March 1, 2000 P ortland (Obernier Page A3 (Clje 'Porilanù ffibaeruer Vancouver News Applications invited for Lodging Tax Advisory Committee T he C ity o f V ancouver is seeking applicants to fill one City vacancy on the joint City/C ounty Lodging Tax A dvisory Com m ittee. The Com m ittee is a fourteen-member body that m akes recom m endations to th e C la rk C o u n ty B o ard o f C om m issioners and the V ancouver C ity Council regarding expenditures o f the city and county’s lodging tax revenue. T h e L o d g in g T ax A d v is o ry C om m ittee m eets once a m onth at 7:30 a.m. at the Red Lion at the Quay. Guidelines forCommittee membership are set by the Revised Codes o f W a s h in g to n (R C W ) under RCW 67.28.1817. Applicants for the position that is currently vacant must be V ancouver residents affiliated to be funded by lodging tax revenue. F o r a p p lic a tio n s o r f u rth e r inform ation, contact Jan Bader in the City M anager’s O ffice at City Hall, PO Box 1995, V ancou ver, W A 98668 or cal 1696-8121 or FAX: 696-8049. The d ead lin e for ap p licatio n s is Monday, March 27,2000. For further inform ation about the V ancouver boards and com m issions, v is it o u r w eb p a g e at h ttp :// w w w .c i.v a n c o u v e r .w a .u s / volunteers/index.html. Featuring Famous Cajun Flavor! Symphony plans young artist concerts Y our chance to hear som e o f the area’s m ost talented young m usicians will be M arch 11 and 12 w hen the three w inners o f the V ancouver S ym phony’s fifth annual Y oung A rtist com petition perform in concert w ith the Sym phony. The instrum ents this year include a violinist, a violist and a bassoonist. T he 2000 com petition w inners include A aron Solow ay, and 18-year-old bassoonist from Parkrose High School in Portland, 17-year-old violist Joel Thoreson from H udson’s Bay High School, and Justin M ackew ich, a 17-year- old violinist w ho attends the V ancouver School o f Arts and A cadem ics. The Sym phony’s “Y oung Artist Perform” concerts will be at 2 :30 p.m . Saturday, M arch 11,2000 and at 7:00 pm, Sunday, M arch 12,2000 at the Royal Durst Theatre in the V ancouver School o f Arts and A cadem ics. The school is located at 3101 M ain St., V ancouver. T he Sym phony will be under the direction o f conductor Dr. Salvador Brotons. Bassoonist A aron Solow ay will perform the first m ovem ent ofC arl M aria Von W eber’s C oncerto in F, Op. 75 Aaron has been a bassoonist with the Portland Y outh Philharm onic for four years and is currently co-principal bassoon. He attended B oston U niversity Tangelw ood Institute last sum m er and the Eastern M usic Festival in North C arolina in 1998, and Sequoia C ham ber M usic W orkshop. A aron took first place in the 1999 O regon State Solo com petition, was the finalist in Portland C om m unity C oncert A ssociation Y oung Artist Com petition, and was a finalist in last y ear’s V ancouver Sym phony Young Artist C om petition. He's valedictorian o f Parkrose High School and has held num erous leadership positions in student governm ent and clubs and is also an accom plished pianist. H udson’s Bay Senior Joel Thoreson began studying the violin at the age o f ten and took up the viola only a year and a h alf ago. He is currently in the first (Please see 'Concert' page 8) OÏ Fs¡ Ui F < F 0) O z < .J F O Q. WHAT: Water Resources Education Center’s fourth anniversary evening event WHERE: Water Resources Education Center 4600 S.E. Columbia Way Vancouver, W A TIME: 5 p.m.- 8 p.m. DATE: March 9,2000 ADMISSION: Free admission, food and beverage charges vary Food, drink and jazz are “on tap” for SPLASH! 2000. The SPLASH! T radition brings together mouth-watering food from local waterfront restaurants, livejazz and the Water Center’s slant on water and fun. With the purchase o f $2 tickets, sample entrees from Beaches Grill & Chowder House. Tickets are also available for Northwest wines, brews from McMenamins on the Columbia, espresso coffees and soft drinks. Tour the Water Center with your passport to prizes. Explore the interactive exhibits in our exhibit hall Investigate in the Water Sciences and try your hand at “Gyotaku”. Prtsmt «nipón «lien odormp Ono ampón peí antonw peí m il m ix e d CHICKEN »0«) «bere prohibiteif Mol n U mili ony olber 0 % Goai a pwtnpobnp Poporos* onl» c; 2a» 2 LG .SI D ES • 7 BISCUITS Offer expires March 31,2000 PSU . . . your source for p ro fe ssio n a l developm ent > F 0) C 111 > SPLASH! 2000 g f t h u m a n s e r v ic e s & e d u c a tio n b u s i n e s s & n o n p r o fit th e chemically dep en d en t client in your practice adm inistrative and executive assistant conflict m anagem ent in th e w orkplace co n stru ctio n m anagem ent continuing special ed u cato r (on- and off-campus) co n tract/cu sto m ized training dom estic relations mediation c o rp o ra te and executive education educational adm inistration/leadership 2000 fro n t line m anagem ent ESL/bilingual en d o rsem en t human reso u rce m anagem ent g raduate teach er added elem entary en d o rsem en t m arketing/e-com m erce improving stu d en t perform ance multimedia professional teaching and learning with instructional technology p ro ject m anagem ent tools for dealing with violence in school settings supervision and perform ance m anagem ent understanding ad olescent use diso rd ers training and developm ent vocational rehabilitation offerings w orkplace conflict m anagem ent d is ta n c e le a r n in g w eb site m anagem ent undergraduate degree com pletion (evenings and w eekends in Portland, Salem, Beaverton, Clackamas) independent study w etland, river, and w atersh ed m anagem ent c o n ta c t u s p h o n e: (8 0 3 ) 72-LEA R N 1 -8 0 0 -5 4 7 -8 8 8 7 e x t 3 2 7 6 email: lea r n @ se s.p d x .e d u w eb site: w w w .e x te n d e d .p d x .e d u statew ide m a ster’s degrees continuing education for teach ers 8 X 1 I