Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 19, 2000, Page 16, Image 16

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Focus > ------------- ¡Xlyf ^liuUauh ©baerrier
April 19, 2000
^ o rtla n ù
E ditor in Chief,
Charles H. W ashington
Larry J. Jackson, Sr.
Copy Editor
Joy Ramos
Business Manager
G ary A nn Taylor
Creative Director
Shawn Strahan
4747 NE M artin Luther
King, Jr., Blvd.
Portland, O R 97211
Fax 503-288-0015
Deadlines lor
subm itted material:
Articles: Friday by 5 p . m .
Ads: Monday by Noon
Focus welcomes freelance
submissions. M anuscripts and
photographs can be returned
if accompanied by a self-
addressed stamped envelope.
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th e ad.
1 W T V Porttead Observer
In January 2000, the Thom as
Jefferson Memorial Foundation
issued a one-inch thick report stating
that an exhaustive historical and
forensic investigation “indicates a
high p ro b a b ility that T hom as
Jefferson fathered Eston Hemings,
and that he most likely was the
father o f all six o f Sally Hemings’
The report supported what DNA
tests had already suggested, and
what descendants o f the slave Sally
Hemings had been saying for nearly
200 years: that the famed Founding
Father and author of the Declaration
o f Independence had a long-term
sexual relationship with his slave
that resulted in six children, four of
whom lived to adulthood.
But w ith the paternity o f the
Hemings children all but confirmed,
the controversy is far from over. As
the Monticello Association prepares
to readdress the Jefferson- Hem ings
issue at its May 6-7 annual meeting,
FRONTLINE presents “Jefferson’s
Blood,” a documentary produced
by Thomas Lennon and narrated by
a u th o r S h e lb y S te e le a irin g
Tuesday, May 2 at 10 pm. on PBS
(check local listings). Moving back
and forth between Jefferson’s 18lh
century world and the present day,
the film recounts both the history of
the Jefferson-Hemings relationship
and the modern-day repercussions
o f that relationship for the late
presidents’ descendants-both black
and white.
Through interviews with historians
an d J e f f e r s o n ’s 2 1 “ cen tu ry
p ro g en y , “Je ffe rs o n ’s B lo o d ”
examines how the issue o f the
president’s paternity continues to
divide families and spark national
debate. The film also explores how
Jefferson’s lifelong denial o f his
“ shad o w fa m ily ” illu stra te s
America’s continuing struggle with
issues o f race and identity.
Through interviews with historians
and J e f f e r s o n ’s 2 1 “ cen tu ry
p ro g en y , “J e ffe rs o n ’s B lo o d ”
exam ines how the issue o f the
president’s paternity continues to
divide families and spark national
debate. The film also explores how
Jefferson’s lifelong denial o f his
“ shad o w fa m ily ” illu stra te s
America’scontinuing struggle with
issues o f race and identity.
“Jefferson represents a classic white
problem,” author Steele says in the
documentary. “How to live with an
Shay Banks Young, a
descendant o f Sally's son
Madison, places flowers at ,
Jefferson's grave.
P h o t o by T o r e B e r c s a k e r /
Y2K spring Cleanup
Martin Cleaning
open evil (slavery) and yet
maintainasenseofone’so w n ,
“Jefferson’s Blood” traces
the racial divide am ong
Additional Services
C arpet cleaning includes I Hall
Jefferson’s kin to the present
Auto * Boat
day, where descendants both
R.V. Cleaning* Deodorizing
Pre-Spray Traffic Area at no extra
black and white continue to
Pet Odor Treatment
cost * Stairs $1.50 Ea.
grapple with issues o f race,
Dirt Resistant (Teflon) Protectior
Upholstery Cleaning
identity, and family. Viewers
Spot Removal & Red Stain
Sofa under 6 ft. $59.95 *
m eet the C ooper sisters,
Ottoman $20
d e sc e n d a n ts o f T hom as
Sofa over 6 ft. 69.95 * Dining
Chair $20
Jefferson and Sally Hemings.
Loveseat $49.95 * Chair $24.95
The sisters, raised as white,
Recliner $39.95 * Sectional
only recently learned o f their
m ixed racial origin and
C a rp e t ( leaning
c o n n e c tio n to the late
------- ------------------------1
r2 Areas Or More
president. This discovery,
Each Area_J
12 Room Min.
however, has left the Cooper
jj ii£l u je s j. Ual LErss.
Family deeply divided, with
• «'Heavily
some members eager to learn I
Soiled C arpet Areas
m ore about th e ir b lack
__ —
Each Area.
I______________________________________________________________ 1
heritage and others content
to leave the past buried.
I »holsters
■------------ ----------------
FRONTLINE, for example,
■ Sofa & Loveseat
speaks with the Rev. Thomas
W oodson
B yron
L ______________________________________________ ______________I
Woodson, two members o f
R oom Special
the vast Woodson clan that
* - ---------------------------- — -I
Carpet ¿¿Upholstery
has been vocal in seeking
admittance to the Jefferson
Hallway Plus Sofa, Loveseat and/or Chair Cleaned -B- -B. S ____ (
cemetery for black Hemings
descendants. Both Woodson
m en b e lie v e th ey are
descended from a slave
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
ru m o red to be S ally
Com m erciai A Residential Services
H em ings’ first child by
Jefferson. Family lore, they
Martin Cleaning Service
say, tells how this child
quarreled with Jefferson and
Carpet & I pholsten ( leaning
(Please see ‘Jefferson’
page 8)
Appointment (503) 281-3949