« » (The (Obeeruer On Film March 1, 2000 Focus Love and Basketball S ynopsis: O m ar Epps and Sanaa Lathan play life-long buddies whose rivalry and com radeship began in their neighborhood basketball court when they w ere kids. Best friends all throughout the follow ing school years, the pressure for each to be recru ited by co lle g e b ask etb all coaches brings them closer together and th e ir love b lo o m s b ey o n d friendship. G e n re : Drama. Rating: N o Rating. • C a st: O m ar Epps, D ebbi M organ, Sanaa Lathan, H arry J. Lennix and A lfre W oodard. C redits: W ritten and directed by Box Office 1 The W hole N ine Yards W A RNERS $28,500,000 2. Snow D ay.PA RA M O U N T $43,300,000 3. Reindeer G am es M IRA M A X $8,000,000 4. H anging Up SONY $26,100,000 5. Pitch Black.U SA FILMS $22,800,000 G inaPrince-B ythew ood. Produced by Spike Lee and Sam Kitt. Released by N ew Line Cinem a. Page 7 6. T he T igger M ovie BUENA V ISTA $30,600,000 7. W onder Boys PARAM OU N T $5,850,000 8. Scream 3_M’M AX/ DIM EN SIO N $78.100,000 9. A m erican Beauty DREA M W O RKS $87,700,000 10. The C ider House Rules M IRAM AX $32,000,000 R u n n in g T im e :2 h o u rs0 m in u te s T h e a tric a l R elease D ate: April 21, 2000. Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai S ynopsis: G uided by the w ords o f an ancient sam urai text, G host Dog, played by F o re s t W h ita k e r, is a professional killer able to dissolve into the night and m o v e th r o u g h th e c ity u n n o tic e d . W h e n th e a s s a s s i n ’s code is dangerously betrayed by the M a fia f a m ily th a t occasionally em ploys him, he reacts strictly in accord with the W ay o f the Sam urai. G e n re : D ram a R a tin g : R, for strong violence and language • C ast: Forest Whitaker, John T orm ey, V ictor A rg o , Is a a c h de B a n k o le a n d C l i f f Gorm an • C re d its: W ritten and d ir e c te d by Jim Jarm usch. Produced by R ic h a rd G uay. R eleased by A rtisan Entertainment. T h e a tric a l R elease D ate: M arch 3, 2000 - exclusive New Y ork engagem ent ! 102 Dalmatians Synopsis: In this all new tale, C ruella De Vil is released from prison on good behavior and swears that she will have nothing to do with fur ever again in her life. She, how ever, cannot keep this prom ise and soon is plotting another mad s c h e m e to g e t h e r u ltim a te D alm atian coat. G lenn C lose and G erard D epardieu co-star. Genre: Family R a tin g : N o Rating • C a st: G lenn Close, A lice Evans, Ioan G ruffudd, G erard D epardieu and Tim M clnnem y • C re d its: Directed by Kevin Lima. W ritten by K risten Buckley and Brian Regan. Produced by John Hughes and Ed Feldm an. Released by Buena Vista. ■ T h e a t r i c a l R e le a s e D a te : N ovem ber 22, 2000. The toys are back... ON ICE! 'szzzznzazzz^zZi 22^=^2222222 3 DAYS ONLY! MAR. 10- By PHONE: &OS£