IO N ZVN M O P /T X W W W .T IC K E T W E B .C O M V IS IT O U R W E B S IT E A T ■ ¿ e K U K R U D U W W W E T H E R IM A C E .C O M O R CALL 5 0 3 - 2 3 3 - 5 4 8 4 T O H E L P S U P P O R T T H I S G R A S S R O O T S E F F O R T P L E A S E A A A IL Y O U R T IC K E T R E Q U E S T S O R D O N A T IO N S T O O U R HOUSE OF PO R TLA N D A F R IC A A ID S R E S P O N S E 1719 S O U T H E A S T LO CUST A V E N U E P O R T L A N D O R E G O N 9 7 J 1 4 4 B 7 9