Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 01, 2000, Page 2, Image 2

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i Police News
Bush Angered by
McCain Comments
C L E V E L A N D - G eorge W. Bush criticized
R epublican presidential rival John M cC ain's
efforts to paint him as anti-Catholic as spiteful,
and said he expects to win the nom ination and
unite the party. Bush said he w as “w inning
overw helm ingly” am ong Republicans and said
“things are com ing m y w ay" as voters cast
b a llo ts in G O P p rim a rie s in V irg in ia ,
W a s h in g to n s ta te an d N o rth D ak o ta .
M cC ain’s success so far has relied on the help
o f independents and D em ocrats voting in
open primaries.
Philippine Volcano
Erupts Again
LEG AZPl, Philippines - Belching a column o f
ash and m olten rock four m iles high, M ayon
V olcano erupted again, forcing scores o f
nearby residents to grab their clothes and
cooking pans and run for their lives. G low ing
red lava shot like firew orks into the sky. There
were no im m ediate reports o f casualties after
the explosion, w hich experts said w as the
m ost pow erful since M ayon began erupting
earlier last m onth. The initial explosion w as
follow ed by lightning and continuous rum ble,
said E rnesto C orpuz o f the Philippine Institute
o f V oldanology and Seism ology.
Senegal Holds
Presidential Elections
D A K A R, Senegal - International observers
gave a thum bs up to S enegal’s presidential
electio n s, say in g scattered violence and
logistical problem s failed to tarnish voting in
one o f A frica’s oldest dem ocracies. T he head
o f observers from French-speaking nations,
however, declined to predict whether the count
- still underw ay - w ould be entirely fair, or the
results accepted by the 2.7 m illion registered
voters in this country o f 10 m illion people.
W hile m any A frican countries hold elections,
very few are considered truly free and fair. In
W est A frica, w here votes often take place
against the backdrop o f m ilitary coups and
civil wars, Senegal is one o f few countries to
hold regular ballots.
White House Releases
Medicare Study
W A SH IN G TON - President Clinton released
a new state-by-state study that he hopes will
convince congressional Republicans to back
aw ay from a large tax cut and adopt his plan to
overhaul M edicare and add a prescription
drug benefit. H e said the report will m ake it
clear to law m akers that if they pass “huge,
risky tax cuts,” there would be no m oney
available to extend M edicare’s life. Plus, he
said, the report illustrates that their inclination
tow ard lim iting prescription benefits to only
the poorest M edicare recipients w ould lock
out a large num ber o f elderly people w ith
m odest incom es w ho also need that coverage.
The Portland Police Bureau, in cooperation
with C rim e Stoppers, is asking for your help
in identifying apprehending the suspect in a
O n T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 8, 2 0 0 0 , at
ap proxim ately 10:15 in the m orning, an
individual know n to store em ployees as
“R obert,” w alked into Pacific Orient Traders,
that sells oriental objects. The suspect w aited
until he w as alone in the store with the fem ale
victim , at w hich tim e he displayed a handgun
reddish blond hair and cleft lip. He was armed with
a sm all silver colored handgun.
The stolen ring is described as w hite gold, w ith a
1.55-carat solitaire diam ond surrounded by 18
baguette diam onds.
C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to
$ 1,000 for information, reported to Crime Stoppers,
w hich leads to an arrest in this case or any
unsolved felony crim e, and you can rem ain
anonym ous. Call C rim e Stoppers at (503) 823-
and dem anded the wedding ring she was
w earing. W hen she refused, the suspect beat
her with a gun and took the ring from the 11 nger
T h e su s p e c t is
d e s c r ib e d as a
w hite m ale, 35 to
40 years o f age,
5 ’6” to 5 ’7” tall,
w eighing 150 to
160 pounds, clean
w ith
V is it
Police most wanted
web page snares
felony suspects
V ancouver Police S ervices’ M ost W anted w eb page, launched
in late 1999, has already led to the arrest o f at least four crim inal
suspects. T he offenses o f those caught by the local w eb page
include failure to register as a sex offender and possession and
sale o f narcotics.
V ancouver’s Most W anted w eb page features crim inal suspect
being sought for felony offense. M any are repeat offenders.
“T his w eb page is another im portant tool for fighting crim e,”
observes SGT. D ave King. “ It has helped us to catch w anted
crim inals faster than w e w ould have otherwise. It’s real success.”
O ne felony suspect w as caught w hen som eone recognized him
from the w eb and called V ancouver Police with inform ation on
w here and w hen the suspect w orked. W hen police show ed up
at the suspect’s place o f em ploym ent, he peacefully surrendered.
A nother w as caught after a C lark PUD em ployee, w ho had
recently visited the w eb page, recognized a suspect w hile on a
w ork-related service call. T he w eb page has also been used by
other local agencies w ho may have inform ation o f use to
V ancouver Police Services.
The Police M ost W anted w eb page is updated regularly and
includes pictures and details o f 25 to 30 crim inal suspects. It
currently receives an average o f 525 visitors per week. Citizens
w ith inform ation are urged not to attem pt to apprehend the
suspect but, rather, to call V ancouver Police Services.
T he Police M ost W anted w eb page is part o f the City o f
V ancouver w ebsite, w hich offers som e 200 pages o f information
on C ity services and program s. T he M ost W anted page can be
found at: http//w w w .ci.V ancouver.us/vanpd/w anted.htm
w w w .lu c k y e a g le .c o
Free Casino Shuttle!
