Page A2 March 8, 2000 (Tljv ÿtartlmth ©bseruer THE' in $Jorttani> REW (f»b, Police News Jollota to serve sixth term on national committee Cops Found Guilty of Louima Coverup NEW Y O R K -T hreeofficers were found guilty o f conspiring to conceal one p olicem an’s role in the torture o f Haitian im m igrant A bner Louim a. Form er officer C harles Schw arz, and officers T h o m a s W iese an d T h o m a s B ruder w ere found gu ilty o f conspiracy to obstruct ju stice because they had claim ed that . Schw arz w as not present during the brutal attack. Schw arz already faces a possible life sentence for his 1999 conviction o f violating L ouim a’s civil rights by holding him dow n as fellow O fficer Justin V olpe sodom ized him w ith a b roken-off broom handle. Gunman Shoots 5 in Pa. Restaurant W IL K IN S B U R G , Pa. - Five people reportedly have been shot at tw o fa st-fo o d re s ta u ra n ts outside Pittsburgh. A gunm an w a lk e d in to a M c D o n a ld ’s restaurant this m orning and shot four people before going to a nearby Burger King and shooting a p e r s o n th e r e , K D K A -T V reported. T he conditions o f those shot were not immediately known. P o lic e to ld K D K A -T V th ey believed they had the assailant confined inanofficebuilding near the M cD onald’s in W ilkinsburg, nine m iles east o f Pittsburgh. OPEC Boost May Not Help Gas Prices W A SH IN G T O N - The Energy D epartm ent predicted sharply h ig h e r g a s o lin e p ric e s th is sum m er even if the w orld’s oil producers agree later this m onth to in c r e a s e p r o d u c tio n .T h e fo re c a st b y th e E n erg y Inform ation A dm inistration said gasoline prices, nudging near $ 1 .5 0 a g a llo n o n a v e r a g e nationw ide, easily could ju m p another 20 cents a gallon by M ay and June. Feds To Buy Back Some Public Debt V ancouver C ouncilm em ber Pat Jollota has been selected to serve on the N ational L eague o f C ities (N L C ) 2000 Public Safety and C rim e Prevention Steering Com m ittee. T he mission o f the NLC is to strengthen and promote cities as centers o f opportunity, leadership and governance. The Public Safety and C rim e Prevention C om m ittee is responsible for policy in the areas o f crim e prevention, corrections, substance abuse, m unicipal fire policy, ju v en ile ju stice, and disaster preparedness and em ergency response. In a letter to Jollota, N LC President and M ayor o f W ichita, K ansas noted, “ I selected the steering com m ittee m em bers based prim arily on expertise and interest in the subject area.” Jollata has served on the steering com m ittee since it w as form ed in 1995. “T his is very exciting for m e,” exclaim ed Jollota, “each year 1 have been pleased to be re-appointed.” Last year, the com m ittee w orked on and published a report for cities to address the issues o f dom estic terrorism and disaster planning. Previously, the com m ittee w orked to im plem ent “O peration First Strike", an early intervention program that identifies and treats potentially violent youth in the com m unity. T he com m ittee advocated for federal legislation that enabled V ancouver Police Services to use therm al imaging helmets. O ther topics have included com munity policing, court system s, gun control, regional approaches for public safety resources, and sentencing guidelines and m andatory sentencing. In her role as co m m ittee m em ber, Jollota will attend the C ongressional City C onference, the C ongress o f C ities, and tw o annual meetings. She stated, “ I hope to bring back tools for th e C ity o f V ancouver to im plem ent in as w e strive to increase public safety and reduce crim e in our com m unity.” Jollota is in her third term as a V ancouver C ity C ouncilm em ber, serving continuously since 1990. She is em ployed as a curator for the C lark County M useum . To leave a m essage for C ouncilm em ber Jollota, contact the City M a n a g e r’s o ffic e at (3 6 0 ) 696-8121 o r sen d an em ail m e ssa g e to pat.iollota@ ci.vancouver.w For more inform ation about the N ational L eagueofC ities and the Public Safety and Crim e Prevention C om m ittee visit them online at CrimeStoppers Crime Stoppers Case # 00-08 Robbery T h e P o rtlan d P o lice B u reau , in cooperation with C rim e Stoppers, is asking for your help in