Page 4 February 23, 2000 B la c k H is to r y ®Ije ^Inrtlanò ffibaeruer F OCUS Christian and Christian- based denominations M onth The black church y The Schomburg Center Christianity has served a pivotal and complex role in African American history. Upon their arrival in the United States, enslaved Africans were denied the right to practice their own African faiths, while also being turned away from joining whites in their worship. They therefore found their own way to worship, incorporating mysticism and dynamic physical and oral expression, while developing their own perspectives on Christian faith. In the years before the Civil War, many Protestant clerics supported slavery from their pulpits, while others denounced it. After the Civil War, white churches often rejected black parishioners, leading black clergy and worshipers to form their own churches, which quickly became the backbone o f black communities across the country. During the 1950s and 1960s, many o f those churches and their clerics spearheaded the civil rights movement. y Dan Bell o f the Portland Observer The Black Church may be said to be the “womb” o f the African- American experience. It served as protective incubator preserving the heritage o f the African diaspora. Consequently, it is the singular institutional vessel that carried the culture o f Africa that has been retained by the African Americans and delivered it as the “ Black experience” in its present state. One must recognize that it was in the context o f Christianity that African slaves were able to preserve their culture, traditions, and rituals. Albeit in a disguised manner under the watchful eye o f the slave master. It was in this form that the African culture and heritage survived. The existence o f the Black Christian experience even preceded officially c o n d o n ed m a rria g e am o n g st African Americans. Moving beyond slavery, the Black Church became the fulcrum o f the African-American experience.. It serves as a reservoir for education. Backstage at the Apollo Theatre during the night o f the National Deliverance o f Prayer lead by Adam Clayton Powell. Jr. on March 28, 1956. Clara Ward o f the Ward Singers leads a prayer service while her mother. Mrs. Gertrude Ward. Apollo employee Russell Cooper and Ward Singer Katherine Parham, eyes closed, join in prayer. political, economic, social, and artistic endeavors. Characteristically, the Black Church differentiates itself in its perception o f the “Black sacred cosmos.” In the African-American experience, th is has com e to be the amalgamation o f European thought as w ell as A fric a n in h e rite d perceptions. God is seen as Divine Father or “Great Creator Artist” whose son, Jesus Christ, was mediator, brokering through love a freedom in which God’s children would be able to serve Him. At the same time, there was the message o f Moses whose wrathful God would, if necessary, violently free His people, as exemplified in the w ell-k n o w n B lack sp iritu a l, (Please see ‘C h u rc h ’ page 5) h ttp :// www.portland Y 2 K s p r in g Martin Cleaning Service Additional Services C arpet cleaning includes 1 Hall Auto * Boat Free R. V. Cleaning * Deodorizing Pre-Spray Traffic Area at no extra Pet Odor Treatment cost * Stairs $1.50 Ea. Dirt Resistant (Teflon) Protectior Upholstery Cleaning Spot Removal & Red Stain • Sofa under 6 ft. $59.95 * Removal Ottoman $20 • Sofa over 6 ft. 69.95 * Dining Chair $20 • Loveseat $49.95 * Chair $24.95 • Recliner $39.95 * Sectional $69.95 ( arpetC leaning r2 Areas Or More Each Area p tiiduA'd-ilsii LErsx. • ¿’’Heavily Soiled Carpet Areas Each Area I pholsterv $8995, Sofa & Loveseat OrChair I_________ Room Special Carpet & Upholstery $1 1 Q 9 5 | Any 3 Areas Hallway Plus Sofa, Loveseat and/or Chair Cleaned 01 5 " S mwb « m -awotuinai UH» sua ssuaiiiwu J S M tiU i I r I^L ^TOKBHIIH S S I J FIN “T t a w “ * SSSlV * w “ I M n M <4 WWW.MB MW R E G A L C IN E M A S WUM0S CENTUR Y •MWW Minis Winnu I 225 5555+4601 mooofkh ^ ^ 5 0 3 -775-0000 EX S ______| * Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Commercial A Residential Services UME S 2 fiS o *Ì« ES.Di!’ LLOYD MALL EASTPORT 16 M A lie n -R - MARTIN cleaning SERVICE « 0 1 ,1 (IKIlUMIÍ/WIIMflnWECNniRAIin K tDIIIUn«« iisraianillHIWilltlltMIlCnV I1IUH00E I'llffllWItHl (Dhserrier $1295 $2295 12 Room Min. Advertise your business in C le a n u p Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning ADDointment (503) 2X1-3949 Rt