www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity (Tltr ^ n rtía n h (©bseruer (T n ni ni n u i t u a I c u ò a r *4 February 23, 2000 SECTION B Community celebrates Patton home redevelopement Local Teen Talent for M usicFest 2000 Talented teen bands looking for a big break may just find it at MusicFest 2000. The Rose Festival is inviting Portland-area teen bands to submit applications for the fourth annual competition. The best o f the bands will be chosen to perform at Rose Festival events in June, and the winning band secures a prime spot on the Pepsi Waterfront Main Stage. At least halfof the group’s members must be currently enrolled in high school for the band to participate in MusicFest. Applications must be accompanied by a group photo and ademo tapeorCD. All applications must be postmarked by Wednesday, March 15. Call 503/227-2681. tiili fe 1 ■! ill I o a W D ira - 1.\ I J _ 1 An Evening of Negro Spirituals You are cordially invited to the Bethel A.M.E. Church, Cathedral Choir’s special concert to celebrate Black H isto ry M onth. T h e e v e n in g ’s presentation depicts a world which v a n ish e d in th e w ake of integration.. .the world ofliving colored. This special event will be held at the Bethel A.M.E. Church on Sunday, February 27 at 4 pm. For more information, call 503/288-5429. City, county and state leaders joined ministers from Portland’s Albina neighborhood Feb 18, 2000, at Patton Home, 4619 N. Michigan, to celebrate the Patton Home Com m unity Redevelopment Project. The project is a $6.6 million collaboration C om m unity Plaza Design Workshops Kems Community Members are invited to participate in a series o f Design Workshops to create a community plaza. The plaza will be located in the Kems Neighborhood in the area of 29lh Avenue and East Burnside. Local Landscape Designer, Mike Whitmore and student from the Benson High School’s Architecture program will help participants create a space that serves the communities needs. The event will be on Tuesday, March 7, 8 am. at Natures Fresh Northwest on 2826 East Burnside. Call 503/823-3449. funded by Ecumenical Ministries o f Oregon, o f which Charles Jordan is President o f the Board o f Directors, Meyer Memorial Trust, the Portland Development Commission, the state H ousing T rust Fund, and other community partners Construction, scheduled for completion by the end o f the year, will provide rooms for 64 low-income adults with special needs and Black History Month ERMBMK Portland’s Jefferson High School was awarded (3) selections and Benson High School gets (1) fora total o f(4) selections out of 1800 prep basketball standouts in the nation to be on McDonald’s 2000 All American High School Basketball Team. There are a total o f 24 slots on the team. The selections are as follows: Jefferson High School 1. Brandon Brooks 6’3” point guard 2. Antone Jarrell 6’6” wing guard 3. John Tinnon 6 ’8” forward guard Benson High School 1. Robert Day 6 ’5” Award ceremonies are scheduled for 2:00 P.M., February 23, 2000 at their respective schools. McDonald’s All-American alumni includes such current and former NBA superstars as Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Grant Hill, Patrick Ewing, Isiah Thomas and Dominique Wilkins. This year’s McDonald's A ll-A m erican G am e w ill be played Wednesday, March 29, at the Fleet Center in Boston, home o f the Boston Celtics. The game will be broadcast live on ESPN during primetime at 8 P.M. (EST). All proceeds from the game b e n e fit R o n a ld M c D o n a ld H o u s e Charities o f Eastern New England. Benson Techman Robert Day H ighland Passion Play On March 18 and 19, the Laurelhurst Theater will sponsor the first annual KemsCan! Film Festival. Admission to the first matinee shows is free with a canned food donation. All donations will benefit Jean’s Place, a local women's shelter. Open to all ages. Call Elizabeth Kennedy at 503/823-3449. The central kitchen will also be remolded, plus eight new bathrooms and a sunroom will be added. Ecumenical M inistries o f Oregon is an association o f 15 Christian denominations including Protestant, Orthodox and Roman Catholic religious bodies that work together to respond as a people o f faith to the needs of Oregonians. Oregon Hits the JackPot CHILDSUPPORT FORCH1LDREN is offering four $1000 scholarships to graduating students across the state who wish to further their education. Students interested in applying should contact their high school counselors. All applications must be received no later than April 1,2000. Four students will be selected. B usinesses and individuals interested in making a tax deductible contribution may contact Barbara Hansen, Executive Director, at 503/622-3588. K erns Can! Film Festival R H Child Support for C h ild r e n Scholarship The Highland Passion Play is an Easter musical with performances in April. Actors and singers o f all ages and crew needed. Also looking for keyboardist. For more information, please call 669- 8974. 14,000 square feet of meeting space for community and non-profit organizations. For over a century the three-story Patton House in Northeast Portland has been a home to people who need assistance. The renovation o f the 70,000 square foot house will provide a new roof, upgraded foundation, exterior, heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical systems. Left to right: John Tinnon. Brandon Brooks. and AntoneJarrell o f the Jefferson Democrats Genealogist - Like Cyrano de Bergerac, Alex Haley penned love letters on behalf offriends. De Bergerac wrote his within the pages o f a drama; Haley authored his during off-duty' hours as a messboy in the U.S. Coast Guard, beginning to hone the skills that would result, some twenty years later, in his becoming a fiercely independent professional writer in the civilian world. Growing up in Tennessee, Haley had listened to stories about his ancestors that, embellished by intensive research and creative imagination, served as thefoundationfor Roots: The Saga of an American F amily. The story o f West African Kunta Kinte and his American descendants eventually was translated into twenty-two languages and reaped 27J awards, including the Pulitzer Prize. It was published eleven years after the appearance o f H aley’s first book. I he Autobiography of Malcolm X, a riveting description o f a dramatic life that was also a best-seller - though its popularity did not reach the phenomenal level attained by Roots. ) Beavers named producer, host of Spectrum t ORTH i T q R lLtffDÜBSt R\ tR P o rtla n d -R a in a B eavers, reco g n ized motivational speaker and 1985 Portland Rose Festival Queen, has been named producer and host o f “Spectrum,” an AT&T Cable Services Community Television production. An eight-year producer o f Oregon's largest Martin Luther King, JR celebration, Beavers also serves as an independent contractor with Portland Public School system offering a range o f youth leadership services. A 10- year host o f Paragon C able's Northeast Spectrum, she is also an active volunteer with the World Arts Foundation, Inc., the Oregon A ssociation o f Student C ouncils, Sell Enhancement, Inc., Bndge Builders and the I Portland Rose Festival Association. NE Spectrum, Oregon's only locally produced program focusing on issues o f relevance to the African American community, has been reformatted to include issues and topics of importance to a broader group o f ethnic populations and minorities. “As the greater Portland Metro area's diverse population continues to grow,” said Kevin Mulligan, Regional Director o f Communications “we aim to serve as a voice for the many groups of people that make our region unique and special " Spectrum is scheduled to premiere Wednesday. February 23.2000 at 8:00 PM on AT&T Cable Services Community Television channel 44 in Vancouver, channel 54 east of the Willamette River and on channel 52 west o f the Willamette.