identifying and apprehending the suspect in a robbery. O n W ednesday, February 9 ,2 0 0 0 , at a p p ro x im a te ly 2 O’clo ck in the m orning, a lone male suspect w alked into the 7-Eleven store located at 1705 Southeast 122nd A venue. He A ssault/R ape T he P ortlan d P o lice B u reau , in cooperation w ith C rim e Stoppers, is asking for your help in identifying and apprehending the suspect in a sexual assault. On the evening o f Sunday, January 30, 2000, the victim , a 28-year-old fem ale who had been staying at the Y W CA , stopped to ask the suspect for directions. T he suspect led her to Lincoln High School, located at 1501 Southw est Jefferson Street, w here he kicked her dow n a flight o f stairs, and co n tin u ed k ic k in g h er u n til she becam e unconscious. She w as then sexually assaulted and b adly beaten. T he suspect is describ ed as a black male, approximately 26-years-old, 5 ’ T ' to 5 ’8” tall, w eighing 160 pounds, c le a n s h a v e n , w ith a m e d iu m com plexion and short hair. He w as w earing a light gray sw eater, w hite shirt, a “N ew York Yankees” basebal I cap with the bi 11 pushed up, and yel low or orange w ork boots. C rim e S toppers is offering a cash CCtmUBVItlZSIQRl rowTiit P ortland O bserv kr Fast, coordinated effort by are a’s law enforcem ent leads to arrest On February 22, 2000 A m os Lee Me Lem ore was erroneously released fro m th e M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty D etention Center. An error by the Records Unit transferred M cLem ore to W ashington County before his local charges w ere dem ised. T he charge in W ashington C ounty was theft II. W ashington County did not know Free trigger locks still available reward ot up to $ 1,000 for information, reported to C rim e Stoppers, w hich leads to an arrest in this case o r any unsolved felony crim e, and you can rem a in an o n y m o u s. C all C rim e Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP. W A SH IN G T O N - T he Treasury Department will buy back a part o f the national debt for the first tim e in 70 years. T he initial repurchase operation will cover only $ 1 billion and w ill be lim ited to 30-year bonds issued betw een 1985 and 1990. T reasury officials said they kept the initial operation sm all in an e ffo rt to te s t th e m a rk e t response. about the charges in M ultnom ah C ounty. M c L e m o re w as b e in g h e ld on R o b b e ry I an d tw o c h a rg e s o f K id n ap p in g 11 re su ltin g from a Portland arrest. M ultnom ah County S h e riff s O ffice becam e aw are o f the error w hen Portland D etective Dan M cG etrick called for a status report on M cLem ore. M ultnom ah County d e te c tiv e s w e re d is p a tc h e d im m ediately w hen the error was discovered. D ue to the fast, coordinated effort o f the M ultnom ah C ounty S h e riffs O ffice, Portland Police, W ashington County Sheri f f s O ffice and Hillsboro Police, M cLem ore w as apprehended within hours. Hillsboro Police Officer Stephen Beaver m ade the arrest at M cL em ore’s residence. A ccording to S heriff D an Noelle, “we consider any m istakes in release a very serious m atter. D espite a double check system w e have in place, a dang ero u s o ffen d er w as released w hen he should not have been. We have a com m ittee that review all release errors and this case will go through that process” Information sought in homicide On T hursday, M arch 2 ,2 0 0 0 , at 8:31 p.m. N ortheast Precinct U niform O fficers responded at a call o f shots fired in the general areaofN.E. Rodney A venue and Failing Street. A few m inutes after arriving in the area, 4 length hooded jack et with the w ords “ Perry Ellis” printed on the back, and black shoes. He was arm ed w ith a black, long barrel revolver. C rim e stoppers is offering a cash reward ofup to$ 1,000 for information, reported to C rim e Stoppers, w hich leads to an arrest in this case or any unsolved felony crim e, and you can rem a in an o n y m o u s. C all C rim e stoppers at (503) 823-HELP. Police arrest inmate erroneously released CONTRIBUTED STORY CrimeStoppers approached the counter, displayed a handgun, and told the clerk to open .the register and give him the money. T h e s u s p e c t w as la s t se e n southbound from the location. T he suspect is described as w hite m ale