Please calf 1-800-720-1 788
for reservations. Limited seating.
8 : 0 0 a m G re sh am , O R - Gl Joe s Shopping Center, between
8 :3 0 a m P o rtla n d , OR - Gl Joe s Shopping (enter on 82nd Ave.,
between Toco Bell & Gl Joe s.
Fred Meyer by Fred Meyer sign
8 :4 5 a m S t. H e len s, O R - Park & Ride on Milton
9 : 0 0 a m V an co u ve r, W A - K-Mart nt Andreson & 4th Plain,
park next to Millers Paint Building.
Way, between Columbia Rd. & St. Helens St,
9 : 1 5 a m R a in ier, OR - Crazy B’s back of parking lot.
9 : 4 5 a m K elso, W A - Three Rivers Mall, north end of parking
(Starts March 15th)
8 :3 0 a m Scappoose, OR -
Texaco Oil (enter X Gl Joe s.
lot between Target & Red Lobster.
1 0 : 0 0 a m L o n g v ie w , W A - Triangle Mall parking lot east of Cowlitz Bank
1 1 :0 0 a m A rriv e Lucky Eagle Casino.
1 1 :0 0 a m A rriv e Lucky Eagle Casino.
3 :0 0 p m D e p a rt Lucky Eagle Casino.
3 :0 0 p m D e p a rt Lucky Eagle Casino.
THURSDAY (New change March 9th)
7 :4 5 a m W ils o n v ille , O R - (all for details
7 :4 5 a m T u a la t in , O R - K Mart parking lot by Wendy’s
8 :0 0 a m O regon City, OR - Oregon City Shopping Center west
side of parking lot by shopping center sign.
8 : 3 0 a m P o rtla n d , O R - Hollywood Fred Meyer, west side
parking lot behind store, Section ( 5 .
8 :3 0 a m P o rtla n d , OR - Gl Joe’s Shopping Ctr on 82nd Ave ,
between Toco Bell and Gl Joe’s.
8 : 4 5 a m P o rtla n d , O R - Safeway on MLK Ave., north side
of parking lot. (Cars cannot be left in Safeway s lot.)
9 : 0 0 a m P o rtla n d , O R - Janzen Beach Mall, northeast end
of parking lot by Tri Met sign in front of Ross.
9 : 1 5 a m V a n c o u v e r, W A - Fred Meyer north side gravel
parking lot, 78th St. Exit.
9 :0 0 a m V ancouver, W A - K Mart at Andreson X 4th Plain,
park next to Millers Point Building.
1 0 :0 0 a m C astle Rock, W A - Three Rivers Mall north end
of porking lot between Tai gel X Red Lobster.
1 1 :0 0 a m A rriv e Lucky Eagle Casino.
3 :0 0 p m D e p art Lucky Eagle Casino.
9 :3 0 a m W o o d lan d , W A - Park X Ride Exit #21
9 :4 5 a m K a lam a, W A - Kalama River Inn
FRIDAY (Starts March 17th)
1 0 :0 0 a m Kelso, W A - Three Rivers Mall, north end of parking
8 :0 0 a m H illsboro, OR - Far east side of the
Target Shopping Center by Burger King
lot between Target X Red Lobster.
10:1 Oam C astlerock, W A - 49er Restaurant porking lot,
8 :3 0 a m B e a v e rto n , OR - On 11 Oth, public parking on street,
, (do not pork in Wards parking lot)
Exit *49.
9 :0 0 a m P o rtla n d , OR - Safeway on MIK Ave
1 1 :0 0 a m A rriv e Lucky Eagle Casino.
North side of lot (no parking in Safeway lot).
3 :0 0 p m D e p a rt Lucky Eogle Casino.
9 :4 5 a m K a lam a, W A - Kalama River Inn.
1 1 :0 0 a m A rriv e Lucky Eagle Casino.
. Schedule object todxinqe Must be 21
3 :0 0 p m D e p a rt Lucky Eagle Casino.
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EU Endorses Force
SINTRA, Portugal - European Union defense
m inisters endorsed a tim etable for creating a
security force that will enable E uropeans to
defuse crises beyond their borders w ithout
A m erican troops. The m inister reiterated their
pledge to create the so-called rapid reaction
force o f 50,000 to 60,000 troops by 2003.
H ow ever, no nation step p ed forw ard to
contribute to the force, and officials said a
“contributors’ conference” w ill not be held
until later this year. Beyond the com m itm ent
to lessen E urope’s reliance on U.S. diplom acy
and firepow er to quell E uropean conflicts,
money w as an issue o f concern. T he m inisters
acknow ledged that success o f a credible
European security stance hinges above all on
adequate funding.
U.S. May See Higher
Gas Prices
W A SH IN G T O N - T he Energy D epartm ent
says that continuing low stocks o f gasoline
and oil probably m ean m ore gasoline price
increases in the com ing m onths. A lthough
g a s o lin e p ric e s a lre a d y h a v e in c re a se d
sharply, “ W e will likely see even higher prices
this s p rin g ," Jo h n C ook o f th e E nergy
Inform ation A dm inistration told a Senate
hearing. C ook said low inventories o f crude oil
and heating and diesel stocks led to the
extrem ely sharp and sudden price increases in
late January and early February, w hen average
heating oil costs in the N ortheast jum ped 66
O P E N 1 0 A M • 7 D A YS A W EEK eo