Page 4 March 8, 2000 -------------------------- < Focus (Che >------ ©bseruer The Focus M a d w o m en ’s Late Lucky Eagle is Nite Cabaret features Washington states history’s craziest complete entertainment center CoSIBIMlEBUSlQIÜ for rHE P ortland O bservfr M a d w o m en ’s L ate N ight C abaret features som e o f P o rtlan d ’s top m u s ic a l th e a te r p e r f o r m e r s portraying history's craziest w om en singing your favorite Broadw ay Showtunes. T he sam e group w ho brought you CH R IST M A S W ITH PDQ BACH is set up to shake up y o u r p erc ep tio n s o f songs you thought you knew , in this original musical production conceptual ized, d e v e lo p e d an d p e rfo rm e d by m em bers o f the Am erican Heritage T heater P roject’s core ensem ble, Ju lie B arber, V icki R ig h ettin i, Darrin M urrell, Val Landrum, and special guest, Stephen Alexander. T he one hour perform ance features such c o m b in a tio n s as M ed u sa .singing Hair, Joan o f Arc lamenting, Smoke Gets in Y our Eyes, Camm i lie crooning Fever and Lizzie Borden at the piano. O ther m adw om en on th e bill in c lu d e L ady G o d iv a , M edea, Sybil, and a few fam iliar severed heads. This original m usical production o f M adwom en’s Late Nite Cabaret will p r e m ie r e at th e N o rth w e s t N eighborhood C ultural C enter at 1819 N W Everett Street in Portland from M arch 3 through M arch 25. Tickets are $8 and can be reserved by calling 503/245-3642. for Vicki R ighettini (left), Val Landrum (middle) a n d Ju lie B arber (right) p o rtra y h isto ry ’s craziest women singing som e o f B ro a d w a y's g rea test tunes. T H EATER A complete service salon with a... Located on the Chehalis Tribal R eservation, the Lucky E agle C a s in o is know n as W ashington’s friendliest casino. The beautiful casino is located in a gam ing and entertainm ent clim ate in the rem ote area o f R o ch ester. C u sto m e rs co m e from Seattle to Portland to enjoy professional boxing and high profile entertainers such as : M erle Haggard, T anya Tucker, 3 Dog Night, T am m y W ynette and m any m o re . L iv e professional boxing is our m ost exciting event and w e host this colorful show every other month. Every month there is Com edy N ight with the n atio n ’s best, including hypnotists, comedians, and other great talents. T he Lucky Eagle C asino has the largest variety o f slot m achines in the State o f W ashington. This includes V ideo Poker, D ouble D iam onds, Red W hite & Blue, 10 T im es P ay an d o v e r 15 different varieties o f slot gam es. W hile there is free non-alcoholic beverage service on the casino f lo o r , w e s e rv e a lc o h o lic beverages w hile custom ers are playing. For all slot players on w eekdays, there is a $2.49 “all you can eat” lunch buffet from 11 am. to 2 pm. T he G olden Eagle R estaurant serves unbelievable “all you can eat” buffets, including the “ Best in the State” Friday Seafood B u ffet (lo b ste r, crab clam s, shrim p, roasts, salads, desserts, yum !) T he Sunday Cham pagne Brunch is only $11.95 ($8.95 for seniors) and the Friday and Saturday M idnight Buffet is only $4.95 for gam ing custom ers. S aturday m orning th ere is a s p e c ia l “ a ll y o u c a n e a t ” breakfast buffet for $4.95 and is served from 9 am. to 11:30 am. T h e W e d n e s d a y C o u n try W estern Buffet “All You C an Eat” ju st $6.95. It's really fun! The G olden Eagle w as aw arded the “Best O verall Restaurant” in Thurston C ounty, and the “ Best Clam C how der” at the 1998 L e w is C o u n ty Soup Com petition. T he portions are g r e a t a n d th e q u a lity is unm atched in the N orthw est United States. W hen you play Bingo, you get the daily Deli Special for only $2.50. It’s a fam ily gam e and you need only be 16 years old to play and win. T hree cars have been given aw ay in Bingo in the past year. D on’t forget to visit our gift shop, w here you can purchase local and national N ative A m erican art, gift items and jew elry. Call today for the latest update in entertainm ent, events, contests, and general inform ation at 1- 800-720-1788. W eekend M atinees For schedule & information call: 288-2180 tUlje ^Jorflanit (©baeruer’a McMenamins Kennedy School website 5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon www.mrmenamin.sxom > .... . A Get your business on the internet advertise in M ovies N ightly w ith T he . P ortland O bserver Z88-6530 305 N.E. W ygant Portland. O R 97211 l www.portlandobserver.comj