in his early 2 0 ’s, 5 ’ 7” to 5 ’8” tal 1 w ith a thin to m edium build. He was w earing a black and gray stocking cap with a pom -pom on top and w hite lettering on the front, a black waist Free gun trigger locks are available to th e p u b lic th ro u g h th e M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty S h e r i f f s O ffice. T he locks w ork like a traditional padlock and are placed th ro u g h a fire a rm b a rre l on m ag azin e holder. T he w eapon cannot be fired until the lock is unlocked. The public can come to Multnomah C ounty S h e riffs O ffice at 12240 N .E .G lisan between 8:00 a m . and 4 :4 5 p.m . T he o ffic e is open M onday through Friday. Locks are lim ited to one per person. officers heard tw o gunshots com ing from the areaofN .E . M allory Avenue / Shaver Street. At 8:52 p.m. a citizen called in a “man d o w n ” at N .E. R odney A venue/ F a ilin g S tre e t. D isc o v e re d an d deceased at the location w as 21 year- old Henry Jay Johnson o f Northeast Portland. A n autopsy conducted on March 3, 2000, by the O regon State Medical Exam iners O ffice determ ined that Johnson died o f m ultiple gunshot w ounds. T he investigation is continuing and anyone with inform ation is asked to call the Portland Police B ureau’s D etective Division at 823-0400. Surfs up at the new, improved Com m unity D evelopm ent web page Surfs up at the new, im proved com m unity D evelopm ent w eb page Clark county residents now have an easy w ay to find out about licensing their pets, filing a nuisance com plaint, getting a building perm it, or reading about other services offered by the C om m unity D evelopm ent Departm ent. All this inform ation and m uch m ore is available through the co u n ty ’s Internet hom e page at w w w .co.clark.w Q uestions and answ ers are included for each o f the departm ent’s six divisions: Animal Protection and Control, Building, C ode Enforcem ent, D evelopm ent Services, Fire M arshal, and Long Range Planning. “T he w eb page allow s us to provide folks w ith current inform ation on new program s, says D irector Rich Carson. “At the m om ent our page also includes inform ation on our annual report, perform ance audit, strategic plan, and building rem odeling." E ventually, the departm ent’s new Tidem ark com puter softw are m ay m ake it possible for people to apply and pay for permit applications online. “Ultim ately, our goal is to offer as many services as w e can via the w eb 24 hours a day, seven days a week, says Joe G all from C ustom er Service. “Then our custom ers will have an option besides driving down to our offices on a rainy day.” T h a t ’s w h a t y o u ’ll g e t. W e've set som e pretty high stan d ard s for o u r perform ance. W hat do you expect, a quick response when you call? O.K. House Passes Social Security Bill And now o u r service com es w ith guarantees. W hen w e say w e're going to give you a certain level of service, we m ean it. And w e're so serious about holding ourselves accountable, if, for some reason, w e can't live u p to our com m itm ent, w e’ll pay you. W hy? First, to com pensate you for any inconvenience. But, m ore importantly, as a rem inder to ourselves not to let it happen again. Say you have a question about your bill that w e can't answ er w hen you call us. We'll investigate and get back to you by letter or phone as soon as possible. But if it takes longer than ten w orking days, w e'll credit $50 to your account. Guarantees. Uncomm on for a pow er company. But, then again, w e're an uncom m on company. W A SH IN G T O N - In a rare show o f bipartisan unity, the H ouse unanim ously passed legislation lifting the earnings limit for800,000 Social S ecurity recipients ag e 65 through 69. P resident C linton endorsed the bill. B y a 4 2 2 -0 v o te, the H ouse sent the bill to the S enate, w h ere it h as eq u a lly s tro n g su p p o rt am ong Republicans and D em ocrats eager to accom plish som ething in this election year for the im portant senior citizen vote - especially since longer-term Social Security and Medicare reform s are unlikely. You can reach us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just call 1*888-221-7070. # PACIFIC POWER M a k in g i t h a p p e n . Pacific Power is part o f the ScottishP ow er group o f companies. I ►