M a rc h 29, 2000 Page A 4 (Ch* Kotilani« (Dbeeruvr Opinion Portland (D b a rru rr A r tic le s d o n o t n e c e s s a rily re fle c t o r rep re se n t the v ie w s o f (Tlje |J o r tla « b (D baeruer • Picture this: A com pany m akes and sells a com m on household product that is dangerous, very dangerous, and many children sufferbrain damage from the product. The product is lead- based paint. It has been identified as a cause o f brain dam age w here it chips, flakes, and w ears to dust. Lead dust settles on our ch ild ren ’s hands, on th eir pillow s, and on their stuffed anim als. O ur children eat and inhale lead paint remnants. If the child ingests enough lead, there is a serious risk o f brain dam age. than eight years ago, the child cannot hold the m anufacturer responsible. W hat then? T he child suffers brain dam age and the future looks bleak. The brain­ dam aged child suffers a lifetime injury because o f toxic lead paint. But the m aker o f lead paint gets o ff because ofthe law that protects manufacturers. In that setting, a ju ry will look at the fault o f the landlord or ow ner o f the property. If child resides in publicly subsidized housing, a ju ry will also look at the fault o f the public agency that ow ns or subsidizes the housing. T his is n ’t so m eth in g th at m ight h a p p e n - it d id h a p p e n . A s th e O regonian reported on January 31, 2000, such a law suit w as recently s e ttle d in O re g o n . T h e p a in t m a n u f a c tu r e r s a v o id e d accountability to the child, Latoya H opkins, in this action. Latoya cam e in contact w ith lead poisoning w hile W hat happen w hen a child su tlers b ra in in ju ry fro m a d a n g e ro u s product? S h o u ld n ’t a ju ry consider w hether the m anufacturer should be held resp o n sib le for m ak in g the dangerous product. T hat would be the expected result, but not in O regon. O ur legislature p a s s e d a law th a t p r o te c ts m anufacturers. U n d erO re g o n law .a person who is injured by dangerous product cannot sue the m anufacturer if the product w as sold m ore than eight years prior to the date o f in ju ry . I f a child suffers brain-dam age in O regon from a product sold more living in a N orth Portland house. Latoya m other rented the house w ith assistance from the federal Section 8 h o u s in g p r o g ra m . T h e h o u s e qualified for the program after being inspected by H ousing A uthority. W hen Latoya w as ten years old, she w as found to have the highest blood- lead level ever recorded in Multnomah C ounty, exceeding levels that can cause brain dam age, seizures, even death. W hile there are m any lessons from this experience, one that m atters m ost is th a t O r e g o n ’s p ro te c tio n o f m anufacturers stands com m on sense • Oregon’s children, private landlords and public agencies suffer (©bseruer by D avid S lcerman tOK iUtPVRtL.L>l>OBStR'tR USPS 9 5 9 -6 8 0 Established 1 9 7 0 STAFF E d it o r P C in h ie f , u b l is h e r Charles H. Washington E d i T o it Larry J. Jackson, Sr. B u s in e s s M anager Gary Ann Taylor on its head. T he child took the landlord to court for failing to maintain the house and the public agency for failing to inspect the house. But the problem started with the lead paint. The m anufacturer-the one that m ade the toxic lead paint and profited from it-got o ff in this case w ith zero accountability. I can only im agine th a t th e la n d lo rd an d H o u sin g A uthority felt as blind-sided by the dangerous product as the fam ily o f the child who suffered perm anent brain damage. W e talk about fairness in our hom es and our neighborhoods. T he subject com es up on the bus, at church-even over a latte in a cybercafe. W e want fair society and we w ant our kids to be safe. O reg o n ’s product liability law does not prom ote fairness and it certainly d o e s n ’t p ro m o te s a fe ty . M anufacturers are insulated from responsibility for injuries from lead p a in t. O r e g o n ’s p ro tra c tio n o f m anufacturers sacrifice kids and it exposes landlord and public agencies to large dam age claim s from injured children. Lead from the sale o f lead paint should pay for dam age. The legislature has the pow er to change the rule. Please contact your state representative and state senator and ask them to change the unfair law that is now on th e bo o k s. U n til the legislature changes the law, w e can all look forw ard to m ore claim s by brain- injured children against L a n d lo rd s a n d p u b lic h o u s in g agencies. Note: D avid Sugarm an is a Portland trial lawyer. His office address is 520 SW Sixth A ve Ste 920, Portland OR 97205. He can be reached at 503-224- 66-2 or dfs@ pspc.com THE LARGEST, MOST COMPLETEDETAIL FABRJC STORE IS THE WEST March 28 through April 11,2000. ALL PRINTS I n c lu d e s • C a lic o s • H o m e D e c (D r a p e r y a n d U p h o ls t e r y ) • S p e c i a l O c c a s i o n • R a y o n s • C h i l d r e n ’s W e a r • A c t iv e W e a r • T w i l l s • F la n n e l P r in t s ALL NOTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' C E opy d it o r Joy Ramos C r e a t iv e D ir e c t o r Shawn Strahan 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Put your business on com puter screens all over the world, Advertise on the web. 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