Page B6 M a rc h 1, 2000 Æhv ^lurtlanò ®baeruer i Classifieds/Bids I Employment | Employment | Employment | Employment | Employment | ♦ »Columbia < s Sportswear Company® DATAENTRY DATA ENTRY OPERATOR Colum bia Sportsw ear Com pany. A leading m anufacturer o f sportsw ear and outerwear, is seeking a Data Entry O perator. D uties include entering data into data processing system via keyboard data entry devices such as c o m p u te r te rm in a ls and P C ’s. Includes data entry o f international purchase orders (P O ’s), receiving, invoicing, stylem aster m aintenance and reversing pick tickets. Q ualified candidates will possess high school education or equivalent and 1 to 2 years related experience perform ing a variety o f data entry a ssig n m e n ts an d o ffic e support assignm ents. Strong com puter skills a m ust. Please send resum e to: Colum bia S p o r ts w e a r C o m p a n y , H u m an Resources, Dept. DEO, PO Box 83239, Portland,O R 97283orFA X (503)735- 4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. Employment 217 Education DIRECTOR ASUOMULTICULTURALCENTER U niversity O f O regon A ccount E xecuth e E x p a n d in g N a tio n a l W h o le sa le M ortgage L ender seeks A ccount Executive for Portland surrounding areas. W holesale m ortgage and sales e x p e rie n c e p referre d . E x c e lle n t com pensation and benefit plans. P lease send resu m e w ith salary requirem ents to: HR D ept., W ashtenaw M ortgage Company 315 E. Eisenhower, Ste. 12, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 or fax to: 734-662-9517. w Employment General 235 W arehouse The Oregon Air G uard is hiring Part- time adm inistrative and W arehouse Technicians. Get the training and experience you need to further your career. For more info on Training, E d u c a tio n a l B e n e fits. Pay an d Enlistment Eligibility call 1 -800-392- 1801. fuel lout hltUIT fF Neil Kelly Co., a nationally recognized design/build rem odeling firm, has an immediate opening in its Home Repair division. T he H om e Repair Journey Level C arpenter will be responsible for carpentry labor, jo b clean up, and jo b safety. T he position requires that the carpenter b e a m em ber o f the carp en ters’ union, and w ork hours an d b en efits are o u tlin ed in the C a rp e n te rs U nion C o n tract. Site m a n a g e m e n t, a b i lity to w o rk in d e p e n d e n tly , an d c o m p le tin g required paperw ork and processes r e q u ir e d . M o s tly r e s id e n tia l rem odeling. T eam o rg an izatio n al structure. O ne o f O regon B usiness M agazine’s 100 Best C om panies to W o rk F o r. For im m e d ia te consideration, mai 1 a resum e and brief letter d escrib in g your experience aligned to this opportunity to: D iane Stark, Human Resources Department, N eil K elly C om pany, 804 N. A lberta dstark@ Employment Ur \allonal Guard 4 235 General T he director w ill m anage, organize and oversee all aspects o f the Center. P roviding regional services B achelor’s degree required. Strong C reating livable com m unities lis te n in g , s p e a k in g an d com m unication skills, and experience Seasonal P a rk W o rk e r, O p eratio n s w orking w ith m ulticultural issues in & M aintenance. $8.00- $8.25,Temp/ a d m in is tra tio n , su p e rv is io n and FT. O pen untilled. All positions are program m anagem ent are desired. based out o f Blue Lake Park; Curry C om plete jo b description available: B u ild in g , b u t p e r f o rm w o rk A SU O W om en’s C enter, Suite 3- throughout the m etropolitan area. EM U , 1228 U niversity o f O regon, Eugene, O R 97403; (541) 346-4095. . A ssists in p ro v id in g a safe and enjoyable experience for visitors. Review o f applications will begin March 20,2000 and will continue unti 1 P e rfo rm s g ro u n d m a in te n a n c e in c lu d in g , m o w in g , trim m in g , the position is filled. The U niversity w eeding, irrig atio n , and garbage o f O re g o n is an A A /E O /A D A rem oval. Requires ability to operate institution com m itted to cultural vehicles and equipm ent with minimal diversity. For more inform ation, visit training. Performs strenuous physical o u r D iv ersity w e b site at h ttp :// labor for long periods. DIVERSITY/ E v e n t R e c e p t i o n i s t , O re g o n Please call Lori @ 541 -346-4099 or C onvention C enter - $8.45 - $ 10.27/ librow n@ for hour, PT, D eadline 3/7/00. Receives questions. O therw ise, please quote an d d ir e c ts a ll c a lls ; p ro v id e s as soon as possible. P.O. and index inform ation for the general public inform ation to follow. c o n c e rn in g