Page 2 March 8, 2000 S U P P L E M E N T Garth Fagan dance makes its moves onstage On Stage Focus A (Elie ÿlorUanh ffihaeruer OF CONTRIBUTED STORY ÏÏtlie ^ o rtla n b ÛDbseriïer Editor in Chief, Publisher Charles H. W ashington Editor Larry J. Jackson, Sr. Copy Editor TOR T uk E obilase -O bser ' er White Bird announces the Portland premiere o f Tony Award-winning c h o re o g ra p h e r G arth F a g a n ’s acclaimed company Garth Fagan D ance. T he hu g ely p o p u la r company will perform for one night only on Wednesday, March 15,7:30 pm. at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall in downtown Portland. Garth Fagan, called “a true dance original” by New York Post critic Clive Barnes, founded his company in 1970 in Rochester, New York and has won worldwide acclaim tor his unique movement language called Fagan Technique, which is derived from A fro -C a rib b e a n dance, ballet, modem dance and post-modernism. In 1996 he was chosen to choreograph Disney’sThe Lion King on Broadway, and he was awarded the prestigious 1998 Tony Award for Best Choreography as well as a host o f other awards. Garth Fagan Dance is renowned for the individuality and virtuosity o f its dancers. Susan Reiter o f New York Newsday comments, “No one else moves like these virtuosos, with th e ir u n c a n n y a ir o f calm focus...and the sheer sculptural beauty they bring to Fagan’s sensual, often quirky m ovement." David Vaughn exclaimed mBallet Review, “The dancers...are fearless.. .able to sustain long adagio balances, to change direction in m id-air, Joy Ramos Garth Fagan, world fam ous fo r his unique movement language called "Fagan Technique" will present his style o f dance at the Arlene S c h n itz e r C o n c e rt H a ll on Wednesday, March 1S which blends Afro-Caribbean, ballet, modern dance and post-modernism. Business Manager G ary A nn Taylor Creative Director Shawn Strahan 4747 N E M artin L uther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, O R 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-2884)015 MARCH EVENTS JON KOONCE & THE GAS HOGS Thursday, March 9, at 7pm THE STEVE BRADLEY GROUP Thursday, March 16, at 7pm e-mail: news@ ST. PATRICK’S DAY CELEBRATION Friday, March 17, 4pm to 11pm Irish Bands • Irish Dancers • Irish Coffee Leprechauns • Storytelling • Family Fun D eadlines for subm itted material: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance submissions. M anuscripts and photographs can be returned if accom panied by a self- addressed stam ped envelope. All created display ads become the sole property of the new spaper an d cannot be used in other publications or personal usage w ithout the CRAIG CAROTHERS SONGWRITERS IN THE ROUND Sunday, March 19, Doors at 7pm, Show at 7:30pm Admission $7 I & I “Reggae Inna Afrikan Stylee” Thursday, March 23, at 7pm BATTLE OF THE BANDS 2000 STEVE BRADLEY GROUP WITH JON KOONCE VS THE X ANGELS Thursday, March 30 at 7pm All ages welcome • No cover charge unless noted w ritten consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the com position of McMenamins Kennedy School the ad. 5736 NE 33rd Portland, O regon • 2 4 9 -3 9 8 3 w w w .m rm en am in 1999 The Portland Observer stop on a dime.” In Portland the com pany will perform several works from Garth Fagan’s classic tepexiowe-Prelude (1981); A Trois (excerpted from A/Zr25,1996); and Touring Jubilee 1924 (1982) - as w ell as two critically acclaimed recent works: Two Pieces o f One: Green (1998) and Woza (1999). Woza is an e x u b e ra n t p ie c e set to the p o lyrhythm ic m usic o f South African composer Lebo M, one o f Garth Fagan’s collaborators in The Lion King. After the Joyce Theater premiere in New York City only three months ago, Anna Kisselgoff o f The New York Times raved that “Mr. Fagan has come up with a dazzling piece - from finger to toe, everything dances in Woza.” Two Pieces o f One: Green is serenely beautiful work set to 16,h century choral w orks interspersed with contemporary)azz saxophone solos. Anna Kisselgoff called the piece “a deep work on a formal and human level” that shows Fagan as “the equivalent o f a painter who explores the possibility o f paint itself.” Tickets to Garth Fagan Dance, as well as the two remaining dance companies o f White Bird’s 1999- 2000 season, are available at all Fred Mayer FASTIXX outlets, or by calling 503/224-8499/ 800-992- 8499 (outside Portland). Ticket prices range from $15.50 to $29 plus service charges. Discounted tickets are available.