e v e n ts. C o o rd in a te s Lon Brown em ergency calls and perform s related O ffice Coordinator work, including general clerical office tasks. A ssista n t M a n a g e m e n t A n aly st, Regional Parks & G reenspaces. $34, 227 Education 142.19 - $46,777.60/annually, FT, Deadline 3/3/00. Assists with contract preparation and associated record N o n -p ro fit o rg a n iz a tio n seeking m aintenance; m onitors departm ent qualified individual to coordinate c h a r t o f a c c o u n ts a n d a s s u re s community educational center. Skills: e x p e n d itu r e s a n d r e v e n u e s a re • Excel com m unication and org ’ 1 appropriately credited; establishes skills, work w / diverse groups and m aintains central departm ent files • K n o w le d g e o f N E P tld & for financial and contract records; teaching exp p ref provides technical assistan ce and • C om puter proficiency, design, support for budget preparation and s tr u c tu r e a n d c o o r d in a te o v ersig h t; p rep a re s c o n tra c t and program s grant billings and tracks revenues. • C r e a tiv e , s e lf - m o tiv a te d , R equired ap p licatio n m aterials enthusiastic a v a ila b le at: M e tro H u m a n Equal O pportunity em ployer Resources, 600 N E G rand A venue, Mai I cover letter and resum e to h ¡ring Portland, O R 97232. Resum es are not director @ accepted. Please call (503) 797-1570 if POBox 11268 you w ould like application m aterials Portland, O R 97211 m a ile d to y o u . W e b a d d r e s s : 227 Education w T em p . 2-m th position for a Fam ily A A /EEO Em ployer Intervention Spec with the School A ttendance Prgm. Duties include svc coordination, advocacy and referrals. Apply at Portland Impact, 4707 SE H aw thorne Blvd. EOE Metro Employment Equal O pportunity Em ployer Employment 240 Health Care CFA/ k - Employment PortlandOR.97214 Job Line: 503-797-6899 Fax:503-797-6701 Phone:503-535-4739 235 General M ust be U.S. Citizen. 102 Y ears in the Heart o f Portland Mt. St. Joseph is a long term care facility in Southeast Portland. We are seeking new team members who share our core values; Reverence, Integrity, Com passion and Excellence and will dedicate them selves each day to p ro v id in g o u r r e s id e n ts w ith exceptional care. We offer great benefits including m edical, d ental an d 100% paid retirement. Our facility isconveniently located near bus lines 1 5,20 and 75. We have a variety o f jo b s on our cam pus. F or a co m p lete list o f opportunities call our jobline. W e also offer FREE N U R SIN G A SSISTA N T T R A IN IN G , w hich prepares you for state certification. Call 535-4739toschedulean interview. Apply: Mt. St. Joseph 3060 SE Stark Parking Facility O perator Im m ediate opening for full and part-tim e lot attendants with Portland’s leading parking Co. W e are seeking dependable individuals w ith a neat appearance and a positive attitude. $7.50 + starting w age H uge overtim e potential A dvancem ent opportunities M edical, Dental, 401 k available A pplicants m ust subm it to drug test A nd background check. Apply in person daily betw een 12-1 PM. M onday - Friday. 2 1 5 S W 6 lhPortland,O R Small A gency hiring Direct Care W o rk e rs w h o w a n t to m a k e a difference. M ust be 18 years old. Starting $7.25-$7.60. Call 669-6622. —•■■■»Bi C laim s A ttorney Information/Travel ; .» t > ri :< ,< >\ \ SIATE BAR The O regon State Bar Professional Liability Fund Seeksa foll-timeclaims attorney to jo in ourclaim s department te a m . R e s p o n s ib ilitie s in c lu d e m a n a g in g a c a s e lo a d o f le g a l m alpractice claim s and w orking with covered attorneys on a broad range o f m atters involving professional liability. T he position requires an advanced level o f legal know ledge and experience. O SB m em bership, and at least 5 years o f Oregon private p ractice experience. C om petitive salary and benefits. Send resum e and cover letter Je ff Crawford D irector o f A dm inistration Professional Liability Fund POBox 1600 Lake O sw ego, OR 97035 A pplication deadline April 17,2000. No telephone calls o re-m ails please. Equal O pportunity Employer. 265 Social Services Immed. FT position for a Short Term Intervention Spec. Provides info, referra l, ad v o cacy , h o u sin g and problem solving asst. W age $9.53 - $ 10.56. Apply at Portland Impact,4707 SE H awthrone Blvd. EOE The number one nam e in trucks is hiring on all cylinders. You probably already know about Freightliner’s excellent reputation w hen it com es to custom trucks, but did you know it applies to our careers? As w e add new com panies and divisions to the Fretghttmer family, Employment j INDEX |) F X extraordinary opportunities are being created for talented professionals to m ake an immediate impact. As a result of 1 Public Notices..................... ........ (M lii 1 I A nnouneem ents/W eddings....010 I A nnouncem ents/B irths..........015 Fam ilv Services............. .......020 Ivost and Found___ ______ ...... 030 M eeting Notices............... .......040 T ic k ets, fo r Sale W an ted ........... ......050 T ravel____ ..____________ ...... 060 Real Estate A creage................................ ...... 100 Homes fo r sale.................... ...... 110 Homes fo r re n t................... ....... 115 A ppartm ents,duplexes for Sale................. ...... 120 A ppartm ents,duplexes for R ent.... ................. 125 M anufactured Homes for Sale................. ......130 M anufactured Homes for R ent................ . 135 O th e rs fo r S ale................... ......140 O th e rs fo r R e n t ................. ......145 C om m ercial Real Estate... ......150 W a te rfro n t Property...............155 R eal E state Services................ 160 R eal E state W anted... 165 Employment G u idance/R esum es........... ......200 Professional........................ 205 C om puter/T echnology___......210 A utom otive.......................... ......213 C o n tra c to rs............................... 215 O u td o o r H o m eC are.......... ..... 220 In door H om eC are, D om estic............. .....225 E ducation..............................__ 227 Financial, In su ran ce.......... .....230 G en e ra l................................. .....235 H e a lth c a r e .......................... .....240 M a r k e t i n g ................................. 245 Office............. ......... .....250 1 e g a l .................................. 253 Retail...... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«.....255 Sales....................................... 260 Social Services.................... 265 T em p o rary , Part-T im e, S easonal............... 270 Positions W a n te d ................ 275 Business o p p o rtu n ities...........280 our continuing growth, w e have professional and technical 235 General WASHINGTONCOUNTY A ccountant I $2,776-$3,373/m onth C loses M a rc h 10,2000 S urvey T echnician II $2,873-$3,480/m onth C loses M a rc h 10, 2000 A ssistan t W a te rm a s te r $2,641 -S3,210/m on th C loses M a rc h 10,2000 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846- 4 8 9 8 fo r in f o rm a tio n . C o u n ty a p p lic a tio n a n d s u p p le m e n ta l application form s required. W omen, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Apply To: W a s h in g to n C o u n ty H u m an Resources D ivision 155 N. First A venue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 General 235 E m e r g e n c y C o m m u n ic a tio n s O p e ra to r T rain ee City o f Portland has 10 entry-level openings to train qualified people in calltaking and dispatch for police, fire, and m edical service agencies. S alary starts at $ 1 4 .1 5 /h r w hile training, fully certified personnel earn $36,000-$46,000 annually. Excellent benefits for all em ployees. Requires high school diplom a or equivalent (one year o f college preferred), ability to type45 wpm, and experience dealing w ith p e o p le u n d e r s tre s s fu l c o n d itio n s . A p p lic a tio n s ta k en February 13-March 10,2000. Call (503) 823-0911 or apply online at http:// w w w I S Ä jl Items for Sale employment opportunities available at our C orporate Headquarters m Portland, O regon. Delivery Van Driver In this position, you will transport inter-company mail, parcels and com puter reports to and from various com pany locations. To qualify, you will need at least tw o years of clerical experience, preferably with a background in mail processing, fulfillment and/or performing deliveries. In addition, you will need good keyboard skills, 10-key and prior experience using postage, labeling and shipping systems. An essential function of this position is the ability to lift, unassisted, 10-7 5 pounds up to 7 5 times a day. A valid O regon/W ashm gton driver's license is required. Your cover letter must indicate job number 2 0 6 6 1 -P O . Metal Fabricator/Machinist (Test Engineering) In this position, you will fabricate prototype truck components, test equipment and fixtunng from engineering drawings, sketches, verbal input and com puter data. In addition, you will give feedback to engineering and test staff regarding design and manufacturing feasibility, including providing assistance in the assembly of mock-up and prototype vehicles. You will utilize a variety of shop equipment. To qualify, you must have an Associate's degree in a technical discipline or equivalent expenence in a machine shop or related technical field and a minimum of 3 years' experience in a AlllltJlItS...................................J0 0 A ppliances............................ .».305 Auctions....... ••••••••••••••••• •••••••....J 10 C lothing................................ ....315 t lot lung............................... ....320 C om puters/E lectronics, Software..................325 E sta te A uctions/S ales........ ...330 F arm Items..............................335 F u rn it u rc ............................. ...3 4 0 G arag e Sale........................ tl ...3 4 5 G ard en E quipm ent______ ...350 Heavy E q u ip m e n t----------- __ 355 H obbies/C ollectors............. ...3 6 0 1 .iv e s t n e k .......................... Automobiles full-time fabrication or machine shop. You must be proficient on all types of fabrication, machine shop and ____3 6 5 M iscellaneous fo r S ale...... ...3 7 0 M iscellaneous W a n te d ...... ...3 7 5 Office E q u ip m en t................ ...3 8 0 P ets/ P et T ra in in g , Shows....3 8 5 I S tereo E q uipm ent, T elevision, V C R 's,C D 's, T apes. ...3 9 0 ...395 welding equipment, including basic N C programming. ATV's Basic background in C A T IA and a minimum of 1 year A n t i q u e s .......................................... ....405 vehicle or aircraft prototype experience is also required. A utos by M ake...................... ...410 Your cover letter must indicate job number 4 0 3 8 7 -P O . ....400 B M W ............................. ....4 1 0 If you are quaWed and wish to be considered, please B u lc k ............................. ....4 1 2 indicate the job number and m ai your scannable resume and cover letter to: Freightfiner R esu m e Processing Center, 8 9 Davis Roed, S uite 160, Orinda, C A 9 4 5 6 3 o r e-mail: C h e v r o le t .................... or fax 1 -80 0 -7 8 5 -3 6 1 7 . C a d ill a c ....................... ......4 1 4 ....416 C h r y s le r .............................4 1 8 D o d g e ............................ ......4 2 0 E a g le .............................. ....4 2 2 As an industry leader, w e offer a competitive F o r d ............................... ......4 2 4 compensation and benefits package and an exciting work environment. To hear m ore about our fu l listing of job C M C .............................. ....4 2 6 opportunities, call our jo b ho tlin e a t (8 8 8 ) 5 8 7 -6 7 5 3 or J e e p ................................ ....4 3 0 L e x u s ............................. ....4 3 2 visit our w eb site at w w w . W e are an equal opportunity employer. M /F /D /V . H o n d a ............................ ....4 2 8 L in c o ln .......................... ....4 3 4 M a z d a ............................ ....4 3 6 F r e ig h ner « C O R P O R A T IO N M e rc e d e s ..................... ....4 3 8 N is s a n ............................ ....4 4 0 O ld s m o b lle ................ ....4 4 2 P ly m o u t h ..................... ...4 4 4 A DaimlerChrysler Company S a t u r n ............................ ...4 4 6 S u b a r u ........................... ....4 4 8 T o y o ta ............................ ....4 5 0 V o lk s w a g o n ................ ...4 5 2 lassifieds Call Today Facsimile f $11.50........................................................................................... per column inch $ 13.00........................................................................per column inch and boxed $ 15.00..........................................................per colum n inch boxed and shaded $14.00.................................................... .................................................. RFP/Bids $90.00...................... Sub-Bids(2 column by 3") each additional inch = $ 10.00 503.288.0033 503.288.0015 ( All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until noon, Monday. • Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd O t h e r s ........................... .454 I Buses........................................... 460 I C a m p e rs/T railers................ ...465 M otorcycles........................... ...470 P arts/D om estic..................... ...475 P a rts/lm p o rts........................ ...480 P ickups.................................... ...485 R .V 7 Sales, R en tals..............,.4 9 0 SU V 's....................................... ...495 Personals M essages................................. ..500